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Inspiring excellence, building character, and impacting the future through academics, 
arts, and athletics...Mona Shores!  

October 16, 2019

To: College Admissions
Re: Applicant, Ava Bentley

Intelligent, kind, dedicated, and well-rounded. Those are the first words that spring to mind when I think of Ava
Bentley. It was my definite pleasure to work with Ava her entire junior year as a student in my Advanced
Placement Language and Composition course. Over the course of that year, Ava was consistently a role-model
whose ethical behavior, diligent work ethic, mature conversation, and eye for detail far surpassed most junior
level students. Ava often had essays done early in order to meet with me and discuss ways she could further
challenge her thinking and writing. Her final writing products were engaging to read and showed mature and
sophisticated growth throughout the year. She was consistently organized, managing to balance academic and
extracurricular activities with a skill level most adults have not mastered. Conversing with her is always a
pleasurable and rewarding experience as she is articulate and has great life experiences to share. As a Crossfit
Athlete, she maintains her physical health as well as her mental and emotional well-being.

Her academic transcript will show the rigor and enthusiasm with which she faced her high school career. One
will see a total of 11 Honors or AP courses, induction into the National Honor Society, and her involvement in
various leadership positions including Student Senate, Interact, and the Muskegon Youth Advisory Council. She
also was the recipient of a full scholarship to attend the Rotary Life Leadership Conference. Most notable is her
charity and kindness to those in need. She has participated in multiple mission trips to help build houses and
install water filters in both Honduras and El Salvador, she has put in more than 40 hours of service to her
community through Boys and Girls Club, the Red Cross, the United Way and other community organizations.

Her warm heart and her engaging smile can make anyone feel welcome. Her energy appears boundless. Her gift
of herself to others is a treasure to those who know her. Knowing that this caliber of not only student but also
person is out there making the world a better place is what still makes being an educator a fulfilling experience.
I truly believe that any organization, institution, group, or person who meets Ava will be better off for it.
Should you have any further questions regarding this wonderful young person, please feel free to contact me at
(231) 332-8338, or ​​. Thank you for your time and consideration of Ava Bentley.  

Roxanne Schaner
Teacher of AP Language & Composition,
Classics, Speech, World Literature 

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