Talk About Weather Paper

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Proposed to Fulfill the Assignments of English for Business & Office

Lecturer: Lastry Forsia, M.Pd.


Asri Mulyatiningsih 1805020054

Johan Kosasih 1805020062



We thank to Allah SWT for His grace and gifts, so that we can finish a paper

entitled Talk about the weather. Don’t forget the blessings and greetings we say

to the great Muhammad SAW.

Thank you to our English for Business & Office’s lecturer who gave this

assignment to us, so that with this assignment, we can understand well about

weather in business. With this paper, we hope that readers can know how to handle

their business in every weather. We also hope that readers will be happy to provide

criticisms and suggestions to help us maximize this paper.

Thus we can convey, hopefully this paper can be useful for readers. We expect

criticism and suggestions for this paper, so that in the future we can improve.

Tangerang, October, 26, 2019


FOREWORD ...................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. ii


A. Background of Problem........................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ............................................................................... 1

C. Goal ......................................................................................................... 2


A. What is Weather?. ................................................................................... 3

B. Types of Weather. ................................................................................... 4

C. The Relation Between Weather and Business ......................................... 6

D. The Weather’s Effects in Business .......................................................... 6

E. Ways The Weather Affects The Economy .............................................. 8


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 11

B. Suggestions ............................................................................................ 11

REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 12


A. Background of Problem

The weather in an area is very important because it can have an impact on the

surrounding environment. The weather can change at any time, and the weather

happens differently in each region. The weather plays a serious role by influencing

the types of wild plants and animals that can survive in the area. Certain weather

patterns can also cause dangerous storms and natural disasters. Weather can

affect the income of a business as well, besides the weather can affect the economy

of a country. Extreme weather that will make a business income is reduced. This is

because the weather is very influential on the surrounding environment. In addition,

extreme weather can damage accesses that will make the economy because

improving it.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is weather?

2. What are types of weather?

3. How the relation between weather and business?

4. How much does weather affect in business?

5. How the weather affects the economy?

C. Goal

1. To know about weather.

2. To know the types of weather.

3. To know the relation between weather and business.

4. To know the weather’s effects in business.

5. To know the weather’s effects in economy.



A.iWhat is Weather?

Weather is the state of the air at certain times and regions over a short period

of time. The condition of the weather is easy to change, because it is caused by air

pressure, temperature, wind, humidity, and also rainfall.

For example: When at 7:00 a.m. WIB, the weather conditions in Bandung is

bright, the air temperature ranges between 23oC - 27oC, and winds that blow from

the northwest range at a speed of 25 km/h. But when at 2:00 p.m. WIB, othe

weather turned thick with a temperature of around 30oC, and the wind was blowing

from the west at a speed of 20 km/h.

The weather of any given region is important because it has a considerable

impact on the water, sunlight and temperature of an ecosystem, according to the

University of Illinois. These factors play a serious role by influencing the types of

plant and animal wildlife that can survive in the area. Certain weather patterns can
also cause dangerous storms and natural disasters.

Variation in long-term weather patterns and tendencies can result in certain

regions getting more or less water or sunlight than other areas. All living things

require water, but because some organisms require more than others. The weather

References, “Why is weather important?” accessed from, on Tuesday, 29
October 2019 at 16:48 WIB.

in an ecosystem determines what types of living things are best suited to live there.

This principle also holds true for amounts of sunlight. The intensity and duration

of sunlight in an area determines whether or not it can sustain different species of

plant life.

According to the University of Illinois, weather can also have serious impacts

on life, both human and animal, in the short term. Natural disasters such as

hurricanes and tornadoes result from certain weather pattern combinations and can

injure or kill thousands of people depending on their scope. These disasters often

do lasting damage to cities and ecosystems as well. Because of this, being able to

predict and understand weather patterns is a very useful skill when preparing for


B.iTypes of Weather

Earth is a dynamic planet that changes daily. Weather patterns and events are

a tremendous part of that change. While these patterns and events are necessary for

our planet to continue to be life-sustaining, they can also cause substantial damage

and sometimes cost billions of dollars in repair and rescue efforts.

Weather phenomena can be defined as natural events that occur as a result of

one or a combination of the water cycle, pressure systems and the Coriolis effect.

They often involve or are related to precipitation, wind or heat. There are several

types of weather, most of which are often experienced in several countries,


1. Sunny

The sort of weather where the skies are blue, the grass is bright, and there is

lots of sunlight. It is generally warmer when the sun is out, so people in colder

climates find it quite pleasant. People located in hotter climates may not be so

fond of it.

2. Cloud

Clouds are an important piece to most other weather phenomena. Rain, snow,

lightning, hail and thunderstorms all originate from clouds. Find out about types

of clouds, how they form, why they appear white, and more here.

3. Hailstorm

Forming at high altitudes in massive Cumulonimbus clouds, hail can grow

as big as 8 inches or more and fall at velocities over 100 miles per hour. It has

the potential to cause damage to vehicles and more.

4. Heat Wave

While less spectacular and less visible than other weather phenomena, heat

waves can be considered among the most dangerous to humans and animals.

Temperatures spike above normal and remain there for days or weeks.

5. Rain

Rain is a necessary requisite for the survival of most life on Earth. In large

quantities it can quickly become a disaster.

6. Hurricane

With wind speeds exceeding 150 miles per hour and diameters over 350

miles, hurricanes are among the most devastating weather phenomena.2

Moonlight Developments, “Weather Phenomenon” accessed from, accessed on Tuesday, 29 October 2019 at 17:20 WIB.

C.iThe Relation Between Weather and Business

Business and weather are interconnected because in business we need to pay

attention and find out information about the weather. Especially if businesses that

are managed require certain weather, such as sunshine, rain, wind, and so on, they

urgently need information about the weather to avoid loss.

Using weather forecast information a person doing a business can carry out his

business effectively without causing any harm. Weather forecasts are not 100%

accurate, but usually they are reliable because already many business people are

using weather forecast asa source for information about the weather. Besides

making a lot of profit relying on the weather in business, sustainable bad weather

can also mean business loss. Sustainable inclement weather such as tornadoes flood

slides and so on. So it's very necessary to have a reliable source of weather forecasts

in business.

D.iThe Weather’s Effects in Business

From a business perspective, weather can have a significant impact on the

bottom line. And as with most patterns of this type, bad times are usually balanced

out with good times. But in order to “weather the storm” during those bad times,

business owners need to be prepared for it. And this doesn't just go for seasonal

businesses, either. Businesses of all kinds can be affected, even if indirectly, by

both good and bad weather. The key is to know how:

1. Customers

What are your consumer's behaviors during certain weather conditions or

times of the year? It's a valuable question for all businesses to ask, not just the

tourism industry. Retailers, restaurants and all types of businesses should

consider the impacts of weather patterns on their customer's purchasing habits in

order to optimize sales. Sears, Subway (subs), even Lands End, Campbell's (soup)

and Panera have all been known to do extensive research and weather predictions

in order to optimize their product offerings to meet the fluctuating demand of

their consumers.

This isn't just about doing market research and optimization, however. It's

also important to understand and identify how much impact weather has on your

businesses performance so you can accurately predict future performance. Just

because an ice cream shop has a great spring this year, doesn't mean it will do as

well next year. Knowing the difference between real growth and weather

conditional performance can empower the owner of the ice cream shop to prepare

for adverse weather fluctuations in the future.

2. Product

Demand aside, a number of products are subject to price fluctuations based

on weather conditions. Agriculture is an obvious one as weather has a direct

effect on yield, but it certainly doesn't end there. Some products and certain raw

materials become more expensive to produce when weather conditions are less

than ideal. This has a ripple effect throughout all businesses that utilize and/or

sell associated products. Understanding and predicting these fluctuations can be

helpful for your financial projections.

Oil is another big reason weather impacts just about all businesses. Since oil

demand is increased during colder winters, oil (and thus gasoline) prices increase

making transportation more expensive. And because just about all products

require transportation of one kind or another, prices suffer as a result, even if just

a little.

3. Property

Don't underestimate the destructive power of weather. Floods and water

damage, wind and ice damage and all the other ancillary hazards associated with

weather are a major concern of business (as well as residential) property.

Assessing risk and protecting property that can be effected by weather is as

important as anything else mentioned in this article. Just like a house, what took

your whole life to build up can be erased in the matter of a few minutes. So be

prepared better yet: be covered for such an event.3

E. Ways The Weather Affects The Economy

There are some who rejoice in the eerie calm of a storm and there are others

who rush for shelter. Regardless of one’s personal views, there is no doubt that

extreme weather can have profound effects on local, state and national economies.

Are these effects positive or negative? Well, it depends. There are some of the ways

that extreme weather can affect the economy.

1. Lost Productivity

Significant storms preclude many workers from being able to report to their

Staff Writer, “How much does weather affcets your business” accessed from, accessed on
Sunday, 27 October 2019 at 14:35 WIB.

jobs and that can create significant declines in revenue for the duration of the

inclement weather, or even a much longer period of time.

What’s more, consumer activity is usually suppressed during extreme

weather events. Not many people are browsing and shopping during major snow

or rainfall. Thus we often see massive losses in sales and revenue. For example,

according to Planalytics, the snowstorm that hit the northeast in late January

eliminated $500 million in sales, even though the storm did not even remotely.

2. 2. Spike in Sales

Extreme weather tends to incite fear amongst the general population.

Common behaviors in response to dangerous forecasts include filling up gas

tanks and stocking up on essential items such as nonperishable food, water,

flashlights and batteries, in the event that power outages ensue. While such

behaviors can pump significant money into local economies, this effect is usually


Insurance companies also see more activity in the aftermath of extreme

weather events as people worry about ‘what if’ it happened to them. The

Insurance Council of Texas recently reported that less than half of homeowners

affected by the flooding in Texas had flood insurance plans in place for their

homes. After this tragic event, companies that offer flood insurance policies may

very well see a spike in

3.iiIncite Innovation

Extreme weather can also inspire companies to innovate in preparation for

future occurrences. For the winter season, products that have become common

place include snow chains for automobile tires and snow blowers for quick snow

removal. In anticipation of tornadoes and hurricanes, innovators have developed

products like hurricane shutters, doors that can sustain heavy wind-pressure and

concrete walls.

4. Dealing With The Damage

Snow removal, rehabilitation and repair efforts can cost a lot of money. For

example, the city of Buffalo budgeted approximately $9 million for snow

removal alone in 2014 - 2015.

BBVA Compass economists estimate the recent flooding caused by heavy

rains in parts of Texas to cost anywhere between $200 million and $550 million.

This cost accounts for physical damage, in addition to lost productivity and


California governor Jerry Brown recently proposed a $1 billion plan that will

bring aid to the communities hit the hardest by the current statewide drought.

This will create jobs locally. So extreme weather can both stimulate economies

while also costing city, state and national governments great amounts.4

Amelia Xu, “5 Ways the weather affects the economy” accessed from,, accessed on Saturday,
26 October 2019 at 19:40 WIB.



Weather is the state of the air at certain times and regions in a short time.

Weather conditions are easy to change, because they are caused by air pressure,

temperature, wind, humidity, and also rainfall.

Weather influences business revenue. Extreme weather makes income in a

business reduced due to several factors, including: Customers who are reluctant to

leave the house for fear of weather outside, the weather can affect the quality of a

product such as continuous rain that makes vegetables fail to harvest, and much


In addition, the weather can affect the economy of a country, among others:

there are some obstacles for employees to carry out their work, such as the

occurrence of snow storms to make couriers cancel their trips. and much more. It

all proves that the weather is very influential on the activities of creatures on earth.


For the perfection’s sake of this paper, the authors expect criticism and

suggestions that are constructive towards the good for the smooth and perfection

of this writing.


Developments, Moonlight. Weather Phenomena. 2017., accessed on October, 29, 2019.

References. Why is weather important?. 2019.,

accessed on October, 29, 2019.

Writer, Staff. How much does weather affects your business. 2012.

ness/, accessed on October, 27, 2019.

Xu, Amelia. 5 Ways the weather affects the economy. 2018.,

accessed on October, 26, 2019.


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