Facts: Ruling:: Dawa, Jorgensen & Lazaro - Barreto V. Judge Armando de Asa

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JUDGE ARMANDO DE ASA Judge De Asa, the presiding judge of Branch 51 and acting executive judge of
the Metropolitan Trial Court of Caloocan City, denied all the allegations.
FACTS: 3 victims // complaints for sexual harassment under Republic Act No.
7877/acts of lasciviousness, grave or serious misconduct, and for violation RULING: In view of the stature of respondent judge, as well as his authority
of the high standard of morals demanded by judicial ethics and official responsibility over the complainants, who were his subordinates
in the Metropolitan Trial Court of Caloocan City, the Court concludes with
1. Floride Dawa a 24 year-old single girl employed as a stenographic
moral certainty that he acted beyond the bounds of decency, morality and
reporter in Branch 52 of the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC for
propriety and violated the Code of Judicial Conduct. The bench is not a place
brevity) of Caloocan City. Dawa was on her way to the toilet room
for persons like him. His gross misconduct warrants his removal from office.
when the respondent Judge De Asa saw her. As usual conversation,
Respondent Judge Armando C. de Asa is hereby DISMISSED from the service
the Judge asked Dawa whether the toilet was clean. She answered
for gross misconduct and immorality, with forfeiture of all retirement
that it was dirty. When she neared the respondent, the latter put his
benefits and leave credits and with prejudice to reemployment in any
arm on her shoulder and led her into his chamber. Once inside and
branch of the government, including government-owned or controlled
while she was standing near the edge of respondents office table,
he placed his arm around her shoulder and suddenly held her jaw
and kissed her on the lips. That same day, she related the incident JUNIO V. RIVERA
to Judge Delfina Hernandez-Santiago.
FACTS: Fourteen (14) year-old Cristina Junio filed with the Office of the
2. Noraliz Jorgensen a casual employee in the Office of the Mayor of
Provincial Prosecutor a criminal complaint dated 24 May 1991 for acts of
Caloocan City and detailed to the Office of the Clerk of Court, (OCC
lasciviousness against respondent Judge Pedro Rivera Jr. of the Municipal
for short), MeTC, Caloocan City. Among her duties was the
Trial Court of Alaminos, Pangasinan.1 The filing of this complaint caused the
preparation and follow up of the payrolls for RATA and gasoline
commencement of Criminal Case No. 2422-A against respondent Judge with
allowances of the Metropolitan Trial Judges. Upon the approval of
Branch 55 of the Regional Trial Court of Alaminos, Pangasinan.2 Trial of this
said payrolls, it was her duty to receive the cash from the cashier
case has been completed and the case is now pending decision.3
and deliver them to the individual judges.
She was harassed by the respondent 4 times. Respondent forcibly Meanwhile, Cristina's father, Patricio Junio, filed a sworn administrative
kissed her every time she goes to his office to secure his signature charge dated 6 June 1991 against the respondent with the Court
on the payroll. Administrator with respect to the same acts complained of criminally; thus
3. Femenina Lazaro-Barreto is a thirty-year old married woman who is was commenced the present administrative case. Complainant Patricio
a Court Stenographer II in Branch 53 of the Caloocan City MeTC. Junio further requested, through the Presidential Committee on Human
After respondent signed the Order, he stood up and while Barreto Rights, the Secretary of Justice to do something about the matter.
was looking at the Order, he held her chin and kissed her. Barreto
asked, What are you doing? Respondent kissed her again and She testified that between the hours of 2:30 and 3:00 o'clock in the
tapped her shoulder saying, Sigue na, Nina. Okay na, dismissing her. afternoon of May 20, 1991 she was helping in the store of her parents which
Barreto went out of the office and wiped her lips with her hand. is located at the Alaminos Commercial Complex. She was sent to their
Margo, a stenographer in Branch 51 saw her. She did not relate the rented house to get the ingredients for halo-halo. The house is owned by
incident to her husband but he learned about it from the the respondent who stays at the ground floor, while the Junio family occupy
newspapers. the second floor.
Upon reaching the house, she went to their housemaid named Concepcion A judge should so behave at all times as to promote public confidence in the
Tugade who was then helping cook food for the celebration of the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.
respondent's birthday. She got their housemaid's 1 year old child in order to
This Court has laid down exacting standards of morality and decency from
dress her up and bring her to the store. The name of the child is Shiela May.
those who serve in judiciary. 34 A member of the judiciary is judge not only
She brought the child to her (Cristina) room to change the former's clothes.
his official acts but also by his private morals, to the extent that such private
While dressing up Shiela, respondent allegedly entered her room, took morals are externalized in behavior. Respondent judge has failed to
Shiela and made her sit on the bed and after which he went near Cristina, measure up to those demanding standards. WHEREFORE, respondent Judge
embraced her and kissed her. She tried to push him. The respondent, Pedro C. Rivera, Jr. is hereby found guilty of gross misconduct and conduct
allegedly let her loose and then left the room while she sat on the bed and prejudicial to the best interest of the judiciary, and is hereby DISMISSED
cried. from the service with prejudice to re-employment in any part of the
government service including government-owned or controlled
Then the respondent allegedly returned, went near her, and pushed her
corporations, with forfeiture of all retirement benefits and privileges (if
until she was lying on the bed. He then mounted on top of her, kissed her
any), except the money value of accrued earned leave credits. Respondent
on the lips, inserted his right hand inside her blouse and, simultaneously,
Judge is hereby ORDERED to cease and desist immediately from rendering
inserted his left hand inside her maong pants, mashed her breast and
any order or decision, or continuing any proceedings, in any case
touched her vagina for a long time.
whatsoever, effective immediately upon receipt of a copy of this Resolution.
Then Shiela May cried. The respondent stood up and left the room. Cristina
also took the child and went out of the room. The respondent was allegedly
still in the sala and he told her [Cristina] to stop crying. Conching Tugade Facts: Eliezer A. Sibayan-Joaquin charged Judge Roberto S. Javellana, acting
arrived and complainant (Cristina) told the former what happened. She was presiding judge of the RTC of San Carlos City, Branch 57, with grave
advised to report it to her parents. Upon arrival in their store, she told her misconduct in the performance of official duties, graft and gross ignorance of
mother and she also told her father. They then went to the police the law. The complaint was an offshoot of a case for estafa filed by Sibayan-
headquarters and caused the incident to be entered in the police blotter. Joaquin for and in behalf of Andersons Group, Inc., against Romeo Tan before
She identified her sworn statement marked as Exhibit "D" and series (sic) the San Carlos City RTC. Complainant averred that there was an undue delay
which she subscribed before Fiscal Finez on May 24, 1991. She claims in the rendition of judgment in the criminal case, the decision, that had
damages in the amount of P300,000.00. acquitted the accused Romeo Tan, having been rendered only on the tenth
month after the case was submitted for decision. Respondent judge was also
RULING: We conclude that the administrative charges preferred by Cristina
cited for impropriety by complainant because he was often seen with
Junio and her father against respondent Judge have been substantiated by a
Attorney Vic Agravante, counsel for the accused, whose vehicle respondent
preponderance of evidence, evidence which is clear and convincing and
judge would even use at times.
which respondent Judge has not successfully rebutted.
Issue: Whether Judge Javellana violated Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Ethics
Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Conduct prescribes that:
Ruling: Yes. The Investigating Justice has seen impropriety on the part of
A judge should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all
respondent judge in his close association with a counsel for a litigant.
The Court shares the view and disquisition of the Honorable Justice. Judges,
Rule 2.01 of the same Code provides that:
indeed, should be extra prudent in associating with litigants and counsel
appearing before them so as to avoid even a mere perception of possible bias
or partiality. It is not expected, of course, that judges should live in
retirement or seclusion from any social intercourse. Indeed, it may be
desirable, for instance, that they continue, time and work commitments
permitting, to relate to members of the bar in worthwhile endeavors and in
such fields of interest, in general, as are in keeping with the noble aims and
objectives of the legal profession. In pending or prospective litigations before
them, however, judges should be scrupulously careful to avoid anything that
may tend to awaken the suspicion that their personal, social or sundry
relations could influence their objectivity, for not only must judges possess
proficiency in law but that also they must act and behave in such manner that
would assure, with great comfort, litigants and their counsel of the judges'
competence, integrity and independence. The respondent was ADMONISHED
to constantly be circumspect in his conduct and dealings with lawyers who
have pending cases before him.
(a) Re: Charge of circulating calling cards containing self-laudatory
statements regarding qualifications AND for announcing in open court
during court session his qualifications in violation of Canon 2, Rule 2.02,

FACTS: It was in 1995 that Atty. Florentino V. Floro, Jr. first applied for As narrated by the audit team, Judge Floro was circulating calling cards
judgeship. A pre-requisite psychological evaluation on him then by the bearing his name as the Presiding Judge of RTC, Branch 73, Malabon City,
Supreme Court Clinic Services (SC Clinic) revealed "(e)vidence of ego and indicating therein that he is a "bar exams topnotcher (87.55%)" and
disintegration" and "developing psychotic process." Judge Floro later with "full second honors" from the Ateneo de Manila University, A.B. and
voluntarily withdrew his application. In June 1998, when he applied anew, the LL.B.32 The audit team likewise reported that: "(b)efore the start of court
required psychological evaluation exposed problems with self-esteem, mood session, Judge Floro is introduced as a private law practitioner, a graduate of
swings, confusion, social/interpersonal deficits, paranoid ideations, Ateneo de Manila University with second honors, and a bar topnotcher
suspiciousness, and perceptual distortions. Both 1995 and 1998 reports during the 1983 Bar Examinations with an average score of 87.55%.
concluded that Atty. Floro was unfit to be a judge. Afterwards, a reading of the Holy Bible, particularly the Book of Revelation
according to Saint John, was made. The people in the courtroom were given
Because of his impressive academic background, however, the Judicial and the opportunity to ask Judge Floro questions on the matter read. No
Bar Council (JBC) allowed Atty. Floro to seek a second opinion from private questions were asked; hence the session commenced."33
practitioners. The second opinion appeared favorable thus paving the way to
Atty. Floro’s appointment as Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge of Branch 73, Judge Floro argues that, per commentary of Justice Ruperto G.
Malabon City, on 4 November 1998. Martin, 34 "the use of professional cards containing the name of the lawyer,
his title, his office and residence is not improper" and that the word "title"
Judge Floro be placed under preventive suspension for the duration of the should be broad enough to include a Judge’s legal standing in the bar, his
investigation against him. honors duly earned or even his Law School. Moreover, other lawyers do
13CHARGES: include in their calling cards their former/present titles/positions like
President of the Jaycees, Rotary Club, etc., so where then does one draw the
(a) The act of circulating calling cards containing self-laudatory statements line? Finally, Judge Floro argues that his cards were not being circulated but
regarding qualifications and for announcing in open court during court were given merely as tokens to close friends or by reciprocity to other
session his qualification in violation of Canon 2, Rule 2.02, Canons of Judicial callers considering that common sense dictates that he is not allowed by law
Conduct; to seek other professional employment.
(b) For allowing the use of his chambers as sleeping quarters; As to the charge that he had been announcing in open court his
(c) For rendering resolutions without written orders in violation of Rule 36, qualifications, Judge Floro counters that it was his branch clerk of court,
Section 1, 1997 Rules of Procedures; Atty. Esmeralda Galang-Dizon, who suggested that during his initial court
session, she would briefly announce his appointment with an introduction
(d) For his alleged partiality in criminal cases where he declares that he is pro- of his school, honors, bar rating and law practice. Naively, Judge Floro
accused which is contrary to Canon 2, Rule 2.01, Canons of Judicial Conduct; agreed as the introduction was done only during the first week of his
assumption into office.
As alleged and as proven, the 13 specified charges do not warrant the
supreme penalty of dismissal against Judge Floro
RULING: Canon 2, Rule 2.02 of the Code of Judicial Conduct says in no The respondent judge found "for himself a suitable young lass whom he
uncertain terms that "a judge should not seek publicity for personal occasionally goes out with in public and such a fact is not a secret around
vainglory." A parallel proscription, this time for lawyers in general, is found town."8 Judge Achas denied this and no evidence was presented to prove
in Rule 3.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility: "a lawyer shall not the contrary. He did admit, however, that he had been estranged from his
use or permit the use of any false, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, wife for the last 26 years. Notwithstanding his admission, the fact remains
undignified, self-laudatory or unfair statement or claim regarding his that he is still legally married to his wife. The Court, therefore, agrees with
qualifications or legal services." This means that lawyers and judges alike, Judge Dungog in finding that it is not commendable, proper or moral for a
being limited by the exacting standards of their profession, cannot debase judge to be perceived as going out with a woman not his wife. Such is a
the same by acting as if ordinary merchants hawking their wares. As blemish to his integrity and propriety, as well as to that of the Judiciary.
succinctly put by a leading authority in legal and judicial ethics, "(i)f lawyers
RULING: For going out in public with a woman not his wife, Judge Achas has
are prohibited from x x x using or permitting the use of any undignified or
clearly failed to abide by the above-cited Canons of the New Code of Judicial
self-laudatory statement regarding their qualifications or legal services (Rule
Conduct for Philippine Judiciary.
3.01, Code of Professional Responsibility), with more reasons should judges
be prohibited from seeking publicity for vanity or self-glorification. Judges The Court further notes that in A.M. No. MTJ-04-1564,9 Judge Achas was
are not actors or actresses or politicians, who thrive by publicity." charged with immorality for cohabiting with a woman not his wife, and with
gross misconduct and dishonesty for personally accepting a cash bond in
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court resolves to:
relation to a case and not depositing it with the clerk of court, and for
1) FINE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. in the total amount of FORTY maintaining a flock of fighting cocks and actively participating in cockfights.
THOUSAND (P40,000.00) PESOS for seven of the 13 charges against him in The Court, in 2005, found him guilty of gross misconduct for personally
A.M. No. RTJ-99-1460; receiving the cash bond and fined him in the amount of ₱15,000.00 with a
stern warning. The charge of immorality was dismissed for lack of evidence.
2) RELIEVE Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. of his functions as Judge of the
Although the Court, at the same time, noted that the charge of maintaining
Regional Trial Court, Branch 73, Malabon City and consider him SEPARATED
a flock of fighting cocks and participating in cockfights was denied by the
from the service due to a medically disabling condition of the mind that
respondent judge, it made no ruling on the charge.
renders him unfit to discharge the functions of his office, effective
immediately; No position demands greater moral righteousness and uprightness from its
occupant than does the judicial office. Judges in particular must be
individuals of competence, honesty and probity, charged as they are with
FACTS: An anonymous letter calls on the Court to look into the morality of safeguarding the integrity of the court and its proceedings. He should
respondent Judge Achas and alleges that: (1) it is of public knowledge in the behave at all times so as to promote public confidence in the integrity and
city that Judge Achas is living scandalously with a woman who is not his impartiality of the judiciary, and avoid impropriety and the appearance of
wife; (2) he lives beyond his means; (3) he is involved with illegal activities impropriety in all his activities. His personal behaviour outside the court,
through his connection with bad elements, the kuratongs; ( 4) he comes to and not only while in the performance of his official duties, must be beyond
court very untidy and dirty; (5) he decides his cases unfairly in exchange for reproach, for he is perceived to be the personification of law and justice.
material and monetary consideration; and (6) he is involved with Thus, any demeaning act of a judge degrades the institution he represents.
WHEREFORE, for violation of the New Code of Judicial Conduct, respondent
Judge Rio Concepcion Achas is REPRlMANDED and FINED in the amount of
FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (₱5,000.00), ADMONISHED not to socially mingle
with cockfighting enthusiasts and bettors, and STERNLY WARNED that a
repetition of the same or similar acts shall be dealt with more severely.

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