Original Script For Modern Physics Project

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Original Script for Modern Physics Project

A chaotic clash of random ideas that doesn’t matter (no pun intended)
This video is rated G for Geeky.
I know what you're thinking what the hell does a quantum mechanics course
have to do with bullets? Well actually this is no ordinary bullet. The bullet we
are about to talk about is an ANTI-MATTER bullet. But what is anti-matter, and
who was CRAZY enough to discuss something like this. The idea of a negative
matter was first spoken by William Hicks in the 1880s using the long abandoned
Vortex Theory of Gravity which briefly states that space is made of
particles (aether) moving in a vortex like movement, but this guy's work like the
theorem was abandoned and his name is no longer found anywhere except in
Wikipedia where they talked about him IN ONE LINE. The "SO CALLED" first
person who researched anti matter is Paul Dirac who in 1928 joined his
relativistic version of the Schrödinger wave equation which resulted in a positive
energy and negative one. And just to make it worse for future generations, he
just had to look at the negative value of the energy and decided to call the
particle with negative energy anti-matter. With the BORING history lesson being
taken aside, just like matter is made of proton, neutron, and electron, anti-
matter is made of anti-proton, anti-neutron, and positron that was discovered
by Carl D. Anderson (D as in Will of D , hahahaha one piece joke) in 1932. Both
matter and anti-matter behave the same way which is weird because when you
hear the word anti you expect the opposite of what really is (like cows are male,
burgers are gross), but that's not the case. So how can we tell them apart and
what makes them so damn special. Well remember the basics of physics
"Matter can't be destroyed or created" well you can throw that in
the TRASH CAN (well who ever told you that you can shove IN THEIR FACE) cause
when electron hits a positron, they both annihilate each other turning into a
specific type of energy known as gamma rays specifically gamma rays of
511Kelec/V (whaaaaaaaaat! or Chouuuuuuuuu!). Hmmmmm but is this number
big, well to scale that up we are gonna go back to the anti-matter bullet. Ok,
now we are back. The first thing you might ask is how to make such a bullet,
well that why scientists exist.... or at least I think so. After working day and
night, they produced anti-matter that no one can buy. I mean COMMMME ON,
1g costs 62.5 trillion $ which is more than anyone can afford, and this is only the
price for antihydrogen, but what you really need to make this bullet is anti-iron
which with our current technology and brain power is kinda hard or impossible
to make. It is already a great milestone that 18 nuclei of anti-helium was made
in March 21, 2011. But let’s just say that we have that ridiculous amount of
money and that we can in fact create anti-iron, we can now create that bullet,
and you can now go murder someone with the most expensive bullet even
weapon in the history of the world. Ignoring the minor details that we are
gonna come back to later such as how the bullet is fired etc... , the moment the
bullet comes in contact with skin of the victim, the matter and the anti-matter
will start to annihilate each other. OW SORRY I MEANT THE TIP OF THE BULLET
AND NOT THE WHOLE BULLET. The collision made due to the attraction of the
positron with the electron and the anti-proton with the proton will cause an
explosion equivalent to a Hiroshima atomic bomb (20KTONS OF TNT). This
energy is due to the gamma rays we talked earlier about. Well this is all
hypothetical off course since no idiot will shoot an anti-matter bullet since it
WILL KILL HIM TOO, there is no way you can put such a bullet in a gun made of
"MATTER”, and even if we managed all this the matter found in the air the
moment the bullet leaves the bullet chamber it will react with the matter found
in the air even before that. So let’s face it, only an idiot will make such a bullet.
But in the first place, can we sustain these particles? The answer is YES but not
for too long. In 2002 the alpha collaboration team announced that they trapped
38 anti-matter hydrogen for 172msec each. This was a breakthrough back then,
but not enough to study the following particles. Then in 2010 scientists trapped
HUNDREDS of anti-matter atoms for more than 15 minutes giving them time to
observe this INTRESTING particles. And now here is the kicker. Why is the
universe made of matter and not of anti-matter? Well there are multiple
theories. 13.8 BILLION years ago, the universe was formed, according to Big
Bang, from a singularity. This singularity should have given birth to matter and
anti-matter, but if that's the case, where did the anti-matter go. I hope the large
Hadron Collider under France, Netherland, and Switzerland explain more about
this. But the theory that we like to support is that there is equal amounts of
matter and anti-matter, but the fast expansion of the universe separated them
so some of the galaxies could be made of anti-matter.

Bananas produce antimatter, releasing one positron—the antimatter equivalent
of an electron—about every 75 minutes. This occurs because bananas contain a
small amount of potassium-40, a naturally occurring isotope of potassium. As
potassium-40 decays, it occasionally spits out a positron in the process.
Our bodies also contain potassium-40, which means positrons are being emitted
from you, too. Antimatter annihilates immediately on contact with matter, so
these antimatter particles are very short-lived. But the antimatter is negligible it
won’t release any harmful gamma rays.


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