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1.Against which of the following infection, live attenuated vaccine is administered?

A. Rabies
B. Tuberculosis
C. Diptheria
D. Pertussis
2. Which of the following statement is related with”Hepatitis B”?
A. It is a water borne and food borne infection
B. It is not endemic disease
C. It is known as “DANE PARTICLE”
D. It is known as “infectious” hepatitis
3. Which one is most important step in control of cholera?
A. Notification of case to health authority
B. Verification of diagnosis
C. Early can findings
D. Establishment of treatment centre
4. Which of the under mentioned is most economical method of removing hardnesses of water?
A. Removal of CO
B. Precipitation of carbonates
C. Addition of lime
D. Boiling
5. Which of the following is the most common complication of measles?
A. Cancrum oris
B. Conjunctivitis
C. Pyogenic infection
D. Otitis Media
6. Regarding malaria, which of the following species of malaria has the shortest incubation period?
A. Plasmodium ovale
B. Plasmodium malarea
C. Plasmodium vivax
D. Plasmodium falciparum
7. Which of the following is the most important step for adopting healthy lifestyle?
A. Motivation
B. Social change
C. Positive reinforcement
D. Good human relations
E. Behavior change
8. Which of the following blood lead level is most likely associated with appearance of the clinical
features of lead poisoning?
A. 80 mu grams/100 ml
B. 70 mu grams/100 ml
C. 60 mu grams/100 ml
D. 50 mu grams/100 ml
E. 40 mu grams/100 ml
9. The most effective method of changing health behavior is:
A. Mass education
B. Individual education
C. Couple education
D. Family education
10. Post exposure vaccination is used in:
A. Tuberculosis
B. Pertussis
C. Rabies
D. Tetanus
11. Skin pinch test to assess dehydration should ideally be done on:
A. Cheek
B. Leg
C. Arm
D. Abdomen
12. Regarding plague:
A. Bubonic plague is more communicable
B. Incubation period of pneumonic plague is shorter
C. Pneumonic plague is most common
D. Pneumonic plague is transmitted by flea
13. Which of the following component of Primary Health Care is the most economic method of
promoting health of the community?
A. Maternal and Child Health
B. Immunization
C. Health education
D. Provision of essential drugs
E. Provision of safe water and food
14. Which of the following host factor/person factor is most commonly related to the causation of
A. Marital status
B. Age
C. Gender
D. Ethnicity
E. Social class
15. The prevention of emergence of risk factors for certain disease in the community is known as:
A. Primordial prevention
B. Primitive prevention
C. Primary prevention
D. Secondary prevention
E. Tertiary prevention
16. Which of the following is the extra-ocular manifestation of Vitamin A deficiency?
A. Bitot’spots
B. Night blindness
C. Growth retardation
D. Corneal xerosis
E. Keratomalacia
17. The high concentration of HIV is found in:
A. Milk
B. Blood
C. Tear
D. Saliva
18. In male gonorrhea involve:
A. Penis only
B. Urethra only
C. Anal orifice only
D. Urethra and anal orifice
19. Infant mortality rate is defined as:
A. Ratio of deaths under one year of age to the total number of live birth the same year
usually expressed as a rate per 1000 live births
B. Sensitive indicator of health care
C. Deaths of infants under one year of age
D. Indicator of health status of infants
E. Indicator of whole population, socioeconomic conditions under which they live
20. Costest method for purification of water is?
A. Rapid sand filtration
B. Bleaching powder
C. Desalination
D. Chlorination
E. Pyrethrin

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