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Closing the
In a resource-challenged economy,
empower your frontline employees
to respond fast.

CHERYL PASQUALE, a branch manager at Charles Schwab,

starts her workday with this morning ritual: As soon as
she arrives at her desk, she fires up her laptop, logs on to
Schwab’s intranet, and pulls up the latest customer feed-
back report for her office. Generated by a brief survey the
investment firm e-mails out daily, the report shows the
most recent responses from her team’s clients.
Hanna Melin

Scrolling through the results, Pasquale reviews how well

the six financial consultants she supervises handled the
previous day’s transactions. She sorts through the aggre-
gate scores from customers and reads the comments of
individuals who gave high or low marks and sees if any par-
ticular kind of interaction has elicited praise or complaints.
As she clicks through the screens, Pasquale notices that
several customers have voiced frustration with how hard
it is to use the in-branch information kiosks. She decides
she’ll ask her team for insights about this in their weekly
meeting. Some customers are confused by one of Schwab’s
forms; she reminds herself to raise this with other branch
managers at the regional meeting later in the month. And
she spots an opportunity to counsel a new account rep on
how to build better rapport with clients in their next one-
on-one training session.
Art Credit

A “manager alert” – a special notice triggered by a client

who has given Schwab a poor rating for a delay in posting | December 2009 | Harvard Business Review 43

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Customers Closing the Customer Feedback Loop

a transaction to his account – grabs her IDEA IN BRIEF of the customer experience, which they
attention. The client has indicated that draw upon to make process and policy
■ It’s never been more impor-
he’s willing to discuss the issue in a follow- refinements.
tant to keep the customers
up call, so Pasquale makes a note to try you already have – it’s much The strongest feedback loops do more
to reach him that day. Surprising as it cheaper than acquiring new than just connect customers, the front
may seem, she usually looks forward to ones. But elaborate customer line, and a few decision makers in man-
such calls. They give her a chance to find research may be beyond this agement, however; they keep the cus-
year’s budget.
out what’s on customers’ minds and solve tomer front and center across the entire
their problems – and potentially turn ■ Many companies have suc- organization. A number of tactics, such
ceeded at retaining customers
critics into fans. as hiring “mystery shoppers” to test cus-
by asking them for simple
Every day, managers at each of feedback – and then empower- tomer service or arranging periodic fo-
Schwab’s 306 branch offices and five ing frontline employees to act rums between employees and customers,
call centers conduct a similar drill. It’s swiftly on that feedback. help strengthen this organization-wide
an integral part of a new focus on di- ■ European manufacturer focus. One approach that we believe
rect customer feedback that the firm’s Grohe, for example, turned works well across a range of industries
founder, Charles Schwab, credits with around a decline in market is the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which
share and used its sales force
turning around the company. When he one of the authors of this article, Fred
more effectively after imple-
came out of retirement to take its helm menting a simple feedback Reichheld, created seven years ago.
in 2004, the business was struggling. loop from the distributors who NPS immediately categorizes all cus-
“We had lost our connection with our cli- sold the company’s products. tomers into one of three groups – pro-
ents – and that had to change,” Schwab moters, passives, and detractors – allow-
confessed to shareholders in the annual ing employees throughout a company to
report. The new customer feedback sys- out to spend time in the field can gener- see right away whether a customer ex-
tem has helped reestablish that connec- ate fresh insights, but few management perience was a success or a failure – and
tion. In 2008, the firm saw its revenues teams sustain such efforts – and even if why. NPS is generated by asking custom-
increase by 11% and the scores that cus- they do, they often struggle to convert ers a single question, “How likely would
tomers gave the company jump by 25%. those insights into prescriptions that you be to recommend [this company or
And while the financial services industry frontline employees can follow. Bringing product] to a friend or a colleague?” Re-
was rocked by turbulence, Schwab cli- in “power customers” – heavy spenders spondents giving marks of 9 or 10 are
ents entrusted $113 billion in net new as- who tend to be deeply committed to promoters, the company’s most devoted
sets to the firm, and the number of new the company – to talk about their expe- customers. Those scoring their experi-
brokerage accounts increased by 10%. riences can shine a spotlight on critical ence 7 or 8 are passives, and those scor-
issues. But frontline employees can’t eas-
Getting Customer ily learn about their own behaviors from
Feedback Right those customers or develop remedies for
Most companies devote a lot of energy the problems they raise.
A Five-Point Customer
to listening to the “voice of the customer,” A growing number of companies have Feedback Checklist
but few of them are very happy with the developed effective customer feedback
outcome of the effort. Managers have
experimented with a wide array of tech-
programs that head off those challenges
right from the start. Instead of building
1 Have you reached a consensus on
your business’s five most critical
“moments of truth” with customers?
niques, all useful for some purposes – but elaborate, centralized customer research
all with drawbacks. Elaborate satisfaction
surveys that involve proprietary research
mechanisms, these firms begin their
feedback loop at the front line. Employ-
2 Do employees and managers get
customer feedback routinely, on
a daily or weekly basis?
models can be expensive to conduct and ees working there receive evaluations of
slow to yield findings. Once delivered,
their findings can be difficult to convert
their performance from the people best
able to render an appraisal – the cus-
3 Do you let customers know the im-
pact their feedback had on improving
your processes?
into practical actions. The results also tomers they just served. The employees
may be imprecise: Our research shows
that most customers who end up defect-
then follow up with willing customers in
one-on-one conversations. The objective 4 Do you know what percentage of de-
tractors your operations now convert
into promoters through service recovery
ing to another business have declared is to understand in detail what the cus-
themselves “satisfied” or “very satisfied” tomers value and what the front line can processes?
in such surveys not long before jumping do to deliver it better. Over time, com-
ship. The practice of sending executives panies compile the data into a baseline 5 Can you put a dollar value on turning
a detractor into a promoter?

44 Harvard Business Review | December 2009 |

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ing it from 0 to 6 are detractors. NPS is
the percentage of promoters minus the
percentage of detractors. Customers are
then asked to describe why they would
be likely or unlikely to recommend the
company. The insights gathered from
their answers enable employees to
quickly identify issues that create de-
tractors – and the actions required to ad-
dress them. (For more on NPS, see “The
One Number You Need to Grow,” HBR
December 2003.)

Gathering Feedback
on the Front Line
Say that thousands of transactions occur
daily between customers and frontline
employees at your company. Each is an
opportunity to create a new promoter.
But which customer experiences matter
the most? We have learned that the most
important interactions are “moments of
truth,” those relatively few points of con-
tact that hold the greatest potential to
delight – or alienate – an organization’s
Each transaction is an opportunity to
customers. As they mine the steady
flow of customer feedback, companies
create a new promoter. But which
should pay particular attention to these
customer experiences matter most?
That was the rationale of Allianz
CEO Michael Diekmann when he set e-mails the results immediately to the status of payments and describe medi-
out to bring his global financial ser- employee who provided the service and cal conditions again and again. The
vices enterprise closer to its customers, publishes aggregated results on local reps’ solution: On the initial call, every
in 2004. Diekmann and his leadership intranet “dashboards” for everyone to policyholder would be assigned a case
team recognized that no group was bet- review. Frontline employees then fol- manager who would handle all contact
ter positioned to pinpoint the make-or- low up by calling a sample of customers until the claim was resolved. To man-
break customer experiences – and come who’ve agreed to be contacted. After lis- age customer expectations, any delay in
up with effective ways of improving tening to the issues customers raise, they the reimbursement process would trig-
them – than the tens of thousands of correct the problems or escalate them to ger a call or text message informing the
customer-facing Allianz employees who someone who can. policyholder of the claim’s status. Soon
delivered services day in and day out. Because the frontline employees take after the new protocol was in place, the
The company’s management began by responsibility for lifting their work unit’s claims unit saw a double-digit increase
assembling a small customer-focus team, feedback scores, they meet frequently to in its NPS and a significant rise in policy
reporting directly to the board, that devise service improvements, both large renewal rates.
would design, build, and test a feedback and small. In one of the firm’s European This kind of closed-loop process can
system and then roll it out to frontline health-insurance-claims operations, for fade away without strong leadership and
employees in most of the 70 countries example, NPS feedback revealed that cultural reinforcement. Allianz’s Austra-
where Allianz operated. The team chose unexplained delays in reimbursements lian property-and-casualty unit, half a
NPS as its core metric. were a big source of customer frustra- world away from headquarters, faced this
Here’s how the Allianz system works: tion. When claims representatives fol- challenge by having the top executives
After every transaction, an independent lowed up with dissatisfied customers, personally call customers each month
polling firm immediately contacts the they learned that customers had to call and by using employee rewards and rec-
customer and conducts a brief survey. It back repeatedly to inquire about the ognition. Managers in each sales office, | December 2009 | Harvard Business Review 45

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Customers Closing the Customer Feedback Loop

claims facility, and call center maintain

a “compliment database,” where they
register feedback that praises frontline Give Customers a Voice
employees by name. Individual employ-
ees’ successes are celebrated at regular in Running Your Business
office “town hall” meetings hosted by
a senior Allianz executive. M any companies have discov-
ered that closed-loop customer
feedback systems can energize their
Integration into the learning loop
with customers can help functional
managers avoid the wrong trade-offs.
Managing Change Through frontline workers. To inspire customer- For instance, instead of trying to hit Six
Customer Feedback centered learning throughout an orga- Sigma quality levels at every touch-
For many companies, the route to the nization, however, you also need feed- point – which can be prohibitively ex-
end customer is circuitous. They sell back loops in the executive suite and pensive – companies can learn to focus
their products to distributors, retail- the middle ranks. There, customer input on the few that really build or destroy
ers, and other intermediaries. Frontline can influence decisions on everything loyalty.
sales reps typically have little incentive from where the company will compete For American Express, one of those
or ability to reach beyond their imme- to product development, pricing, poli- touchpoints was the replacement of lost
diate customer and connect with the cies, and processes. or stolen charge cards. While combing
people who end up choosing or using The top-level strategy loop. through Net Promoter Scores and cus-
the products. Direct input from customers can help tomer transactions, company analysts
That was the situation that Grohe, a make strategies coherent. Allianz, a saw that initial requests for card replace-
European manufacturer of premium Munich-based financial services firm, ments went unresolved at about twice
kitchen and bathroom fixtures, found uses Net Promoter Scores to bench- the rate of other call center requests.
itself in. Grohe sells its products in 130 mark the strengths and weaknesses Even more alarming, the analysts
countries through more than 20 divisions, of its major business units around the discovered that the customers request-
to customers like home-improvement world. Annual NPS surveys measure ing replacements were some of the
chains, hardware stores, and building how each operating enterprise (OE) company’s biggest spenders. Follow-up
supply outlets. After new owners took performs against its competitors in the surveys with card members who en-
control of the company in 2004, its mar- eyes of customers. The surveys identify countered delays revealed that their NPS
ket share began dropping steadily. which OEs are customer loyalty leaders, ratings were one-third lower than those
CEO David Haines decided that cus- which are at parity with their rivals, of peers who did not need a replace-
tomer strategy was the key to reviving and which are laggards. When Allianz ment. Tools that measure customer
Grohe’s growth and set three priorities. compared the scores and annual growth satisfaction only in the aggregate might
First, Grohe needed accurate insights rates for each OE, the results were never have uncovered the problem.
into the chain of customer relationships striking. Best-in-class OEs (with scores The company’s operations managers
to determine how frontline sales reps higher than their competitors) increased pulled process improvement teams off
and marketing support teams might in- revenues significantly faster than OEs many other less-urgent initiatives and
tervene to boost sales. Second, the com- that trailed their rivals. CEO Michael focused them on card replacements.
pany needed to quickly measure whether Diekmann used those findings to send The teams developed new card replace-
the new approaches its sales reps tested an unambiguous message to the global ment protocols, which increased first-
were working. Third, it needed a feed- organization: Improving the customer call resolution rates by more than 20%
back system that would promote contin- experience is a core mission. and raised the NPS of the customers
ual frontline learning and would work The midlevel functional loop. involved to parity with other customers.
well in all its markets. Middle managers in operations, market- When using NPS to set strategic
Brief telephone surveys revealed a ing, and finance must convert strate- direction at the top; refine processes,
major disconnect between Grohe’s dis- gies into policies and processes that products, or policies in the middle;
tributors, wholesalers, and retailers and attract and retain high-value customers. or sharpen service at the front lines,
their customers – the folks who influ- If these managers don’t have direct customer-focused organizations are not
enced or made the ultimate purchase of customer feedback, tight budgets and preoccupied with simply attaining high
the company’s fixtures. Grohe sales reps other constraints can lead them to shunt scores. Instead, they spur organizational
learned that their direct customers, most customers to the sideline. The sad fact action, close the loop with customers,
of whom also sold competitors’ products, is that many organizations jeopardize and collect subsequent customer feed-
required a lot more help communicat- their goodwill with customers by push- back to gauge if the actions they took
ing the attributes – innovative design, ing up profits at their expense. produced results.

46 Harvard Business Review | December 2009 |

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ease of installation, dependability – that reps visited their customers and what with have seen, you can’t fix problems
were Grohe’s competitive advantages. effect the number of visits had on NPS. you don’t know you have. And unless
Grohe quickly launched programs It found that scores spiked at three visits you keep the customers you already have
to address these shortcomings. Sales and began to fall off with more frequent coming back for more and recommend-
reps began sponsoring workshops in contact. By cutting back on the unpro- ing your company to their friends and
distributors’ showrooms to teach con- ductive extra calls in most of its sales colleagues, it’s hard to grow a business.
tractors how easy the products were to territories, Grohe freed up an estimated
install. They provided new floor and win- 25% of its selling capacity. Rob Markey (
dow displays to showcase the products’ ••• is a partner in the New York office of
decorative appeal. And they recruited At companies where strong customer Bain & Company and leader of the firm’s
a select group of high-volume distribu- feedback systems take hold, business- global Customer Strategy and Marketing
tors into an elite “Grohe Club,” offering unit leaders and frontline employees Practice. Fred Reichheld (fred.reichheld
incentives and extra sales support. To start to own customer loyalty the same is a Bain Fellow and a lead-
close the feedback loop and determine way they own their targets for revenue, ing authority on customer loyalty. He is
whether the techniques were boosting profits, and market share. Indeed, in- the author of The Ultimate Question:
customer loyalty and sales, Grohe con- creasing positive customer feedback Driving Good Profits and True Growth
ducted regular NPS surveys with the dis- and meeting conventional financial ob- (Harvard Business Press, 2006). Andreas
tributors. In the year after it launched jectives are becoming one and the same Dullweber (andreas.dullweber@bain.
the new program, Grohe saw its NPS goal. Analysts at Grohe, for instance, com) is a Bain & Company partner
climb more than 20 percentage points. have calculated that a 10% improvement based in Munich, where he leads the
The company also uses NPS in con- in NPS correlates with a six- to seven- firm’s European Customer Strategy and
trolled experiments to field-test ideas percentage point increase in revenue Marketing Practice.
before rolling them out systemwide. For growth.
Reprint R0912C
example, in one of its markets, the com- As employees at Grohe, Schwab, Alli-
To order, see page 131.
pany began tracking how often sales anz, and other companies we’ve worked

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