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Bande Toms Daron es: Counc Ofias Fred Graham; David Corbin; Harvey Bee RUTH JACKSON; rstinm Ohne com cama RE: AS A Representative ofthe People, I Cant Move On Until A Wrong Is Made ight “Tuesday, Noveber 12,2019 8:30:37 AM oma Grievance of ‘Mr. Lee and everyone associated with this email, will address your email and allegations by the numbers. I do not wish to have a back and forth discussion with you through email. You have made your statements and allegations and I will respond. However, I hope we can all agree that truth must prevail and the tension in the area of human relations must be paramount. 1. Few people believe that you “hope all of you connected by way of this email are doing well.” 2. Toeven use the words “calming mindset” is laughable. 3. If you would actually face the facts you would never say, “I tried my best not to make this, a situation that has to do with race but the decisions made by the City of Warner Robins made it that way.” 4, Your statement, “African American employees are arrested, fired, and continuously harassed with wanting to incarcerate them.” is obviously in reference to an employee in which you have a connection but once again your facts are inaccurate. Of course, you iknow that but facts only serve to cloud the narrative. 5. As was once said, “Facts are stubborn things...” and the facts are that the punishment. handed down on the “Caucasian” employees was much harsher than the punishment handed down to two “African American” employees for doing essentially the same thing. 6. You use the phrase, “potentially bribed the system in place in order to get out of repercussion of the illegal activities that had taken place. I'm not sure but one of the employees told Mayor Randy Toms if he would let what he did that was wrong go, he would drop the law suit that he currently has against the city. It seems to me that some type of deal was made because he got away free with his retirement package.” The accusation of bribery is hefty and simply cannot be overlooked. Though there was allegedly a statement made by one of the employees to his supervisor about dropping his, lawsuit, there is no evidence which could be found to substantiate such an egregious allegation as bribery. I will call on you to identify the perpettator/perpetrators in this bribery allegation and be prepared to defend it. Twill point out, which you have previously ‘been made aware of, that the employee’s retirement was a vested right that could not be lawfully taken from him. However; this truth does not fit the destructive narrative you wish to portray 7. You think you know how I feel about the Lee family and you have also done a good job in the last display of hatred towards me and certain people of revealing the source of at least most of your misinformation, I will not defend myself about anything attributed to me in ‘your last paragraph, I have never spoken or thought ill of your parents, grandmother or any children, which are the only members of the Lee family I know other than your brother and you. I tried everything in my power to stop certain things which are now at a higher evel. However; I still like your brother. I have also said, in so many words, I do not like your actions, attitude, demeaning and accusatory emails and statements, and though I have tried, we apparently have a mutual dislike for each other. I suppose it is better with us acknowledging that fact. 8. There has already been one employee who has reached out to Mr. Lee, his supervisors and me with his intentions to explore some sort of harassment action. I encourage all employees who have proof of any harassment and/or bullying charges against any member ‘of Mayor and Council to proceed through the Human Resources Department or any other avenue you deem appropriate. I will certainly make known to the proper authorities the severe allegations made. Attached you will find a copy of the formal grievance policy. Randy Toms Mayor City of Warner Robins 478-302-5515 “Facts are stubborn things: and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” John Adams sunday, November 10, 2019 6:59 PM To: Council Officials ; Fred Graham ; David Corbin ; Harvey Bee ; R UTHA JACKSON ER > s:'; Randy Toms Ce: CWR/ALL Subject: As A Representative of the People, | Can't Move On Until A Wrong Is Made Right Good Evening, hope all of you connected by way of this email are doing well. It has been very hard for me to keep a straight face and a positive calming mindset with what has taken place in the City of Warner Robins municipality. | tried my best not to make this a situation that has to do with race but the decisions made by the City of Warner Robins made it that way. It is obvious that African American employees and the Caucasian do not have the same Human Resources employee handbook/playbook. African ‘American employees are arrested, fired, and continuously harassed with wanting to incarcerate them. On the other hand, Caucasian employees who were found guilty of their wrongdoing were given a slap on the wrist and allowed to continue working with the city even though they used city property for personal use, received payment where we have a copy of the check that was received by the employee and Potentially bribed the system in place in order to get out of repercussion of the illegal activities that had taken place. I'm not sure but one of the employees told Mayor Randy Toms if he would let what he did that was wrong go, he would drop the law suit that he currently has against the city. It seems to me that some type of deal was made because he got away free with his retirement package. When | think about how the African American employees have been treated by leadership in the City of ‘Warner Robins municipality it leads me right back to the question must we come again in the words of the Negro national anthem over a way that with tears have been watered? Is it possible that we must come again treading a path through the blood of the slaughtered? Unfortunately, from what | am witnessing in the City of Warner Robins municipality, we are not out of the gloomy past and we are not yet to stand at last where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. ‘You want the employee mainly the African American employees to move and forget about what has taken place. The City of Warner Robins cannot understand how dehumanizing itis to African Americans to have our legitimate grievances ignored dismissed or discounted by suggesting we are overreacting when we stand up for What needs to be right and corrected. We are admonished to move on and forget the wounds of the past. But telling us African Americans to move on and forget the wounds of the past would be tantamount to asking the Jews to forget the holocaust and move on. It would be the same as asking Bosnians to forget the ethnic cleansing of your people and move on. It would be the same as asking Japan to forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki and move on. It would be the same as asking a Native ‘American to forget the trail of tears or the massacre at Wounded Knee and move on and we as African Americans will not move on until the City of Warner Robins is fair, equal and just. | know | upset some people because | don't mind standing up for right but the very idea that we have been given everything we need comes from the erroneous thinking that what is demanded by an African American City of Warner Robins employee in this democracy has been also denied to us through acts of a racist administration. However the same uneamed opportunity has been given to white employees simply by virtue of the fact they were born white. And the ones of us who have the temerity to demand what some white employees fall into by birthright are called uppity negros and too big for our britches because we don't scrape and bow like Stepin Fetchit and ‘Amos and Andy. Lastly to you Mayor Randy Toms, | know how you feel about the Lee family especially me. You have to be very careful when you express how you feel about someone over the telephone. Just because they are white like you, does not mean that they did not set you up on a three way calll with someone else on the other end (which was me) that heard every thing that came out of your mouth. | smile at you, but | did not know you hated me that bad and anything or anybody connected to me. But itis okay. At least | know how you feel. God Bless Councilman Daron Lee Post 1

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