Ecohydrology and Its Implementation in Ecuador (2019)

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The English version was

English Versión
funded with the support of:
Marco Albarracín
coordinates INGERALEZA’s Eco-
hydrology Programme in Quito,
Ecuador. He is a biologist (Uni-
versidad del Azuay, Ecuador),
specialised in Environmental
Management (Maastricht School
of Management, The Netherlands)

and holds an MSc in Ecohydrology

(UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands). He is a

at founding member of the International Society of

Ecohydrology. An active member of the regional
working group on ecohydrology of the International
Hydrological Program (IHP) of UNESCO, he was a
teacher-researcher at the SEK International Univer-
sity of Quito.
ge services
José Gaona
l he
ra is an Ecologist (Universidad Jave-
C riana de Bogotá) with a Master’s

degree in Water Resources
Management (University of
Resil Wageningen, The Netherlands).
He is a consultant and technical
assistant of Ecohydrology of the
UNESCO International Hydrologi-
cal Programme in Bogotá and Paris.
He is a member and co-founder of Emerging

Professionals Global Network in Ecohydrology, an
initiative to strengthen the capabilities of professio-
nals involved in the dissemination of the concept of

Professor Luis Chícharo

PhD, is lecturer in Ecohydrology
at the University of Algarve and
Coordinator of the UNESCO
Chair in Ecohydrology: water for

and its implementation in Ecuador

ecosystems and societies. He
also coordinates the Erasmus
Mundus MSc in Ecohydrology and
is the Director of the International
Coastal Ecohydrology Center, under the
auspices of UNESCO. He has published 92 scien-
tific articles and is co-author and editor of three
international books on ecohydrology.

Professor Maciej Zalewski

PhD, is the Director of the Euro-
pean Regional Center for Ecohy-
drology of the Polish Academy
of Sciences, under the auspices
of UNESCO. He is a pioneer of
the Ecohydrology concept and a
respected international expert in
this field. He is a professor in univer-
sity programmes around the world. He is
Marco Albarracín Chairman of the Steering Committee of the “Ecohy-
José Gaona drology” Program of UNESCO PHI. He currently has
an index-h of Google Scholar 40 and has been cited
Luis Chícharo more than 6618 times in various scientific publica-
Maciej Zalewski tions.
and its implementation in Ecuador

Marco Albarracín, MSc

Coordinator of the Ecohydrology Programme, INGERALEZA S.A.
Coordinator (ad honorem) of the Paltas-Catacocha
Ecohydrology Demonstration Site
Quito – Ecuador
José Gaona, MSc
UNESCO Consultant
Bogotá – Colombia
Luis Chícharo, PhD
Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair “Ecohydrology:
Water for ecosystems and societies”
University of Algarve
Faro – Portugal
Maciej Zalewski, PhD
Director of the “European Regional Centre
for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences”
University of Łódź
Łódź– Poland
All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction of this work by any mechanism, physical or
digital, is forbidden without the written permission of the authors or the publisher.
1st Edition (English version) © 2018, 2019 by Marco Albarracín, José Gaona, Luis Chícharo,
and Maciej Zalewski
Suggested citation:
Albarracín, M., Gaona, J., Chícharo, L. and Zalewski, M. (2019). Ecohydrology and its
implementation in Ecuador (Original in Spanish, 2018).
In case of quoting the contribution of a chapter with the indicated author or a guest-author
Author(s). (2019). Name of contribution or chapter. Pp. 00-00. In: Albarracín,
M., Gaona, J., Chícharo, L. and Zalewski, M. (Eds.). Ecohydrology and its implementation
in Ecuador (Original in Spanish, 2018).
This is a verbatim translation from the Spanish original
(with the exception of original texts in English by international authors).
Translated and partially edited by Patricio Mena Vásconez / Entre Textos
Technical review: Fabián Rodas López, Francisco González and Giuseppe Arduino
Cover design: Esteban Torres Díaz
Graphic design and layout: Santiago Calero Flores (
Photography: Santiago Calero Flores (except where specified differently)
English and spanish digital version available at
ISBN: 978-9942-36-246-9
We thank all the people who inspired us and supported the development of this book.

For the motivation and encouragement to carry out this work we especially thank Dr Giuseppe
Arduino of UNESCO in Paris, France; Miguel de França Doria of UNESCO in Montevideo, Uru-
guay; Fabián Rodas, Coordinator of the Water School and Programa Austro de Naturaleza y Cul-
tura Internacional in Cuenca, Ecuador; Freddy Cáceres, President of INGERALEZA, S.A. in Quito,
Ecuador; and Architect Ramiro Maita Sánchez, Mayor of the Paltas municipality, Ecuador.

To all the colleagues invited to participate in this work: Edyta Kiedrzyńska, Katarzyna Izy-
dorczyk, Wojciech Frątcz, Miguel de França Doria, Lauren Zielinzki, Rahmah Elfithri, Marcos
Villacís, Eduardo Toral, Galo Ramón, Ramiro Maita, Mariana Yumbay Yallico, Noémi d’Ozouville,
Rolando Célleri, Patricio Crespo, Valerie Oullet, Fabián Rodas and Freddy Cáceres, who with
their contributions brought the book to higher levels.

To SENAGUA, especially Secretary Humberto Cholango, Mariana Yumbay Yallico, Diana Ulloa,
and Helder Solís, for their support for the implementation and dissemination
of ecohydrological concepts in Ecuador.

The financing for the publication of the book in Spanish was provided by the following institu-
tions: Nature and Culture International, SENAGUA’s Water School, the Autonomous Government
of the Paltas Municipality, the Private Technical University of Loja and INGERALEZA S.A.
The English version was funded by the Ecohydrology Programme of the UNESCO-PHI.

We thank especially the following institutions and people:

Nature and Culture International: Renzo Paladines,

Fabian Rodas, José Romero, and Felipe Sánchez.

Autonomous Decentralised Government of the Paltas Municipality: Mayor Ramiro Maita Sán-
chez and all his municipal counsellors. To the citizens Jandry Saraguro, Fabricio Baculima,
Enrique Astudillo, Wilma Collaguazo, Julio Carrión, Nicandro Sedamano, Janneth Rosero, Galo
Ramón, Janina Jaramillo, Wilman Luzón, Tiziano Cagigal and all those
who contributed with this work.

Private Technical University of Loja: Rector Dr José Barbosa Corbacho, and the teachers-re-
searchers Aminael Sánchez, Omar Malagón, María Fernanda Tapia, and María Dolores Rodas.

INGERALEZA S.A., especially Freddy Cáceres and Danny Aguilar.

Marco Albarracín and José Gaona wish to dedicate this work to their life companions, Isabel
Valverde and Virginia Martín, as well as their children, Gabriel Albarracín Valverde and Simón
Gaona Martín, who are the motive, cause, colour and essence of their lives.

Lake Cubillín, Ozogoche, Ecuador. Photo: Fabián Rodas

By Humberto Cholango, SENAGUA

The Ecuadorian Constitution establishes water as a human right and a strate-

gic resource, prohibiting its privatization. Although we are one of the countries
with greater abundance of water resources by area in South America, the water
needs demanded by its citizens have not been covered.

In the construction of the Sumak Kawsay or Good Living society we are facing
very seriously the challenge to guarantee the human right to water, because it
is fundamental and irrevocable.

The challenges we have are manifold and we know it. The statistics on water
supply for both irrigation and human consumption show significant shortcom-
ings. Nearly 50% of the potential productive agricultural area has deficiencies
in its irrigation infrastructure; only one third has the necessary conditions to
ensure the continued use by irrigators.

With respect to human consumption, even though 94% of the urban sector is
supplied with some source of water, only 76% has good-quality drinking water.
In the rural sector, 70% gets water, but only 50% of it has some type of basic
treatment such as the application of chlorine.

The percentage of the population with sanitation is much lower. According to

the National Drinking Water and Sanitation Strategy (ENAS), the information
available corresponds to the Basic Municipal Evaluation by the State Develop-
ment Bank for the year 2009, reflecting that 58% of the municipalities of the
country (124 of the 221) do not have a wastewater treatment plant and 28% (60
of the 221) have faulty sewage networks.

The lack of sanitation systems affects the amount of wastewater discharged

into water sources. This situation directly impairs the condition of ecosystems
and the quality of life in urban areas damaged by polluted waters, affecting pop-
ulations along the watersheds and emptying into the seas untreated.

As a result of this dramatic situation, 23% of Ecuadorians boys and girls suffer
chronic malnutrition and more than 300 million dollars are used every year to
deal with water-related diseases.

Changing this scenario is essential if Ecuador is to achieve Sustainable Devel-

opment Goal number 6, which refers to clean water and sanitation, and par-
ticularly goals 6.1 and 6.2 that pursue, by 2030, an access to sanitation and
hygiene services suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is essential that sanitation
be managed in a safe manner in order to protect the health of people, commu-
nities, and the environment.

In addition, the country’s water resources have deteriorated because of climate

change. The volume of our glaciers has decreased more rapidly in recent years,
affecting the availability of water in several areas. At the same time, the in-
crease in water temperature has contributed to the proliferation of diseases
produced by vectors.

To address this complex problem, the Ecuadorian State initiated years ago a
process of institutional strengthening. The Safe Water and Sanitation for All
Programme and the National Water Plan are under way, and the National Irriga-
tion and Drainage Plan is being prepared, all these fundamental pillars for the
management of water.

At the same time, spaces and mechanisms for participation are being strength-
ened for the creation of the National Water Fund to conserve water sources and
recharge hydrological zones. It is important to note that, as a result of the Pop-
ular Consultation held in February 2018, work is being done on the delimitation,
restriction, and elimination of large-scale metallic mining activities in protected
areas due to its potential effects on water sources.

In the search to make a good management of hydrological resources we are

committed to the construction of public and private/public alliances aimed at
strengthening food sovereignty and productivity, without compromising this re-
source for the new generations.

Regarding the strengthening of water management capacities, the Water Sec-

retariat (SENAGUA) is leading the Water School, a space of continuous training
for public officials, community managers, and the general public, thus consoli-
dating their work in the management of water resources. This initiative has the
support of several academic and cooperation institutions such as the Private
Technical University of Loja, the Nature and Culture International Corporation,
the Water Fund of the Paute River Basin (FONAPA) and the Regional Water

We want to thank the authors and everyone involved in the preparation of this
text that will become a holistic tool for the management of water resources
using Nature Based Solutions (NbS), systematized within the new discipline
called ecohydrology.

As explained in detail in this text, ecohydrology uses the relationship between

the biotic and hydrological parts of a basin as tools and also bases its results on
five multidimensional parameters that they are water, biodiversity, ecosystem
services, resilience and cultural heritage, known as WBSR-C. All of them must
be considered when reinforcing the carrying capacity of modified ecosystems.
These foundations are applied in the Paltas-Catacocha Ecohydrology Demon-
stration Site, which was recently been recognized by the International Hydro-
logical Programme of UNESCO and which is part in this book.

If we learn to work together with nature, instead of confronting her by building

expensive, and in some cases inefficient, infrastructure, we will be closer to a
harmonious relationship between her and all humanity. All these efforts show
that we are committed to guarantee the rights of nature.

I am sure that this document will serve as the basis for the implementation of
ecohydrology in our country but, above all, will promote the sustainable man-
agement of our water resources.

Humberto Cholango
Lake Quilotoa, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador
By Dr Giuseppe Arduino, UNESCO

Ecohydrology has been a very important component in the International Hydro-

logical Programme for a long time. Since 1999 the potential of the demonstra-
tion sites has been considered, which was presented in the ecohydrology train-
ing course in 1999 in Lodz, Poland. Then, in 2005, 10 projects were presented
in Paris at a meeting to specifically address the issue of the development of
demonstration sites in the UNESCO-IHP local offices. In 2011, thirty-two sites
responded to a call to become a demonstration site for ecohydrology. For dif-
ferent reasons some of the sites stopped working or did not have the necessary
funding to move forward. Recently, in the period 2015-2018, a network of 23
demonstration sites has been woven in 18 countries, four of which are in the
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Region. It has been a complex path and
we hope that the network will grow with an emphasis on Africa and LAC.

Ecohydrology, the central theme of this publication, provides new and powerful
tools to achieve sustainability and to increase the ecological potential of eco-
systems in terms of water resources, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and re-
silience to global and anthropogenic change (WBSR-C, for Water , Biodiversity,
Ecosystem Services, Resilience, and Cultural Heritage).

At the beginning of 2018 we welcomed a demonstration site from Ecuador, the

importance of which was mentioned in the inaugural address of the World Wa-
ter Forum in Brasilia by the General Director of UNESCO, Mrs Audrey Azoulay.
This site has a wonderful cultural component and we are sure that it will be able
to improve the quality of life of the communities that benefit from the greater
amount of water available thanks to the rehabilitation of ancestral systems and
their contribution to the daily life of the community.

The authors have close links with UNESCO and the ecohydrology programme.
I personally welcome the completion of this publication and I hope others will
follow. I hope that this publication will serve as a point of reference for those
institutions that are interested in being part of the network of ecohydrology
demonstration sites of UNESCO-IHP.

I wish the authors much success.

Dr Giuseppe Arduino
Chief of the Ecohydrology, Water Quality
and Water Education Section
Division of Water Sciences
Part 1
Introduction to ecohydrology
as a tool for managing water resources 21

Chapter 1
Human beings, water, ecohydrology 23

1.1. What you will find in this book 24

Chapter 2.
Integrated water resources management and ecohydrology 29

Chapter 3
The theoretical foundations of ecohydrology  33

3.1. Evolution of the concept of ecohydrology 33

3.4. The scope and limits of ecohydrology 39

Chapter 4
Cases of implementation of ecohydrology 43

4.1. Ecohydrological biotechnologies for the mitigation of non-specific agricultural pollutants 43

4.2. Ecohydrological biotechnologies: purification of urban rainwater 44
4.3. Hybrid ecohydrological systems for the improvement of wastewater treatment plants 45

Part 2
An approach to ecohydrology in the international context 47

Chapter 5
Ecohydrology as a framework for enhancing the catchment sustainability potential 49

5.1. Abstract 49
5.2. Introduction 49
5.3. Ecohydrology – evolution of a paradigm 50
5.4. Ecohydrology: the terrestrial and aquatic dimension 50
5.5. Principles of ecohydrology: a framework for implementing nature-based solutions 51
5.6. Ecohydrology: novel aspects of systemic solutions for environmental sciences 54
5.7. Future perspectives and limits of ecohydrology 55
Chapter 6
Ecohydrological biotechnologies – Nature-based solutions
for inland waters and municipal wastewater quality improvement 59

6.1. Introduction 59
6.2. River floodplains for water
retentiveness and quality improvement – a nature-based solution approach for the future 60
6.3. Hybrid Sequential Biofiltration Systems – a nature-based solution approach for wastewater 61

Chapter 7
Ecohydrological biotechnologies as complementary measures for the
mitigation of pollution from non-point sources in rural areas 67

7.1. Introduction 67
7.2. Agricultural measures to reduce the loss of nutrients 67
7.3. Nature-based solutions to reduce transfer from landscape nutrients to fresh water 68
7.4. Ecohydrological biotechnologies for the effective regulation of biogeochemical processes 70
7.5. Policy-related and socio-economic aspects 72

Chapter 8
Coastal ecohydrology: The case of the Guadiana River estuary, Portugal 77

8.1. Introduction 77
8.2. Hydro-ecological problems in the Guadiana River estuary 78
8.3. The ecohydrological solutions 81
8.4. Conclusions 85

Chapter 9
Ecohydrology as part of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme 89

9.1. The UNESCO Chairs in Ecohydrology 92

9.3. Regional Ecohydrology Centres 95
9.4. The Network of Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites 97

Part 3
Management of water resources in Ecuador 105

Chapter 10
Climatic, hydrological and demographic characteristics of Ecuador 107

10.1. Generalities of the climatology and hydrology of Ecuador 108

10.2. Demography of Ecuador 108
Chapter 11
The water resources of Ecuador  111

11.1. Watersheds of Ecuador 111

11.2. Surface water resources 111
11.3. Underground water resources 112

Chapter 12
Problems inherent to the management of water resources in Ecuador 117

12.1. Institutionality and governance 119

12.2. Development of professional and technical skills 122
12.3. Climate change  123

Chapter 13
Legal tools for the management of water resources in Ecuador 125

13.1. The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and water 125

13.2. IWRM within the Water Law of Ecuador 126
13.3. Integration of ecohydrology as a tool to support IWRM in the Ecuadorian legal context 126

Part 4
Implementation of ecohydrology in Ecuador 129

Chapter 14
The Paltas - Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site 131

14.1. Background 131

14.2. Technical description of the Paltas-Catacocha ecohydrology demonstration site 134
14.3. Analysis of the application of the ecohydrological approach
in the Paltas-Catacocha Demonstration Site 137
14.4. Double regulation 137
14.5. Multidimensional parameters (WBSR-C) 138
14.4. Historical review of the creation of the demonstration site 145

Chapter 15
Sites where the ecohydrological approach is being developed in Ecuador 153

15.1. The Municipality of Santa Cruz, Galapagos 153

15.2. Water resources management in Santa Cruz, Galapagos 156
15.3. The Chone River Basin (Manabí) 158

Chapter 16
Scientific research programmes on ecohydrology in Ecuador 163
Chapter 17
Organisations that support the development of ecohydrology in Ecuador  169

17.1. Non-profit organizations 169

17.1.1. UNESCO 169
17.1.2. Nature and Culture
International Corporation 170
17.2. Private companies 173
Epilogue 177
Figure 2.1. The management cycle of planning and implementation based on learning through practice.  30

Figure 3.1. Dual regulation between Hydrology and Biota in the ecohydrological approach.  34

Figure 3.2. Conceptual map of the principles of ecohydrology.  35

Figure 3.3. Multi-dimensional parameters (WBSR-C) of ecohydrology 38

Figure 3.4. Efficiency of low-cost solutions proposed by ecohydrology and NbS.  39

Figure 5.1. Principles of ecohydrology (modified from Zalewski, 2011) 53

Figure 5.2. Scheme of the ecohydrological approach for improving water resources. 55

Figure 6.1. Design of a hybrid Sequential Biofiltration System (SBS). 63

Figure 7.1. Improved buffer zones as measures for the reduction of diffuse contamination. 71

Figure 8.1. Annual average of the Guadiana river flow 79

Figure 8.2. Reproductive migration cycle of the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus. 80

Figure 8.3. Change in the marshland area before and after the operation of the Alqueva dam. 81

Figure 8.4. Outline of the estuarine food chain in the Guadiana ecohydrological model. 82

Figure 8.5. Distribution along the channel of the planned biomass of phytoplankton (Chl a). 82

Figure 8.6. Average percentage of particles in each section of estuary and discharge scenarios. 83

Figure 8.7. Scheme that highlights the need to consider offsets between uses of upstream and downstream water. 84

Figure 8.8. Conceptual framework of ecohydrological solutions for decision making. 85

Figure 9.1. Representation of the UNESCO Ecohydrology “Family” (Arduino, 2018). 89

Figure 9.2. Thirty-six established centres related to water, four related to ecohydrology. 97

Figure 9.3. Representation of the socio-ecohydrological system in the letters.  102

Figure 9.4. Location of the 23 Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites of UNESCO IHP. 103

Figure 10.1. Location, boundaries, and geographical regions of Ecuador. 107

Figure 10.2. Population density (inhab/km2) of South American countries. 109

Figure 11.1. Map of watersheds of Ecuador.  112

Figure 11.2. Map of surface water resources of Ecuador.  114

Figure 11.3. Map of groundwater resources of Ecuador. 115

Figure 14.1. Geographical location of the micro-basin of the San Pedro Mártir River. 135

Figure 14.2. The Pisaca Lagoon before and after its restoration. 136
Figure 14.3. Tajamares for the reduction of runoff and recovery of habitats.  137

Figure 14.4. The tara (Caesalpinia spinosa).  141

Figure 14.5. Particularity of a petroglyph associated with the aboriginal culture of the area of Paltas. 143

Figure 14.6. Main Church of the city of Catacocha.  144

Figure 14.7. Zoomorphic representation of a snake.  144

Figure 14.8. Excavations in a rock that may represent interconnected lagoons. 145

Figure 15.1.Pumping and desalination system of brackish groundwater. 156

Figure 15.2. Artificial dry wetland for the treatment of wastewater.  157

Figure 15.3. Infrastructure works to supply irrigation and drinking water. 159

Figure 15.4.Chone river basin and location of the RAMSAR site Ciénega de la Segua.  160

Figure 17.1. The six topics of the Strategic Plan (2014-2021) of Phase VIII of UNESCO - IHP.  169

Table 1.1. An example of sites where the concepts of ecohydrology in Ecuador. 26

Table 3.1. Description of the implementation principles of ecohydrology. 36

Table 8.1. Areas (ha) of irrigated crops in the Portuguese part of the Guadiana basin. 78

Table 9.1. Description of the content of the summary letters of the demonstration sites of ecohydrology.  100

Table 11.1. Main river basins in Ecuador.  113

Table 12.1. Third-level academic offer in subjects related to the management of water resources 122

Table 14.1. Ecosystem services identified in the San Pedro Mártir River micro-basin.  140

Table 16.1. Thesis subjects with an ecohydrological component of postgraduate students. 167
Guest authors

A perspective of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP - UNESCO)

on ecohydrology in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region
Miguel de França Doria 90
UNESCO Chair of Ecohydrology: Water for ecosystems and societies
of the University of the Algarve
Luis Chícharo 93
The Erasmus Mundus Master in Ecohydrology
Lauren Zielinski 95
The Putrajaya Lake and Wetlands Demonstration Site of Ecohydrology, Malaysia
Rahmah Elfithri 99
Current situation, gaps and challenges in the management of water resources in Ecuador
Marcos Villacís 118
The experience of water management in the city of Cuenca and
the FONAPA- Water Fund for the Conservation of the Paute River Basin
Eduardo Toral 120
Recovery of ancestral Paltas knowledge for water management in Catacocha
Galo Ramón Valarezo 132
Importance of political support for the integrated management of water resources in Paltas
Ramiro Maita Sánchez 147
Excerpt from the speech presented at the official launch
of the “Paltas Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site”
Mariana Yumbay Yallico 149
Ecohydrology of the Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos
Noémi d’Ozouville 154
A master’s degree in Hydrology with mention in Ecohydrology
Rolando Célleri / Patricio Crespo 163
The Ecohydrology Emerging Professional Global Network (Ecohydrology-EPGN) 170
Valerie Ouellet
The Water School: Building capacities for water resources management
Fabián Rodas 172
The link between private companies in the development of ecohydrology in Ecuador:
the case of INGERALEZA S.A.
Freddy Cáceres 174
Abbreviations and acronyms

CAN Comunidad Andina (Andean Community)

COMUNIDEC Comunidades y Desarrollo del Ecuador (Ecuadorian Communities and Devel opment)
DHM Hydrographic Demarcation of Manabí
EH Ecohydrology
EPMAPS Empresa Metropolitana de Agua Potable y Saneamiento de Quito, Ecuador (Quito Drinking Water and Sanitation Agency)
EPN Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito – Ecuador (National Polytechnic School)
ESPOCH Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo, Riobamba – Ecuador (Chimborazo Polytechnic Superior School)
ESPOL Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil – Ecuador (Coastal Polytechnic Superior School)
FONAG Fondo del Agua de Quito (Quito Water Fund)
FONAPA Fondo del Agua de la Cuenca del Río Paute (Paute River Watershed Water Fund)
FORAGUA Fondo Regional del Agua (Regional Water Fund)
GAD Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado (Decentralized Autonomous Government)
GADMP Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del Municipio de Paltas
(Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Paltas Municipality)
HD Hydrographic Demarcation
ICIWaRM International Centre for the Integrated Management of Water Resources
iDRHICA Departamento de Recursos Hídricos y Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad de Cuenca
(Department of Water Resources and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cuenca)
IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft – Netherlands
IHP International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO
INEN Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalización (Ecuadorian Normalization Institute)
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management
MAE Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador (Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador)
NbS Nature-based Solutions
NCI Nature and Culture International
NGO Non-governmental organization
SAC Scientific Advising Committee for the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Ecohydrology Programme of UNESCO-IHP
SENAGUA Secretaría Nacional del Agua de Ecuador (Water Secretariat of Ecuador)
sp. Species (single)
spp. Species (several)
TULAS Texto Unificado de Legislación Ambiental Secundaria (Unified Text of
Secondary Environmental Legislation)
UALG Universidad del Algarve de Faro, Portugal
UASB Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito – Ecuador (Simón Bolívar Andean University)
UCE Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito – Ecuador (Central University of Ecuador)
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UTPL Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador (Technical Particular University of Loja)
WBSR-C Multidimensional Parameters of Ecohydrology (Water, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Resilience and
Cultural Heritage)
Part 1
Introduction to ecohydrology
as a tool for managing
water resources

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 21

Chapter 1
Human beings, water, ecohydrology

Water, like religion and ideology,

has the power to move millions of people.
Since the very birth of human civilization,
people have moved to settle close to water.
People move when there is too little of it.
People move when there is too much of it.
People journey down it.
People write and sing and dance and dream about it.
People fight over it.
And all people, everywhere and every day, need it. …
Just as we are moved by water,
we must move quickly in order to save it.

Mikhail Gorbachev, Russia

Peace Nobel Prize, 1990

We start with a paradox: even though ecohydrology water supply for human consumption and for irri-
has been practiced since time immemorial, it is a re- gation. Faced with this unfortunate situation, the
latively new field in Ecuador. Later we will see that community that currently occupies the ancestral
in the south of the country the native pre-Inca Paltas territory of the Paltas and their authorities decided
culture had in its territories complex systems of wa- to increase access to their scarce water resources
ter management that were, at the same time, friend- by retaining rainwater in artificial wetlands and im-
ly to the environment and fundamental for the deve- proving the vegetation cover, aimed at recharging
lopment of ancient communities. The Paltas had a the aquifers and thus increasing the availability of
deep knowledge of the cycles of rains and droughts the vital liquid for the city of Catacocha. This new
and used that know-how to extend the availability of model of water resources management in Ecuador
water in dry spells through the construction of arti- is based on the ancestral practices of the aboriginal
ficial wetlands, thus prolonging agricultural activi- inhabitants of the area. We will also see that cul-
ties while maintaining the biodiversity of the area. tural heritage should be a parameter included in
The management of hydrology to obtain results in the integrated management of water resources, as
biota (and vice versa) is the fundamental principle considered by the practice of ecohydrology that we
of ecohydrology. present in this text.

Much of the millenary wisdom of the Paltas was The development of society and the availability of
lost with the passing of the years by processes rela- water have established a fundamental relationship
ted to Inca expansionism and Spanish colonialism, for the progress of the population in the Ecuado-
and also by the development of practices in large rian Andean area; this also happens to the human
plots and intensive agriculture or large-scale cattle species all over the world. Throughout history,
ranching, both inefficient practices typical of the there are several examples of portentous hydraulic
Republican period. These circumstances, added to systems built globally: the Aztecs in Central and
continuous low water levels in the zone due to cli- North America, the Incas in the Andes of South
matic factors, have originated at present a crisis of America, the majestic Roman imperial cities in

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 23

24 Human beings, water, ecohydrology

Europe, and empires in China and India in Asia, at a time when human beings are the main promoters
as well as the ancient Egyptian culture in Africa. of changes in the biosphere and, therefore, responsi-
All of them had complex systems of water mana- ble for living in a healthy or polluted environment.
gement. Even though these cultures did not have
the technology that is currently available (such as In the United Nations World Report on the Deve-
the great advances in geographic information sys- lopment of Water Resources - 2018: Nature-based
tems, geology, biogeochemistry, hydrology and solutions (NbS) for water management (WWAP/
hydraulics, software, climate predictions, etc.), UN-Water, 2018), ecohydrology is mentioned as
early engineers were already able to handle im- a concept that is compatible with this definition.
pressive hydrological and hydraulic systems that, This report speaks, for example, of the emerging
in the long run, were a favourable condition for the pollutants and the limited information available that
development of societies. quantifies the capacity of many hydrophilic plant spe-
cies of wetlands to eliminate some toxic substances
Nowadays the great works of technology and associated with pesticides, industrial discharges, and
engineering employed to take advantage of the extractive activities (Skov, 2015). Natural and artifi-
water service potential have had both positive cial wetlands can eliminate 20% to 60% of the metals
and negative results. Thus, some management contained in water, and trap and retain between 80%
practices and uses of water resources, although and 90% of the sediments of the runoff. Additionally,
carried out with good intentions, in the end have hydrophilic species can biodegrade and immobilize a
generated negative consequences such as large whole range of emerging pollutants and nutrients (P
reservoirs that dam river waters for multipurpose and N) from human activities. The effectiveness of ar-
purposes (production of electric power, water for tificial wetlands to eliminate various pharmaceutical
irrigation, aquatic tourism, etc.) but which, un- products has been shown in Ukraine (UNESCO, in
fortunately, cause simultaneously the interrup- press; Vystavna et al., 2017). These and other results
tion of ecological processes and movement of suggest that, for some of these emerging pollutants,
nutrients along their flows; even, in some cases, NbSs work better than grey solutions, and in some
they definitively cut the life and reproductive cy- cases may be the only solution (UNESCO-WWAP/
cles of some aquatic species and/or contaminate UN-Water).
and eutrophicate the water bodies. In short, a
work of infrastructure that involves water resour-
ces may have favourable results for humans but,
1.1. What you will find in this book
in many cases, unfavourable for nature, and even This book has two objectives. In the first place, the
for human populations downstream. aim is to disseminate the concepts of ecohydrolo-
gy as a support tool for the integrated management
The exponential growth of the population and the cu- of water resources. The activities and initiatives
rrent bleak forecasts of climate change demand from that have been developed and are being developed
the scientific, technological, and political community globally in the programme of Ecohydrology of the
to look for solutions in the absence of good and plen- International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Pha-
tiful water. Thus, to complement, and in some cases se VIII of UNESCO are also presented. Secondly,
replace, the proliferation of expensive mega works, the particular Ecuadorian context is analysed for
the use of technologies and alternative solutions based the integration of the ecohydrological approach
on deep knowledge of natural processes have become as a tool for the integrated management of water
new paradigms for the management of water resources resources. Thus, they will be presented in several
chapters of this text with some practical examples tion Site (for example, research and monitoring of
of how ecohydrological practices can be applied the system to generate quantitative and qualitative
and quantified, and actions that are being carried data on how the dual relationship between hydro-
out in the country regarding ecohydrology as a wa- logy and biota of the basin is working), we trust
ter management tool. that this document can serve as a baseline for the
management of the San Pedro Mártir River basin
Additionally, we have invited several profes- and to compare it with the activities that will be ge-
sionals, both foreign and Ecuadorian, to share nerated from now on in terms of the application of
their experiences, cases, and specific examples, ecohydrological concepts.
which will help the reader to better understand
both the concepts and the implementation ac- Additionally, the final part of the book consists of
tions of ecohydrology. a series of initiatives that are being developed in
the country and that have a direct or indirect re-
It is also important to highlight that this document lationship with the concepts and precepts of the
was drawn up at the same time as UNESCO Inter- ecohydrological approach. From this perspecti-
national Hydrological Programme for water mana- ve, the way of selecting the initiatives in this book
gement recognized the management of water with and that are directly related to the implementation
ancestral knowledge carried out in the municipali- of ecohydrology from the UNESCO approach in
ty of Paltas, specifically in the San Pedro Mártir Ri- Ecuador was based on the fact that water manage-
ver basin. UNESCO-IHP acknowledged this effort ment projects or initiatives should include two ba-
of several years of the Paltense community by inte- sic features of this approach: first, that the concept
grating it within the World Network of Demons- of “dual regulation” be manifested, and second,
trative Sites of Ecohydrology. This recognition is that they consider as objectives of quantification
very relevant at the regional level since to date the- of ecohydrological management the “multidimen-
re are only 23 ecohydrology active demonstration sional parameters of ecohydrology” (Water, Bio-
sites in the whole world. Of these, four (including diversity, Ecosystem Services, Resilience and Cul-
Paltas-Catacocha) are found in the Latin Ame- tural Heritage). Thus, we will briefly analyse the
rican and Caribbean region, and Ecuador is the cases of Santa Cruz in the Galapagos Island and
first and only one within the Andean Community. the Chone River basin, where there is the possi-
For this reason, we present in this document the bility of applying the concepts of ecohydrology for
Paltas - Catacocha Site Demonstration to verify if its management. The main problems that could be
the concepts of ecohydrology are met and applied solved by the tools of ecohydrology in these sites
(see Chapter 9, Figure 9.4 and Chapter 14). Al- are presented in Table 1.1.
though there are many activities to be executed in
order to strengthen the knowledge generated in
the Paltas-Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstra-

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 25

26 Human beings, water, ecohydrology

Table 1.1. An example of sites where the concepts of ecohydrology in Ecuador can be applied and the problems to be
attended with an ecohydrological approach..

Main problems to be solved

with ecohydrological tools

Loss of vegetation retention

Pollutants and nutrients

Water over-extraction

Intensive land use

Invasive species
Habitat loss



Galapagos Islands Insular x x x x x x x

Chone River basin Coast x x x x

Prepared by the authors

We also present the initiatives that directly include work intends to lay the foundations for the country
“ecohydrology” as its main activity, and that are the to assume the challenge of integrating ecohydro-
basis to strengthen the implementation of the eco- logy as a practice of water resource management,
hydrological concepts in the country as a tool for friendly to the environment and efficient for people.
IWRM, complementary to the large grey infrastruc-
ture works, which, in certain cases, do not turn out Note to the English edition
to be an efficient solution to water problems.
This book was written in Spanish and what you are
We are aware that in Ecuador there are many pro- holding a verbatim translation into English. With
jects and initiatives related to ecohydrology that this version we want to reach a wider target audien-
were not considered in this book since our in- ce in countries where English is the first language
tention is to expose readers to the concepts and or where it is commonly spoken and read. As with
foundations of ecohydrology as a practical tool to the original version, we hope that the text will be
achieve the goals of UNESCO´s International Hy- very useful, and we will be very happy and grateful
drological Programme (IHP). Looking forward, this to receive your feedback.

Skov, H. (2015). UN Convention on Wetlands (RAMSAR): Implica- UNESCO-WWAP/ONU-agua. (2018). Soluciones basadas en la
tions for Human Health Reference Module in Earth Systems and naturaleza para la gestión del agua.
Environmental Sciences: Elsevier.
Vystavna, Y., Frkova, Z., Marchand, L., Vergeles, Y., &
UNESCO. (In press). Emerging Pollutants in Water and Wastewater Stolberg, F. (2017). Removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals
of East Ukraine: Occurrence, Fate and Regulation. UNESCO in a full scale constructed wetland in East Ukraine. Ecological
Emerging Pollutants in Water Series. París: UNESCO. Engineering, 108, 50-58. doi:
Chapter 2.
Integrated water resources management and ecohydrology

The Integrated Water Resources Management a watershed perspective (UNESCO-IHP, 2016,

(hereinafter referred as IWRM) has become the Zalewski, 2002).
indispensable conceptual framework for those
responsible for the management of water re- Just as hydrologists must be trained within a
sources in which all human-hydrological cycle multidisciplinary context, so that they acquire
interactions should be considered (Naiman et the skills and abilities that allow them to parti-
al., 2007). According to the Global Water Part- cipate and lead efforts that search for the solu-
nership (GWP), the most globally accepted and tion to environmental problems (McClain et al.,
recognized concept of IWRM is: 2012), also aquatic ecologists must be adequa-
tely trained in hydrological principles, which
“… a process that promotes the coordinated de- can be used during all phases of the manage-
velopment and management of water, land and ment of rivers, lakes, and other aquatic ecosys-
related resources, in order to maximize the resul- tems (DuBowy, 2014).
tant economic and social welfare in an equitable
manner without compromising the sustainability At the same time, other disciplines must be con-
of vital ecosystems” (GWP, 2017). sidered to train ecohydrologists, such as biogeo-
chemistry, hydraulics, global positioning sys-
Given that the availability and possibility of ac- tems, integrated water resources management,
cess to water varies in each region of the world, etc. The result will be an ecohydrologist with a
the precepts of IWRM must be treated locally holistic vision and systemic thinking, which will
and address the particularities and problems allow him or her to develop solutions to the so-
that arise in each site. Conceptually, however, cio-environmental problems related to water.
the implementation of IWRM is feasible when
there four basic conditions are met: (1) a favou- At a Latin American level, IWRM must be appre-
rable environment that allows the synergistic ciated from the point of view of the Watershed
confluence of IWRM tools; (2) institutional Management Plans. For this it is necessary to
structures that are consolidated and proactive; consider the political will of the governing body
(3) management instruments that are correctly and consider long-term financing plans. The
developed, and (4) the possibility of developing “whole basin” approach allows system-level im-
infrastructure for the integrated water resour- pact assessment and resolution of disputes ups-
ces man (see Figure 2.1). tream, downstream (for a river) and from region
to region (for a lake or groundwater) (GWP,
In this context, and under the umbrella of IWRM, 2009). It is advisable to divide macro-basins into
ecohydrology is a subdiscipline of hydrolo- micro-basins (or projects, such as hydroelectric
gy (McClain et al., 2012; Naiman et al., 2007; plants), always including all the actors involved in
Zalewski et al., 2008) that scientifically produ- the integrated management of water resources.
ces a series of proven management tools in the
field and uses ecosystem processes to achieve the The ecosystem approach is a tool that aids in the
goals of freshwater resource management from evaluation of ecosystems and their ecosystem
services; it also constitutes a strategy for the inte-

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 29

30 Integrated water resources management and ecohydrology

grated management of water resources, land and magnifying glass of the ecohydrological concept,
living resources, such as seeds, plants, animals, serves as a tool for integrated watershed mana-
etc., promoting the conservation and sustainable gement, generally involving multiple actors and
use of these resources in an equitable manner relating them to the context (see Figure 2.1).
(Smith and Maltby, 2003). Adaptive manage-
ment is part of this approach, which, under the

Figure 2.1. The management cycle of planning and implementation based on learning through practice.

Development goals

National or
regional objectives

Process monitoring Water-related aspects

and evaluation Implementation evaluation
Facilitating environment
Institutional structures
Management instruments
Infrastructure development
actions Policy/Strategy
of water resources

IWRM implemettaion plan

Watershed-level action plan IWRM

Source:: GWP (2009)

There are some recommendations given by the These approaches must be involved in a structured
GWP for the efficient application of IWRM. Thus, manner and must include provisions for the arbi-
the adoption of an IWRM approach deliberately tration of the disputes that will inevitably arise.
linked to the appropriate national development
planning processes will allow the full potential of Returning to the Latin American context, one of
water management to contribute to the achieve- the main current problems is inequality, which
ment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. has pitifully implanted itself and, in addition, has a
Additionally, for IWRM to be effective it must very consistent tendency to grow. However, even
have a clearly identifiable advocate within the if it were not the main pressure on water resour-
government to provide strategic direction to the ces, the integrated management of water resour-
process. Finally, a key element for the implemen- ces will be a way to reduce inequality. In Latin
tation of the IWRM approach is the assurance that America, the problem for the management of wa-
all those interested in the use of water play a role ter resources is related to the excessive extraction
in its management. of water (especially for agricultural irrigation),
waterproofing (urban infrastructure) and defores-
tation (Araya-Obando, 2010). On the other hand,
the per-capita production of solid waste has dou-
bled in the last 30 years; almost 90% of solid was- “Through the strengthening of South-South
te is collected but more than 40% is not properly cooperation, the challenge of defining research
disposed, which contributes to polluting land and agendas and generating processes of appropria-
water resources; such is the case of leachates. As- tion of knowledge arises, measuring its impact
suming the transfer of the problem in space and through concrete and sustainable results” (Ara-
time precisely on actions at the end of the pipe, ya-Obando, 2010) .
despite the large investments there are problems
of inter-institutional coordination and little effec-
tiveness (Galvis, 2009).

Araya-Obando, J. (2010). El Rol de la Investigación en las Universi- Smith, R. D. and Maltby, E. (2003). Using the ecosystem approach to
dades Latinoamericanas en la Gestión Integrada del Recurso implement the convention on biological diversity: key issues and
Hídrico. Ingeniería de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente, (9), case studies. Gland: IUCN.
45-54. UNESCO-IHP. (2016). Ecohydrology as an Integrative Science from
DuBowy, P. J. (2014). A primer of ecohydrology: fundamentals and Molecular to Basin Scale: historical evolution, advancements
applications. Erasmus Mundus Master of Science Programme in and implementation activities. Paris: UNESCO/SC/HYD program-
Ecohydrology Special Publication 2014-1. me or meeting document.
Galvis, A. (2009). Development of a Technology Selection Model for van Slobbe, E. (2012). System Thinking in Water Management
Pollution Prevention and Control in the Municipal Water Cycle. [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from Wageningen University
Delft: UNESCO-IHE. Course on Integrated Water Management (ESS 33806).
GWP. (2009). A handbook for Integrated Water Resources Manage- Zalewski, M. (2002). Ecohydrology—The use of ecological and hydro-
ment in basins. Stockholm: Global Water Partnership. logical processes for sustainable management of water resour-
GWP. (2017). What is the IWRM Toolbox? Tomado de: http://www. ces/Ecohydrologie—La prise en compte de processus écologi- ques et hydrologiques pour la gestion durable des ressources en
is_the_IWRM_ToolBox/ eau. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 47(5), 823-832.
McClain, M. E., Chicharo, L., Fohrer, N., Novillo, M. G., Windhorst, W. Zalewski, M., Harper, D. M., Demars, B., Jolánkai, G., Crosa, G., Ja-
and Zalewski, M. (2012). Training hydrologists to be ecohydrolo- nauer, G. A. and Pacini, N. (2008). Linking biological and physical
gists and play a leading role in environmental problem solving. processes at the river basin scale: the origins, scientific back-
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(6), 1685-1696. doi: ground and scope of ecohydrology. In D. M. Harper, M. Zalewski
10.5194/Hess-16-1685-2012 and N. Pacini (Eds.), Ecohydrology–Processes, Models and Case
Studies. Oxfordshire: CABI (pp. 1-17).
Naiman, R. J., Bunn, S. E., Hiwasaki, L., McClain, M. E., Vörösmarty, C.
J. and Zalewski, M. (2007). The science of flow-ecology rela-
tionships: Clarifying key terms and concepts. Paper presented
at the Earth System Science Partnership Open Science Confe-
rence, Beijing.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 31

Cayambe-Coca National Park, Ecuador
Chapter 3
The theoretical foundations of ecohydrology

3.1. Evolution of the concept of dynamic evolution in watersheds, in order to use

ecohydrology knowledge as a tool for water resources manage-
ment (Zalewski et al., 2008).
In its conceptual development, ecohydrology has
been given several different definitions, none Ecohydrology is a new and integrating science
of them yet in printed dictionaries. The roots of that studies the interaction between hydrology
“eco”, “hydro” and “logy” are clear; all come from and biota at different scales and uses natural
the Greek: oikos, hudôr and logos, which mean processes as management tools to strengthen
house, water, and science, respectively. Therefore, ecosystem services in a wide range of landscapes
eco-hydro-logy is the science that studies water and (for example, coastal, urban, and agricultural
ecology as a whole (Zalewski et al., 2008). Ecohy- areas). In other words, ecohydrology is an un-
drology is a new discipline among the sciences; as derstanding of how hydrological processes are
such, it has its scientific foundations, principles, integrated with ecological ones and, conversely,
hypothesis testing and other methodologies that the how the ecological processes can subsequently
global academic community demands. regulate the hydrological ones. As an integra-
ting science, it interrelates the knowledge of
The science of ecohydrology has been develo-
those two processes within a watershed, unders-
ped in the scientific community from the pers-
tanding their ability to modify and synergistica-
pective of three different, although complemen-
lly integrate to mitigate anthropic impacts, with
tary, approaches.
the goal of preserving, improving or restoring
the capacity of aquatic ecosystems of the basin
The first research topic focuses on the plant-wa-
for their sustainable use (Zalewski et al., 2008).
ter dynamics in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
(Baird and Wilby, 1999), addressing the study of
According to Naiman et al., (2007), ecohydrolo-
a single species (for example, pine crops), a type
gy is defined from two points of view that come,
of vegetation (for example, pastures and natural
on the one hand, from an aquatic perspective
forests) or landscapes and their microclimates
and, on the other, from a terrestrial perspective.
(for example, dry forest, páramo, and montane
forest) and their impacts on the quantity and qua- From the aquatic perspective, Naiman et al.
lity of water. The second scientific approach of (2007) suggest that ecohydrology uses ecosys-
ecohydrology, also known as hydroecology and tem processes, considering fundamentally the
proposed by Acreman (2001), is related to the functional interrelationships that occur between
quantification of water within the hydrological hydrology and biota within an aquatic ecosystem
cycle and the impact caused by the events of de- as tools to achieve the goals of water resource
crease or increase of water flows on the ecology management. For example, you can improve the
and biotic communities of rivers and other water natural processes of nutrient retention throu-
bodies. The third theme includes the first two gh the creation of artificial wetlands in order to
but aims at an integrated view of the physical and avoid eutrophication in artificial lakes or reser-
biotic processes that act as the main drivers of a voirs. Following this train of thought, Zalewski

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 33

34 Theoretical foundations of ecohydrology

et al. (2008) state that ecohydrology proposes to and improve the integrity of the system and, in
find a “dual regulation” (see Figure 3.1.) of a gi- this way, confront harmful alterations of anthro-
ven aquatic system, simultaneously using hydro- pogenic origin.
logical and ecological processes to strengthen

Figure 3.1. Dual regulation between Hydrology and Biota in the ecohydrological approach.


Dual Regulation

Source: Zalewski and Naiman (1985); UNESCO-IHP (2016))

The strategy of ecohydrology is to provide a series for example the water retention capacity that diffe-
of management tools to be incorporated into the rent biomes can have, comparatively speaking, as a
plans and programmes of those responsible for reservoir (Naiman et al., 2007).
water resources management. These ecohydrolo-
gical tools arise from a rigorous analysis of the sys- From this point of view, one can study the wa-
tem. After identifying and understanding useful ter-plant relationship of a single species, such as
ecosystem processes in the field, these can be ma- a eucalyptus monoculture, or the alterations that
naged and implemented so that they increase the occur within an ecosystem such as the páramo and
resilience of the ecosystem and can face disturban- its effects on the availability of water resources.
ces that affect the hydrological cycle and the quali-
ty and quantity of water (Naiman et al., 2007). Additionally, it is possible to study what happens
when the hydrological cycles and/or flows in a
On the other hand, from the terrestrial perspecti- specific basin are altered and their effect on the
ve ecohydrology studies the ecological processes components, such as primary production, of an
that are immersed within the hydrological cycle, aquatic system (Zalewski et al., 2008).
3.2. Principles of the degradation of a watershed caused by our society
ecohydrological approach (Zalewski et al., 2008). From this point of view,
Chícharo et al. (2009) indicate that the ecohy-
The ecohydrological approach adds knowledge drological approach has three principles that are
of the relationships between hydrological and expressed in sequential components (see Figure
ecological processes and uses this understanding 3.2.).
to seek innovative solutions to the problems of

Figure 3.2. Conceptual map of the principles of ecohydrology.

Source: Zalewski (2000); Chícharo et al. (2009).

Figure 3.2. shows that, in an applied way, ecohy- by field observation and the scientific method will
drology seeks to reach a sequence that has as its provide tools that can be used for management of a
starting point the understanding of how hydrolo- hydrographic basin (the methodology). For more
gical processes are integrated with ecological pro- details on the principles of ecohydrology please
cesses and vice versa (the conceptual framework); see Table 3.1. It is important to note that these
secondly, it identifies how these ecological and principles are closely related to the construction
hydrological processes can inter-regulate (the of ecohydrological demonstration sites, which will
objective); and, finally, the information generated be discussed in the following chapters.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 35

36 Theoretical foundations of ecohydrology.

Table 3.1. Description of the implementation principles of ecohydrology.

# Name Detailed Description
I Hydro- Quantifi- Conceptual framework1a-1b The basin is conceptualized as a “su-
logical cation of perorganism” like Lovelock´s (1979) Gaia concept of the planet as
(Con- hydrological a “super organism”. A hierarchy of factors influence on this “super-
ceptual processes at organism”:
frame- watershed Scale - the mesoscale cycle of water circulation within a basin is a
work) scale and template for the quantification of ecological processes;
mapping of
impacts Dynamics - Water and temperature are the driving forces of terres-
trial and freshwater ecosystems;
Hierarchy of factors - abiotic (e.g. hydrological) processes are
dominant in regulating the functioning of the ecosystem. Biotic
interactions can manifest when abiotic factors are stable and
Hydrological2: the quantification of the hydrological cycle of a ba-
sin should be the template for the functional integration of hydro-
logical and biological processes.

II Ecologi- Identifica- Objective1a-1b The conceptual "superorganism" can be seen in a

cal (Ob- tion of po- natural state as possessing resistance and resilience to stress.
jective) tential areas Faced with growing global changes (such as population growth,
to improve energy consumption, global climate change), it is necessary to
sustainabil- increase the carrying capacity of ecosystems and their resilience
ity potential to absorb the impacts induced by human beings. Ecological2:
(including Integrated processes at the scale of river basins can be managed
carrying in such a way as to improve the carrying capacity of the basin and
capacity) its ecosystem services.

III Ecologi- Manage- Methodology1a-1b Ecohydrology uses the properties of ecosys-

cal Engi- ment of tems as a management tool. It is applied using biota to control
neering biota for the hydrological processes and vice versa, using hydrology to regulate
(Method- control of biota. The scientific basis for the methodology of the use of biota
ology) hydrological for the improvement of water quality has advanced significantly
processes through ecological engineering (for example, see Mitsch and Jor-
and vice gensen, 2004).
versa Ecological engineering2: The regulation of hydrological and eco-
logical processes based on an integrative system approach is a
new tool for Integrated Watershed Management and Integrated
Coastal Management.

Zalewski (2000).
Zalewski (2002).
Chicharo et al. (2009).
3.3. The multi-dimensional parameters of ecohydrology

According to Zalewski (2014), in order to in- and Miller, 2000). For practical purposes, bio-
crease the carrying capacity of the watersheds, diversity is understood in this document as the
and for this to have an effect on the improvement variety of living organisms of any species and,
of sustainability both in the ecosystems and in additionally, the diversity of ecosystems.
the human population, the multidimensional
parameters of ecohydrology are explained be- Ecosystem services
low, which are the following: water in quantity With the application of dual regulation by using
and quality, biodiversity of habitats and species, the tools proposed by the ecohydrological
ecosystem services for society, resilience to cli- approach, the ecosystem services offered by a ba-
mate change, and additionally cultural heritage sin will be strengthened (UNESCO-IHP, 2016).
(hereinafter: WBSR-C, for short), as can be seen These services can be quantified as positive in-
in Figure 3.3. dicators that the ecohydrological practices are
correctly focused and directed. Thus, if a basin
that has been intervened with ecohydrological
Nowadays, and in the near future, the affectations engineering methods results in improvements
to water are manifold. The hydrological cycle will in the quantity and quality of water, increase in
be affected by the increase in the duration and in- local biodiversity indicators in terms of habitats
tensity of high and low flows caused by the quanti- and species, higher food and bioenergy produc-
ty and amplitude of extreme events such as catas- tivity, etc., it will mean that the processes are
trophic droughts and floods. The speed of nutrient well underway and that the measures adopted for
transport between the terrestrial and aquatic pha- the management have been successful. The nu-
ses will be modified. Therefore, the global supply merical comparison of the before and after the
of fresh water and biogeochemical mechanisms, application of an ecohydrological tool should
inherent in the hydrological cycle, will also be mo- be considered, i.e., that the values related to the
dified (Wagner, 2008). Therefore, it is necessary quantification of an ecosystem service are impro-
to understand the possible effects and act in favour ved after using the ecohydrological approach.
of improving the processes related to the hydrolo-
gical cycle. The use of ecohydrology should pro- Resilience
duce results that address the problem of the quan- Resilience is the capacity of a complex system,
tity and quality of water. such as an ecosystem, to absorb damages and
recover from external impacts that affect its pro-
cesses, maintaining its structure and functions
Documents specialized in ecology speak of (Holling, 1973, Van Slobbe et al., 2013). In
the different types of diversity (i.e. diversity of the case of urban settlements, the way to ensure
ecosystems, species, and genes) and how they the resilience of a city will depend on the mana-
can be reduced by a failure in the population gement of its ecological footprint, in the sense
of certain species to recover from a mortality of the use of geographically connected lands to
caused by an intense and frequent disturbance reduce the danger of disconnections due to long
or reduced by competitive exclusion (Ricklefs distances and greenhouse gas emissions, and by

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 37

38 Theoretical foundations of ecohydrology

developing the internal recirculation of its waste, are consubstantial to the conservation and sus-
including water (Wagner and Breil, 2013). tainable use of biodiversity and the maintenance
of the country’s cultural wealth (MAE, 2016).
Cultural heritage In this way, cultural heritage is relevant for eco-
According to the Ecuadorian Biodiversity Poli- hydrology in the sense that the knowledge and
cy and Strategy 2001-2010 and 2015-2030, cultural heritage of the communities near the in-
the recognition, respect, and strengthening of tervention of an ecohydrological project must be
cultural identity and diversity are evident, and integrated into any environmental management
how these guarantee protection, recovery, and plan. The integration of culture and public par-
appreciation of knowledge, innovations, and ticipation in environmental management is the
traditional practices of indigenous peoples, key to the success in the management of natural
Afro-Ecuadorians and local communities, which resources (Mitchell, 2018).

Figure 3.3. Multi-dimensional parameters (WBSR-C) of ecohydrology to solve problems inherent to water resources. Prepared

Species and habitats

depending on local
environmental conditions

Water quantity W


Multidimensional Food production,

parameters of bio-energy, etc.
ge Ecosys
rita tem services
Integration of an- lt u


cestral knowledge
and social

and adaptation to
climate change

by the authors.

This is the reason an ecohydrologist should be

Essentially, ecohydrology looks for the inte- trained in all these branches of scientific knowle-
gration of the knowledge and practices of other dge, but always seeking the two-way regulation
sciences and disciplines, among which, apart between hydrology and biota.
from hydrology and ecology, biogeochemistry,
geography, hydraulics and geology can be men-
3.4. The scope and limits of ecohydrology should be considered when the
of ecohydrology resistance or resilience of an aquatic system has
diminished its innate capacity to treat the distur-
Solutions to water resource problems can be
bing agent by itself (in this case phosphorus). At
achieved with ecohydrology and will be more
this point of disturbance of the system by con-
efficient than other methods, especially if ecosys-
centrations of phosphorus, ecohydrology and
tems are intervened with “average” states of
NbS such as phytotechnology can increase the
disturbance. Figure 3.4. is an example for phos-
efficiency of the system to recover from the dis-
phorus concentrations in an aquatic system. Za-
lewski (2018) explains that the implementation

Figure 3.4. Efficiency of low-cost solutions proposed by ecohydrology and NbS to treat phosphorus pollution in aquatic sys-
tems against the natural resilience of the system and expensive technological systems.
Pollutant treatment

Resilience and
natural resistance
Ecohydrology Environmental technology
of water body
Phytotecnology (e.g. treatment plants)

0.03 0.1 1 10 Mg P L-1

Phosphorus concentration (P) to be treated

Origin of P: Natural (e.g. P cycle) Non-point or diffuse Point

(e.g. agriculture (e.g. sewerage)
and livestock)

Source: Zalewski (2018).

Subsequently, when ecohydrology, which is cha- problems in quantity and quality, using low cost
racterized by using low-cost solutions, cannot but effective NbS to treat non-point or diffuse
reduce contaminant concentrations, solutions medium-intensity perturbations. The costs of the
generated by engineering and technology can ecohydrological tools are very low, so they can
be applied, which, due to their nature, are more substitute and/or complement technologies that
expensive and difficult to implement in certain in some cases result, from a cost-benefit point of
places such as wastewater treatment plants. In view, disadvantageous.
short, ecohydrology is a tool to address water

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 39

40 Theoretical foundations of ecohydrology

Acreman, M. C. (2001). Hydro-ecology: Linking Hydrology and Aqua- Van Slobbe, E., de Vriend, H. J., Aarnikhof, S., Lulofs, K., de Vries, M.
tic Ecology: Proceedings of an International Workshop (HW2) and Dircke, P. (2013). Building with Nature: in search of resilient
Held During the IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the storm surge protection strategies. Natural hazards, 66(3),
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Held at 1461-1480.
Birmingham, UK, in July 1999: International Assn of Hydrological Wagner, I. K. (2008). Ecohydrology: Understanding the Present as a
Sciences. Perspective on the Future–Global Change. Ecohydrology: Pro-
Baird, A. J. and Wilby, R. L. (eds.). (1999). Eco-hydrology: plants cesses, Models and Case Studies: An Approach to the Sustaina-
and water in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Routldege: ble Management of Water Resources, 303.
London Wagner, I., and Breil, P. (2013). The role of ecohydrology in creating
Chicharo, L., Wagner, I., Chicharo, M., Łapinska, M., and Zalewski, M. moreresilient cities. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 13(2),
(2009). Practical experiments guide for ecohydrology. UNESCO: 113- 134.
Venice and Paris. Zalewski, M. (2000). Ecohydrology-the scientific background to use
Chicharo, L. and Zalewski, M. (2009). Practical experiments guide for ecosystem properties as management tools towards sustaina-
ecohydrology. UNESCO. 121p. bility of water resources. Ecological Engineering 16: 1-8
Holling, C. S. (1973). Resilience and stability of ecological systems. Zalewski, M. (2002). Ecohydrology, the use of ecological and hydro-
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 4(1), 1-23. logical processes for sustainable management of water resour-
Lovelock, J. (1979). Gaia, a new look at life on Earth. Oxford: Oxford ces. Hydrological Sciences-Journal des Sciences hydrologiques
University Press. 47(5): 823-832
MAE. (2016). Estrategia Nacional de Biodiversidad 2015-2030. Retrie- Zalewski, M. (2014). Ecohydrology and hydrologic engineering: regu-
ved from Quito, Ecuador: http://maetransparente.ambiente.gob. lation of hydrology-biota interactions for sustainability. Journal
ec/documentacion/WebAPs/Estrategia Nacional de Biodiversi- of Hydrologic Engineering, 20(1), A4014012.
dad 2015-2030 - CALIDAD WEB.pdf Zalewski, M. (2018). Ecohydrology, Engineering Harmony for a Sus-
Mitchell, B. (2018). Resource and Environmental Management (Third tainable World Paper presented at the Ecohydrology Workshop
Ed.). Oxford: Oxford university Press. and Scientific Advisory Committee, Faro, Portugal.
Mitsch, W. J. and S. E. Jorgensen. Ecological Engineering and Zalewski, M., Harper, D. M., Demars, B., Jolánkai, G., Crosa, G.,
Ecosystem Restoration. New York: Wiley. Janauer, G. A., and Pacini, N. (2008). Linking biological and
physical processes at the river basin scale: the origins, scientific
Naiman, R. J., Bunn, S. E., Hiwasaki, L., McClain, M. E., Vörösmarty, C. background and scope of ecohydrology. In D. M. Harper, M. Za-
J., and Zalewski, M. (2007). The science of flow-ecology rela- lewski, and N. Pacini (Eds.), Ecohydrology–Processes, Models
tionships: Clarifying key terms and concepts. Paper presented and Case Studies. Oxfordshire: CABI (pp. 1-17).
at the Earth System Science Partnership Open Science Confe-
rence, Beijing. Zalewsky, M. and Naiman, R.J. (1985). The regulation of riverine fish
communities by a continuum of abiotic-biotic factors. Sympo-
Ricklefs, R. and Miller, G. (2000). Ecology . New York: Freeman. sium on Habitat Modification and Freshwater Fisheries eng 23
UNESCO-IHP. (2016). Ecohydrology as an Integrative Science from May 1984 Aarhus (Denmark). London: Butterworth.
Molecular to Basin Scale: historical evolution, advancements
and implementation activities. Paris: UNESCO/SC/HYD pro-
gramme or meeting document.
Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 41
Chapter 4
Cases of implementation of ecohydrology

The use of ecohydrological tools aims at increasing in this way, eutrophication processes can be avoi-
the resilience of ecosystems to anthropic disturban- ded. However, the goal is to have a whole system
ces. Examples of such outcomes are: overexploi- of ecohydrological tools (e.g. natural barriers in
tation of water resources for irrigation, industry, land-water ecotones, treatment of pollutants in
the generation of electricity through hydroelectric wetlands, etc.) within a watershed.
dams, pollution of rivers, lakes and reservoirs, as
well as the decrease in the productivity of aquatic For this purpose, tools have been proposed to
and terrestrial ecosystems and changes in primary improve the ecotones. For example, depending
production, among others. These environmental on the specificity of the source of nitrogen po-
disturbances are also aggravated by the possible llution, different solutions based on the denitri-
ecological alterations predicted by the presence fication process in the area of agriculture can be
of the phenomenon of global climatic change. It applied. Denitrification barriers will be the most
is intended, therefore, to improve the coexistence appropriate solution in a watershed or pasture,
between human beings and nature, and obtain a around point sources such as manure storage or
measurable benefit both for societies and for the near the coast. The availability of various forms of
environment (Zalewski, 2014). organic carbon can be regulated and is one of the
most important factors in the processes of deni-
Some ecohydrological practices developed at the trification in the soil. The results suggest that the
global level can be found on the platform of the barriers applied around point sources have the
network of ecology demonstration sites of UNES- best cost-effectiveness ratio of nitrate removal in
CO IHP (available at the area of intensive agriculture (Bednarek et al.,
However, we have decided to illustrate below cer- 2010; Bednarek et al., 2014).
tain activities carried out in these demonstration
sites. Some examples of ecohydrological practices Polish littoral zones with vegetation were reinfor-
are summarized in this chapter, and others are del- ced with the installation of denitrification walls
ved into in later chapters. and/or a biogeochemical barrier. The construc-
tion of denitrification walls as elements of buffer
zones strengthens the efficiency of vegetation
4.1. Ecohydrological biotechnologies zones in areas contaminated with nitrogen com-
for the mitigation of non-specific pounds. The results show that the efficiency of a
agricultural pollutants denitrification wall in a buffer zone is approxima-
There are several biotechnologies that can be tely 67% (Izydorczyk et al., 2013).
used in areas where the source of contamina-
As proof of the long-term benefits, the results of
tion is not known exactly; this is the case of large
an extensive monitoring programme carried out
crops in which excess nutrients are conducted to
in 2011-2013 in the Sulejów reservoir basin,
adjacent bodies of water via runoff. With the use
Poland, suggest that buffer zones are highly effi-
of an artificial wetland, the retention of nutrients
cient in reducing NO3-N and total phosphorus
that reach a body of water can be increased and,

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 43

44 Cases of implementation of ecohydrology

concentrations in shallow groundwater. On ave- Greater Lyon. The proposal is to obtain reliable
rage, reductions of 56% and 76% were observed, long-term data on the effluents, the urban humid
respectively (Piniewski et al., 2015). climate and its impact on the receiving waters in
order to provide results, knowledge, and metho-
dologies to evaluate the sustainability of urban
4.2. Ecohydrological biotechnologies: water systems and propose new strategies to ma-
purification of urban rainwater nage the rainwater in the city.
Rainwater management in cities has dramati-
cally evolved from the “end of pipe” vision to a In other words, since 2008 a pilot site has been
more holistic and integrated approach based on developed with ecohydrological principles in
the “rain water harvest” and “source control” the urban periphery of Lyon. Its objective was
approaches (Committee, 1999). Two clear to launch a solution based on natural processes
examples of the development of biotechnologies to trap and store the pollution emitted by a com-
for the purification of urban stormwater, trans- bined sewer overflow outlet and then bio-trans-
forming threats into opportunities for a greener, form or digest this contamination by mechanis-
more sustainable and healthier city, can be read ms based on natural processes to improve the
in Wagner and Breil (2013). self-purification capacity of this seasonal river,
which is exposed to overflows, including that of
First, the management improvements of the Yze- sewers. By previous scientific publications and
ron River in Lyon, France, are discussed. The field work, the scientists found that the river´s
rapid urban expansion in the Greater Lyon area porous sediment can be a powerful bio-reactor
due to urban densification will generate more de- and, with this, they justified the development of
mand for water for consumption and wastewater a system called “permeable dump”, which allows
treatment in the coming years. Additionally, the the accumulation of sediments and increases the
study of the watershed of the Yzeron River, under transfer of water; that is, an artificial rapid was
the increasing pressure of suburban expansion, built on the river.
shows important changes in land cover since
the beginning of the 20th century. These chan- Secondly, the project study in Lodz, Poland, was
ges have modified the functioning of the basin integrated, which uses biotechnologies such as
in terms of hydrology, morphology, chemistry, the Sequential System of Biofiltration - Sedi-
physics, and biology: increase in the frequency of mentation (SSBS). The following were the key
floods of low to medium intensity, degradation of activities: (i) building of the Sequential system
water quality, spectacular formation of incisions of rainwater purification (containing sedimenta-
upstream and sedimentation downstream, etc. tion, biogeochemistry and constructed wetlands)
(Schmitt et al.) Thus, the water resource of the in the upper part of the river. In the first two ex-
basin is limited and closely related to the rainfall perimental years of its operation, SSBS reduced
regime. Human activities depend on an imported total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations by
water supply from Greater Lyon for irrigation and up to 60% (Zalewski et al., 2012). The stabili-
domestic uses. Almost 90% of the wastewater zation of river flow by building a detention basin
produced in the Yzeron basin (150 km2) is con- upstream of the system structure further reduced
nected to a combined sewer network that flows the stochasticity of the process; (ii) construction
to a central sewage treatment plant operated by of a cascade of retention reservoirs in the river to
mitigate extreme flows and water stress. The grey
(geocells, gabions, springs and morphological elimination of nutrients and the control of PCB in
adaptations) and green infrastructure (phytote- municipal wastewater based on a geochemical (fil-
chnology for nutrient removal) were designed to ter beds with limestone, coal, and sawdust) and bio-
increase the capacity of the reservoirs in order logical barriers (wetlands, using several species of
to reduce the toxic algal blooms despite the high plants, such as Glyceria maxima, Acorus calamus,
nutrient loads; (iii) preparation of rehabilitation Typha latifolia and Phragmites australis). Signifi-
plans for rivers and canals to improve the eco- cant differences were found between the inflow and
logical status of a river, to increase the capacity outflow of the SBS with respect to the concentra-
of water retention in the landscape, improve the tions of wastewater pollutants. The SBS eliminated
level of groundwater, increase vegetation and im- a significant load of Total Phosphorus (0.415 kg),
prove access and social use of the area. The plans Total Nitrogen (3.136 kg) and Equivalent PCB
were used for the development of conceptual and (0.223 g) per square meter per year. The use of
technical projects of a Sokolowka River Park; low-cost hybrid SBS as a step after wastewater treat-
these results allowed the concept to be extended ment turned out to be an effective ecohydrological
to a larger scale at the city level (Wagner and Bre- biotechnology, which can be used to reduce pollu-
il, 2013). tion from point sources and improve water quality
(Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017).
4.3. Hybrid ecohydrological systems In the following chapters we delve into examples
for the improvement of wastewater of application of ecohydrology with case studies
treatment plants presented by their authors and mentors, who have
A project to use a Hybrid Sequential Biofiltration kindly contributed their experiences for this text.
System (SBS) was installed in Poland to improve the

Bednarek, A., Stolarska, M., Ubraniak, M., & Zalewski, M. (2010). Piniewski, M., Marcinkowski, P., Kardel, I., Giełczewski, M., Izy-
Application of permeable reactive barrier for reduction of dorczyk, K., & Frątczak, W. (2015). Spatial quantification of
nitrogen load in the agricultural areas — preliminary results. non-point source pollution in a meso-scale catchment for an
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 10(2), 355-361. doi:https://doi. assessment of buffer zones efficiency. Water, 7(5), 1889-1920.
org/10.2478/v10104-011-0007-6 Schmitt, L., Grosprêtre, L., Breil, P., Namour, P., Lafont, M., Delile,
Bednarek, A., Szklarek, S., & Zalewski, M. (2014). Nitrogen po- H., Cournoyer, B. Pour l’étude interdisciplinaire des petits hy-
llution removal from areas of intensive farming—comparison drosystèmes périurbains (bassin de l’Yzeron, France). BSGLg.
of various denitrification biotechnologies. Ecohydrology & Wagner, I., & Breil, P. (2013). The role of ecohydrology in creating
Hydrobiology, 14(2), 132-141. doi: more resilient cities. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 13(2), 113-
ecohyd.2014.01.005 134.
Committee, V. S. (1999). Urban stormwater: best-practice environ- Zalewski, M. (2014). Ecohydrology, biotechnology and engineering
mental management guidelines: CSIRO publishing. for cost efficiency in reaching the sustainability of biogeosphe-
Izydorczyk, K., Frątczak, W., Drobniewska, A., Cichowicz, E., re. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 14(1), 14-20. doi:https://doi.
Michalska-Hejduk, D., Gross, R., & Zalewski, M. (2013). A org/10.1016/j.ecohyd.2014.01.006
biogeochemical barrier to enhance a buffer zone for reducing Zalewski, M., Wagner, I., Fratczak, W., Mankiewicz-Boczek, J., &
diffuse phosphorus pollution—preliminary results. Ecohydrology Parniewki, P. (2012). Blue-green city for compensating global
& Hydrobiology, 13(2), 104-112. climate change. The Parliament Magazine, 350(11), 2-3.
Kiedrzyńska, E., Urbaniak, M., Kiedrzyński, M., Jóźwik, A., Bedna-
rek, A., Gągała, I., & Zalewski, M. (2017). The use of a hybrid
Sequential Biofiltration System for the improvement of nutrient
removal and PCB control in municipal wastewater. Scientific
Reports, 7(1), 5477.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 45

Part 2
An approach to
ecohydrology in the
international context
El Arenal, mount Chimborazo
Chapter 5
Ecohydrology as a framework for enhancing
the catchment sustainability potential

Professor Maciej Zalewski, Ph.D.1, 2.

University of Lodz, Polonia /
1 European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2 Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz

5.1. Abstract
Ecohydrology (EH) is a transdisciplinary science which has been developed in the framework of
the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (IHP V-VIII). As a subdiscipline of sus-
tainability science, it is focused on biological aspects of the hydrological cycle. It provides not
only scientific understanding of the hydrology/biota interplay, but also a systemic framework for
how to harness ecosystem properties as a new tool for Integrated Water Resources Management
(IWRM), complementary to hydrotechnical solutions already in use. The novel element of this
approach is the concept of enhancing the catchment sustainability potential, with a special empha-
sis on regulation of ecosystem performance from molecular to landscape scale. Biocenotic proces-
ses are shaped by hydrology and, vice versa, hydrological processes are to a great extent modified
by biocenotic structure and interactions (Zalewski, 2000, 2014). In terms of evolution, the key
assumption is that the biological structure of terrestrial and aquatic organisms and communities
have adapted to water quantity and quality dynamics in the catchment.

5.2. Introduction
The fundamental assumption of Ecohydrology approach focused on the provision of water for
(EH) is that the future of the bio-geosphere in societal needs and elimination of threats such as
the Anthropocene will be dependent not only on floods and droughts. Analyses of the biological
the development of technologies, but also on the structure of freshwater ecosystems from 1900
harmonization of technologies with the enhan- have mostly been used for monitoring of ecolo-
ced potential of the environment, which in turn gical status (Kolkwitz & Marsson, 1908). From
depends above all on water resource availability. the point of view increasing human pressure ex-
The dynamics of the water cycle in a river basin pressed by the ecological footprint and Sustaina-
depend on climate, geomorphology, plant co- ble Development Goals, the key challenges for
ver, freshwater ecosystem typology and modifi- water management in the Anthropocene involve
cations by agriculture, urbanization, industrial the need to:
development and hydrotechnical infrastructure.
Through the end of the twentieth century, water 1. reduce the load of nutrients and pollutants
management was dominated by a mechanistic into fresh water ecosystems and coastal zones;

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 49

50 Ecohidrology for the sustainability of water basins

2. reduce the rate of water transfer from catch- 5.3. Ecohydrology – evolution
ments to the sea (catchment retentiveness en- of a paradigm
3. increase catchment sustainability potential. The recent integration of environmental sciences
toward problem-solving is based on the concept
That is why, from the point of view of water
resource management strategies based on in- of ecological engineering formulated by Mitsch
tegrative knowledge, every catchment or sub (1993). This changed the way of thinking about
catchment should be considered as: relations between humanity and the biosphere.
The increasing global environmental degrada-
1. a unique “superorganism” – possessing re- tion implies that ecosystem properties have to
silience to various forms of disturbances and be considered as a new management tool toward
human impacts;
reversing degradation (Zalewski, 2000). This
2. a common denominator for integrating our approach has become a key assumption of pro-
understanding of hydrological and ecological blem-solving Ecohydrology on the catchment
processes from molecular to catchment scale;
scale (e.g. Zalewski el at, 1997, Zalewski, 2000,
3. a framework for assessing ecological and sus- 2014; Harper et al., 2008; Wolański et al.,
tainability status and action planning. 2004; Wagner, Breil, 2013; Chicharo, 2001;
Such a holistic approach is a reference point Chicharo, 2012; McClain et al., 2013). A fur-
for EH, were analyses of water biota interplay ther evolvement of the Ecohydrology paradigm
from molecular to catchment level create a bac- has involved a change from interdisciplinarity to
kground for regulating those processes seeking transdisciplinarity, by harmonizing societal goals
to enhance catchment sustainability potential, with enhanced ecosystem potential (WBRS+C).
defined in ecohydrology as the Multidimensional
Catchment Sustainability Goal: Water, Biodiver- Such a transdisciplinary approach, which integra-
sity, Resilience, Ecosystem Services and Cultural tes different disciplines of environmental scien-
(WBRS+C), whereby all five factors have to be
ces toward societal goals and aspirations and also
improved in parallel. The fundamental question
considering cultural heritage (Berton, Bacchi,
of EH as a problem-solving science is as follows:
1997), creates a new opportunity to achieve sus-
What is the hierarchy of factors regulating the
dynamics of hydrological-biological interactions tainable development.
along the river continuum and thermal gradient?
(Zalewski, Naiman, 1995) And further, how can 5.4. Ecohydrology: the terrestrial
a better understanding of water/biota interplay and aquatic dimension
be used to help solve societal problems in such The catchment approach of ecohydrology and its
policy frameworks as Sustainable Development implementation for IWRM encompasses the at-
Goals (SDG), EU Water Framework Directive mospheric/terrestrial and the aquatic phase of the
(WFD, 2000) and Integrated Water Resources hydrological cycle. In both, diverse biota appear
Management (IWRM). as moderators of water dynamics. In the terrestrial
phase (EHT), vegetation moderates water quan-
tity and quality, and the major question is how
plant-cover changes influence the hydrological
cycle (Rodríguez-Iturbe, 2000). In the aquatic
phase (EHA), highly complex biotic interactions 5.5. Principles of ecohydrology:
(Zalewski et al., 1990; Wojtal-Frankiewicz, a framework for implementing
2010) affect water quality and related symptoms nature-based solutions
of eutrophication (e.g. toxic algal blooms) and can
1. Hydrological principle: The quantification
be regulated towards WBRS+C.
and integration of hydrological and biolo-
gical processes at basin scale assumes that
Considering various forms of freshwater ecosys-
abiotic factors are of primary importance and
tem degradation, the reduction of point source become stable and predictable when biotic
pollution is dependent on technology, monitoring interactions begin to manifest themselves.
and law enforcement. However, recent develop- The quantification begins with GIS analysis
ments in Ecohydrology have successfully develo- of uptake geomorphology and infrastructure
ped hybrid solutions, where low efficiency sewa- distributions, following patterns of hydro-
ge treatment has been provided by constructed logical pulses along the river continuum),
wetlands (Zalewski, 2002) or by more advanced its modification from the point of view of
sequential biofiltration systems (Kiedrzyńska, the environmental flow (Bunn, Arthington,
2017). On the other hand, reducing the impact of 2002) and the identification of the spatial
diffuse pollution without lowering food produc- distribution of various forms of impact - point
tion is dependent, first of all, on understanding the and non-point (diffuse) pollution. Due to the
complexity of applied knowledge, the deve-
hierarchical complexity of ecological processes in
lopment of mathematical models for decision
the terrestrial ecosystem within the given river ba-
support systems is an important and useful
sin. Of utmost importance is the interplay between tool to quantify processes (water, nutrients
water and biocenosis – both in the terrestrial and and pollutant loads) and human impact for
aquatic phases of the hydrological meso-cycle. decision makers and to test alternate scena-
This creates a background for using land water rios for the implementation of ecohydrolo-
ecotones in the landscape (Naiman, Decamps, gical methodologies for the sustainable use
Fournier, 1989) for mitigation of non-source of water, ecosystems, and societies (Jorgen-
pollutions and next has been enhanced by incor- sen, 2002, 2016; Piniewski et al., 2015).
poration into ecological biotechnologies, e.g. de-
nitrification and geochemical barriers (Izydorczyk 2. Ecological principle: The ecological principle
et al., 2013). assumes that, under intense global changes, it is
not enough to protect ecosystems against the in-
Both EHT and EHA require transdisciplinary crease of population, energy consumption, and
cooperation among basic scientific disciplines aspirations. It is necessary to regulate the struc-
(e.g. Baird & Wilby, 1999; Zalewski et al., 1990, ture and processes of the ecosystem,to improe
Wood et al., 2007; Eamus, 2006; Acreman 2001; the sustainable potential of the basin (WBSR +
Gilles Pinay, 2003). C). The starting point should be an understan-
ding of the evolutionary demonstration of the
water-biota interaction in terrestrial and aquatic
environments. Understanding the role of ve-
getation in water and the processes of nutrient
cycles within the basin is of crucial importance
(Baird and Wilby, 1999; Vorosmarty and Saha-
gian, 2000; Kędziora and Ryszkowski, 2007).

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 51

52 Ecohidrology for the sustainability of water basins

3. Ecological engineering principle: The use the landscape (C), animals and plants
of ecosystem properties as a management shelter during droughts (B) (R) and vice
tool is based on the previous two principles versa, and through hydrological regula-
of EH. This principle presents three imple- tion by means of biota conformation.
mentation steps:
ii. Integration in the scale of basins of se-
i. “Dual regulation”: regulation of the veral types of solutions based on nature
structure of the biota by means of hydro- in order to achieve synergy to improve
logy (for example, improvement of the WBSR + C.
water retention in the fluvial valley and
iii. Harmonization of ecohydrological me-
stabilization of the availability of water
asures with the necessary hydrotechni-
resources, which allows the self-purifica-
cal solutions (dams, irrigation systems,
tion of the river, biodiversity, improved
wastewater treatment plants, etc.) (see
bio-productivity, biomass/yield (food,
Figure 5.1, next page).
bioproducts) (B) (S), aesthetic value of
Figure 5.1. Principles of ecohydrology (modified from Zalewski, 2011)

1. Hydrological


Pollution from urban Diffuse or non-point
and industrial sources pollution area
1 Infiltration
2 Retention



2. Ecological

Agricultural lands
River bed

Pasture lands
Small wells
Alluvial plains

Urbanised area

Main reservoir Small reservoirs

3. Ecological engineering


Artificial Buffer
wetland zones
Main Biota
reservoir Land reclamation
Dual Regulation
Small puddles
release system
Small reservoirs

(fish ramp)

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 53

54 Ecohidrology for the sustainability of water basins

5.6. Ecohydrology: novel aspects nature-based solutions (e.g. denitrification barriers,

of systemic solutions for environ- Bednarek et al., 2016) as systemic solutions, consi-
mental sciences dering the basin as a framework for action to improve
water resources, biodiversity, and ecosystem services
Aquatic ecosystems and their catchments are
for society, resilience to climate change, and cultural
complex entities when studied within a multi-
heritage (WBSR + C).
disciplinary approach. However, if the objective
of scientific research is to regulate the hydrolo- The concept and principles of ecohydrology have
gical and biological potential for improving the been implemented in the case of a small town in
potential for sustainability, regulatory actions, Poland in the Pilica River catchment as an exam-
e.g. nature-based solutions (NbS) require an ple of application of systemic ecohydrological so-
additional reference point, society and traditio- lutions to improve the sustainability of the basin,
nal knowledge and its cultural preferences. This converting environmental threats into opportu-
combines natural and socio-economic science nities for sustainable development. Purified was-
in an integrative transdisciplinary science and tewater after primary and secondary treatment,
management (Hiwasaki and Arico, 2007). but still with high concentrations of phosphorus,
raised the concentrations and phosphorus (P)
Therefore, the properties of ecosystems serve as
load in the river and reservoir downstream, resul-
management tools for sustainable development,
ting in frequent toxic algal blooms. The transfer
respecting the quantitative side of the hydrological
of purified wastewater to a bioenergy producing
cycle. Ecohydrology in the UNESCO IHP perspec-
plantation (willows) has reduced the phosphorus
tive (Zalewski et al., 1997; Zalewski, 2000, 2014;
load in the river and reservoir, improving the eco-
Chicharo, 2012; Wolański et al., 2004; Wagner
logical and recreational status (Zalewsky, 2011).
and Breil, 2013) provided three new resources for
In addition, the improvement of water quality in
environmental sciences and their implementation: 1)
the river reservoir positively affects biodiversity,
the use of ecosystem properties as new management
creating, in addition, employment opportunities
tool (Zalewski, 2000) complementary and harmo-
for society through the development of tourism.
nized with hydro-technical solutions; (2) the need
This, in turn, reduces poverty and stimulates
to improve ecosystems towards the UN Sustainable
cultural development and financial feedback (for
Development Goals through the use of the interac-
taxes). Moreover, the use of plantation bioenergy
tion between hydrology and biota - “dual regulation”
to heat a nearby school and other public buildings
(Zalewski, 2006); therefore, the analysis of the dyna-
has reduced greenhouse gas emissions and crea-
mic oscillations of the ecosystems, the productivity
ted more funds for employment. This example of
and the ecological succession reflected by the in-
the application of ecohydrology as a framework
crease of biomass/yield and the absorption capacity
for systemic solutions in the management of river
of nutrients/contaminants versus human impacts
basins offers a case of integration of Solutions
should be the key for the regulation of the process ;
based on nature, Circular Economy, and Bioeco-
(3) the use of “dual regulation”(Zalewski, 2014) and
nomy (see Figure 5.2.).
Figure 5.2. Scheme of the ecohydrological approach for improving water resources, quality of environment, creating positive
socio-economic feedback and enhancing sustainability potential (modified from Zalewski, 2011).

Assimilation of CO
ual w
Sewage treatment

Hybrid system

Reduction of Employment
fossil fuel use opportunities
Artificial wetlands,
Bio conversion of
ene pollutants (P) into


Improvement of the quality

of the water in the river
and the reservoir
Tourism development,
regional economic growth

This shows how thinking oriented to the eco- sed Solutions is to reduce inputs to freshwater
hydrological process provides a framework for ecosystems and regulate the excess of nutrients
the implementation of bioeconomy and circu- and pollutant loads in those aquatic systems,
lar economy. considering the allocation of nutrients and con-
taminants in non-available pools such as soils, se-
diments, biomass of vascular plants and conver-
5.7. Future perspectives and limits sion of matter by organisms, phytotechnologies,
of ecohydrology denitrification barriers, etc. However, we must
Nature-based solutions used in the EH fra- underscore that EH methods can be less efficient
mework have become the crucial tool for the and have a lower potential when the biological
successful implementation of Integrated Water structure of an ecosystem is highly degraded by
Resources Management, especially for the mi- intensive human impact as in the case of, e.g.,
tigation of intermediate impacts that prevail for hypertrophic lakes or reservoirs where abiotic
most problems of a basin. Nutrients and chemical factors (oxygen levels) have been drastically re-
pollution from point and non- point sources are duced and the biotic structures greatly degraded.
two of the main challenges for ecohydrology. An In such situations, the implementation of Eco-
implicit but major objective of EH as a framework hydrology/Nature-based Solutions will be much
for the systemic implementation of Nature-ba- costlier and more complicated and, at times, it
may be insufficient to enhance WBSR + C.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 55

56 Ecohidrology for the sustainability of water basins

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Maciej Zalewski is a lecturer at the De-
partment of Applied Ecology, University
of Lodz and Director of the European Re-
gional Centre for Ecohydrology under the
auspices of UNESCO in Poland.
His research interests evolved from fish bioenergetics towards river
ecosystem ecology, where he proposed the “Abiotic-Biotic Regula-
tory Concept” that defines a hierarchy of factors determining the structure and dynamics
of freshwater communities along the river continuum in different geographic zones, which
laid the foundations for a new paradigm of environmental sciences encapsulated in Ecohy-
drology. He initiated the development of the Ecohydrology concept under the framework of
the UNESCO-IHP program and is a respected international expert in this field. As a UNESCO
expert, Prof. Zalewski has supported establishment of Centres for Ecohydrology in Portugal,
Indonesia, China, Argentina and Ethiopia.

Professor Zalewski is a lecturer in national and international teaching programmes. He has

been a chairman and keynote speaker at over 100 international scientific conferences and
symposia and is the author of numerous publications and book chapters. He is also the foun-
der and editor-in-chief of the international journal Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology and sits on
the editorial board of the journals Ecological Engineering, Brazilian Journal of Biology, En-
vironmental Accounting, Fisheries Management and Ecology. He is a leader of numerous
scientific national and international projects. He currently holds an h-index of 27 and has
been cited more than 1676 times in various scientific publications.

Professor Zalewski is a member of environmental scientific committees of the Polish Aca-

demy of Sciences, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Polish Ministry of the Environ-
ment for water resources management. He has served, among other capacities, as a national
representative of the Polish government in the OECD Export Credits and Environment treaty
negotiations, as a member of the Scientific Council of the Regional Office for Science and
Technology for Europe (ROSTE), chairman of the Working Group “Fish and Land/Inland Water
Ecotones” of UNESCO MAB (Man and Biosphere), chairman of the Working Group “Physical
Habitat Modification and Freshwater Fisheries” of FAO EIFAC (European Inland Fisheries Ad-
visory Commission), a Council member of Poland’s National Centre for Research and Deve-
lopment, a representative of the Poland-EU Joint Programming Initiative (JPI Water), ESFRI
ENV TWG. Member of Steering Committee for EcoSummit 2012, 2016, Chairman of Drafting
Committee Columbus Declaration for EcoSummit 2012, representative of Poland in the The-
matic Process for the 7th World Water Forum in Korea, and Chairman of the Steering Commi-
ttee of the UNESCO-IHP (International Hydrological Programme) “Ecohydrology” Programme.

: /

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 57

Lake Pisaca. Photo: Marco Albarracín
Chapter 6
Ecohydrological biotechnologies – Nature-based solutions
for inland waters and municipal wastewater quality improvement
Dr hab. Edyndta Kiedrzyńska,
Prof. ERCE PAN Lodz - Polonia
´Now that Earth has entered the Anthropocene era (Crutzen,
2002; Steffen et al., 2007), in which humanity constitutes a
force of change at the planetary scale, the world faces a
new, global level of water concern (Vörösmarty et al., 2014)´
(Rockström et al., 2014)

6.1. Introduction
Pressure on the global hydrological cycle is so huge consumptive use of “blue” water, on the other hand,
that humanity is now the dominant force behind the has been estimated at 2,600 km3 year-1 (Steffen et
changes in water resources throughout the world al., 2015). Therefore, several regions already su-
and in the regulation of the resilience of the Earth ffer from the widespread impact of excessive use
system (Rockström, 2009; Rockström et al., 2014). of “blue” water and global projections indicate an
The increased pressures on global freshwater re- increase in the use of “blue” water to a level approa-
sources are on a par with other anthropogenic chan- ching the global limit by 2050 (Rockström et al.,
ges in the Earth system, ranging from climate (EEE, 2009a; Gerten et al., 2011). Research shows that
2012), land use (deforestation) and biodiversity to river basins with extractions exceeding more than
the change of ecosystems, which, together, have led 40-60% of available water resources are experien-
science to suggest that humanity has entered a new cing severe water shortages (Grafton et al., 2012).
geological epoch, the Anthropocene (Rockström
et al., 2014). Therefore, humanity needs new tools A combination of activities in drainage areas has in-
based on ecohydrological biotechnologies, a circu- tensified water use (Rockström et al., 2014) and the
lar-economy approach and nature-based solutions export of nutrients and other pollutants to the aqua-
(NbS) to confront these unfavourable global chan- tic environment from point and diffuse sources,
ges in watershed management and counteract the leading to over-enrichment and degradation that
degradation of resources of fresh water in order to are strongly observed worldwide (Han et al., 2011;
increase resilience in socio-ecological systems and Kiedrzyńska et al., 2014a, b; Steffen et al., 2015).
safeguard life support systems for the well-being of
humankind. In this chapter we analyse a type of tool that can be
applied to address these challenges: ecohydrologi-
The freshwater boundary, defined by Shiklomanov cal biotechnologies as nature-based based solutions
and Rodda (2003) as the maximum additional con- for the improvement of the water quality of inland
sumption of “blue” water consumable in the world and municipal waters. We will describe specific
beyond the pre-industrial situation, has been calcu- examples of implementations and study results to-
lated at 4000-6000 km3 year-1. The current global gether with broader potential applications.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 59

60 Ecohydrological biotecnologies: nature-based solutions

6.2. River floodplains for water to utilize such processes for enhancing the envi-
retentiveness and quality impro- ronmental sustainability of terrestrial and aqua-
vement – a nature-based solu- tic ecosystems (Zalewski et al., 1997; Zalewski
tion approach for the future 2011, 2013, 2014; Kiedrzyńska et al., 2015).
Ecohydrology provides a scientific understanding
Every square inch of land on the Earth forms part of the hydrology/biota interplay, and a systemic
of a catchment (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2015). River framework of how to use ecosystem processes as
catchments with their river valleys, floodplain a tool for Integrated Water Resources Manage-
areas and rivers are crucial hydrosystems that sus- ment, complementary to ecological engineering
tain the global freshwater bodies, and river floo- and applied hydrotechnical solutions (Zalewski,
dplains are an integral part of valley-river systems 2014). The key questions posed by EH concern
(Kiedrzyńska et al., 2015). River catchment areas the hierarchy of factors regulating the dynamics
are particularly exposed to changes in land use and of hydrological and biological interactions and
more pronounced anthropogenic transformation the means by which EH can be used to solve envi-
of water and biogeochemical cycles. Rivers and ronmental and societal problems with reference to
floodplains are situated in landscape depressions, Integrated Water Resources Management and in
into which a range of substances with anthropoge- the scope of policies such as the European Water
nic modifications and impact are transferred and Framework Directive (WFD EC, 2000). The role
accumulated (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2008a, 2014a, of Ecohydrology in the implementation of the Sus-
b), e.g. sediments and nutrients, dioxins and mi- tainable Basin Management and the Water Fra-
crobial contaminations, etc. The dramatically mework Directive is to facilitate to development of
progressing disturbances of catchment areas are scientific methodologies, whose task is to achie-
often negatively amplified by changes in the hy- ve a ‘‘good ecological status’’ for catchment-ri-
drological cycle and the loss of integrity between ver-floodplain ecosystems by stimulating progress
fluvial ecosystems and floodplains, which result in the environmental sciences and enabling a bet-
in drastically decreased water quality, increased ter understanding of their processes (Kiedrzyńska
eutrophication and a reduction in biodiversity and et al., 2015).
ecosystem services for society.
The ecohydrological biotechnologies research
Historically, European river valleys are important that was carried out on the Pilica River floodplain
ecological corridors and places of economic and in central Poland based on nature solutions had
cultural development. That is why to achieve sus- the general aim of assessing the possibilities of
tainable development, it is necessary to harmoni- enhancing this process, both through sedimenta-
ze the restoration of degraded river sections and tion (Altinakar et al., 2006; Magnuszewski et al.,
water quality improvement. Therefore, in the face 2007; Kiedrzyńska et al., 2008a) and assimila-
of advancing climate change and against the back- tion in the vegetation biomass (Kiedrzyńska et al.,
ground of existing demographic trends, there is an 2008b; Skłodowski et al., 2014). The research,
urgent need for large-scale testing of integrative based on DTM (digital terrain model) and hydrau-
scientific solutions. lic models, demonstrated that sedimentation of
flood sediments in the floodplain essentially redu-
Ecohydrology (EH) is a sub-discipline of hydro-
ces their transport to the local lowland reservoir.
logy that focuses on the ecological processes oc-
Flood sediments were effectively deposited, and
curring within the hydrological cycle and strives
phosphorus was retained in a 30-km section of the Theoretically, 1 kg of P can lead to the accumula-
Pilica River natural floodplain. In the flooding area tion of some 1–2 t of toxic algal biomass in a re-
of 1,007 ha, fine grained flood sediments reached servoir (Zalewski, 2005). Based on these studies
500 t (0.5 t ha-1) and the retention of P was 1.5 and the literature, it can be said that river floodp-
t (1.5 kg ha-1) per river flood time (Kiedrzyńska lain wetlands are mostly enriched with riverine
and Zalewski, 2012). An ecohydrological study material and, at the same time, the river water is
conducted in relation to a hydroperiod showed purified by its natural process of dilution, sedi-
that the efficiency of nutrient assimilation and bio- mentation and accumulation of phosphorus in the
mass production by autochthonous plant commu- biomass of macrophytes and riparian willow com-
nities, with a special emphasis on willow patches, munities, as well as the mechanical filtration of the
was high. Vegetation in the Pilica River floodplain flowing water.
(26.6 ha) in summer accumulated 255 kg of phos-
phorus (P) year-1, which entails a mean value of In summary, a more proactive approach to envi-
9.6 kg P year-1 ha-1. However, conversion of 24% ronmental river engineering and river floodplain
or 48% of the area into willow patches may boost rehabilitation and restoration would yield many
phosphorus retention up to 332 or 399 kg P year- positive effects for the inhabitants, on both local
, increasing the value up to 12.5 kg P year-1 ha -1 and regional scales, as would the management of
and 15 kg P year-1 ha-1, respectively (Kiedrzyńska river valleys and floodplains which preserve their
et al., 2008b). potential for water quality improvement and flood
prevention, as well as their ecological and aesthe-
Other research conducted along an approx. 40 km tic functions (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2015).
long section of the Pilica River examined the role
of willow communities of Salicetum triandro-vimi-
nalis in the reduction of phosphorus concentra-
6.3. Hybrid Sequential Biofiltration
tion in river water and quantified the phosphorus Systems – a nature-based solution
retained in the willow biomass. The results showed approach for wastewater
reductions of SPM concentration by 41%, SRP by Municipal wastewater discharged from Wastewa-
54% and TP concentration by 36%. In addition, ter Treatment Plants (WWTPs) often represents
39% lower total PCB content and 49% lower PCB a significant source of phosphorus (P) and nitro-
TEQ concentration were found at the end of the gen (N) load (Rai et al., 2013; Kiedrzyńska et al.,
studied stretch (Skłodowski et al., 2014). In this 2014b; Chen et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016)
river section, natural willow communities covered and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Urbaniak
an area of approximately 30 ha. The accumulation et al., 2014, Urbaniak and Kiedrzyńska, 2015),
of phosphorus (P) in the total biomass amounted to which are discharged into rivers, reservoirs or
approximately 431 kg, a mean of 14.44 kg P ha−1 coastal zones (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2014a,b). Nu-
for willow patches up to 3 years old (Skłodowski trient loads promote eutrophication and abnor-
et al., 2014). The suitable management of willow mal phytoplankton growth; they also encourage
riparian zones and seasonal clear-cutting can be the occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria blooms,
helpful in limiting eutrophication and controlling resulting in the degradation of water quality and
toxic algal blooms in the Sulejów Reservoir, loca- threatening the health of humans and animals.
ted downstream (Skłodowski et al., 2014). PCBs are classified as persistent organic pollu-
tants and comprise a group of toxic substances
manufactured during industrial processes.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 61

62 Ecohydrological biotecnologies: nature-based solutions

The aim of the study by Kiedrzyńska et al. (2017) tion of concentration was observed in the biolo
was to evaluate the efficiency of an innovative gically-active barrier, i.e. beds with macrophytes
hybrid Sequential Biofiltration System (SBS) wherein 83% of TP, 75% of SRP, 69% of TN
for removing Total Suspended Solids (TSS), 72% of NO3—N, and 43% of PCB EQ concentra
phosphorus and nitrogen and polychlorinated tions were lower at the outlet from the SBS tha
biphenyls (PCBs) from original municipal was- the inlet (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017).
tewater produced by a Wastewater Treatment
Plant under authentic operating conditions. The hybrid SBS removed a significant load of T
(0.415 kg), TN (3.136 kg), and PCB EQ (0.223
The hybrid SBS was constructed with two ba- g) per square meter of SBS per year (Kiedrzyńs
rriers, a geochemical (filtration beds with limes- ka et al., 2017). The total removed by SBS loa
tone, coal and sawdust) and a biological barrier of contamination amount: 25.3 kg TP (18%)
(wetlands with Glyceria, Acorus, Typha, and 37.1 kg SRP (26%), 191.3 kg TN (17%), 178
Phragmites), operating in parallel (see Figure kg NO3- - N (19%), 4.5 kg NO2--N (33%), 8.8
6.1).The innovative Hybrid Sequential Biofil- kg NH4+-N (7%) and also 13.6 g PCB EQ (49%
tration Systems (SBS) constructed in WWTP in per year (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017).
Rozprza (central Poland) is an example of a natu-
re-based solution for removing phosphorus and One of the fundamental parameters influencin
nitrogen and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) the efficiency of a biofiltration system is its siz
from original municipal wastewater produced by and physical dimension (Johannesson et al
a Wastewater Treatment Plant under authentic 2011; Tanner and Kadlec, 2013; Wang et al
operating conditions. The hybrid SBS was cons- 2014; Vergeles et al., 2015). The use of thi
tructed with two barriers, a geochemical (filtra- low-cost hybrid SBSs as a post-treatment step fo
tion beds with limestone, coal and sawdust) and wastewater treatment was found to be an effectiv
a biological barrier (wetlands with Glyceria, Aco- ecohydrological biotechnology that may be use
rus, Typha, and Phragmites), operating in para- for reducing point source pollution and impro
llel (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017). ving water quality.

The hybrid Sequential Biofiltration System (SBS) The use of low-cost hybrid SBSs as a post-treat
proved an effective method of ecohydrological ment step for wastewater treatment was found t
biotechnology for treatment of wastewater from be an effective ecohydrological biotechnolog
WWTPs. Significant differences were found be- that may be used in small WWTPs as an addi
tween inflow and outflow from the SBS with re- tional treatment step and an alternative biotech
gard to wastewater contaminant concentrations, nology for reducing point source pollution an
the efficiency of removal being 16% (max. 93%) improving water quality in river catchments (Kie
for Total Phosphorus (TP), 25% (max. 93%) for drzyńska et al., 2017).
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP), 15% (max.
97%) for Total Nitrogen (TN), 17% (max. 98%) Overall, such cases involving the use of natura
for NO3--N, and 21% for PCB equivalency (PCB river floodplains and Hybrid Sequential Biofil
EQ) (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017). In the case of tration Systems offer examples of a nature-base
PCB EQ concentration, the highest efficiency of solution approach, which has been successfull
43% was obtained using beds with macrophytes used for the water retention and river self-purifi
(Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017). The greatest reduc- cation (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2008a,b; Kiedrzyńsk
o- et al., 2014a,b; Kiedrzyńska et al., 2015), as well purification. As such, the approach appears well
s, as storm water (Dou et al., 2017; Szklarek et al., poised to help address the challenges of the An-
N, 2017) and wastewater (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017) thropocene era, as discussed in the introduction.

Figure 6.1. Design of a hybrid Sequential Biofiltration System (SBS) for the purification of wastewater effluents from a small
WWTP, central Poland (Kiedrzyńska et al., 2017).
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to M., Udall, B., McKenzie, R., Yu X, Che, N., Connell, D., Jiang, Q., rarchy of factors exerting an impact on the nutrient load of the
Baltic Sea and sustainable management of its drainage basin.
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(2007) Numerical modelling of material fluxes on the floodplain Equivalency of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Polish Wastewa-
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Humans Now Overwhelming the Great Forces of Nature? Ambio logy & Hydrobiology 16: 71–73.
36: 8, 614 -621.
Edyta Kiedrzyńska is a lecturer and Deputy
Director of the European Regional Centre
for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of
Sciences, and an Associate Professor at the
Faculty of Biology and Environmental Pro-
tection of the University of Lodz in Poland.
Her research interests focus on the following areas: Ecohydrology and
biotechnologies, River hydrology and nutrient transport, Flood sedimen-
tation processes in the river floodplain, River floodplain hydrology, ecology and river basin management,
Phosphorus cycle in the ecosystem of the river valley, Modelling of river valley processes, Point sources of
nutrient pollution, and Analysis of catchment river processes.

Professor Kiedrzyńska is a lecturer in national and international education programmes. She has been a
speaker at many international scientific conferences and symposiums. She was the winner of the BGF
Scientific Research Grant at the CNRS, awarded by Ambassade de France at Pologne and Institut Francais
en Pologne, and funded by the Government of the Republic of France, which took her to the University of
François Rabelais in Chambéry-Tours , France, August 2015. Professor Kiedrzyńska has authored nume-
rous publications in leading journals in the environmental field. She is a member of the scientific council
of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz and also a member of the
scientific board of the international journal Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology. He is the leader of numerous
national scientific projects and a researcher involved in international projects.


Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 65

Chimborazo, Ecuador. Photo: Fabián Rodas
Chapter 7
Ecohydrological biotechnologies as complementary measures for the
mitigation of pollution from non-point sources in rural areas

Katarzyna Izydorczyk1, Wojciech Frątczak1,2, Maciej Zalewski1

1. European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Łódź, Poland
2. Regional Water Management Authority in Warsaw, 13B Zarzecze, 03-194 Warsaw, Poland

7.1. Introduction in order to increase their effectiveness in reducing

pollution (Zalewski, 2014). Recently, ecohydrolo-
Agricultural pollution of water bodies and coastal
gical biotechnologies have come to be classified as a
areas by non-point sources, also known as diffuse
type of nature-based solutions, a title that includes
sources, is a major environmental problem throu-
a wider range of measures (Eggermont et al., 2015;
ghout the world (see e.g. US EPA, 2002; EEA,
Nesshover et al., 2017; WWDR, 2018).
2005). There is a general trend towards increasing
agricultural production in most countries, which,
in turn, increasingly depend on the intensive use 7.2. Agricultural measures
of fertilizers and pesticide inputs. Other countries to reduce the loss of nutrients
such as Brazil and China have boosted their agri-
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), which are
cultural production through the rapid expansion of
essential elements for plants, are used as na-
agricultural land (Stringfellow and Jain, 2010). In
tural and artificial fertilizers to increase yields.
Africa, increasing numbers of people, deforestation
However, losses of nutrients from agricultural
and agriculture have accelerated the depletion of
lands occur when the intensive use of fertilizers
soil nutrients (including soil erosion), which affects
exceeds the requirements and consumption of
surface water and groundwater (Drechsel et al.,
the plants. Therefore, proper fertilizer dosing,
2001). Crop production, the ploughing of fields
based on crop requirements and measurements
to the edges of rivers and lakes, the intensive use of
of soil nutrient content, is a basic but effective
fertilizers and the increase in the number of animals
measure to reduce the loss of agricultural nu-
per hectare have contributed to a greater load of nu-
trients (Defra, 2010).
trients transported from the different landscapes of
the river basins to freshwater ecosystems. Accurate application of fertilizers is also im-
portant to minimize the risk of nutrient losses,
Given that different forms of non-point pollution
which include losses of gaseous ammonia (es-
appear in each catchment, it is necessary to opti-
pecially from manure), leaching, and erosion.
mize and harmonize several mitigation measures to
For example, high levels of precipitation in ear-
achieve synergy between them. Mitigation measures
ly spring in countries with seasons, combined
for pollution control from non-point sources should
with the early application of fertilizers, can lead
include best agricultural practices, ecohydrological
to greater nutrient leaching, which should be
biotechnologies, and other nature-based solutions.
easy to avoid. To reduce nutrient leaching the
Ecohydrological biotechnologies – derived from
European Commission recommends extending
the third principle of ecohydrology – aim to regu-
the period for the spread of fertilizers at times of
late natural biological and hydrological processes
the year when the air temperature is above 5°C.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 67

68 Ecohydrological biotechnologies to mitigate diffuse pollution sources

The risk of leaching and erosion increases when strips of riparian vegetation that include grasses,
there is no vegetation cover in the soil to take up pastures, shrubs or trees that separate cultivable
the nutrients. Therefore, postponing autumn land from water courses.
tillage or changing to spring tillage, tilling the
soil shortly before planting, and growing catch These permanent vegetation belts allow or the
crops are measures that help limit the losses of optimization of water quality by trapping and
N and P to surrounding waters. For example, eliminating various non-point source pollutants
the reduction of soil tillage practices in different from overland and shallow subsurface flow pa-
Norwegian basins (reported by Blankenberg et thways (Lowrance et al., 1984; Schiemer and
al., 2008, cited in Skarbovik and Bechmann, Zalewski, 1991; Mander et al., 1997; Mander et
2010) showed a decrease of 30-40% in P los- al., 2005; Izydorczyk et al., 2018). These buffer
ses for areas with extensive cereal production. zones efficiently reduce the N and P loads that
In contrast, the establishment of intermediate originate in non-point pollution sources throu-
crops decreased N leaching by 32-62% in com- gh several mechanisms: (1) the assimilation of
parative studies in northern France (Constantin inorganic compounds, including N and P, plants
et al., 2010). and their transformation into biomass ; (2) bio-
geochemical processes that occur as a result of
Nevertheless, the application of more than microbial activity, including denitrification, ni-
one measure to reduce the risk of movement trification, and anaerobic ammonium oxidation
of nutrients to water can help to reinforce its reactions (anammox), which can be an important
efficiency. For example, in experiments in sou- source of N removal; (3) sorption and precipita-
thwestern Sweden, a system that included seve- tion of soluble P forms through the soil; and (4)
ral measures (delaying till until late autumn and sedimentation of soil particles transported as
spring), direct winter wheat drilling, planting surface runoff, which reduces soil erosion and
winter and spring crops and using a catch crop transport of insoluble P (see reviews by Doskkey
in winter wheat, allowed for a 46% reduction of et al., 2010 and Parn et al., 2012).
N leaching compared to the conventional sys-
tem (Myrbeck and Stenberg, 2014). The op- Buffer zones should address the habitat-related
timization of nutrient management by farmers preferences for specific types of vegetation and
should not only help protect the environment, their tolerance to varied hydrological conditions.
but also lead to a reduction in operating costs Native species are also recommended to impro-
and improve the profitability of agriculture. ve landscape values and terrestrial biodiversity.
Grass and herbaceous strips, with or without
deep-rooted trees and shrubs along a stream, can
7.3. Nature-based solutions to help improve water quality (Hefting et al., 2006;
reduce transfer from landscape Balestrini et al., 2011). Another important cha-
nutrients to fresh water racteristic to consider in the selection of species
7.3.1. Riparian buffer zones is the amount of nutrients that can be taken up
and stored in the tissues of plants. This amount
The preservation or construction of land/water varies depending on the plant species from 0.2
riparian buffer zones (ecotones) is widely recom- to 50 kg P ha-1 year-1 and from 10 to 350 kg
mended to slow the flow and reduce the impact N ha-1 year-1 (Mander et al., 1997; Hefting et
of land-based nutrients on freshwater ecosystems al., 2005; Kiedrzyńska et al., 2008). However,
(Passeport et al., 2013). Buffer zones are usually notably, plants retain nutrients for a limited
time, mainly during the growing season, which cesses that involve wetland vegetation, soil, and
requires the biomass harvesting (e.g. mowing or associated microbial assemblages to treat the water
logging) to eliminate the accumulated material (García et al., 2010). The efficiency of wetlands for
(Kuusemets and Lohmus, 2005; Uusi-Kamppa, nutrient removal depends on several variables, in-
2005). This practice can reduce the risk of nu- cluding residence time, seasonality, inflow concen-
trients being released during the dormant season tration and wetland construction design (Perillon
and transported by surface runoff or accumula- and Matzinger, 2010). A disadvantage of wetlands
ting on the surface soil (Raty et al., 2010). is that they are difficult to control, especially under
varying climatic conditions. In addition, wetlands
The role of buffer zones in capturing P is related require considerable space and conflicts may arise
not only to the process of nutrient accumulation between services rendered and undesirable increa-
in plant tissues but also to their retention in the ses in mosquito populations (Knight et al., 2003).
soil. Insoluble forms of P are dominant in the ru-
noff of agricultural areas, and their contribution The maximum potential rates of N and P removal in
increases with the increase in flow (Johannesson wetlands usually range between 1,000 and 3,000
et al., 2011). Therefore, sedimentation is more kg N ha-1 year-1 and between 60 and 100 kg P
important for reducing the P load in the outflow ha-1 year-1 (Verhoeven et al., 2006). An analysis
from the basin than the adsorption of dissolved of effectiveness of three wetland treatments (0.3 to
forms in the soil. Dense vegetation (especially 0.8 ha in surface area, 1,200 to 5,400 m3 in vo-
tall and stiff grasses with dense stems) increa- lume) that intercepted the drainage water from the
ses hydraulic roughness and reduces overland subsoil and received 4,639 kg of total N during the
flow velocity and sediment transport capacity. 3-yr period (96% as NO3-N) of agriculture showed
In a study conducted by Rafaela et al. (1997)., a 37% reduction in inputs (1697 kg N) (Kovacic et
A 0.6 m wide Bermuda strip, 20 to 30 cm high al., 2000).
reduced sediment runoff from a ploughed area by
an average of 63% compared to a carved area wi- Typically, wetlands can retain more than 50% of the
thout such a barrier. The soil particles with P ab- incoming DIP load if the water residence time ex-
sorbed onto their surface molecular deposits are ceeds 7 days (Reinhardt et al., 2005). A construc-
retained in the buffer zones. Sedimentation may ted wetland (1215 m3) in southern Quebec, Cana-
account for P rates of up to 128 kg P ha-1 year-1 da, was found to retain 34% of the P inputs of 24.3
(Hoffmann et al., 2009). kg over 4 years of operation (Kroeger et al., 2006).
The annual results of 17 wetlands in cold temperate
7.3.2. Wetlands or boreal climatic zones that support agricultural
activity showed that the average retention of total P
The restoration of natural wetlands or the creation
varied from 1 to 88% and that the retention of DRP
of artificial ones can serve to improve water quality
ranged from -19% to 89%. The retention of P in-
(Trepel and Palmeri, 2002; Mitsch, 2002). Tho-
creased with the wetland surface area and depended
se wetlands through which nutrient-rich waters
on its age (Braskerud et al., 2005).
are directed and intercepted are classified as “free
surface” systems, which means that their surface is
Sedimentation (retention) ponds are a type of wet-
exposed to the atmosphere and they contain aquatic
land where sediments and nutrients are retained
vegetation emerging in a relatively shallow bed (a
through various sedimentation and filtration mecha-
water depth of 20-40 cm) (Gregoire et al., 2009).
nisms. Sedimentation ponds can consist of simple,
Similar to buffer zones, wetlands use natural pro-
undivided depressions in which nutrient-rich water

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 69

70 Ecohydrological biotechnologies to mitigate diffuse pollution sources

can be trapped (Holsten et al., 2012) or be connec- phase of the enhanced development of the buffer
ted to wetlands. Some experiments in Norway have zone involved the identification of threats to match
shown that small artificial ponds with wetlands can the solution with the existing problems.
eliminate between 21 and 44% of the total P in the
streams; however, only 5% of orthophosphate was It was shown that the construction of denitrifica-
eliminated (Braskerud, 2002). tion walls as elements of buffer zones strengthens
the efficiency of vegetation zones in areas conta-
minated with nitrate. Groundwater pollution with
7.4. Ecohydrological biotechnolo- nitrates (approximately 200 mg NO3/l), caused by
gies for the effective regulation the continual inflow of pollutants from crop fields
of biogeochemical processes located in the neighbourhood, entered the water
7.4.1 Enhanced buffer zones through drainage systems the outputs of which
were in the immediate vicinity to the demosite. A
Enhanced buffer zones are recommended in ca- denitrification wall, a trench filled with a mixture of
ses where the riparian buffer zone is not effective, soil and organic material (e.g., pine sawdust), loca-
for example when space is limited along the coasts ted perpendicular to the runoff of shallow ground-
and under high initial load conditions. The idea of water contaminated with nitrates strengthened the
enhancing buffer zones is to reinforce the vegeta- denitrification process. The effectiveness of such
tion littoral zones by installing a denitrification wall denitrification walls varies between 50% and 95%,
and/or a biogeochemical barrier (Izydorczyk et al., while the rates of nitrogen removal have varied be-
2015). tween 2 and 20 g of N m3 d-1 (Schipper et al., 2010;
Bednarek et al., 2010 ). The results of improved
Under the framework of the LIFE + EKOROB pro- buffer zones recently built on the coast of the Su-
ject, two of these areas were designed, built, and lejów reservoir showed that the effectiveness of the
tested on the coast of the Sulejów reservoir, which is denitrification wall of the buffer zone is approxima-
part of the UNESCO/UNEP Pilica River Demons- tely 67% (Frątczak et al., 2013).
tration Site (Poland) (see Figure 7.1.) . The first
Figure 7.1. Improved buffer zones as measures for the reduction of diffuse contamination. Left column: vegetation buffer
zone reinforced with a denitrification wall to reduce nitrate pollution, Barkowice LIFE + EKOROB demonstration; right column:
vegetation buffer zone reinforced with a limestone barrier to reduce phosphorus pollution, Zarzęcin’s ecohydrological de-
monstration site LIFE + EKOROB.

Nitrogen load of agricultural land Cyanobacterial bloom

Phosphorus load
of recreational areas

Sulejów Dam

atmospheric nitrogen
Groundwater level

Biogeochemical barrier
Denitrification wall

Surface Escorrentía
runoff Farmlands superficial Farmlands
In NO3- In PO4
filt filt
ra ra
NO3- tio
n Buffer zone with PO4 tio
n Buffer zone with
level plants plants

River/Dam River/Dam
H of pHigh c
of n igh c
itra once
NO3- hos onc PO4
p e
und es in ntratio gro hates ntratio
erg the und in n
rou watn NO3- wat unde
nd er
Un er r-
D Low io
rele enitrifi
of once ciu n of p of pLow c
ase cat gro nitratentratio m c ho hos onc
p e
gro hatesntratio
the of n ion
und s in n
wat om sph und in n
atm itro and
ple oru wat unde

g xes s in er r-
osp en
her to Pine chips mixed Ca ca
-P.( l-
e with soil x)

In the area, characterized by high concentrations of calcite and aragonite, which are different crystalline
phosphorus in shallow groundwater (5.5 mg PO4 / l forms of calcium carbonate. Calcium-containing
on average) and seepages that mainly resulted from phosphorus binding materials are suitable for use
leaking septic tanks, the use of a limestone-based in aquatic ecosystems because the precipitation of
barrier was proposed as an element of plant buffer phosphorus with calcium is not impaired by reduc-
zones. The limestone-based barrier was proposed tion-oxidation cycles, as occurs with the precipita-
to improve the removal of phosphorus by intensi- tion of iron (Shenker et al., 2005) and also due to
fying the capacity of soil phosphorus adsorption the environmental risk related to the application of
through a higher calcium content. Limestone is a aluminium and iron. The barrier was made by dig-
sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals ging a trench, which was filled with limestone (5-8

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 71

72 Ecohydrological biotechnologies to mitigate diffuse pollution sources

cm in size), laid in geotextile as a coating. Prelimi- lly acceptable to the public, so a key issue for
nary results indicated that the phosphate concentra- the management of nutrients in the catchment
tion in the groundwater was reduced by the barrier scale is to involve those interested in the deve-
by 58% (Izydorczyk et al., 2013). lopment and implementation of the mitigation
strategy (Collins and McGonigle, 2008). The
7.4.2. Sequential system Sustainable Development Goals related to wa-
of sedimentation-biofiltration ter, for example, urge to facilitate the develop-
The Sequential Sedimentation-Biofiltration ment of capacities among authorities and other
System (SSSB) was proposed by Zalewski et al. main stakeholders and including local commu-
(2012) to improve the capture of P in an artificial nities in the decision-making process, while the
wetland. The SSSB prototype was built on the Water Framework Directive of the European
Sokolowka River in Lodz (Poland) for the puri- Union also emphasizes full public participation
fication of rainwater in an urban area. The SSSB in watershed management plans. Thus, strong
is divided into three zones: (1) an intensified cooperation with the local community (especially
hydrodynamic sedimentation zone, an area with farmers) to ensure acceptability and applicability
concrete structures and lamellae that reduce the should be an important part of the programme
energy of the inflow and improve sedimentation; of measures. In addition, economic instruments
(2) an intensified biogeochemical process zone such as subsidies and direct payments can sti-
made of limestone in gabions, which are protec- mulate farmers and landowners to implement
ted with geotextile; (3) a biofiltration zone - a methods to reduce nutrients losses (Bechmann
wetland area with Phragmites australis and Typha et al., 2008). Finally, the nutrient management
latifolia. Sequential biofiltration systems reduced programme should consist of a set of legislative,
total suspended matter by more than 90% and regulatory, and economic initiatives combined
total N and P concentrations by more than 50% with specific information campaigns, which is
during the first year of the experimental opera- why cooperation between policy makers, scienti-
tion (Zalewski, 2014). The application of SSSB fic experts, and stakeholders is essential to create
in rural basins has been tested in the LIFE + such a programme of measures in the catchment
EKOROB project. An SSSB was built in a stream scale in order to achieve a reversal of fresh water
that directly supplies the Sulejów reservoir to re- eutrophication.
duce suspended matter and the load of nutrients
transported from the agricultural basin (Frątczak Conclusions
et al., 2015).
The examples discussed in this chapter illustrate
how, given the increased loads of nutrients trans-
7.5. Policy-related and ported from the different catchment landscapes
socio-economic aspects to freshwater ecosystems, several measures to
mitigate pollution from non-point sources can be
The development of a programme of measures,
optimized and harmonized successfully to achie-
which includes a wide range of mitigation mea-
ve synergy among them.
sures and maximizes their effectiveness by their
optimal placement, is the crucial way for an effec-
tive sustainable nutrient management within an
agricultural catchment. Such a programme of
measures must also be economically and socia-
Acknowledgments the Protection of the Environment and Manage-
ment of Water, and funding from the Ministry of
This chapter is an outcome of the EKOROB Science and Higher Education of the Republic
project: Ecotones for the reduction of diffuse of Poland dedicated for science in the period
contaminations (LIFE08 ENV / PL / 000519), 2012-2014 and granted for implementation of
supported by the LIFE+ Environmental Policy the co-financed international project No. 2539/
and Governance Programme, National Fund for LIFE+2007-2013/2012/2.

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Katarzyna Izydorczyk is a principal researcher in the
Life+ Project ECOROB LIFE08 ENV / PL / 000519 of
the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of
the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is an authori-
zed professor at the Faculty of Biology and Environ-
mental Protection of the University of Lodz.
Dr Izydorczyk obtained an M.Sc. in Environmental Protection and a Ph.D. in Ecohydrology,
and has a qualification in Ecology, all these degrees by the University of Lodz. Her research has been related to: (1) Abiotic
and biotic regulations of toxic blooms of cyanobacteria. (2) Hydrological control of ecological processes in reservoirs. (3)
Applied fluorescence techniques for monitoring cyanobacterial blooms. (4) Systematic ecohydrological solutions for the
management of nutrients in watersheds. (5) Ecohydrological biotechnologies to reduce diffuse pollution. She has partici-
pated in several national and international projects and has co-authored 80 publications and book chapters, including 27
registered on the Web of Science platform.


Wojciech Frątczak is Coordinator of the Life+ Pro-

ject EKOROB LIFE08 ENV / PL / 000519 at the Re-
gional Water Management Authority in Warsaw.
He is currently Head of the Planning Department
of Water Management in the National Water Hol-
ding Polish Water of the Regional Water Manage-
ment Authority in Warsaw.
He is a graduate of Environmental Engineering in the field of Water Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. He
is associated with the University of Lodz as part of the European project ‘SWITCH Sustainable Water Management Improve-
ment. Tomorrow’s Cities Health’. He cooperates with the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy
of Sciences. He participated in the Thematic Group of the European Network of Rural Development in the field of Resource
Efficiency. Currently he is collaborating with the REDR Theme Group ‘Integration of Bioeconomy’.


Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 75

Guadiana River Estuary Ecohydrology Demonstration Site, Portugal. Photo: Ana Isabel Correia
Chapter 8
Coastal ecohydrology: The case of the Guadiana River estuary, Portugal
Professor Luis Chícharo, Ph.D. 1 2 3
University of Algarve. Faro, Portugal

1. Director of the UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology: water for ecosystems and societies
2. Director of the International Masters´ Programme in Ecohydrology
3. Director of the International Coastal Ecohydrology Centre

8.1. Introduction
Coastal ecohydrology is a branch of ecohydrology surface waters that ultimately flow into estuaries
as a science (concept and approach) that focuses and coasts; and, (4) there are more than 800,000
on restoring the carrying capacity of estuarine and dams in the world; in fact, the construction of 2
coastal areas. The perspective of coastal ecohydro- large dams (more than 15 m) per day in the last
logy allows linking the integrated concept of wa- 50 years was estimated (World Commission on
tershed management since it proposes the harmo- Dams, 2000).
nization, management, and solutions to problems
present throughout the river basin. The perspec- Worldwide, fresh water is extracted from lakes,
tive of ecohydrology is not only an evaluation of rivers, and groundwater. Around the world,
the ecological flow necessary to ensure ecological approximately 70% of fresh water is used for agri-
functions, but also considers those needs as a ba- culture in order to keep up with the growing needs
sis for the development of solutions that restore, of food for an increasing population. Data from
as far as possible, the lost carrying capacity. The the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Uni-
science of ecological flows is preventive, while ted Nations (FAO, 2011) estimates that the water
ecohydrology is restorative. needs for food production, only to eradicate po-
verty and hunger, will increase by approximately
Coastal ecohydrology seeks to generate solu- 6,500 km3/year in 2015 to approximately 9,000
tions for the degradation of estuarine and coastal km3/year in 2025.
ecosystems that occur from human activities or
climate, at different temporal and spatial scales. In addition to the elimination of water available
The estuaries and the coasts in all the continents for ecosystems, water quality is decreasing. Sin-
of the Earth are some of the zones that present ce 1960, nitrogen flows biologically available in
major and increasing pressures to their ecosys- terrestrial ecosystems doubled and phosphorus
tems, hence the importance and necessity of the flows tripled. Synthetic N was first manufactured
development of coastal ecohydrology. The current in 1913, but more than 50% of all the fertilizer
reality of these pressures in coastal zones indica- was manufactured after 1985 (FAO, 2011).
tes that: (1) more than 50% of the world popula-
tion lives less than 100 km from the coast (75% Both industrial and domestic wastewater, as well
estimated in 2025); (2) 80% of marine pollution as water used for drinking, agriculture and urban
comes from land-based sources; (3) in developing development, are reducing the quality and quanti-
countries, more than 90% of wastewater and 70% ty of water available for ecohydrological operation
of industrial waste are discharged untreated into in estuarine and coastal areas. Added to this is the

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 77

78 Coastal ecohidrology: the case of the Guadiana Estuary, Portugal

fact that estuaries and coastal areas are the reposi- being the fourth largest of the Iberian Peninsu-
tory of all the impacts produced in the river basin, la, with 67,500 km2, 83% in Spain and 17% in
generating greater degradation in these ecosys- Portugal.
tems (Milliman et al., 2008).
In order to reduce Spain’s dependence on water
One of the main causes of the deterioration of the and create a water reserve for agricultural deve-
estuarine and coastal ecosystems is the change in lopment in a very dry area of southern Portugal,
river flows due to the extraction of water in the a dam that was built in the Alentejo region began
upper parts of the basin for the construction of operating in 2002. The Alqueva dam created a
reservoirs and dams. The annual discharge of the lake with an area of 250 km2, a perimeter of more
most representative rivers of the Earth has chan- than 1,000 km and a capacity of 4,500 hm3 of
ged by more than 30% during the last 60 years dammed water. The Guadiana River basin already
(Milliman et al., 2008). had more than 1,850 small reservoirs and dams,
but the Alqueva dam alone doubled the amount of
water retained by all these other dams and reser-
8.2. Hydro-ecological problems in voirs. The impacts for downstream ecosystems
the Guadiana River estuary are predictable despite the established ecological
In this chapter, the ecohydrological solutions flow (Chícharo, 2003). However, the dam had
applied in the estuary of the Guadiana River, in positive consequences for agriculture. When
the southeast of Portugal, will be presented. comparing the production before and after the
dam (Table 8.1.) it can be observed that there
The Guadiana estuary is the final point of the was an increase of 22.3% in the irrigated areas
Guadiana River, which is born in Spain, its basin and in the production of crops.

Table 8.1. Areas (ha) of irrigated crops in the Portuguese part of the Guadiana basin. (Source: EDIA, 2016)

2000 2006 2012

Permanently irrigated areas 17,793 24,463 23,391

Rice fields 1,168 663 173
Vineyars 13,375 15,589 16,830
Fuit trees and berry plantations 3,840 4,075 2,505
Olive orchards 77,647 77,316 103,539
Pastures 3,037 5,080 15,059
Annual crops 20,140 19,189 11,534
Mixed cultivation 26,292 27,178 26,654
TOTAL 163,292 173,553 199,685
Variation 22.28%

Yet, when compared to the change in the average water reaches the estuary and the coast, but also
annual flow of the river (see Figure 8.1.), both that the volume discharged does not respect the
the reduction in the flow in total average, as well natural evolutionary patterns established for the
as, and very importantly, a reduction in variabili- needs of the species in those ecosystems.
ty can be observed. This means that not only less
Figure 8.1. Annual average of the Guadiana river flow before and after the entry into operation of the Alqueva dam (the box
diagrams show a minimum value, 25% percentile, median, 75% percentile, and maximum value).



Averger river flow (m3/s)






1989-2001 2002-2009

One of the consequences of the diminution of As an example, in the case of the anchovy En-
the river flow is the decrease of fine sediments graulis encrasicolus (Chícharo et al, 2006a, b)
load in the estuary. This has too important con- adult individuals enter the estuary when detec-
sequences such as the decrease in the discharge ting the plume (the column of water produced by
of sediments into the estuarine marsh and the de- the inflow of freshwater into the sea) and lay their
crease in the water column of the river in front eggs in the estuary, upstream of the mouth. Sub-
of the mouth of the estuary. The decrease in the sequently, larvae and post larvae grow protected
discharge of fine sediments from the river is re- by marsh vegetation that provides shelter from
placed by a coarser-grain sediment entering from predators, creates conditions of low current and
the sea, resulting in the erosion of the salt marsh is a highly productive ecosystem. The juveniles
and the loss of vegetation. Consequently, there is will return to the coast and the cycle begins again
a loss in the nesting functions of aquatic species (see Figure 8.2). The chemical constitution in
associated with the vegetation of the salt marsh. the plume is the triggering factor for the anchovy
Cumulatively, the decrease in the sediment load cycle to start.
to the coast reduces the river column created in
front of the mouth of the river. This is very impor-
tant for many species for it acts as a trigger that
indicates the presence of the estuary.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 79

80 Coastal ecohidrology: the case of the Guadiana Estuary, Portugal

Figure 8.2. Reproductive migration cycle of the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Guadiana estuary and marshland area.

Nesting and
breeding area

The stability of the salty swamp and vegetation tural production increases, a decrease of almost
are important for these services. However, as a 5% in the area of the salty swamp can be observed
consequence of the Alqueva dam, while agricul- (EDIA, 2016) (see Figure 8.3).
Figure 8.3. Change in the marshland area before and after the operation of the Alqueva dam.

Before After
2000 2006 2012
Area (ha) of Guadiana coastal wetlands

1620 1584 1541


Variation -4.87%





2000 2006 2012


Another consequence of the change in the flow

8.3. The ecohydrological solutions
and subsequent discharge of the river is the effect
on the increase of residence time and the asso- The development of ecohydrological solutions
ciated risk of (possibly harmful) algae blooms and begins with the integration of water systems and
eutrophication. The increased runoff of agricul- their related biota, specifically through the iden-
tural fertilizers in the river basin becomes less tification and combination of processes at river
diluted since less water is discharged after the basin scale. To this end, a model for the Guadiana
construction of the dam. In addition to the de- was developed that linked the main components
crease in river flow, fewer discharges also release of the ecosystem (see Figure 8.4).
less water outside the estuary. Therefore, pollu-
tants remain longer in the system and increase
the risk of eutrophication and water degradation.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 81

82 Coastal ecohidrology: the case of the Guadiana Estuary, Portugal

Figure 8.4. Outline of the estuarine food chain in the Guadiana ecohydrological model. The model integrates physical, chemi-
cal and biological processes in the Guadiana estuary during low flow conditions (Wolanski et al., 2006).

Organisms that die M

Sediments in

Nutrient Phyto- Zoo- Zooplanctivores

(N) plancton (F) plancton (Z) (ZP)

decomposers (D)
Bivalves (B)

Carnivore / omnivore
fish (PC)

This exercise allowed to determine the key fac- biomass and, therefore, the risk of algal blooms
tors that contribute to the integrity of the system. and eutrophication, as can be seen in more detail
It highlights the importance of biota, such as bi- in the primary production model presented in Fi-
valves and vegetation, to control phytoplankton gure 8.5.

Figure 8.5. Distribution along the channel of the planned biomass of phytoplankton (Chl a) in the Guadiana estuary for
the standard execution (‘business as usual’), to double the concentration of nutrients in the river (‘N 2’) and for the addi-
tional impact of the elimination of salt marshes (No marsh, N 2’) for a freshwater discharge equal to 2 m3 / s (Wolanski
et al., 2006).

QF = 2 m3/s
Phytoplancton (Chl a)

No marshes

No bivalves
‘As is’
2 situation

0 4 8 12 16 20
River Distance cell no Sea
One of the ecohydrological principles is the ability to harmonize ecohydrological solutions with hydro-
technical infrastructures. A model was developed to increase the retention of anchovy eggs within the
estuary, as a basis for providing information to dam managers, to test different scenarios of river flow
and egg retention in different areas of the estuary (see Figure 8.6 .).

Figure 8.6. Average percentage of particles in each section of estuary and discharge scenarios, over 10 days of simulation
(Morais et al., 2010).

100 100
Scenario A Scenario B
90 90
% particles in estuary

80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
100 100
Scenario C1 Scenario C2
90 90
% particles in estuary

80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
100 100
Scenario D 90
Scenario E
% particles in estuary

80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Scenario F Days
% particles in estuary

High estuary
Middle estuary
0 Low estuary

Scenarios Low tide High tide

A 5 m3s-1 57.8 53.3

B 20m3s-1 56.5 50.4
C1 50m3s-1 (slow end of tide) 53.1 47.0
C2 50m3s-1 (sudden end of tide) 52.3 47.5
D 100m3s-1 45.3 39.9
E 250m3s-1 17.4 14.6
F 500m3s-1 2.6 3.7

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 83

84 Coastal ecohidrology: the case of the Guadiana Estuary, Portugal

In the Guadiana case - as in most rivers around sidering the harmonization of water resources
the world - water is used for many purposes besi- uses upstream and downstream (Chícharo et al.,
des supporting the functioning of natural aquatic 2015) (see Figure 8.7.).
ecosystems. Considering the ecohydrological
approach, it is necessary to find solutions con-

Figure 8.7. Scheme that highlights the need to consider offsets between uses of upstream and downstream water in a water-
shed, and to identify the “ecohydrological threshold” where maximization of benefits will be possible.

Upstream (river) ES farming
Water retention
eco chan
sys ge b Ecohydrology threshold (better
tem etw
ser een value for ecological and hydrological
vic ecosystem functions and support
es ES services)

Downstream (coast)
Ecosystem functioning
and carrying capacity

By understanding the integration of the water- creation, management, and control of pulses of
shed system, it is possible to find durable and fresh water from the dam in the spawning season
sustainable ecological solutions for estuaries of anchovies. The implementation of ecohydro-
and coastal areas impacted by the construction of logical solutions for estuaries and coastal areas
dams. The proposed solutions consider: (1) the requires an integration at a watershed scale that
maintenance of the bivalve community, (2) the is only possible with the participation of local
restoration of the marsh vegetation, and (3) the communities and stakeholders (see Figure 8.8.).

Lake Pisaca, Paltas

Figure 8.8. Conceptual framework of ecohydrological solutions for decision making.

Restoration of the ecosystem

Degradation of Ecological,
Impacts economic
the ecosystem Nature- Ecohydrolo- Decision making
based solu- and social
tions gical solutions

Without restoration actions

8.4. Conclusions
In conclusion, we can attest that the concept of ding of the linkage between basin processes is
ecohydrology is mature enough to be considered crucial to define the best solutions and options.
as a valid option for the restoration of the quali- The active participation of society in general and
ty of estuaries and coastal ecosystems, and that stakeholders in coastal management is essential
it can be applied successfully to estuaries and to understand the problems and implement the
coastal areas affected by dams. The understan- appropriate solutions.

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and adjacent coastal area (SE Portugal/SW Spain): before and ging Anchovy eggs abundance into a hydrodynamic model as an
after Alqueva dam construction. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf assessment tool for estuarine ecohydrology management. River
Science70, 1-2: 39-51 Research and Application. DOI: 10.1002/rra.1443
Chícharo, L., Müller, F., Fohrer, N. (2015). Ecosystem services and Wolanski E., L. Chicharo, M. Chicharo, and P. Morais (2006) An
river basin ecohydrology (Book) .Springer. 341 p ecohydrology model of the Guadiana Estuary (South Portugal).
EDIA (2016). Anuário Agrícola de Alqueva 2016. Direção de Econo- Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science,70, 1-2: 85-97
mia da Água e Promoção do Regadio – Departamento de Pla- World Commission on Dams (2000). Dams and Development: A
neamento e Economia da Água. Empresa de Desenvolvimento e New Framework for Decision-Making. The report of the world
Infraestruturas do Alqueva, S.A. Beja. 170 p. commission on dams. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London and
Sterling, VA. 404 p

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 85

Luis Chícharo is a lecturer of ecohydrology at the
Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of the Uni-
versity of Algarve, Portugal. He is a visiting profes-
sor at the University of Espirito Santo, Brazil and
the University of Lodz, Poland.
He is Director of the International Centre for Coastal Ecohydrology under the auspices of
UNESCO and coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology “water for ecosystems and
societies” at the University of Algarve. He is coordinator of the international consortium of
universities that teach the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Ecohydrology and director of the Postgraduate Course in
Coastal Ecohydrology. Additionally, he belongs to the National Water Council by government appointment. He is a mem-
ber of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Ecohydrology Programme and coordinator of the UNESCO Ecohydrology
Demonstration Site of the Guadiana River estuary (Portugal). He is an associate editor of the Estuarine and Coastal Shelf
Science Journal and a member of the editorial board of the journal Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology. He has coordinated
national and international projects and published more than 90 scientific articles. He is the author and editor of books
and book chapters in ecohydrology. He participates as a guest speaker at international conferences and is responsible
for the training courses in coastal ecohydrology in different parts of the world.

Ecohydrology Demonstration Site of Putrajaya Lake and wetlands, Malaysia. Photo: Marco Albarracín
Chapter 9
Ecohydrology as part of the UNESCO
International Hydrological Programme

The importance of establishing and linking edu- The member countries of UNESCO included
cation and training activities related to ecohydro- “Ecohydrology for sustainability” as one of the
logy was recognized by the UNESCO IHP Capa- five main themes of Phase VII of IHP-UNESCO
city Development Working Group in 2010 and then in Phase VIII they included “Ecohydro-
(Rickwood et al., 2010). Previously, in 2006- logy, harmony for a sustainable world”, as one of
2007 and within the framework of the UNESCO the six main themes.
IHP ecohydrology programme, a scientific advi-
Today, UNESCO, through the International
sory committee (SAC) and five task forces were
Hydrological Programme (IHP), has different
created to contribute to ecohydrological re-
strategies designed to disseminate the concept
search, education and implementation. The task
of ecohydrology. For this, it has a worldwide ne-
forces focused on the following specific areas: 1)
twork (the UNESCO Ecohydrology “Family”))
coastal zones; 2) evaluation of the impacts of glo-
composed of research centres, chairs and focal
bal change on aquatic systems; 3) social sciences;
points, as can be seen in Figure 9.1.
4) education and capacity building; and 5) de-
monstration projects (Rickwood et al., 2010).

Figure 9.1. Representation of the UNESCO Ecohydrology “Family” (Arduino, 2018).

UNESCO “Family”/ Ecohydrology

Scientific Advisory Committee Members-Coordination IHP

1 Research
2 Education, Capacity Building
3 Dissemination
CENTRES: ICCE International Center for Coastal
Ecohydrology, Portugal. ERCE European Region-
al Center for Ecohydrology, Poland. ARCE African
Regional Center for Ecohydrology, Ethiopia. APCE
Asia-Pacific Center for Ecohydrology, Indonesia.
CIH International Center for Hydroinformatics,
Brazil. CHAIRS: Ecohydrology - IHE-DELFT, The
Netherlands. Ecohydrology: Water for Ecosystems
ICCE and Societies Univ. Algarve, Faro, Portugal. FOCAL
1,2,3 POINTS: LAC Latin America and the Caribbean

Chícharo (2016)
Arduino (2018)

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 89

90 Ecohydrology as part of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

Additionally, in order to disseminate scientific gical demonstration sites network has been stren-
knowledge in ecohydrology, international con- gthened, and by 2018 there are 23 sites within
gresses, workshops and meetings are held with the the network. In Latin America and the Caribbean
scientific advisory committee (SAC). In the 2016- there are four demonstration sites, one of them in
2017 period, four meetings were held with the Ecuador, which will be discussed later in Chapter
SAC, five International Conferences-symposia, 14. A brief summary of regional advances in eco-
11 Workshops or Training Courses, four parallel hydrology issues is best presented by our guest
events / sessions and the M.Sc. in Ecohydrology author Miguel Doria from the UNESCO office in
with the Erasmus Mundus programme of the Eu- Montevideo, Uruguay.
ropean Union. At the same time, the ecohydrolo-

Guest author Miguel de França Doria, Montevideo, Uruguay

A perspective of the International Hydrological

Programme (IHP - UNESCO) on ecohydrology in
the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region
Latin America and the Caribbean are characterized by a relatively high abundance of renewable water
resources (more than 143 km3) that represent approximately one third of the world’s availability. It
includes the largest basin in the world in the Amazon, the largest transboundary aquifer: the Guaraní,
a set of important lakes in the Titicaca system and a wide range of glaciers in the Andes, to name just
a few of its remarkable hydrological features. In contrast, the region also includes the driest non-polar
desert (Atacama) and a large set of arid zones (e.g., the Dry Corridor, Northeast Brazil and Aruba). This
variability is also felt in terms of freshwater resources per capita. The region has an average of approxi-
mately 23,000 m3/person/year - almost three times the world average - but there are large disparities
in the distribution between countries (for example, more than 50,000 m3/person/year in Peru and Chile
vs. approximately 60 m3/person/year in the Bahamas) and within countries (for example, Chile from
200,000 to 2,000 m3/person/year from north to south), with considerable seasonal differences. This
hydrological diversity is reflected in the rich cultural and biological diversity of the region.
The global changes that have been felt in recent decades, especially in terms of population growth,
change in land use, deforestation, urbanization and climate change, represent an important pressure
on freshwater resources and their ecosystems. Latin America is the most urbanized region, with more
than eighty percent of its population living in cities. Less than thirty percent of the wastewater is treated
before being discharged into the environment and more than 100 million people still lack improved
In the context of global changes and in response to the Dublin International Conference on Water and
the Environment (1992), ecohydrology was introduced into the IHP by Zalewski, Janauer, Jolánkai and
others as a new paradigm for the use sustainable use of aquatic resources, seeking to integrate cat-
chment, water and biota, to reduce risks and maximize benefits (SC.97 / WS / 12). The first ecohydro-
logy pilot activities developed during the fifth phase of the IHP included the mesoscale analysis of the
impacts of land use on water in Pachitea (Peru), the study of the effects of deforestation in the central
Amazon (Brazil) in hydrology of the current and fish communities, and a contingent plan to evaluate the
Ecohydrological Surface Process caused by La Niña in the Equatorial Littoral Region (Ecuador). Regio-
nal interest increased at the International Symposium on hydrological and geochemical processes in
large river basins (Manaus, 1999, see the procedure edited by Michael E. McClain and Maciej Zalewski
as SC.2001/WS/18), which was then published jointly with IAHS on the Ecohydrology of the South
American Rivers and Wetlands (Wallingford, 2002), edited by McClain, with a focus on the Amazon,
Orinoco, Paraná, Paraíba do Sul and Piracicaba rivers.
In later phases of IHP, ecohydrology in LAC has acquired a renewed emphasis, first under the coor-
dination of Luis Rodríguez Fiallos (Ecuador) and since 2003 as regional coordinator of the IHP Eco-
hydrology Programme Marcelo Gaviño Novillo (Argentina). The need to improve ecosystem services
and to identify and strengthen their relationship with environmental sustainability was highlighted. It
is estimated that around five hundred professionals were trained at different levels in ecohydrological
approaches, ecological flows, and related issues. Emphasis is placed on the Master in Ecohydrology
(National University of La Plata, Argentina), that started in 2004 and is the first of its kind worldwide,
which at some point was integrated into an Erasmus Mundus consortium with IHE-Delft (Delft, The
Netherlands ) and the universities of the Algarve (Portugal), Lodz (Poland), Espirito Santo (Brazil) and
Kiel (Germany). At the regional level, the Programme was coordinated by Any Chavez (Costa Rica),
Francisco Riestra (Chile), María Antonieta González Balandra (Mexico) and Evens Emmanuel (Haiti);
and the international support of Luis Chicharo (Portugal), Michael McClain (USA/Netherlands), Ka-
thleen Sealy (USA) and Maciej Zelewski (Poland). Members of Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay) and the Caribbean (Antigua
and Barbuda, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Bahamas, Grenada,
Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) have been designated. A pending
project is the establishment of a UNESCO chair of ecohydrology in the region.
The research developed through the Programme has been documented in many ways, especially in
the IHP-LAC Technical Series, through publications such as: “Ecohydrology as a challenge: experiences
and case studies” (Gaviño and Sarandón eds., IHP- LAC/DT/23), “What are the environmental flows
and what is the perspective of their application in Uruguay” (Sabaj, Rodríguez-Gallego, Chreties and
others, IHP-LAC/DT/34) and “Estimation and validation of the Basins Index Sustainability (BSI) for
the Reventazón river basin “(Catano, Marchand, Staley and Wang, IHP-LAC/DT/35). Recent scientific
events include the International Conference on Ecohydrology for the Sustainability of Global Aquatic
Ecosystems (Campos de Goytacazes, Brazil, 2017).
The IHP is promoting the establishment of demonstration sites to apply solutions based on ecohydro-
logy in watersheds in order to solve social and environmental problems. In LAC these demonstration
sites currently include the Lácar Lake Basin (Argentina), the Victoria Pond Wetland (Bahamas), the
Reventazón/Savegre/Térraba (Costa Rica) and Paltas - Catacocha (Ecuador) basins. Detailed infor-
mation is available on the platform developed by UNESCO IHP and the Itaipu Binational International
Hydroinformatics Centre, Brazil and Paraguay ( In addition, the Programme is
working on the incorporation of the concept of environmental flows in the management of resources
at the regional level through a series of courses aimed at managers and decision makers carried out in
2017 (Santo Domingo, April; San José, May ; Havana, July and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, August) as well
as the establishment of a regional network of professionals.
Currently, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give new impetus to ecohydrology activities in
the region. While ecohydrology makes a significant contribution to the achievement of all the objecti-
ves under SDG 6 on universal access to water and sanitation, this is particularly clear for SDG 6.3 on
improving water quality and SDG 6.6 on protection and restoration of ecosystems related to water. It
is in this context that the efforts of Phase VIII of the IHP are increasingly focused on the strengthening
of the network of ecohydrological demonstration sites, as well as the improvement of the capacities in
the ecological flows (e-flows) and in coastal ecohydrology, which we are convinced can be decisive for
achieving the “future we want” and the 2030 Agenda.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 91

92 Ecohydrology as part of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

Miguel de França Doria, the Regional Hydrologist of the IHP for Latin
America and the Caribbean, is based in the UNESCO Office in Montevi-
deo since 2015. He was born in Lisbon where he studied environmental
engineering. He has an undergraduate degree and a PhD in Environ-
mental Sciences from the University of East Anglia (Norwich, United
Kingdom). He joined the Secretariat of the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) of UNESCO in Paris in 2006, where he was, among
other functions, the Officer responsible for Water Education and Depu-
ty Secretary of the IHP Intergovernmental Council.

9.1. The UNESCO Chairs in More specifically, a UNESCO Chair is set up

Ecohydrology with a project and a team of scientists from a
university or research institution who part-
The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme
ners with UNESCO to advance knowledge and
was established in 1992 in accordance with a
practice in a prioritized area, both by the insti-
resolution adopted by the General Conferen-
tution and by UNESCO. The association is for-
ce of UNESCO, at its 26th meeting in 1991.
malized via an agreement signed between the
The Programme supports the establishment of
Director General of UNESCO and the director
UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Cooperation
of the host institution of the UNESCO Chair
Programmes in higher education institutions. It
(Rector, President, Vice-Rector). In general, a
promotes international interuniversity coope-
UNESCO Chair can be established for a period
ration and the creation of networks to improve
of four years (UNESCO, 2017).
institutional capacities through the exchange
of knowledge and collaborative work. Through According to UNESCO IHP (2017), the
it institutions of higher education and research UNESCO Water Family currently includes 50
from around the world gather their resources to activities related to water, some of which focus
address pressing challenges and contribute to exclusively on ecohydrology, such as:
the development of their societies.
1. UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology: water for
The programme seeks training, research and ecosystems and societies Established in 2016
academic exchange; it offers a platform for at the University of the Algarve of Faro, Portu-
the exchange of knowledge in all fields within gal. Representative: Prof. Luis Chícharo.
UNESCO’s mandate. Most of the projects are
interdisciplinary and intersectoral, with the 2. UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology and
active cooperation of UNESCO’s field offices, Applied Ecology. In process of establishment
institutes and centres. at the University of Lodz, Poland. Representa-
tive: Prof. Maciej Zalewski.
The National Commissions play an important
role in the Programme by promoting it at the 3. UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology and Ma-
national level, facilitating its implementation nagement of Transboundary Water Resources
and evaluation. As it is multidisciplinary in In process of establishment at the University of
nature, the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Pro- Agriculture Sokoine, Morogoro Tanzania. Re-
gramme is one of the most intersectoral pro- presentative: Prof. Makarius Lalika.
grammes of the Organization.
Guest author Luis Chícharo, Faro, Portugal

UNESCO Chair of Ecohydrology: Water for ecosys-

tems and societies of the University of the Algarve
Human pressures and climate change pose serious threats to aquatic ecosystems, which affect their
normal functioning and the services they provide. Global examples abound of the impacts of agriculture,
industry, cities and climatic fluctuations. To correct and remedy these impacts and maintain good water
quality, as the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda want to achieve, integrated environ-
mental solutions are needed and, in order to face the agents of these changes, human society.
Ecohydrology is a Nature-Based Solution (NbS) that seeks to restore the carrying capacity of aquatic
ecosystems as a way to increase their resilience to anthropogenic impacts, using the natural functions
and processes of ecosystems. The essence of the concept is that the solutions can be developed by
restoring the natural processes of “dual regulation” between biota and hydrology at the basin level and
can be harmonized with the existing infrastructure.
Ecohydrological solutions restore the degraded quality of aquatic ecosystems at a low cost, sustaining
the ecosystem services such as water purification, drainage, mitigation of the effects of Global Changes,
soil protection, conservation of biodiversity, recreation areas and eco-tourism, among others.
Education at all levels, training, capacity building, communication and further scientific research are cru-
cial to implement and disseminate ecohydrology solutions throughout the world as a way to ensure long-
term sustainability based on the harmonization of needs of societies and ecosystems. Only by joining
forces, creating associations and acting synergistically can this task be successful. With the UNESCO
Chair of Ecohydrology: water for ecosystems and societies, all partners, including us, want to contribute
to establish the vision of a world of healthy ecosystems and societies.
The UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology: water for ecosystems and societies, at the University of Algarve, is a
platform of 20 universities, including UNESCO water chairs and centres.
The objective of the UNESCO Chair is to promote scientific development, education and dissemination of
the concept of ecohydrology, nationally and internationally. At the University of Algarve, a working group
of fourteen experts from different thematic areas was created to support the activities of the Chair.
The chair contributes to the objectives of the current Strategic Plan of phase VIII of UNESCO IHP (2014-
2021), particularly in the topics “Ecohydrology, harmony for a sustainable world” and “education related
to water”. It also deals with the UN 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such
as drinking water and sanitation (SDG6), quality education (SDG4), sustainable cities and communities
(SDG11), and climate action (SDG13), among others.
The UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology: water for ecosystems and societies will serve the University of Al-
garve, partner institutions, UNESCO Member States and the global agenda through the development of
integrated courses on ecohydrology articulating the different thematic knowledge of the partners and
focusing on different regional and local needs, promoting joint research projects, and developing and
implementing tools to spread the focus of ecohydrology in society.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 93

94 Ecohydrology as part of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

Luis Chícharo is Professor of Ecohydrology at the University of

Algarve, Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Ecohydrology: wa-
ter for ecosystems and societies, Coordinator of the M.Sc. pro-
gramme in Ecohydrology and Director of the International Coastal
Ecohydrology Centre under the auspices of UNESCO. He has pu-
blished 92 scientific articles and is co-author and editor of three
international books on ecohydrology. He is editor of the magazi-
nes “Estuarine Shelf and Coastal Science” and “Ecohydrology and
Hydrobiology”. His interests are focused on the integration of the
ecohydrology processes of river catchments with the ecosystem
services of coastal areas.

9.2. The Erasmus Mundus Master in Algarve. This recognition by the member states
Ecohydrology of UNESCO reinforces the excellent perspec-
tives for the professional future of the students
The ECOHYD Master aims to provide an inte- (UNESCO, 2018).
grated understanding of ecological processes and
hydrological functions and their relationship to The Erasmus Mundus Ecohydrology Master’s
human needs as a way to create the tools, metho- Degree (2016-2018) is coordinated jointly by
dologies and approaches that set the framework the University of Algarve (Portugal), the Univer-
for the implementation of long-term sustainable sity of Lodz (Poland) and the University of Kiel
solutions term for aquatic systems and the socie- (Germany), in coordination with IHE-Delft (The
ties that depend on them. Netherlands) , The University of Espirito Santo
(Brazil) and the University of La Plata (Argen-
The Master’s programme interacts strongly with tina), as explained by our guest author, Lauren
the UNESCO Chair “Ecohydrology: water for Zielinski.
ecosystems and societies” of the University of
9.3. Regional Ecohydrology Centres
European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology (ERCE)

Created in 2006, ERCE promotes multidiscipli- watershed level for the sustainable management,
nary ecohydrological research and integration at protection and restoration of aquatic resources.

Guest author

Lauren Zielinski, Hampton, NH - USA /

Erasmus Mundus Master Courses in Ecohydrology

The Ecohydrology programme under UNESCO-IHP aims to advance the integration of social, ecologi-
cal, and hydrological research, and one of the important ways of achieving this is through the deve-
lopment of Erasmus Mundus Master Courses focused around ecohydrology. These master courses,
funded by the European Union, bring together students from around the world to universities in Europe
and other partner countries to provide an integrated and international educational experience. The first
master course in Ecohydrology ran 2-year programmes from 2010 to 2014, while a second master
course in XXX is scheduled to run 2-year programmes between 2019 to 2023.
I attended the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Ecohydrology between 2014 and 2016, studying
in Poland, Brazil, and the Netherlands. During this program, students could attend classes at the Uni-
versity of Łódź and the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology in Łódź, Poland; the University of
Algarve and the International Centre on Coastal Hydrology in Faro, Portugal; the Federal University of
Espirito Santo in Vitória, Brazil; Christian Albrecht University of Kiel in Kiel, Germany; and IHE-Delft in
Delft, the Netherlands. Each university provided specialized courses in ecohydrology, including founda-
tional courses in hydrology, ecology, and the interactions between them; how these interactions could
be used to improve the management of aquatic ecosystems; and how these ecosystems are managed
within national and international governance structures. The ecosystems studied varied greatly, with
topics covering coastal, inland, tropical, and temperate conditions. These topics provided each student
with knowledge specific to their region and expanded their understanding of other ecosystems around
the world. Integrated into the curriculum was visiting and studying ecohydrology demonstration sites
to see how these scientific principles were being applied to real-world challenges. The capstone to the
master course was the thesis project, which challenged students to apply ecohydrological principles
through on-the-ground scientific research.
Upon completion of the program, there were many paths that graduates could pursue, including a
PhD programme and employment in the public, private, or academic sectors. I decided to start my
own company in order to continue working on environmental flow projects, which was the focus of
my thesis at IHE-Delft. My experience during the master course has been fundamental in my ability
and confidence to work in my current field. Not only did the thesis jumpstart my new career, but the
knowledge gained during the master course has allowed me to work globally since it expanded my
understanding of ecosystems in different hydrological and climatic conditions. The direct contact with
the professors in the program provided guidance from experienced professionals and knowledge of
the latest research in ecohydrology, which I am applying to my current projects. And finally, the interna-
tional experience provided a social education, encouraging me to learn about and interact with different
cultures from around the world.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 95

96 Ecohydrology as part of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

While this is just a snapshot of my personal experience, the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Ecohy-
drology has enhanced the knowledge and careers of many graduates around the world. Through these
graduates, a network of ecohydrologists has been created, connecting knowledge across geography
and generations. Through these Erasmus Mundus Master Courses, young people will continue to be
engaged in the field of ecohydrology, training the environmental leaders of tomorrow.

Lauren Zielinski is from the United States and holds a BSc in Ear-
th and Environmental Engineering from Columbia University and
an MSc from the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Ecohydrolo-
gy. She currently owns her own company, Zielinski Environmental
Monitoring and Evaluation, LLC, providing consulting services for
environmental projects. Her current work focuses on implementing
environmental flows using monitoring and adaptive management
techniques in east Africa, with hopes of expanding her work to other
parts of the world.

International Centre for out a mission in June 2015, as part of the evalua-
Coastal Ecohydrology (ICCE) tion of the viability towards the creation of the pro-
Created in 2010, the Centre, under the auspi- posed centre, which would specialize in research,
ces of UNESCO, joins the worldwide network and regional cooperation in the field of environ-
of 36 UNESCO centres in the field of water mental protection and sustainable development,
sciences, the only one specifically dedicated to within the International Hydrological Programme
coastal areas. of UNESCO, related to ecohydrology. This centre
came into force in 2018.
Asia and Pacific Centre for Ecohydrology (APCE)
Other related centres:
Created in 2009, APCE aims to use scientific
knowledge, capacity building and educational International Centre for Integrated
and outreach activities to support, design, and Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM)
implement ecohydrology strategies and poli-
Created in 2009, the global mission of ICIWaRM
cies towards the sustainable management of
is to advance the science and practice of IWRM to
water resources.
address the issue of water safety and other challen-
African Regional Centre ges related to the vital fluid through regional and
for Ecohydrology (ARCE) global actions. The centre generates new knowle-
dge, innovative technologies, scientific research
Created in 2017 following a request from the of interdisciplinary collaboration, creation of ne-
Government of Ethiopia to establish an African tworks, and training and capacity development.
regional centre for ecohydrology (ARCE) in Ad-
dis Ababa, with category 2 under the auspices of
UNESCO (UNESCO, 2015a), UNESCO carried
Water Ecohy-
law and drology / Under- Dangers
Urban Water lated Humid
Arid zones Glaciology policies / Coastal ground related to
hidrology resources cultural Tropics
Coopera- Ecohydrol- water water
tion ogy

Figure 9.2. Thirty-six established centres related to water, four related to ecohydrology. Source: UNESCO (2015b)

Institute for Water Education (IHE-Delft) 9.4. The Network of Ecohydrology

Demonstration Sites
The Institute for Water Education (IHE Delft) is
a world leader in the field of education at the gra- The Ecohydrology Programme also leads a ne-
duate level on issues related to water. From 2003 twork of Ecohydrology Demonstrative Sites
to 2016 it was a Category 1 Institute under the (hereinafter “demosites”), following the mul-
auspices of UNESCO. In order to facilitate and tidimensional parameters of ecohydrology (see
ensure that the Dutch Government can finance Chapter 3) as solutions for the improvement of
the IHE beyond 2016 and allow the activities of water resources, biodiversity and ecosystem ser-
the Institute to grow and develop for the benefit vices for society, improving resilience to various
of the UNESCO member states, its conversion forms of anthropogenic impacts, considering the
was proposed into an “Institute of Water Educa- cultural dimension (WBSR-C).
tion” Category 2 under the auspices of UNESCO
in 2017.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 97

98 Ecohydrology as part of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

These living laboratories for the implementa- ty for retention of vegetation . For this, 65% of
tion of ecohydrology (from the molecular to the the demosites are using phytotechnologies as an
basin scale) are long-term research and moni- ecohydrological solution.
toring projects involving different local actors
The Scientific Advisory Committee on Ecohy-
aimed at solving environmental, economic and
drology (which meets approximately every year)
social problems. Additionally, they use the most
advises the UNESCO IHP Secretariat on the
appropriate and profitable ecohydrological en-
development of criteria and guidelines for re-
gineering solutions for each ecosystem as ma-
questing existing and new ecohydrological de-
nagement tools for Integrated Water Resources
monstration sites. Additionally, it generates re-
Management (IWRM). And they also contribute
commendations for their application through the
to the Sustainable Development Goals - SDG (for
web platform (production of summary letters).
example, Objective 2) and environmental objec-
Likewise, they give strategic directions to the
tives (Objective 6, in particular objectives 6.5
activities to be carried to promote ecohydrology
and 6.6, and Objectives 13, 14 and 15) (UNES-
as a main component of the decision-making pro-
CO IHP, 2018 ).
cesses within the framework of integrated water
In the demosites, as suggested by author Ra- resources management.
hmah Elfithri, the threats and problems asso-
The demonstration sites must contemplate the
ciated with water management are identified
principles of implementation of ecohydrology.
to give them an adequate treatment. The three
These principles have several conceptual roots
main threats to water resources identified in
and were described in Chapter 1. It is important
the demosites are: (1) the excessive presence
to consider that there are currently 23 demons-
of contaminants and nutrients, (2) the intensive
tration sites in 18 countries, one of which is in
use of the land, and (3) the loss of the capaci-
Ecuador (see Figure 9.4.).
Guest author Rahmah Elfithri, Malaysia

The experience of Malaysia’s Putrajaya

Ecohydrology Demonstration Site
The Malaysian demonstration site i.e. Putrajaya Lake and Wetlands was selected as one of the 32 de-
monstration sites of UNESCO in 2010 and classified as an operational demosite that is implementing
the ecohydrological principles and incorporating the actors involved in the management of the project.
Putrajaya Lake and Wetlands is the only demonstration UNESCO demonstration site in Malaysia and
the only operational site in Southeast Asia. It was initiated by the Institute of Environment and Deve-
lopment (LESTARI) of the National University of Malaysia (UKM), coordinated by Dr Rahmah Elfithri
in collaboration with the Lakes and Wetlands Unit of the Putrajaya Corporation (PPj) for the demons-
tration project “Integrated Management of Putrajaya Lake Basins and Wetlands”. In 2015-2017, the
UNESCO Ecohydrology Programme considered that there were only 21 demonstration sites of active
ecohydrology in the world, and the Putrajaya lake and wetlands were reclassified as a continental wet-
land, with four different ecosystem categories: 1) basins, 2) continental wetlands, 3) rivers/lakes, and
5) estuaries/coastal water.
The demosite is located in the federal territory of Putrajaya, within the area of the Langat River basin
of Malaysia. The lake is in the southern part of the wetland. The location of this basin is within a fairly
urbanized area, with rapid development going on all around it, in the southern part of Kuala Lumpur.
The size of the basin of Putrajaya Lake (basin area) is approximately 51 km2, which is only a small part
of the largest basin, that of the Langat River (2,350 km2). The total area is approximately 600 hectares
(400 hectares of lakes and 200 hectares of wetlands). One of the artificial ecosystems of national
importance in Malaysia, it is a lake located in the urban centre of Putrajaya, which in turn is the Admi-
nistrative Centre of the Government of Malaysia, which was planned to become a “City in a garden”,
with several components, such as residential, commercial, public spaces , educational institutions, etc.
Now the goal is to transform it into “Green City” by 2025.
The management of this basin has put into practice a serious and systematic approach and control
in order to achieve sustainable development in Putrajaya. There are some challenges to implement
an effective watershed management in Putrajaya, especially in the protection of water quality against
the effects of pollution and the destruction of current ecosystems. Water quality has been affected by
an increasing contamination in the high part of the basin that ends in the Putrajaya lake. The Putra-
jaya lake and wetlands must be constant maintained through the use of innovative mechanisms for
a better and efficient result and to ensure the quantity as well as the level of the lake´s water quality.
Monitoring carried out in this area has shown very positive signs of habitat development and ecosys-
tem improvement.
An ecohydrological approach has been implemented in the management of water resources in Putra-
jaya, combining the ecosystem needs with general planning, approval, monitoring and the application
of the jurisdiction of the city and the development of anthropic activities in this area of influence, which
have a significant direct impact on the Putrajaya lake. The ecohydrological approach is implemented
through the use of artificial wetlands as a natural treatment system to treat the primary flow upstream
of the lake. Before the contaminated water from the upstream rivers enters the lake, it passes through
a series of wetland cells that have been built just before the lake, which function as a natural filtering
process and natural habitat to eliminate contaminants such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
In addition to improving water quality, wetlands also preserve the ecological balance in the area. The
wetland is complemented by riparian parks and pollutant traps. The wetlands and the lake have been

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 99

100 Ecohydrology as part of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

developing an interesting urban ecosystem that has improved the ecosystem services in the area. The
lake itself functions as a microclimate moderator for Putrajaya and has sporting and recreational pur-
poses. There are monitoring activities that involve community participation in the management throu-
ghout the year. Moreover, proactive and preventive measures are needed to ensure that water quality
and the lake’s ecosystems and wetlands are sustainably rehabilitated and conserved.

Rahmah Elfithri is a principal professor and researcher at the Institute

for Environment and Development (LESTARI) of the National Univer-
sity of Malaysia (UKM). She holds a PhD in Environment and Develo-
pment (Integrated Water Resources Management - IWRM) of UKM in
2006. She is Coordinator of the IWRM Research Group and Sustaina-
ble Ecosystems Management Research Group at UKM since 2007.
She is in charge of the coordination of the UNESCO Demonstration
Site in Putrajaya within the UNESCO-IHP Ecohydrology Programme
since 2010 and is coordinator of the Malaysia ecohydrology chapter
since 2017.

Projects that wish to join the demonstration si- bibliographical references are listed for the rea-
tes network of UNESCO IHP should develop a ders that have in mind the postulation of a de-
letter that should contain the information de- monstration site.
tailed in table 9.1. where, in addition, the main

Table 9.1. Description of the content of the summary letters of the demonstration sites of ecohydrology.

No. Title of section Main bibliographic references

1.1. Description of TEEB (2010) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Mainstreaming
demonstration the Economics of Nature: A synthesis of the approach, conclusions and rec-
site ecosystem ommendations of TEEB.

1.2. Where is eco- Hobbs, R. J., S. et al., 2006. Novel ecosystems: theoretical and management
hydrology being aspects of the new ecological world order. Global Ecology and Biogeography
applied 15:1-7. 
Hobbs, R. J., S. et al., 2009. Novel ecosystems: implications for conservation
and restoration. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 24, No. 11: 599:604.
Hobbs et al., 2006 in Zalewski M., 2015. Ecohydrology and Hydrologic En-
gineering: Regulation of Hydrology-Biota Interactions for Sustainability. J.
Hydrol. Eng. 20, SPECIAL ISSUE: Grand Challenges in Hydrology, A4014012 :

2. Life zones Holdridge, L.R. (1967). Life zone ecology. Tropical Science Center. Jose, Cos-
ta Rica. 206 pp.
Lugo A.E. et al., 1999. The Holdridge life zones of the conterminous Unit-
ed States in relation to ecosystem mapping. Journal of Biogeography, 26,
3. Eco-hydrologi- Chicharo  and Zalewski et al., 2009 . Practical experiments guide for Ecohy-
cal principles drology. UNESCO. 121p.
Zalewski M., 2000. Ecohydrology-the scientific background to use ecosystem
properties as management tools towards sustainability of water resources.
Ecological Engineering 16: 1-8
Zalewski M., 2002. Ecohydrology, the use of ecological and hydrological pro-
cesses for sustainable management of water resources. Hydrological Sciences
47(5): 823-832

4. Eco-hydrologi- Capobianco M. and Stive M. J. F., 2000. Soft intervention technology as a tool
cal solutions for integrated coastal zone management, Journal of Coastal Conservation 6,
pp. 33-40
Zalewski M., 2015. Ecohydrology and Hydrologic Engineering: Regulation of
Hydrology-Biota Interactions for Sustainability. J. Hydrol. Eng. 20, SPECIAL
ISSUE: Grand Challenges in Hydrology, A4014012: 14p.
Bunn S. E. and A. H. Arthington, 2002. Basic Principles and Ecological Con-
sequences of Altered Flow Regimes for Aquatic Biodiversity. Environmental
Management Vol. 30, No. 4: 492–507
Tharme R. E., 2003. A global perspective on environmental flow assessment:
emerging trends in the development and application of environmental flow
methodologies for rivers. River Res. Applic. 19, pp. 397-441

5. Main NA

6. Socio-ecohy- (see Figure 9.3)

drological sys-

7. Results NA
8. References as- NA
sociated with the

9. Images NA
10. Contact infor- NA

Source: Methodological Guidelines to fill out the summary cards (Democards) - Available at (2015)

To better understand each of the sections, bi- use of soil, over exploitation of water resources,
bliographical references have been provided; floods, invasive species, drought, loss of habitat,
additionally, in those sections that deserve a gra- loss of plant retention capacity. UNESCO IHP
phic representation for their explanation addi- has a methodological guide to fill out the letters
tional figures have been arranged in the letters. of the demonstration sites that can be consulted
For example, Figure 9.3 has been defined as the by contacting UNESCO offices and agents. Fi-
socio-ecohydrological system. Among the main nally, a brief description of the ecohydrological
problems the following, , among others, have solutions applied in the demonstration site is
been defined: pollutants and nutrients, intensive provided (see Figure 9.3).

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 101

102 Ecohydrology as part of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

Figure 9.3. Representation of the socio-ecohydrological system in the letters. Source: Methodological Guidelines to fill out the
summary cards (Democards) - Available at (2015).

Main problems
Socioecohydrological system

Ecohydrological sub-system at basin level Sociological sub-system at basin level

EH objectives EH methods Objectives Involved actors
Water Text field to be filled out Text field: indicate ho- Individuals / participants
Biodiversity by the demonstration site nestly what the reality who make use of the
administrator- 30 words is in the demonstra-
Ecosystem tion site
resource units and also
services those who invest the time
to protect them (eg fisher-
men) 12 maximum
Cult. Heritage
Contributes: Give conditions for: Give conditions for: Participate in:


Such as monitoring, harvesting, sharing information ... Where individuals (acting on their own or on behalf of an organiza-
tion) interact with each other and therefore affect the outcome (participation and direct cooperation with the sociological

Main expected results

Figure 9.4. Location of the 23 Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites of UNESCO IHP. Source: Prepared by the authors, based on
the Brochure of the UNESCO Ecohydrology Programme (2015).

Stockholm-Norrström basin, Sweden Pilica, Poland

Lódz-Sokolowka, Poland
Sanjiang plain, China
Kielsau basin, Germany Lódz-Ner, Poland

Urban Lyon, France Split-Kastela bay, Croacia

Metropolitan Beijing, China
Guadiana estuary, Portugal Lake Trasimeno, Italy

George Town - Lake, Bahamas

Putrajaya lake &wetlands, Malaysia

National scale, Costa Rica Assela-Burkitu dam, Ethiopia

Gumera basin, Ethiopia Davao City, Philipines

Paltas Catacocha, Ecuador

Naivasha, Kenya

Sagulng reservoir, Indonesia

Lake Lacar-Trabunco Quitrahue basin, Argentina Griffith-Murray-Darling dam, Australia

Western Sidney, Australia

Demonstration sites
Continental Latin American and the Caribbean
wetlands Europe
Rívers/Lakes Asia-Oceania
Estuaries/Coastal Africa

Arduino, G. (2018). UNESCO IHP - Ecohydrology Programme: Past UNESCO. (2017). The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, Guide-
Activities (2014-2017). Presented at the Scientific Advisory lines and procedures. In U.-E. Sector (Ed.). Paris.
Committee, Faro, Portugal. UNESCO. (2018). UNESCO | Maestría en Ecohidrología ECOHYD
Rickwood, C. J., Hes, E. M., Al-Zu’bi, Y. and Dubé, M. G. (2010). Over- - Erasmus Mundus (2016-2018). Taken from: http://www.
view of limitations, and proposals for improvement, in education
and capacity building of ecohydrology. Ecohydrology & Hydro- mecweb/maestria-en-ecohidrologia-ecohyd---erasmus-mun-
biology, 10(1), 45-59. dus-2016-2018?parentid=81032
UNESCO. (2015a). 38 Conferencia General - Creación de Institutos y UNESCO-IHP. (2017). UNESCO’s WATER FAMILY. International
Centros de Categoría 2 auspiciados por la Unesco. Taken from: Hydrological Programme 56th session of the IHP Bureau (Paris, 20-22 February 2018), 8. Retrieved from
UNESCO. (2015b, 2015-12-09). Los centros sobre recursos hídricos sites/default/files/56ihp_bur_doc_8_unesco_water_family_.pdf
auspiciados por la UNESCO. Taken from:

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 103

104 Ecohydrology and its implementation in Ecuador
Part 3
Management of water
resources in Ecuador

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 105

Chapter 10
Climatic, hydrological and demographic characteristics of Ecuador

Ecuador is a country located on the equatorial Costa Region. The centre of the country is cros-
line, thus its territory is on both hemispheres. It sed by the Andes, forming the Sierra or Andean
limits to the north with Colombia and to the south Region. To the east is the Amazon or Eastern
and to the east with Peru. To the west its coastal (Oriente) Region, crossed by several portentous
zone borders the Pacific Ocean. Geographically, rivers that are tributaries of the Amazon. Finally,
the country is divided into four natural regions, approximately 1,000 km from the continent in
three in the continent and the fourth comprising the Pacific Ocean, is the fourth geographical area
the Galapagos Islands. On the continent, to the of Ecuador corresponding to the Galapagos Ar-
west are the western plains that are called the chipelago or Insular Region (see Figure 10.1.).

Figure 10.1. Location, boundaries, and geographical regions of Ecuador.


91o 90o


Andean Region

Insular Region Coastal Region Amazon Region

2o S
Pacific Ocean


5 000
4o S 4 000
3 000 PERU

2 000 Km

1 000 0 75 150

6o S 82o S 80o S 78o S 76o S

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 107

108 Climatic, hydrological, and demographic characteristics of Ecuador

10.1. Generalities of the climatology and precipitation. The precipitation in the Ama-
and hydrology of Ecuador zon region varies between 2,000 and 5,000 mm
per year, and the relative humidity is between
The climate of Ecuador varies in relation to the
90 and 100%, without a real dry season. In
topography of each zone and the temperature of
the Insular region in normal years rainfall can
the adjacent sea currents. The average monthly
reach 1,300 mm annually (MAE, 2010; Vargas,
temperature on the Coast is around 27°C, with
2002). The rainfall regime in Galapagos is re-
minor seasonal variations. In the Andean or Sie-
lated to its climatic conditions and is characte-
rra region there is not much seasonal differen-
rized by two seasons: (1) Garúa or cold season,
tiation of temperature, but the daily fluctuation
from June to December, with colder oceanic wa-
can exceed 20°C, especially in the páramos
ter temperatures resulting from the South-East
located above 2,800 masl, where temperatures
trade winds that carry the waters of the Hum-
below 0°C are also recorded. The temperatu-
boldt Current from the south. (2) Hot season,
re is relatively uniform, with an annual average
from January to May, during which conditions
of 24°C. In the Amazon Region, the climate
are warmer. The weakened trade winds allow
is hot-humid with average annual temperatu-
hot northern waters to invade the archipelago,
res above 26 ° C and an evapotranspiration of
causing rainy and sunny days (N. d’Ozouville,
1,500 mm. The climate in the Galapagos Is-
personal communication, March 22, 2018).
lands is characterized by the presence of two
seasons: a hot and rainy season, which lasts from
January to May, and a colder season, with slight 10.2. Demography of Ecuador
precipitations (garúa) the rest of the year. The
Ecuador has an area of 256,370 km2 and a po-
temperature in the low parts with respect to the
pulation, estimated in the 2010 census, of
level of the sea is between 22 and 26°C, and in
14,483,499 inhabitants, of which 50.44%
the high parts the average is 17°C (Estrella et
are women and 49.56% are men. The popula-
al., 1995; Vargas , 2002).
tion growth rate for 2010 was 1.95% and its
In terms of rains, in the Northern Coast the pre- population density 57 inhabitants/km2 (CIA,
cipitation can surpass 6,000 mm per year due 2018,;INEC, 2018). The population density
to the influence of the warm El Niño current and of Ecuador is the highest in South America, as
an evapotranspiration that reaches 1,500 mm. shown in Figure 10.2., even doubling the mean
In contrast, the annual rainfall in the south west value of the region (CIA, 2018). Sixty-six per-
only reaches 355 mm as a result of the influen- cent of the Ecuadorian population is concentra-
ce of the cold Humboldt current. In the Sierra ted in urban zones. With respect to its political
the rainy season normally begins in October and division, the country has 24 provinces, 221 can-
ends in May, with an average rainfall of approxi- tons (municipalities) and 1,500 parishes (Rojas,
mately 1,500 mm per year. In this region, do- 2014).
minated by the Andes, the height above sea level
is decisive for fluctuations in both temperature
Figure 10.2. Population density (inhab/km2) of South American countries..
















Source: CIA (2018)

Considering the high population density in the problems, there is a high supply of fresh water,
country, it is assumed that, in the same way, the but also a high demand; this, no doubt, is more
demand for natural resources is also high. As will palpable in dry areas and with large human settle-
be seen later in Chapters 11 and 12 on the avai- ments such as the south of the coastal and moun-
lability of water resources and their managerial tain regions.

CIA. (2018). The World Factbook. Tomado de: MAE. (2010). Cuarto Informe Nacional para el Convenio sobre la
library/publications/the-world-factbook/ Diversidad Biológica. Taken from: Quito:
Estrella, J., Muñoz, L., Tapia, C., Mazón, N. and Velásquez, J. (1995). doc/world/ec/ec-nr-04-es.pdf
Informe Nacional para la Conferencia Técnica Internacional de Rojas, F. (2014). Políticas e institucionalidad en materia de agua
la FAO sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos. Quito: INIAP - FAO. potable y saneamiento en América Latina y el Caribe. Serie
INEC. (2018). Resultados del Censo 2010. Taken from: http://www. Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura (pp. 79). Santiago: CEPAL. Vargas, M. (2002). Ecología y Biodiversidad del Ecuador (1st. ed.).
Quito: E.P. Centro de Impresión.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 109

110 Ecohydrology and its implementation in Ecuador

Colta Lake, Ecuador

Chapter 11
The water resources of Ecuador

Geographical and topographical conditions ren- 11.2. Surface water resources

der Ecuador a country rich in water resources.
In terms of fresh water, it is the country with the As explained, Ecuador is a country rich in wa-
most rivers per square metre in the world (Gao- ter resources. Its average annual precipitation
na, 2018). Rainfall varies greatly among the di- (1,200 mm) and specific runoff (160 cm) mean
fferent regions. Eighty percent of water availa- that the country has large quantities of availa-
bility is in the Amazon region, in the east of the ble water (see Figure 11.2). However, preci-
country, but most of the population is settled in pitation and runoff are unevenly distributed
the Sierra region´s inter-Andean valleys, and in throughout the country. On the one hand, the
the coastal region´s Guayas River basin. The use Amazon region, the north of the coast and the
of water does not reach 15% of the total available Guayas river basin present high values of pre-
and, of this, more than 90% is used for irrigation cipitation and surface water throughout the
and less than 5% for domestic uses and indus- year, even leading to catastrophic flood events
try (Buckalew et al., 1998). However, in recent during periods of high rainfall, especially in the
years a large amount of water resources has been coast. On the other hand, in the Andean region
allocated for the generation of hydropower. or Sierra rainfall events are seasonal. The seaso-
nality of rainfall in this region produces areas of
prolonged drought and, conversely, also sites of
11.1. Watersheds of very high precipitation. Additionally, there are
Ecuador areas of scarcity of water resources, mainly lo-
cated in the peninsula of Santa Elena in the west
Ecuador possesses 31 watersheds (see Figure
of the Gulf of Guayaquil, and in the south-west
11.1 and Table 11.1). The Pacific Ocean and
of the country (provinces of Loja and El Oro).
the Amazon River Basin are the two main desti-
In the Galapagos Islands there are no clearly de-
nations of rivers that are generated, mostly, in
fined surface water areas, with the exception of
the páramos (montane intertropical ecosystem
San Cristóbal Island where there is a permanent
located above 3,000 masl, with dominance of
lake called El Junco. In the Insular region there
grass and scrub vegetation) of the Sierra Region
are zones of scarcity or complete lack of the re-
(Buckalew et al., 1998; INAMHI, 2012). Within
source (Buckalew et al., 1998).
the watershed scenario of Ecuador, two are con-
sidered to have characteristics of islands: Puná
Island in the Gulf of Guayaquil and the Galapagos
Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 111

112 The water resources of Ecuador

11.3. Underground water resources (Buckalew et al., 1998). This is a typical case in
Groundwater resources are available in alluvions Galapagos, for example in the city of Puerto Ayo-
typically composed of sands and gravels. The ra on the island of Santa Cruz, where there are
aquifers are found mainly in the basin of the Gua- problems of groundwater pollution due to human
yas River in the Costa region, and in the rivers activities. This results in aquifers, which are the
of the eastern region (Amazonia). In the highland only source of fresh water on the island, having
valleys there are small aquifers. With respect to biogeochemical conditions that are not suitable
potential pollution, aquifers consisting of fractu- for human consumption. Ecuador’s groundwater
red or breached lava flows are particularly suscep- system is presented in Figure 11.3.
tible to it because water is transmitted rapidly in
the subsoil with little or no contaminant filtration

Figure 11.1. Map of watersheds of Ecuador (see legend in Table 11.1).

31 5


9 23


12 25

13 14



17 30

26 18

8 20



Source: INAMHI (2012)

Table 11.1. Main river basins in Ecuador.

Code Discharged point Area Average annual rainfull Average discharged

Watershed name

* ** (km2) (mm) (m3/s)

1 Santa Rosa OP 3.417 1.335 63
2 Mataje OP 84 3.052 35
3 Mira OP 6.495 1.788 210
4 Carchi OP 48 1.215 6
5 Verde OP 2.169 2.038 43
6 Cayapas OP 6.024 3.326 403
7 Muisne OP 1.285 2.639 53
8 Zarumilla OP *** *** ***
9 Esmeraldas OP 20.401 1.980 680
10 Jama OP 2.095 821 5
11 Chone OP 2.483 1.070 26
12 Portoviejo OP 2.231 737 12
13 Jipijapa OP 2.638 371 5
14 Guayas OP 32.111 1.662 835
15 Zapotal OP 5.561 465 21
16 Taura OP 2.348 1.196 30
17 Cañar OP 2.384 1.327 53
18 Balao OP 3.417 1.335 63
19 Jubones OP 4.054 898 59
20 Arenillas OP 2.725 861 21
21 Puyango OP 3.694 1.222 72
22 Chira OP 6.717 999 93
23 Putumayo CA 6.539 3.388 424
24 Chinchipe CA 2.844 3.354 453
25 Napo CA 30.948 3.388 424
26 Puná OP *** *** ***
27 Pastaza CA 24.296 3.255 2.051
28 Tigre CA 6.492 2.742 265
29 Santiago CA 26.176 3.127 661
30 Morona CA 6.481 1.603 632
31 Galapagos Islands OP *** *** ***

Sources: Buckalew et al. (1998), INAMHI (2012)

* The Code indicates the numbering and colour within the map of Fig. 11.1.
** The point of discharge refers to the Pacific Ocean (OP) or the Amazon Basin (CA)
*** Information not available

Buckalew, J., James, M., Scott, L. and Reed, P. (1998). Water resour- INAMHI. (2012). Cuencas hidrográficas del Ecuador. Retrieved from
ces assessment of Ecuador. Mobile: US Army Corp of Engineers,
Mobile District and Topographic Engineering Center. DROLOGIA/CUENCAS HIDROGRAFICAS/CUENCASINAMHI/jpg/

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 113

114 The water resources of Ecuador

Figure 11.2. Map of surface water resources of Ecuador.

Source: Buckalew et al.(1998)

Figure 11.3. Map of groundwater resources of Ecuador.

Fuente: Buckalew et al. (1998)

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 115

116 Ecohydrology and its implementation in Ecuador

Condor Machay Waterfall, Ecuador

Chapter 12
Problems inherent to the management
of water resources in Ecuador

Globally, the problems related to the management country and the limitations of its rulers to properly
of water resources are unfortunately not very en- distribute water to the population.
couraging and have become a challenge to be solved
by today’s society. For example, in Cape Town, In this analysis we will mention only some of what
South Africa, the moment in which the population we consider the main problems related to the mana-
will run out of water in its pipes is imminent. The gement of water resources in Ecuador: (1) political,
media reports the so-called “Day Zero” of this me- legal, and managerial aspects related to institutio-
ga-city facing one of the most devastating droughts nality and governance, (2) lack of technical training
in its history. Apparently, climate change and inade- and generation of professionalism in issues relating
quate management of water resources in this metro- exclusively to hydraulics, hydrology, conservation
polis are the main reasons for this predicament. and management of recharge zones and watersheds,
and wastewater treatment, and (3) climate-change
According to World Bank (2018) estimates, by related uncertainties.
the year 2025 there will be around 1,800 million
people (equivalent to 22% of the total population Additionally, in countries such as Ecuador the pro-
estimated for that year) living in countries or areas blem of financing the execution of works needs to
with absolute water shortages. In the year 2030 the be considered. For example, there is little aware-
world will face a deficit of 40% between the expec- ness among citizens on the value of water and an in-
ted demand and the available water. With regard to cipient participation for responsible consumption.
food security, 70% of the water used today goes to However, a series of financial initiatives for water
agriculture. If it is estimated that by the year 2050 management have been developed in our country,
there will be 9,000 million people in the world, it as explained by our guest author, Marcos Villacís,
will be necessary for agricultural production to in- of the National Polytechnic School.
crease by 60% and the extraction of water by 15%.
However, it should be considered that this global Water funds for watershed management, such as
problem is mostly located in African countries and FONAG in Quito, FONAPA in the Paute River
the Middle East, where water resources are very basin and FORAGUA in the provinces of Loja, El
scarce and population growth is quite fast. Oro, and Zamora Chinchipe, are therefore a proven
tool that allows making resources viable for restora-
Even if the availability of water resources in Ecua- tion, protection, and conservation of water sources,
dor is one of the most favourable in the world, as well as for research, training, and environmental
(semi)arid zones do exist in Ecuadorian territory awareness generation.
such as in the south of the coastal and mountain re-
gions or in the Galapagos Islands (see Figures 11.2
and 11.3. ). However, the supply of drinking water
does not reach 80% of the population, with greater
deficiency in rural areas. Thus, the difficulties of su-
pplying water resources in Ecuador do not depend
on the availability but rather on the capacity of the

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 117

118 Problems inherent to water resources management in Ecuador

Guest author Marcos Villacís, Quito - Ecuador

Current situation, gaps, and challenges in the

management of water resources in Ecuador
In Ecuador there are experiences that have produced adequate results in terms of the implementation
of mechanisms for the management of water resources, such as the creation and implementation
of the Water Conservation Fund for Quito (FONAG). This fund, the main contributor of which is the
Quito Metropolitan Water and Sanitation Agency (EPMAPS), has allowed institutions to implement
an efficient policy from the point of view of concrete actions for the conservation of the basins that
feed the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ). Among the most relevant actions we can identify the
purchase of land located in the basins from which water is captured. This action is of vital importance
since it allows the soil to be managed in the most appropriate manner, with the removal of cattle and
the initiation of restoration and conservation measures for the páramo ecosystem. It is expected that,
in the future, those basins the soil of which has been degraded due to intensive livestock farming will
return to function in a better way from the point of view of the provision of water resources. Additiona-
lly, a scientific station has been created with lines of research prioritized by the member institutions.
FONAG called for funds aimed at the completion of engineering, master’s and doctoral theses in the
aforementioned lines, which allows the generation of rigorous information that serves to refine the de-
cision-making process and the implementation of its water management policies. Finally, I would like
to mention that, in order to generate knowledge about hydrological functioning, it is necessary to carry
out a continuous hydrometeorological monitoring, which constitutes a fundamental advance. It has
also been led by FONAG in coordination with the EPMAPS, since the National Institute of Meteorology
and Hydrology (INAMHI)´s network is not adapted to the needs of watershed management for its scale
of work is of the order of tens to hundreds of kilometres.
In the case of the basins that provide water to large hydroelectric plants, the problems are more com-
plex; one of them is the quite uncontrollable transport of sediments. This is due to different factors,
since the sediment sources can be activated by earthquakes or even by gigantic mud/debris flows,
such as those expected in the case of a Cotopaxi eruption that would affect the Manduriacu plant, for
example. This problem requires a quite specialized analysis in order to generate technical proposals
for the management of sediments and watersheds to ensure the quantity and quality necessary of the
water resource for the generation of energy. To this we must add the issue of ecological or environ-
mental flows in a megadiverse country, so it is very difficult to generalize the criteria for quantification
in our natural context. The determination of ecological flows demands a lot of monitoring work and
economic resources to obtain reliable and rigorous information, something that has not been fully
addressed in Ecuador.
One of the main problems related to irrigation that we could face in the future is that of adaptation to
climate change by our crops. In most cases we do not know the actual water requirement of the plants;
to establish this it is necessary to carry out experiments of a duration of at least three years in order
to generate proposals for effective adaptation, which would consider, in addition, the optimization of
the work time invested by farmers to improve not only the yields, but also their quality of life. Although
Ecuador is a country with great potential for agricultural production, the amount of water needed would
put this sector in competition with other sectors, mainly drinking water, not only from the point of view
of quantity, but also of quality. This is an issue that has not been addressed in our country with the
depth it deserves since it constitutes a real challenge from technical and social points of view.
In summary, although there are commendable advances such as the actions of FONAG, these prac-
tices are not carried out extensively, neither in the drinking water sector nor in other sectors such as
hydroelectricity or irrigation. The limitation of economic resources has been overcome in Ecuador by
FONAG or other funds such as FORAGUA or FONAPA in the south of the country, which, with different
financial mechanisms, contribute effectively to the management of water resources. Another impor-
tant limitation is the deficit of professionals trained in the area of water resources. This is only one of
the edges of the problem that we can help remedy effectively from the academic sector.

Marcos Villacís was born in the city of Manta on June 7, 1975. He expe-
rienced the effects of the floods during El Niño and the lack of water in
the province of Manabí. This motivated him to specialize in hydrology,
working for 15 years on issues related to the analysis of the impacts
of climate change on the availability of water in tropical ecosystems.
He collaborates in his research with colleagues from France, Belgium,
England, Spain, Peru, and Bolivia, his area of study being the tropical
region of South America..

12.1. Institutionality and governance

In 1998, in a work on the evaluation of water re- confusion when recognizing the authority respon-
sources in Ecuador, carried out by the Engineers sible for, for example, the management of drin-
Corps of the United States Army, Buckalew et king water or irrigation water; this is because the
al. (1998) indicated that the key to the success responsibilities are shared between SENAGUA
of any plan developed in Ecuador for the mana- and other institutions such as the Decentralized
gement of water resources would be the capacity Autonomous Governments, the Ministry of Hou-
and ability to work towards common objectives sing and the Ministry of Agriculture. But, although
by government agencies in charge of water ma- the powers and attributions are now clearer with
nagement. Apparently, the impression of the the law and its by-laws, the proposal by Buckalew
consultants who carried out this work at the time et al. (1998) as the key to the of water resources
hinted at a lack of, or at least a weak, articulation management in Ecuador is still a pending account,
and cooperation between the various institutions given that there is still, among other things, a defi-
responsible for the development and manage- ciency in the distribution of water for human con-
ment of water in the country. sumption and no national irrigation plan..

As we will see, in Ecuador the Water Secretariat

(SENAGUA) was created in 2014 as a result of
the approval of the Organic Law of Water Resour-
ces and Water Use. However, in practice there is

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 119

120 Problems inherent to water resources management in Ecuador

Guest author Eduardo Toral, Cuenca - Ecuador

The experience of water management in the

city of Cuenca and the FONAPA- Water Fund for
the Conservation of the Paute River Basin
The city of Cuenca was founded on ancient settlements of the Cañari and Inca civilizations and is
located in the southern Andes of Ecuador. Four rivers cross the city (Tomebamba, Machángara,
Yanuncay, and Tarqui), all of them born in the páramos around Cuenca. Possibly this proximity of the
inhabitants of the city with waters allowed Cuenca to become one of the pioneers in the manage-
ment of water resources in Ecuador.
On January 2, 1968, by means of an Ordinance, the Municipal Public Company of Telephone, Drin-
king Water and Sewerage (ETAPA) was created. The following year, the first Water and Sewerage
Master Plans were executed for the city (Ordóñez, 2018). Since that date 50 years have passed in
which the management of water has evolved in many aspects according to the economic, social,
and environmental development of the country. In this period, new national and local policies were
also created that allowed ETAPA to expand its services. Among those related to water management,
the following stand out: drinking water, sanitation, and environmental management.
By 2018, ETAPA’s drinking water service covers 96% of the urban area and 88% of the rural area,
while its wastewater is treated in treatment plants that send it to a larger plant from where it returns
clean to its natural ecosystem. In addition, the company entered into conservation, preservation, and
recovery of ecosystems of interest in order to guarantee the supply of water of quality and quantity
for Cuenca, taking on the managing of 40,000 hectares of the El Cajas National Park and other
Municipal Reserves and also taking on the protection and recovery of riverine forests through water
conservation agreements. It also monitors and studies water resources, ecosystems, and fragile flo-
ra and fauna species, contributing with knowledge for its environmental education aimed at children
in the city and rural areas of the municipality.
The new challenges in the region motivated ETAPA EP, together with CELEC EP-HIDROPAUTE, ELE-
CAUSTRO SA, EMAPAL EP, University of Cuenca, Cordillera Tropical Foundation and The Nature Con-
servancy, to create on September 26, 2008 the Water Fund for the Conservation of the Paute River
Basin (FONAPA). The fund was created with the aim of contributing to the conservation, protection,
and recovery of water resources and the ecological environment in the Paute River basin. This cat-
chment is one of the most important in Ecuador; about 900 thousand inhabitants live and 35% of the
total hydroelectric energy for the country is generated there (P. Guzmán, personal communication,
March 22, 2018). It also harbours unique ecosystems and significant protected areas recognized
by UNESCO, such as the Macizo del Cajas Biosphere Reserve and the Sangay National Park, which
is a Natural Heritage of Humanity, besides the recently created Rio Negro-Sopladora National Park.
Initially FONAPA brought together the strongest water users in the region to contribute economic
resources in a trust that guarantees its use according to the mandate of the donor or constituent,
manages economic resources of counterpart, and provides technical support directed to the mana-
gement and conservation of water resources and their ecological environment; all this is done via
programmes and projects that seek to fulfil the objective of the Fund.
Until 2013 FONAPA mainly sought to invest the funds coming from the investments of its consti-
tuents and those from donors, although later it was decided to work with the Autonomous Municipal
Decentralized Governments (GADs), which have authority in the territory and, together with Nature
Culture and International, support the formulation of Municipal Ordinances that create reserves in
the main water sources and the fragile ecosystems of each municipality, generate economic re-
sources in order to be transferred to FONAPA for its administration, and, in addition, provide for the
Municipality to adhere to FONAPA as a constituent.
FONAPA currently invests resources through Drinking Water Companies and Municipal GADs and
has managed to generalize good environmental practices in favour of water conservation in more
areas of the Paute River basin; it has become a key factor in the region as an integrating entity of
several actors, among which the academy is included.

Ordóñez, G. (2018). De la bacinilla a la alcantarilla. Cuenca, Ecuador. Universidad de Cuenca.

Eduardo Toral Contreras was born in Cuenca, Ecuador on June 29,

1970. He graduated as a Biologist at the University of Azuay and
holds a Master of Science from the University of Costa Rica. He has
23 years of experience working with indigenous communities and
protected areas of Ecuador. He participated in research projects rela-
ted to the description of Ecuador’s biodiversity (amphibians and repti-
les), forest fragmentation and edge effects, as well as studies with an
integrating approach to predict the variation and vulnerability of the
biodiversity of tropical rivers in the basin of the Napo River regarding
climate change. Currently, as Technical Secretary of the FONAPA-Wa-
ter Fund for the Conservation of the Paute River Basin, he focuses on
the management of economic resources to strengthen the conservation of water resources
and the ecological environment of the Paute River basin.

However, notwithstanding the criticism to all the As explained before, in order to support the ins-
components of society and not only to the rulers, titutional framework and address the financing
we can recognize that great advances have been problem for the management of water resources,
made in recent years. Undoubtedly, in terms of in Ecuador several Water Funds have been execu-
institutions and governance of water resources, ted in different cities. Each of them has its parti-
the current situation is very different from what cularities of management and structure, but indis-
Buckalew et al. (1998) found. Later, in Chapter putably give support to the management of water
13 of this book, an analysis is made of the legal resources with remarkable results. Such is the case
framework that currently regulates water manage- of FONAPA, described in more detail by our guest
ment in Ecuador and its possible connection with author Eduardo Toral.
ecohydrology as a tool to support the management
of water resources.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 121

122 Problems inherent to water resources management in Ecuador

12.2. Development of professional demic programmes abroad since only recently hi-
and technical skills gher-level programmes specialized in these sub-
jects have been established in Ecuador. We can
The generation of professional skills in subjects
use as an example the Academic Offer of Higher
related to ecohydrology in Ecuador is fundamen-
Education Institutions disseminated by SENES-
tal to link the advances of modern scientific deve-
CYT (2018), where only three face-to-face ca-
lopment with society and nature. There are many
reers related to water resources have been found
institutions that have high-level technicians and
(see Table 12.1.).
professional capacity to manage water resources;
however, many of them have been trained in aca-

Table 12.1. Third-level academic offer in subjects related to the management of water resources in Ecuadorian uni-
versities (SENESCYT, 2018).

University Programme Degree

IKIAM Engineering in Water Sciences Engineer

EPN Superior technology in water and environmental sanitation Tehnologist

PUCE Hydraulic Engineering Engineer

However, it is important to note that there are In terms of doctoral programmes, in Ecuador the-
some programmes related to the management of re is only one PhD in Water Resources managed
water resources that are part of the curriculum of by the University of Cuenca in association with
other specializations, such as civil and environ- the National Polytechnic School (EPN) and the
mental engineering. Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL). This
programme was approved at the end of 2014, has
Regarding fourth-level programmes, such as mas- a classroom modality and is full time. The investi-
ters and doctorates, it should be noted that specia- gations of this programme can be presented in the
lized programmes have been recently developed in following six areas: (1) hydrology, (2) hydraulics,
several universities in the country, among which (3) aquatic ecology, (4) meteorology and climato-
are the EPN Master’s Degree in Water Resources logy, (5) hydroinformatics, and (6) environmental
Engineering, the University of Cuenca Master’s sanitation. The degree obtained is Doctor (PhD)
Degree in Research in Hydrology, with mention in Water Resources.
in Ecohydrology, the Central University of Ecua-
dor Master in Integrated Management of Water Moreover, regarding the development of capa-
Resources and Irrigation, the University of Gua- cities in the management of water resources we
yaquil Master’s Degree in Sanitary Engineering, highlight the “Water School “ Continuous Trai-
the UTPL Master’s Degree in Water Resources, ning Programme. This programme is an inter-ins-
and the ESPOL Master’s Degree in Engineering titutional cooperation initiative led by SENAGUA
Sciences for the Management of Water Resources. with the support of Nature and Culture Interna-
tional, UTPL, the Regional Water Fund (FORA-
Most of these master’s programmes have been GUA) and the Water Fund for the Paute River Ba-
created after the reforms to the Ecuadorian higher sin (FONAPA). In summary, the Water School has
education system promoted after 2009. the purpose of training and accrediting the coun-
tries´ municipal officials on issues related to the appropriate and intersectoral measures to mitiga-
conservation and management of water Sources, te it by limiting greenhouse gas emissions, defo-
and other disciplines related to IWRM. restation, and air pollution; in addition, measures
will be taken for the conservation of forests and
vegetation, and the protection of the population at
12.3. Climate change risk (Article 414).
Climate change (CC) threatens the sustainability
of farms and their associated water resources in
Ecuador. Climate forecasts have identified that
the main sources of uncertainty for agricultural In 2012, the National Climate Change Strategy
projections are meteorological data (especially 2012-2025 was presented. The CC Adaptation
rain-fall projections), soil data below 30 cm, and Strategic Line aims at reducing social, economic,
equivalent experimental protocols for measure- and environmental vulnerability to the impacts of
ments of eco-physiological croplands (Ruiz- Ra- CC. In order to achieve this objective, a National
mos et al., 2016). The 2008 Constitution establi- Plan of Adaptation to Climate Change and a Na-
shes with respect to CC that the State will adopt tional Adaptation Programme to Climate Change
must be prepared (Gaona, 2017).

Banco_Mundial. (2018, Sep 20, 2017). Gestión de los Recursos Hí- Ruiz-Ramos, M., Bastidas, W., Cóndor, A., Villacís, M., Calderón, M.,
dricos. Retrieved from Herrera, M. and Rodríguez A. (2016). Modelling adaptation to
waterresourcesmanagement climate change of Ecuadorian agriculture and associated water
Buckalew, J., James, M., Scott, L. and Reed, P. (1998). Water resour- resources: uncertainties in coastal and highland cropping sys-
ces assessment of Ecuador. Mobile: US Army Corp of Engineers, tems. Paper presented at the EGU General Assembly Conferen-
Mobile District and Topographic Engineering Centre. ce Abstracts.
Constitución de la República del Ecuador (2008). SENESCYT. (2018). Construye tu Futuro: Oferta Académica de las
Instituciones de Educación Superior (Primer Semestre 2018).
Gaona, J. (2017). The Potential of Ecohydrology - Ecuadorean Case

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 123

124 Ecohydrology and its implementation in Ecuador

El Ángel páramo, Carchi, Ecuador

Chapter 13
Legal tools for the management of water resources in Ecuador

Although up to now an ecohydrological approach “The human right to water is essential and cannot
has not been established within the water mana- be waived. Water constitutes a national strategic
gement plans in the country, the application of asset for use by the public and it is unalienable,
ecohydrology is feasible given that the legal fra- not subject to a statute of limitations, immune
mework for the management and use of water is from seizure and essential for life.”
consistent with ecohydrological precepts. This
chapter addresses some of the main legal instru- Article 314 of the Constitution says that:
ments that are related to water management, in
general, and that have a relationship with ecohy- “The State shall be responsible for the provision of
drology as a management tool for water manage- the public services of drinking and irrigation wa-
ment, in particular. ter, sanitation … and others as established by law.”

While article 318 states:

13.1. The Constitution of the Repu-
blic of Ecuador and water “Water is part of the country’s strategic heritage
The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador for public use; it is the unalienable property of the
was approved in 2008 by the Constituent As- State and is not subject to a statute of limitations.
sembly and presents many innovative features It is a vital element for nature and human existen-
for society-nature relationships, including the ce. Any form of water privatization is forbidden.
consideration of water as a fundamental resour- The management of water shall be exclusively
ce for the development of society. The Magna public or community-based.”
Carta of Ecuador has several articles that deal
with issues related to water management in the Additionally, the same article says that:
country. Below is a list of some of the most im-
“The State, through the authority for water, shall
portant issues related to water management in
be directly responsible for planning and mana-
Ecuador under the umbrella of the Supreme
ging water resources for human consumption,
State Regulation.
irrigation to guarantee food sovereignty, ecolo-
According to Article 3, the State’s prime duties gical flow and productive activities, in this order
are: of priority. It is also responsible for the conserva-
tion, recovery, and integral management of water
“Guaranteeing without any discrimination what- resources, hydrographic basins and ecological
soever the true possession of the rights set forth in flows associated with the hydrological cycle.”
the Constitution and in international instruments,
especially the rights to … water for its inhabitants.” In this way, the political disposition of the Ecua-
dorian State to decisively face the challenge of
Article 12 indicates that: managing its water resources I evident, with a
vision of social and environmental responsibility.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 125

126 Legal tools for the management of water resources in Ecuador

13.2. IWRM within the Water Law “… establishing and delimiting zones and areas
of Ecuador for the protection of water in Ecuador.”
As of 2014, Ecuador has the “Organic Law of Likewise, literal (o) of the aforementioned law
Water Resources and Use of Water”, commonly instructs SENAGUA on:
known as the “Water Law”. The primary and fun-
damental object of this law is to: “ensuring the protection, conservation, integrated
management and sustainable use of surface and
“… guarantee the human right to water as well as underground water reserves (...).”
regulate and control the authorization, manage-
ment, preservation, conservation, restoration of In these two competences of the Single Water
water resources, use and use of water, integral Authority ecohydrology can be considered as a
management and recovery, in its different phases, tool to support its efforts.
forms and physical states, in order to guarantee
Sumak Kawsay or good living and the rights of
nature established in the Constitution of the Re- 13.3. Integration of ecohydrology
public.” as a tool to support IWRM in
the Ecuadorian legal context
The Water Law establishes the creation of a Na-
As we have seen, Ecuador has a legal framework
tional Strategic Water System, which is the set of
very aligned with IWRM. Water management had
processes, entities, and instruments that allow
an unprecedented momentum from the “National
the interaction and articulation of the different
Plan for Good Living” in the years 2013 - 2017,
social and institutional actors to organize and
and currently presents new challenges and goals
coordinate integrated water management, and
in the National Development Plan 2017 - 2021,
that make it easier to generate mechanisms and
called “For a Lifetime”. This renewed plan seeks
instances to combine the planning and applica-
to promote the guarantee of rights throughout
tion of water resources public policy with the so-
the life cycle of Ecuadorians. The plan has very
cial actors linked to water and the different levels
ambitious proposals related to water resources,
of government. All this is done with the ultima-
among which we can cite the mission “Water and
te goal of ensuring a good standard of living for
Sanitation for All” or the proposal of the “Natio-
Ecuadorian citizens and foreigners who live in
nal Irrigation Plan” with a 20-year horizon. The
the country.
challenge now is to effectively link ecohydrology
The Water Law institutionalized the Single Wa- as a support tool for IWRM.
ter Authority, which led to a state portfolio (with
Ecohydrology is a new discipline that joins hy-
the rank of ministry) called the Water Secretariat
drology and ecology. In a very general way,
or SENAGUA. SENAGUA has several powers
ecohydrology offers a range of tools to support
and attributions, but we will highlight here two
the Integrated Water Resources Management
that are related to ecohydrology. Article 18, on
(IWRM), many of which have been described
the powers and attributions of the Single Water
in this text. The tools generated by ecohydrolo-
Authority, literal (e), indicates that SENAGUA
gy are based on in-depth knowledge of the sy-
has the attribution of:
nergies between the hydrological cycle and the
biotic processes that occur within a watershed.
Its precepts are based on the fact that, by modi- has focused on obtaining positive results in the
fying a hydrological process, there will be a po- five multidimensional parameters used by ecohy-
sitive or negative effect on its related biota and drology: 1) water in quantity and quality, 2) im-
vice versa; this relationship is known as “dual provements in biological diversity, 3) generation
regulation”. The field of action of ecohydrology of new and better ecosystem services; 4) increa-
is applied from the molecular to the basin scale; se in the resilience capacity of the system in the
for this reason, ecohydrology can be applied, di- face of negative external factors, such as climate
rectly or indirectly, by any component of society, change; and, finally, 5) the integration of cultural
from decision makers to officials in charge of the and social aspects related to the management of
management of water basins for the use of drin- water resources. In this way, the ecohydrological
king water, irrigation, industrial, fish farmers, approach can be assumed by a country through
research centres, etc. a state policy by provincial, regional and local
governments, and even by private initiatives (see
The limits of intervention of ecohydrology are Figures 3.1 and 3.3 on dual regulation in Chap-
given, on the one hand, by the natural capacity ter 3).
of recovery of a hydrographic basin (considering
its hydrological, ecological, and socioeconomic Thus, the challenge now is the inclusion of eco-
aspects) in the face of external affectations; when hydrology within the national legal framework of
this natural recovery capacity is not feasible, water management as a possibility to achieve the
ecohydrology tools can be used. Likewise, when goals that currently concern the management of
these tools are not enough to reach an ecosys- our water resources. Civil society is responsible
tem recovery, engineering can be used with the and participant in this and we must monitor that
purpose of achieving the recovery goals of the the authorities comply with the requests of their
system in the face of external interventions. To constituents.
say that a small, medium or large-scale initiative
has an ecohydrological approach means that it
has considered this double regulation of hydro-
logical and ecological factors and that, moreover,

Constitución de la República del Ecuador (2008).
Ley Orgánica de Recursos Hídricos, Usos y Aprovechamiento del Agua (2014).
Registro Oficial del Ecuador (2014)

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 127

Part 4
Implementation of
ecohydrology in Ecuador

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 129

The Paltas-Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site, Ecuador. Photo: Marco Albarracín
Chapter 14
The Paltas - Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

14.1. Background
In the introduction of the book we talked about Later, between 1948 and 1958, a second large
a paradox that occurs in Ecuador: ecohydrolo- lagoon located in the foothills of Cerro Pisaca
gy is a discipline of recent development in our was drained. In the dried land of the Pisaca lake
milieu, although it has been carried out since mainly private practices of livestock and agricul-
ancient times. This situation is clearly palpa- ture were carried out, and even occasionally the
ble in the water resource management system lagoon was filled for fish production; because it
of the Paltas municipality in the Loja province was only a seasonal lagoon, its drying became
of southern Ecuador, as our guest author, Galo permanent after destroying the structures that
Ramón, tells us. allowed water retention. These two lagoons retai-
ned the precipitations that, in the end, contribu-
At present, although much progress has been ted hydrologically with surface and underground
made, the population of Paltas is one of the most water to the streams that make up the micro basin
disadvantaged at a national level with regard to of the San Pedro Mártir River.
the supply of water for human consumption. In
the year 2001, in the city of Catacocha, capital Between 1965 and 1968, 300 ha of eucalyptus
of the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous were planted in the micro-basin with the inten-
Government of Paltas, the crisis was reached of tion of generating plant cover for the protection
limiting the distribution of the vital liquid to only of water sources. However, no study was carried
1 hour per day. out to demonstrate the effectiveness of eucalyp-
tus in retaining water or, on the contrary, in con-
Historically, the problem of water resources for tributing to the problem since it could also con-
everyday activities of the population originated sume water in large quantities (see, for example,
when in 1860 (36 years after the declaration of Huber et al., 2010). In the same period, between
Catacocha as a municipality) drained and dried 1967 and 1969, there was a prolonged drought
the largest artificial lagoon built by the Paltas and in Loja that caused one of the largest emigrations
that was known as the Laguna de Catacocha. In in the province due to the extreme conditions of
that place, there is now a convent, the municipal water scarcity (CAN, 2009)
market, educational units and old houses settled
in part of what is currently the centre of the town
(Ramón, 2017a).

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 131

132 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

Guest author Galo Ramón Valarezo, , Quito - Ecuador

Recovery of ancestral Paltas knowledge for wa-

ter management in Catacocha
Catacocha is characterized by a high climatic variability due to its location in a transition between the
humid coast, influenced by the El Niño current, and the Peruvian desert, influenced by the Humboldt
current. It rains only at the beginning of the year, between the months of January and April because of
El Niño. This very variable pattern can produce extreme events, severe droughts and strong “Niños”, tin-
ged by irregular years with rains concentrated in a single month and a huge irregularity in the remaining
three. These characteristics have worsened in recent years as an accumulated result of deforestation,
soil erosion, and global warming. Under these conditions, the slopes have diminished or collapsed,
producing, in chain, the disappearance of the small family gardens that provided the basic basket while
agriculture and livestock production, the main economic activities in the area, have become riskier.
As a response to these problems, conventional solutions have been sought such as the installation of
irrigation systems that, due to the steep topography of the territory, the scarcity of water, and its high
cost, have been of very limited consequences. An alternative with greater potentiality has been to re-
sort to the ancestral knowledge of the Paltas, original people who inhabited the area for more than two
thousand years and who had developed a sophisticated management of moisture, unfortunately lost
due to the colonial impact: combined action of the Christian religion that persecuted the shamans who
directed the rituals of predicting the rains, the appropriation of the land and the waters of the natives
by the hacendados, the enormous decrease of the population, the abandonment of ancestral manage-
ment practices and even a contempt towards them.
The system developed by the Paltas in the past was a system adapted to the environmental characte-
ristics and the functioning of the hydrological cycle of the area in order to manage the recharge of the
aquifers, reduce the strong evapotranspiration produced by the combined action of sun and winds for
nine months, and control the erosion and the strong runoff of the water in floors and drainages. At the
same time, they developed irrigation and agroforestry systems to conserve moisture in the agricultural
plots. All this was sustained with a strong and efficient organization of society to build and maintain the
works; they created a cultural discourse contained in their myths, stories, rituals, norms and principles
that, while explaining the functioning of the hydrological cycles, served to regulate the good use of wa-
ter as well as the equitable distribution and the individual and collective responsibility in the protection
of this heritage. These various elements of the system were integrated into the territorial ordering of
space, ritual calendars, and the management of power.
The recharge of the aquifers was propitiated with the construction of high-altitude wetlands (kochas
in Kichwa) to capture rainwater and with a watchful protection of the forest. They controlled runoffs
with the construction of numerous stone walls at the beginning of gorges (tajamares) that, additionally,
stimulated the growth of a protective vegetation in these drainages, and the construction of land and
stream-edge terraces to control erosion. For irrigation they created stone reservoirs (known in the zone
as pilancones) and carried out the irrigation in furrows that followed the level. To maintain the humidity
in the plots they built “sunken terraces” but, above all, they developed agroforestry orchards, a complex
system of up to 50 species of plants of different heights and features that imitate the original forest.
The wind was controlled with live barriers, stone walls, and ditches. The myths and legends contained
prohibitions and sanctions for those who attempted against these works, while the rituals predicted
the rains, mobilized the population in an organized way to work in mingas, and established a respectful
relationship with nature, deified in hills, lagoons, rainbows, and ritual animals (Ramón, 2007).
The myth “The theft of the Cango bull” tries to explain the perplexity of the Paltas in the face of the
changes produced in the colony, which destroyed part of the system. “The return of the Cango bull” is
the new creation that served to encourage the Paltas to recover and enhance the old system. Today,
progress is being made, with a broad local alliance that fosters a productive dialogue between ances-
tral and contemporary knowledge.

Ramón, G. (2007). Nueva Historia de Loja, Vol.I, Quito, Ecuador.

Galo Ramón Valarezo is an Ecuadorian historian, FLACSO Master in An-

dean History and Doctor in Latin American History by the Simon Bolívar
University. He has written 18 books and more than a hundred articles in
various national and world media. His book “The Andean Resistance:
Cayambe 1500-1800” was awarded by the Latin American Conference
of History as the best book of 1989. He has served as a teacher in nu-
merous Latin American universities and postgraduate courses and has
given hundreds of lectures on historical topics, development , social
movements and participatory methodologies. Currently he is Executive
Director of COMUNIDEC..

Faced with this aggravated problem of water shor- rradas1, the recharge of the aquifers produced
tage, civil society motivated the municipality to a greater availability of raw water destined to be
take the initiative to restore the artificial wetlands treated for human consumption. Additionally, se-
or kochas, which were used by the pre-Inca cultu- veral small and medium levees or tajamares have
re of the Paltas (as explained by guest author Galo been constructed to reduce stream run-off.
Ramón), in order to favour the recharge of aquifers
that, in the time of the Spanish colony and subse- As a consequence of these practices, there has
quent republican period, had been dried by priva- been a recharge of the groundwater system in the
te owners, as explained above. The drying of the area, although the water balance of the basin and
lakes produced a reduction in the recharge capa-
city of the local aquifers, causing scarcity or total 1 According to the dictionary of the Spanish language
(2001, 22nd edition), the word “albarrada” comes
loss of water. from the Hispanic Arabic word albarráda and this, in
turn, from the classical Arabic barradah that literally
With the restoration and creation of the kochas, means “refreshing”. The word is close to alcarraza, a
currently known by the local population as alba- porous and undercooked clay vessel that has the abil-
ity to exude or filter a certain amount of water and
the evaporation of which cools the greater amount
of liquid that is contained.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 133

134 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

the recharge levels of the aquifers have not yet sites of ecohydrology is a source of satisfaction.
been technically quantified. However, it is also important to face the challenge
of making a “qualitative leap” through the produc-
Based on the experience and results obtained in tion of scientific data and convert the example of
Paltas, in many other places in the country, espe- management of the San Pedro Mártir River basin
cially in the provinces of Loja, Guayas, and Mana- into a management reference, based on the ge-
bí, the model of water resources management of neration of scientific research and of a long-term
watersheds has been replicated with the recovery technical and planned monitoring of the interrela-
of ancestral knowledge; moreover, other aspects tions that exist between the executed actions and
were considered such as the restoration of habitats the indicators of: (1) water quality and quantity,
and the inclusion of civil society in the manage- (2) biodiversity of habitats and species, (3) gene-
ment, producing over time a type of management ration of ecosystem services , (4) regeneration of
that integrates essential ecohydrological aspects. the resilience capacity of the system, and (5) the
recovery of cultural and ancestral knowledge in
The results of these practices have been very sa- the area.
tisfying and encouraging. The first position of the
Green Prize of the State Bank of Ecuador was hi- In order to generate a milestone between the be-
ghlighted and given to Paltas for the management fore and after the declaration of the Paltas - Cata-
of its water resources in the San Pedro Mártir Ri- cocha demonstration site, this section aims to do-
ver basin, and later there came the recognition of cument the process of nomination, adjudication,
UNESCO-IHP as an ecohydrology demonstration and creation of the Ecohydrology Demonstrative
site. However, unfortunately there has not been Site of Paltas-Catacocha. In this sense, we present
adequate technical and scientific monitoring to below the technical information of the San Pedro
produce qualitative and quantitative assessments Mártir micro-basin, as well as a historical review of
of the hydrological and ecological aspects related the process.
to the creation of albarradas and tajamares.

The information is very scattered and does not 14.2. Technical description of the
have the adequate technical support that would Paltas-Catacocha ecohydrology
provide scientifically-based credibility and securi- demonstration site
ty. For example, as mentioned above, in the San
In what follows we present the most relevant te-
Pedro Mártir river basin, where the Pisaca lake and
chnical information presented to UNESCO in
reserve are located, there is no water balance that
order to include Paltas-Catacocha in the World
would serve as a starting point for the quantifica-
Network of Ecohydrology Demonstrative Sites
tion of results that indicate the positive water-re-
of its International Hydrological Programme.
tention actions in the basin. Although the results
The name offered for the demonstration site
can be palpable in practice, a scientific evaluation
proposal was: “Recovering the ancestral eco-
gives solidity and credibility to the actions carried
hydrological approach of the Paltas to supply
out and generates a kind of replicability of the ma-
water to the city of Catacocha in southern Ecua-
nagement model. Undoubtedly, the recognition of
dor.” The demonstration site is located in the
the example of Paltas-Catacocha by the UNESCO
micro-basin of the San Pedro Mártir river, loca-
International Hydrological Programme and its in-
ted in the Paltas municipality of the province of
tegration into its global network of demonstration
Loja, southern Ecuador (see Figure 14.1.), at
geographical coordinates Lat. -4.05°; Long. vides 70% of the water to the city of Catacocha.
-79.60°. It has a total surface of 3,148 ha and Rainfall occurs between November and May and
an altitudinal range that oscillates between the does not exceed 250 mm.
1.320 to 2.413 masl. At present, this basin pro-

Figure 14.1. Geographical location of the micro-basin of the San Pedro Mártir River.

Source: GADC Paltas Archive




As previously explained, the ancestral hydrologi- ther with other actions for the management of re-
cal system of the Paltas, based mainly on the re- charge zones, have allowed to improve the water
charge of aquifers by means of the construction supply from 1 to 6 hours of water per day.
of artificial lentic wetlands, was transformed to
agricultural and cattle lands in the period after Figure 14.2 shows the situation before and after
the Spanish colonization and during the Republi- the restoration of the Pisaca Lagoon. Notice the
can era (CAN, 2009). This generated a decrea- central stone known as “The Turtle”, which was
sed aquifer recharge and the ensuing problem used by the Paltas to determine the availability of
related to the supply of water for the community water during the year by means of level marks ac-
and the irrigation of the area. The recovery and cording to the annual rainfall.
application of these ancestral knowledge, toge-

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 135

136 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

Figure 14.2. The Pisaca Lagoon before and after its restoration. Source: GADC Paltas Archive.

Before: Image of Pisaca at the time it was dismantled and used After: Image of Pisaca after the restoration and conservation
as pasture. process by the Municipality of Paltas, the Provincial Government
of Loja, NCI, COMUNIDEC, and several civil society organizations..

In 2004, after several years of archaeological re- with a volumetric capacity of 78,422 m3; the sma-
search, civil society organizations (COMUNIDEC llest is located on a private property and holds 143
Foundation and the Playas-Catamayo Basins Ma- m3. The median value of this group of kochas is
nagement Committee, now ASOAGROPISA) 1,449 m3. Of the 28 albarradas, 17 are in the Pi-
and the Provincial Government of Loja organized saca Reserve owned by NCI, which have a storage
themselves so that the municipality of Paltas could capacity of 149,794 m3; that is to say, 82.1% of
establish a local public policy related to the reco- water storage by means of albarradas is in a pro-
very process of said basin. In 2005 they promoted tected reserve and managed by an NGO for the
the process of restoring wetlands (G. Ramón, per- public benefit. The other kochas are on private
sonal communication, March 26, 2018). In that property (G. Ramón, personal communication,
year, NCI acquired a plot of land in which there March 23, 2018).
was evidence of the largest lagoon known today
as Pisaca, and they began a process to restore the All the albarradas have grasses planted in their in-
entire area, with emphasis on the recovery of the terior in order to reduce the evapotranspiration of
lagoon. At the moment, NCI has a protection area the water mirror and maintain humidity. Likewise,
of 400 ha where the lagoon is conserved after a shrubs have been planted on the banks of the ko-
process of cattle exclusion. The recovery and con- chas in order to protect them and hinder the entry
servation of the artificial wetland and that of the of thirsty cattle; in some cases, the construction
contiguous forests resulted in a recharge of the of wired fences has been necessary. Additionally,
aquifers, which now offer more water for the use of drinking troughs have been set up for livestock
the population of Catacocha. management and protection of the albarradas,
as well as to avoid contamination of these sites by
From the beginning of the recovery of wetlands in animal excretions (G. Ramón, personal communi-
2005 (CAN, 2009) until 2013, a total of 28 alba- cation, March 23, 2018).
rradas have been built in the San Pedro Mártir ba-
sin. The total water storage capacity of the ponds On the other hand, small dams were also built
is 182,482 m3, with an average of 6,517.21 m3. along the streams and springs of the basin (see
The largest lagoon is Pisaca (see Figure 14.2.), Figure 14.3.). These dams are known in the area
as tajamares and are aimed at reducing the super- red only in the rainy season (J. Romero, personal
ficial flow of the channel. By 2015, a total of 125 communication, June 21, 2017).
tajamares had been built in the San Pedro Mártir
micro-watershed (G. Ramón, personal commu- Additionally, as a result of the recharge of aquifers
nication, March 23, 2018). The retention of wa- water flows to the surface in the so-called “water
ter by the construction of dykes has allowed the eyes” that are subsequently used for irrigation by
greening of the areas adjacent to the tajamares, communities in the lower areas.
with prolonged presence of, for example, several
species of amphibians that at other times appea-

Figure 14.3. Tajamares for the reduction of runoff and recovery of habitats.
Photo: Marco Albarracín

We will see next how water management in the hydrological practices (UNESCO-IHP, 2016).
basin by means of the construction of albarradas When these conditions are met, we have the basis
and tajamares guides towards the improvement of an ecohydrological system.
of biodiversity and all the other components of
the ecosystem.
14.4. Double regulation
The construction of albarradas and tajamares to
14.3. Analysis of the application of control the hydrological cycle of the micro-basin
the ecohydrological approach in are actions that are considered “water flow ma-
the Paltas-Catacocha Demonstra- nagement”. This action has an effect on the biota
tion Site (plants, amphibians, insects, birds, etc.) since
We had previously indicated that the ecohydrolo- more water is available, and for a longer time, du-
gical approach is manifested when there is “dou- ring low-rainfall periods. Similarly, the planting
ble regulation” between the hydrological and of hydrophilic plants inside the albarradas and
biotic components, as well as when the “WBSR-C the recovery of the plant cover with native species
multidimensional parameters” (Water, Biodiver- around the kochas have effects in the hydrology
sity, Ecosystem Services, Resilience and Cultural of the zone: they allow the maintenance of the
Heritage) have been assisted by the applied eco- humidity and avoid the evapotranspiration of the

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 137

138 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

water bodies. In this way, the dual regulation of However, samples taken in the water wells where
the hydrological and biotic component is mani- the raw water is captured present contaminating
fested in the system. bacteria (faecal coliforms) due to the presence of
animals near the channels and recharge zones, as
well as a deficient infrastructure for the manage-
14.5. Multidimensional parame- ment of wastewater (Román, 2014).
ters (WBSR-C)
By managing the dual regulation of the hydrology On the other hand, some of the albarradas, espe-
and biota of a watershed, ecohydrology seeks to cially those of small size and little depth, present
consider five multidimensional WBSR-C para- algal outcrop problems due especially to issues
meters (UNESCO-IHP, 2016). Below is a des- related to flow stagnation, the presence of pre-
cription of how the multidimensional parameters cursor nutrient concentrations of the primary
of ecohydrology are met in the demonstration production growth as nitrogen and phosphorus,
site of Paltas - Catacocha. and the high temperatures and insolation typical
of the area. All these abiotic factors favour the
a. Water uncontrolled growth of algae, which can even
cause problems of eutrophication in water bodies
The first multidimensional parameter of ecohy- (Albarracín, 2014).
drology is that, from the actions with an ecohy-
drological approach undertaken for the mana- Several ecohydrological mechanisms, such as the
gement of a watershed, an improvement in the use of artificial wetlands or edge barriers for the
quantity and quality of water is evidenced. Thus, retention of nutrients, could be used to improve
as a result of water flow management through the quality of the water that accumulates in the al-
the construction of albarradas and tajamares, barradas. Studies must be carried out to account
an increase in the availability of groundwater for the concentration of nutrients and the algal
is evident, which is then extracted by pumps in communities present in each of them.
deep wells. At present, 70% of the water used
to supply the city of Catacocha comes from this b. Biodiversity
source. According to the local authorities, in the
worst moments of low water a crisis was reached In terms of biodiversity, the micro-basin of the
that allowed only 1 hour of water per day, but with San Pedro Mártir River is located within one of
the implementation of the albarradas, conserva- the most valued sites worldwide due to its bio-
tion of forests, tajamares and other activities, the logical importance and conservation priorities.
aquifers recharged and now the population has 6 In fact, the Paltas-Catacocha Ecohydrology De-
hours of water per day. monstration Site is located within the Forest
of Peace Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of
In water samples extracted from deep wells and the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme
taken from the surface, physical and chemical (MAB). This Biosphere Reserve is a joint effort
quality results were obtained, which were tole- between Ecuador and Peru for the conservation
rable according to the ranges allowed in natio- of natural resources and seeks to be a partici-
nal standards (TULAS and INEN 1108). The patory and citizen management model that can
water extracted after a purification process can strengthen peace, sustainability, and ecological
be distributed among the population of the city. connectivity between both countries (UNES-
CO-CCNN, 2017).
Additionally, the site is located between the caranda spurrei, Tabebuia chrysantha, Triplaris
Tropical Andes and the Chocó Darién biodiver- cummingiana, Caesalpinia spinosa, Oreopanax
sity hotspots of Western Ecuador (Myers et al., sp. and Clusia sp. (Boyla and Estrada, 2005;
2000), and is found specifically in the Tumbe- Cueva, 2015).
sian Endemism Zone. The 25 biodiversity hots-
pots identified by Myers and colleagues are ex- The recovery and construction of albarradas
ceptional sites in terms of biodiversity since they and tajamares have also served as micro-ha-
occupy only 1.4% of the total land surface, but bitats where the presence of amphibians, ma-
among all they harbour 44% of vascular plants cro-invertebrates, and birds has been evident;
and 35% of vertebrate species, except for fish, these species used to appear only in the rainy
from all over the planet. season (J. Romero, personal communication,
June 21, 2017).
In addition, Catacocha is considered one of the
107 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas in the In summary, the establishment of the Pisaca Re-
Tropical Andes of Ecuador (Boyla and Estrada, serve as a protection and conservation zone has
2005). In this area, in the year of 1991 there positively favoured the recovery of biodiversity.
were 72 species of birds, among which some It is important to emphasize, as mentioned abo-
endangered and endemic to the Tumbesian re- ve, that the San Pedro Mártir micro-basin is loca-
gion such as Ortalis erythroptera, Hylocryptus ted in the area of Tumbesian endemism, and that
erythrocephalus, Leptotila ochraceiventris and the conservation of forest patches is essential to
Falco peregrinus (subspecies cassini), the latter ensure the connectivity of forest remnants for the
considered vulnerable to extinction in Ecuador purpose of genetic exchange (Van Dyke, 2008).
(Boyla and Estrada, 2005). Next, we will see how the recovery of ecosystems
and habitats provides benefits to the community
In the San Pedro Mártir micro-basin most of its through the generation of ecosystem services.
extension is dedicated to agriculture and lives-
tock; however, the establishment of a reserve for c. Ecosystem services
the protection of biodiversity known as Reserva
Pisaca (name taken from the highest hill of the Ecosystem services are defined as the multiple
basin) stands out. In this reserve the largest lake benefits that ecosystems and their biodiversity
in the area is located, which bears the same name, provide to humanity; these include: (1) Produc-
“Laguna Pisaca” (Cueva, 2015). The recovery of tion of goods or services such as food, water,
habitats in the basin has been notorious, especia- medicines, materials for construction and handi-
lly in the areas that have been used for protection crafts, energy and genetic resources. (2) Regula-
and conservation. Additionally, there are areas tion services or those generated by processes that
where reforestation practices have been carried occur in ecosystems such as carbon sequestra-
out with native species. The best-preserved area tion, control of catastrophes or extreme events,
in terms of biodiversity in the micro-basin is the regulation of local climate and air quality, puri-
upper part of Reserva Pisaca (Cueva, 2015). In fication of wastewater, pollination, and biologi-
this sector, 28 species of trees and shrubs of a cal control of pests, among others. (3) Cultural
total of 37 registered species in the Reserve have services, those non-material benefits that people
been recorded. In the area there are representa- receive from being in contact with ecosystems
tive species of the Tumbesian region such as Ja- such as recreation, physical and mental health,

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 139

140 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

tourism, aesthetic appreciation and inspiration San Pedro Mártir River, in general, and the Pisaca
for culture, art and design, and the spiritual expe- Reserve in particular, has generated the potentia-
riences plus the appropriation or identity of the tion of several ecosystem services for the benefit
site. Finally, (4) support functions that ensure of the people that live in the area. Table 14.1.
the possibility of having habitat for species and presents a list of the most notorious ecosystem
the maintenance of genetic diversity (Carpenter services that stand out as a result of the micro-ba-
et al., 2009; MEA, 2005; TEEB, 2010). sin´s management.

The management focused on the preservation

of water resources within the micro-basin of the

Table 14.1. Ecosystem services identified in the San Pedro Mártir River micro-basin.

Provisioning Services Regulation Services Cultural Services Support Services

Moderation of
Fresh water extreme phenomena Cultural heritage Primary production
like droughts

Raw materials Local identity Habitat for species

Spiritual experience and Conservation of

Medicines Pollination
feeling of belonging genetic diversity

Fruits ad food from

Nutrient recycling
the forest

Preservation of erosion Aesthetic appreciation

and conservation of soil and inspiration for cul-
fertility ture, art, and design

Recreational activities
and mental and physi-
cal health


Source: Carpenter et al. (2009); MEA (2005); TEEB (2010)

The construction of albarradas and the con- and interflow processes allow the water captu-
servation of forests in the upper part of the mi- red in the aquifers to sprout to the surface, as
cro-basin of the San Pedro Mártir River allow to “water eyes”, and of base flow or surface water
recover and increase the ecosystem service of in streams and gorges.
freshwater production. The maintenance of wa-
ter in the subsoil avoids evaporation, keeping Agriculture is the main productive activity in the
the resource available for longer periods during area, with 67.7% of the population engaged in
the dry season. The infiltration, percolation, some agricultural activity (CAN, 2009). In the
south west of Ecuador (province of Loja) there is After a project led by the organized society of
a considerable diversity of uses of native plants, the community and NCI, with support from the
mainly as building materials, medicine, and food Belgian Cooperation, between 2017 and 2018
(Kvist et al., 2006). more than 14 tons of tara seed were exported to
Peru (W. Collaguazo, personal communication,
There are several products that are obtained in 21 June 2017). These seeds serve as raw ma-
the area, but in recent years the production of terial in the industry for the production of tara
tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) has been highlighted gum, which is a product of great importance in
(see Figure 14.4.). This leguminous plant has the industries of food and leathers (tannins).
several characteristics, both in ornamental terms
and related to tannin production (NCI, 2016).

Figure 14.4. The tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) is one of the main agricultural products produced and harvested in the Pisaca
Reserve. It is an export product after the work of community associations of farmers and collectors in the area.
Fotos: Marco Albarracín

There are several ecosystem servpotentiated by ced sense of place and identity with the ancestral
a management with an ecohydrological approach Paltas culture, and (4) ) the possibilities of tou-
in the micro-basin of the San Pedro Mártir River, rism from the recovery of the landscape.
but undoubtedly these stand out: (1) availability
of water for human consumption and irrigation, d. Resilience
(2) materials and resources such as food, seeds,
and medicines obtained from protected areas and Resilience is a concept that is defined as the ca-
agroforestry systems, (3) the recovery of values pacity for adaptation and recovery of a system,
and appropriation of the community by an enhan- whatever it may be, in the face of external or

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 141

142 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

internal affectations (Holling, 1973). In envi- system reached values higher than six hours per
ronmental terms, resilience is the capacity of an day in the dry season; it is not the optimal situa-
ecosystem to adapt to adversities and recover in tion, but it demonstrates the adaptability and ap-
such a way that it can continue to maintain its mo- titude of social re-composition of the Paltenses in
vements of energy (e.g. within the trophic chain the face of adverse phenomena.
or in the prey-predator relationship) and mate-
rials (e.g. water and biogeochemical cycles). As Even if the impact of how these management ac-
a consequence of this capacity of the system, the tivities have influenced the resilience capacity of
production of living matter (plants and animals), the San Pedro Mártir River basin has not been
or biomass, is ensured. Additionally, the ecosys- quantified in a technical and systematic way, the
tem produces environmental services to continue results obtained are undoubtedly proof that the
providing benefits to the community, as explai- undertakings made by the authorities and the
ned in the previous section. community in general have improved the rela-
tionship between people and nature.
On the other hand, resilience can be analysed
from the point of view of the ability of a popu- e. Cultural heritage
lation to adapt to catastrophic situations. The
community of Paltas arrived at a moment of cri- The Paltas cultural heritage is based on a long
sis regarding the supply of water but is showing and dynamic history of human settlements. In
signs of recovery based on social participation these territories there are vestiges of aborigi-
and the use of ancestral knowledge as a way to nal cultures that populated the place more than
face the catastrophes. As explained above, the 2000 years ago. Later, the Incas, in the process
city of Catacocha only had one hour of water per of expansion of their Tahuantinsuyo empire, oc-
day. This prompted a migratory phenomenon cupied the territory and brought with them an
when many of the inhabitants of the area left their exchange of knowledge and technologies; accor-
land and settled in distant places of the country ding to historians, the Paltas did not bend easily
or abroad. However, many stayed and, with the to the imperialist Inca plan.
support of organizations and people that were
There are several vestiges of the presence of abo-
originally from Paltas and established groups and
riginal cultures in the area. In museums in the
associations to support those who chose to stay,
city of Catacocha there are pieces associated with
it was possible to improve the conditions of water
the Paltas culture. Petroglyphs with motifs rela-
supply, both for human consumption and irriga-
ted to natural objects and deities are well known
tion, of utmost importance for the socio-econo-
in the area, as can be seen in Figure 14.5.
mic development of the area. The water supply
igure 14.5. Particularity of a petroglyph associated with the aboriginal culture of the area of Paltas. Source: CESMAT (2018 )

The Inca invasion did not last much, and the shows the particularities of construction and cus-
Spanish conquest followed. The city of Cataco- toms typical of the Spanish culture. At present,
cha, the capital of Paltas, is one of the oldest mu- the phenotype of the Paltenses reveals a mixture
nicipalities of what is now Ecuador since it was and the great diversity of cultures that have sett-
founded in 1824. The architecture of churches led on the area.
(see Figure 14.6.), convents and colonial houses

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 143

144 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

Figure 14.6. Main Church of the city of Catacocha.

Photo: Marco Albarracín. water resources management used by the ances-
tors of the zone has originated a great sense of
identity among the Paltenses. The recovery of the
Paltas ancestral knowledge and their water ma-
nagement techniques are the cornerstone of the
nomination of the San Pedro Mártir river basin
as an ecohydrological demonstration site. Accor-
ding to Ramón (2017b), there are petroglyphs in
the area (see Figures 14.7 and 14.8) that would
indicate, by way of maps or scale models, that the
Paltas knew and dominated the management of
water in the basins through the creation and in-
terconnection of wetlands.

Several rocks have been found with small holes

dug and connected to each other. According to
Ramón (2017b) these would be evidences of the
knowledge and the importance that the Paltas
gave to maintaining the gaps connected to each
other for the optimization of the resource. Figure
All this historical wealth was rescued by the Na- 14.8. indicates what, according to historian Galo
tional Government with the recognition of Cata- Ramón, would be a sort of interconnected series
cocha as Cultural Patrimony of the Nation on May of lagoons.
25, 1994. The recognition of the technology for

Figure 14.7. Zoomorphic representation of a snake. Petroglyph of Anganuma, Quilanga. The dotted line indicates what could
be interpreted as a basin scale model with wetlands inside it..

Sourcess: CESMAT (2018) ; Ramón (2017b)

Figure 14.8. Excavations in a rock that may represent interconnected lagoons.

Source Ramón (2017b)

The interpretation given to the petroglyphs was ge Area for the Sources that Supply Water for Hu-
later used to search the area for evidence of dried man Consumption to the City of Catacocha”. The
lagoons in order to proceed with their restora- proposal proved to have a high environmental and
tion. The photos of Figure 14.2. show the Pisaca social accomplishments in its application. It was
lagoon before the restoration. highlighted that the project had an exceptional link
with the knowledge of indigenous people prior to
In summary, the recognition of the ancestral the Incas, called Paltas, and demonstrated a clear
knowledge of the Paltas culture was properly social participation, including decision makers,
used to initiate a whole process of management civil society organizations, students of schools and
of the water system in Catacocha. The cultural colleges of the city, and non-governmental organi-
recognition in the management of the natural re- zations, among others.
sources in Paltas-Catacocha agrees with Mitchell
(2018) and with Galo Ramón in his contribution The practices carried out proved to be in accor-
as a guest author, who emphasize the importance dance with the ecohydrological approach when
of integration of the cultural aspect to generate managing water resources through the construc-
awareness and identity in the community about tion of albarradas and tajamares and, through the-
the management of environmental resources. se actions, obtain positive results in terms of water
quantity and quality, improvements in biodiversity
through the protection of the areas surrounding the
14.4. Historical review of the albarradas, generation of ecosystem services such
creation of the demonstra- as the tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) project, and im-
tion site provements in the resilience capacity of ecosystems
In June 2017, the municipality of Paltas, in the facing human and climatic affectations.
mayor’s office of Architect Ramiro Maita Sánchez
(guest author), won first place in Group II of the Subsequently, in June 2017, at the Water Forum of
Green Award granted by the State Bank (BDE) with the city of Catacocha in the municipality of Paltas, in
the project “San Pedro Mártir Micro-watershed and unison with the broadcast of the achievement of the
the Pisaca Reserve Management Plan as a Rechar- green prize, the presentation of the water resources

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 145

146 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

management experience of the micro-basin of the On November 24, 2017 through official letter No.
San Pedro Mártir River was discussed and approved 01279 - AGADCP -2017, Ramiro Maita Sánchez,
to be considered as a demonstration site of ecohy- as Mayor of the Decentralized Autonomous Gover-
drology by the UNESCO International Hydrologi- nment of Paltas, contacted the UNESCO-IHP Eco-
cal Programme. hydrology Programme expressing interest in being
part of the Ecohydrology Demonstrative Sites Ne-
On September 20, 2017, the Nature and Culture twork and, additionally, the commitment to inclu-
International Corporation (NCI) signed an adden- de the ecohydrological approach in the Integrated
dum to the Institutional Cooperation Agreement Management of Water Resources of the San Pedro
between the Municipality of Paltas and NCI with the Mártir Micro-basin and the Pisaca Reserve, as the
intention that the principles of ecohydrology of the main source of water for the city of Catacocha.
UNESCO-IHP be inserted in the long-term local
planning and that NCI provide technical and eco- The application of Paltas - Catacocha was prepa-
nomic support to the municipality, independently red and sent by INGERALEZA S.A. in November
of the dynamics and the political changes. Subse- of 2017 to be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory
quently, NCI hired the services of the company Committee on Ecohydrology of UNESCO-IHP;
INGERALEZA S.A. of Quito to be in charge of the they generated observations on the application, and
preparation of the technical file and the postulation these were clarified by the consulting team.
of the demonstration site before UNESCO-IHP.

Aerial view of Laguna Pisaca. Photo: César Aguirre Torres

Guest author Ramiro Maita Sánchez, Catacocha - Ecuador

The importance of political support for the

integrated management of water resources
in Paltas
No one can be happy without participating in public happi-
ness, no one can be free without the experience of public
freedom, and nobody can be happy or free without getting
involved and being part of the transparent exercise of politics,
which in essence is to SERVE THE COMMUNITY.
The ancestral practice of the Paltas to manage their wetlands allowed them to face the long droughts
that the southern part of Ecuador has endured for centuries. For the municipality of Paltas the fact of
retaking this management model has meant helping to alleviate the water shortage in the city of Ca-
tacocha. Regarding the supply of the vital fluid, before starting the reconstruction of the management
system of wetlands the city had up to 30 minutes of water per day, which later increased to four hours.
This same situation is faced by large areas of the national territory and worldwide, which has caused
much poverty, deaths, and pandemics. A practice like that of our ancestors, the Paltas, is a living exam-
ple that is worthy of replication in other latitudes and can become a solution for other peoples.
With this background and having assumed the responsibility of administering public funds in search of
the development of my territory, our idea, as an authority, has been and is to promote the possibility of
Catacocha being recognized internationally for the use of our natural resources, positioning the hard
work of years that, at the same time, allows us to strengthen this work and achieve greater cooperation
to expand projects like this one.
Thanks to inter-institutional support, we signed up for the Green Prize, an initiative convened by the
Ecuadorian Development Bank; we achieved the first position in the middle-sized municipal GAD cate-
gory, strata 3 and 4, with a prize of 225 thousand dollars.
Our political decisions are focused on the fair management of our people’s goods in a transparent
manner and that this work will consolidate on its own, without personal interests. What we seek is
to generate in our territory the development and positioning of our natural strengths: we are the ga-
teway to the Bosques de Paz Biosphere Reserve of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme of
UNESCO, we have a historical and cultural legacy evidenced not only in the architecture of our homes
or in the archaeological findings, but in the ancestral knowledge that, from generation to generation,
has been transmitted and has made us a people full of faith in ourselves and capable of overcoming
the vicissitudes, including those coming from nature itself, whose obvious example is the care and
conservation of water.
This has allowed us to get the honourable designation as “UNESCO Ecohydrology Demonstrative Site”
via the proposal “Recovering the ancestral system of water resources management of Los Paltas with
an ecohydrological approach to supply water to Catacocha “; this compels us to continue cultivating
our ancestral practices for the water resources management of water resources and water supply to
the city of Catacocha, for being friendly with the environment and because, for us, it represents a roo-
ted historical legacy of PALTA CULTURE, which is our letter of introduction to the whole world.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 147

148 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

We hope that Paltas is a territory of opportunities for the generation of an integral and sustainable
development of the family, especially of the productive sectors and the less favoured ones. We must
promote the idea of a united society capable of investing in our inhabitants. Thus, our management
ideals are embodied in actions, principles, and values that aim to guide new attitudes in the inhabitants,
creating conscience of responsible citizenship that, with the passage of time, will allow us to guarantee
the construction of a society with ideological bases and of efficient work; we consider that it is the
most appropriate mechanism of progress that we can implement from the south of the country.
We fully trust our citizens and with joint actions we will achieve the positioning of our homeland as
“First among the First”. With the initiatives of men and women, who from different geographical points,
urban and rural, day by day deliver their talents for the aggrandizement and progress of their munici-
pal home, gaining more effectiveness with our scientific, academic, and investigative contributions, in
which our Catacocha has been strengthened as Cultural Patrimony of the Nation.
I reiterate my commitment to work for my territory and all the Paltenses, because “We work for a
better life”.

Ramiro Maita Sánchez was born in the city of Catacocha on May 4,

1961; his higher studies were carried out at the Universidad Técnica
Particular de Loja and at the University of Guayaquil, School of Archi-
tecture and Urbanism. He has a Diploma in Training in Public Mana-
gement and one in Governance. His professional career is marked by
service to the community. For several years he worked in Plan Interna-
cional as a teacher in the rural area, which allowed him to know closely
the needs of the communities. As an architect he has worked in seve-
ral works at the municipal, provincial, and national levels. Currently his
main objective is to promote the development and growth of the Paltas
municipality, framed in the current conditions of competitiveness, with
the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the quality and war-
mth of our peoples´ life.

On February 27, 2018, within the framework of the of Ecohydrology, Water Quality and Water Educa-
Ecohydrology Congress and meeting of the Scienti- tion of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Pro-
fic Advisory Committee, the proposal, with the bles- gramme, officially notified the Mayor of Paltas the
sing and on behalf of the municipality of Paltas, was inclusion of Paltas-Catacocha to the Ecohydrology
presented by Marco Albarracín, coordinator of the Network of Demonstrative Sites of UNESCO-IHP.
Ecohydrology Programme of INGERALEZA SA, to
the members of the Scientific Advisory Committee Subsequently, the official launching of the Pal-
on Ecohydrology of UNESCO-IHP at the Universi- tas-Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site
ty of the Algarve in the city of Faro, Portugal. Sub- was carried out by means of a formal act that cau-
sequently, the Committee deliberated and decided ght the attention of both national and local autho-
to integrate the Paltas Demonstration Site into the rities on April 27, 2018 in the People’s Hall of the
UNESCO-IHP global network. Municipality of Catacocha. In the act, cooperation
agreements were signed between the Municipali-
The application process was concluded on March ty of Paltas and several research and development
6, 2018 when Dr Giuseppe Arduino, Section Chief institutions, among which the Particular Technical
University of Loja (UTPL) and Nature and Culture The launching event was attended by the Underse-
International (NCI) stand out. cretary of Social Articulation of the National Secre-
tariat of Water, Dr Mariana Yumbay Yallico, whom
In summary, the object of cooperation will be aimed we have requested to provide us with an extract of
at strengthening the demonstration site through the her speech.
integration of scientific research and capacity buil-
ding on issues related to ecohydrology.

Guest author Mariana Yumbay Yallico, Quito - Ecuador

Excerpt from the speech presented at the offi-

cial launch of the “ Paltas - Catacocha Ecohy-
drology Demonstration Site”
Receive on behalf of the Secretariat of Water (SENAGUA) an affectionate greeting and our genuine
satisfaction for the recognition of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO to the
Autonomous Decentralized Government (GAD) of the Paltas Municipality as the first Ecohydrology
Demonstration Site in Ecuador and, in that sense, as one of only 23 members of this important World
Network. We highlight the work of UNESCO - IHP and its efforts in Ecuador to reverse the degradation
of water resources, stop the loss of biodiversity, and face the problems arising from growing climate
instability, population growth, and human migration.
This recognition is a tangible manifestation of the benefits derived from concerted action between
the Water Secretariat and civil society organizations in order to promote a responsible and integrated
water resources management. Thanks to this institutional participation, articulated work has been
possible in the San Pedro Mártir micro-watershed between the Paltas municipality, the Catamayo-Chi-
ra River Basin, Nature and Culture International, COMUNIDEC, the Provincial Autonomous Provincial
Government of Loja, the Marist School and its EcoClub, the associations of producers and local com-
munities, among other actors, with the aim of recovering the vegetation cover and promoting the
conservation of water sources.
Around this recognition of UNESCO at least three approaches are articulated that align with the strate-
gic visions included in the national and international legal framework for the management of water re-
sources and that are part of the institutional policies that we have been promoting. In the first place, if
water is considered to be a transversal element of sustainable development, essential for food, forests,
energy, health, human well-being and for life itself, we can see that in Paltas joint actions and long-
term political commitments have been established among all local, public and private actors around
integrated visions for the sustainable management of water. Aware of the various threats that plague
the provision of water to local communities, they have faced the urgent need to reduce the degrada-
tion of water resources, promoting actions aimed at the recognition and optimization of ecosystem
services together with the improvement of the basin´s resistance against the pressures exerted by
climate change and by the expansion of the productive activities of local communities. We see with
satisfaction that solutions have been developed and shared to face the most urgent challenges related
to water, based on the promotion of research and innovation, and opting for a proposal framed in the
guidelines of ecohydrology, that is, in the adoption of an approach based on an understanding of the
intimate relationship between water cycles and ecosystem cycles, in order to improve the carrying ca-

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 149

150 Paltas–Catacocha Ecohydrology Demonstration Site

pacity of the basin, protect biodiversity, expand resilience, and increase ecosystem goods and services.
Second, we witness important advances in the issue of community water management, and, in this
regard, we highlight those efforts to recognize the role of indigenous communities and peoples and
encourage the deployment of best practices for the strengthening of water resources, their own forms
of organization, and their capacities for water management. For the Water Secretariat the progress
that can be made in local spaces around community water management is of supreme importance
since we consider that this policy allows an integrated approach, both in the administration and in the
use of water, and that, at the same time, contributes to the strengthening of the local identity and the
recovery of the knowledge and customs of the communities and other organizational instances that
have been working for many years within this territorial jurisdiction.
Finally, for SENAGUA this designation carries a greater significance because it recognizes that the
Paltas municipality is careful in the recovery of their ancestral knowledge. This is aligned with one of
the most relevant mandates contained in the Organic Law of Water Resources and which represents
the recognition of the right of peoples and nationalities to maintain and strengthen their own forms of
organization through which they administer their ancestral territories, distribute, and take advantage
of their natural resources.
This recognition by UNESCO of the importance of ancestral knowledge and practices, on the other
hand, is a way of recognizing the right of nationalities and peoples to self-determination since, in the
field of water resources management, this recognition means the opening of institutional spaces to
make visible and legitimize the management models that indigenous peoples have used since time
immemorial, as is the case of these communities that self-identify as part of a Paltas culture and that
have proven to be effective, both in the reassignment as in the availability of the water resource.
Thank you.

Mariana Yumbay Yallico is a Kichwa woman from the Waranka village

in the province of Bolívar. She is a Doctor in Jurisprudence and a law-
yer in the courts of the Republic (Central University of Ecuador). She
specialized in Collective Rights (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar),
and holds a master’s degree in Criminal Law and Criminology (Univer-
sidad Autónoma Regional de los Andes, Ambato). Expert in Indigenous
Peoples, Human Rights and International Cooperation by the Carlos
III University of Madrid, Spain, she was an adviser to several peasant
and indigenous organizations at the national level, and a consultant
to several national and international organizations. She was a parlia-
mentarian of the National Congress. She served as Judge of Criminal
Guarantees of Traffic of Bolívar, and as magistrate of the National Court of Justice of Ecuador.
She has been a university teacher. Currently she is the Undersecretary of Social and Articulation
of Water Resources of the National Water Secretariat (SENAGUA)..
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Román, C. J. (2014). Implementación de las Competencias Exclusivas del
CESMAT. (2018 ). Mostra “Patrimonio Rupestre y Creación Artística” Retrie- Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de Paltas para Garan-
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tica-dal-15-al-30-novembre-2017-loja-ecuador/ Recarga Hídrica para Consumo Humano de la Ciudad de Catacocha.
Cueva, E. (2015). Cálculos del Stock de Carbono en la Reserva Pisaca. (Máster en Desarrollo Rural), Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja. Re-
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me-Stock-de-carbono-Reserva-Pisaca.pdf TEEB. (2010). The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Mainstrea-
Holling, C. S. (1973). Resilience and stability of ecological systems. Annual ming the Economics of Nature: A synthesis of the approach, conclu-
Review of Ecology and Systematics, 4(1), 1-23. sions and recommendations of TEEB.
Huber, A., Iroumé, A., Mohr, C. and Frêne, C. (2010). Efecto de plantacio- UNESCO-CCNN. (2017, 22.08.2017). Reserva de la Biosfera Transfronteriza
nes de Pinus radiata y Eucalyptus globulus sobre el recurso agua Bosques de Paz. Retrieved from
en la Cordillera de la Costa de la región del Biobío, Chile. Bosque ral-sciences/about-us/single-view/news/bosques_de_paz_transboun-
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Kvist, P., Aguirre-Mendoza, Z. and Sánchez, O. (2006). Bosques montanos cular to Basin Scale: historical evolution, advancements and imple-
bajos occidentales en Ecuador y sus plantas útiles,205-223. M. Mo- mentation activities. Paris: UNESCO/SC/HYD programme or meeting
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Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, Latina y el Caribe. Santiago Van Dyke, F. (2008). Conservation biology: foundations, concepts, applica-
(Chile). FAO, 147-167. tions. Berlin: Springer Science & Business Media.
MEA, M. E. A. (2005). Ecosystems and human well-being: current state
and trends. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Global Assessment

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 151

Las Grietas, Santa Cruz, Galápagos. Photo: M. Albarracín
Chapter 15
Sites where the ecohydrological approach is being developed in Ecuador

15.1. The Municipality of Santa Cruz, The population of the municipality of Santa Cruz,
Galapagos according to the census conducted by INEC
(2010), was 15,393 people, of which 77.8% is
15.1.1. Background
located in the city of Puerto Ayora, and of these
The Municipality of Santa Cruz is part of the In- 15.8% in Bellavista and 6.5% in Santa Rosa, both
sular Region of Galápagos and is one of the three rural parishes of the city. The population growth
municipalities of the province of the same name, rate was 3.35% per year. The Santa Cruz muni-
along with San Cristóbal (Chatham) and Isabela cipality has an area of 31,121.37 km2, of which
(Albemarle). Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, a city on 94.22% corresponds to the Marine Area and
San Cristóbal Island, serves as the administrative the remaining 5.8% to the terrestrial area. Santa
capital of the province, although the most popu- Cruz Island has a land area of 983.41 km2. Other
lated city is Puerto Ayora, on Santa Cruz (Indefa- important islands, not inhabited, which corres-
tigable) Island. pond politically to the municipality are Baltra
(South Seymour), where the airport is located,
The Galapagos Islands were recognized by and the islands of Santiago (James), Marchena
UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1978 and and Pinta (Abingdon) (INEC, 2018, Galapagos
were declared a Biosphere Reserve in 1985. Ta- National Park, 2014).
king only their protected terrestrial territory, the
entire Galápagos Archipelago has 96.7% of its With the exception of San Cristóbal, the islands
extension designated for protection and conser- of the archipelago do not possess surface water
vation of ecosystems, while the remaining 3.3% resources because their soil is of volcanic origin,
corresponds to colonized urban and rural areas relatively young (geologically speaking) and that,
(Parque Nacional Galápagos, 2014). However, due to its porosity, has little retention capacity.
this situation is different if only the island of San- Only San Cristóbal possesses a natural lake ca-
ta Cruz is considered since it is the most popula- lled El Junco. In the rest of the islands, small wa-
ted island. The values of the conservation terri- ter sources and pools are produced seasonally,
tory of Santa Cruz are best explained by Noémi which are used by local fauna such as turtles and
d’Ozouville, our next guest author. land iguanas. But most water for human use and
consumption comes from small reservoirs crea-
In 2007, UNESCO placed the Galapagos Islands ted in the high areas of the islands by private ow-
on its List of World Heritage in Danger (Galapa- ners, or by the extraction of brackish water from
gos National Park, 2014) due to threats caused small cracks and underground sources.
by invasive species, unbridled tourism, and over-
fishing. On July 29, 2010, the UNESCO World
Heritage Committee decided to remove Galapa-
gos from that list because the Committee consi-
dered that Ecuador had made important progress
in addressing these problems (Gaona, 2017).

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 153

154 Sites where the hydroecological approach is developed in Ecuador

Guest author Noémi d’Ozouville, Galapagos - Ecuador

Ecohidrology of Santa Cruz, Galápagos

The Galapagos Islands are of volcanic origin following the action of a “hot spot” on the Nazca plate
below the western islands of the archipelago and the mid oceanic dorsal area, north of the archipela-
go. The islands are similar in their formation to the Hawaiian Islands or the Canary Islands. However,
because of its young age of less than 5 million years and because of the dry climate that prevails due
to its oceanic location on the equatorial line, the hydrology of the islands is very different from that of
the mainland or other islands.
Only one island, among the oldest, that of San Cristóbal, has permanent fresh water sources on its
surface, from which small rivers that flow towards the sea are born. Santa Cruz, the most populated
island, is located in the central part of the archipelago.
Santa Cruz Island is characterized by the absence of superficial, permanent, or at least notable water
currents. The water resources present on Santa Cruz include: (a) a small slope at the base of a volcanic
cone of slag near the town of Santa Rosa, with a flow rate of less than 0.01 l/s; (b) Sphagnum (peat
moss) pools saturated with water in the craters of the cones of the highest part of the island; (c) se-
mi-permanent pools, fancied by giant tortoises; (d) surface and sub-surface runoff, temporary during
the garúa season or during prolonged winters; (e) a basal aquifer; and (f) a possible aquifer suspended
in the windward slope of the island. The presence of well-marked gouges indicates the existence of
recurrent phenomena of temporary run-off. These phenomena were seen during the El Niño years
1982-1983 and 1997-1998, but also in the years 2008, 2010, and 2012. There is also some infrastruc-
ture that has some influence on the islands ecohydrology: (a) water reservoirs with geo-membranes in
rural areas, and (b) artificial reservoirs for the treatment of wastewater.
An important feature of the Galapagos Islands is the protection of almost 97% of its terrestrial surface
as a National Park. In the inhabited islands, this percentage is lower since a large part of the wet zone
on the windward sides consists of rural areas dedicated to agricultural and tourist activity. On Santa
Cruz, 70% of its surface is a protected area within the National Park, including the entire surface of the
northward leeward side of the island. Windward, the agricultural, livestock, and populated areas are
concentrated. The protected area plays an important role in maintaining the ecosystem services on
the island. Beyond the limits of the Park, considering the extension of the rural area, it is important to
implement good practices for livestock, agricultural, and silvo-pastoral activities, and also to control
invasive species to ensure the provision of ecosystem services. Public entities, with the support of the
productive sector and non-profit organizations, point to this reality. The Territorial Ordinance of the Pro-
vince, and the specific policies that apply for the territory of Santa Cruz, seek to limit polluting activities
in the vicinity of water points, for example.
The progress of ecohydrology in Santa Cruz is particularly important on three fronts:
1. Resilience to climate change. The vegetation strip between 450 and 650 masl plays an important
role in increasing the water recharge during the garúa season, which shows greater constancy from
one year to the next; and on the other hand, it offers shade during the summer season and soil
retention and erosion control during the winter season. Endemic species, such as the Galápagos
petrel, nest in these areas and contribute to important fertilization, after the contribution of marine
nutrients to the terrestrial environment.
2. Pollution reduction. The implementation of artificial dry swamps in Santa Cruz for the treatment of
wastewater is novel in Galapagos. These innovative ecosystems integrate the best of environmen-
tal practices and the particular characteristics of the Galápagos. They allow the return of deconta-
minated water to the environment, while the plants offer habitat and food for birds and insects, and
the infrastructure can serve educational purposes, generating awareness in the community.
3. Groundwater. Santa Cruz Island is known for “cracks” – open fractures in the coastal strip – where
it is possible to access the groundwater level of the base aquifer. In Santa Cruz these are brackish,
a result of the very weak hydraulic gradient due to the low recharge and high permeability of the
medium. Cracks and other fractures represent preferential water-flow paths. And this is reflected in
the land-sea interface where the base aquifer ends. The possible presence of an aquifer suspended
in the upper part contributes to eco-hydrology in two ways: (i) in normal times, it is likely that the
aquifer will be discharged into the base aquifer, creating sites with a higher water table and lower
salinity; (ii) in times of high recharge, it is possible that the aquifer has a connection with the conse-
quent formation of shallow pools in the upper part.
The Pelican Bay watershed, from the highest part of the island to Puerto Ayora, includes wetlands
protected by the Galapagos National Park, agricultural areas, potable water supply points, dry mar-
shes, and base aquifer cracks. It is a unique and priority place in which to continue researching
ecohydrology on the island and the province and to link these efforts in the international context..

Noémi d’Ozouville was born in France in 1978. After working as a

volunteer at the Charles Darwin Research Station in 2000-2001, she
returned to the Galapagos Islands to investigate their hydrology. Du-
ring her initial stay she was able to appreciate the lack of existing
information and research on this subject and its importance for the
conservation and sustainable development of the islands. After ob-
taining her doctorate from Paris 6 University in France in 2007, she
returned to live in Galapagos. The research programme is still acti-
ve, and the main results can be found at www.galapagos-hydrology.
fr. Noémi has worked as a consultant in the Vulnerability Analysis
of the Galapagos against Climate Change and in the Land Manage-
ment Plan, among others. Additionally, she has worked at the Charles Darwin Foundation in
scientific and financial coordination..

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 155

156 Sites where the hydroecological approach is developed in Ecuador

15.2. Water resources management place where the most important tourist, research,
in Santa Cruz, Galapagos protection of nature, commerce, etc. activities
are coordinated.
In general, throughout the province of Galapa-
gos, but in Puerto Ayora in particular, there is an
Bottled water is the most used way for human
inadequate and insufficient infrastructure of ba-
consumption in Santa Cruz. The water desalina-
sic water services (Parque Nacional Galápagos,
tion and purification system from cracks (see Fi-
2014). The supply of drinking water for human
gure 15.1.) is in the implementation stage, but at
consumption, the treatment of wastewater, and
the moment it is not working and operating in its
the provision of food from the island’s farms for
entirety. The economic investment for the drin-
self-supply are the most water-related issues on
king water system of Santa Cruz is high, although
populated islands. This problem is very clear in
justified (City Hall of Santa Cruz, no date).
the city of Puerto Ayora due to its being a relati-
vely large human settlement, and because it is the

Figure 15.1.Pumping and desalination system of brackish groundwater through reverse osmosis in Santa Cruz Galápagos.

Photos Marco Albarracín.

On the other hand, in the high and middle part of deal with polluting discharges. These wetlands
the island, agriculture and livestock activities are have been located in places where groundwater
developed that provide food to the population of contamination is evident. For example, the evis-
Santa Cruz and even other towns of the archipe- ceration of fish is a highly-polluting activity that
lago. These activities consume a large amount of contaminates soil and then infiltrates towards the
water resources and are also related to processes aquifers. To deal with this environmental pro-
of pollution by fertilizers and pesticides. blem, the municipality has determined a specific
slaughterhouse for fish evisceration and located
Although most of the water resources in Santa an artificial dry wetland for the treatment of was-
Cruz come from underground sources, there is tewater.
a limited or total absence of management and
protection of aquifers (Parque Nacional Galápa- Artificial dry wetlands for wastewater treatment
gos, 2014). The lack of infrastructure for the are an ecohydrological tool among the biotech-
treatment of wastewater produces pollution of nological solutions. By harmonizing this techni-
underground water resources that have high le- que with other water treatment infrastructures,
vels of pollution, mainly from faecal coliforms. more than 80% of the contaminants can be redu-
However, in recent years several “artificial dry ced before reaching the aquifers.
wetlands” have been implemented on the island
(see Figure 15.2.) as a biotechnological tool to

Figure 15.2. Artificial dry wetland for the treatment of wastewater from a fish evisceration plant in Santa Cruz, Galapagos.

Photo: Marco Albarracín.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 157

158 Sites where the hydroecological approach is developed in Ecuador

As a summary, the municipality of Santa Cruz 15.3. The Chone River Basin
was able to adopt the management tools of the (Manabí)
ecohydrological approach for the management
The Chone River basin is one of the 17 hydrogra-
of its water resources. At the moment, many
phic sub-basins found in the Manabí Hydrogra-
practices are already being carried out in this
phic Demarcation (DHM). The DHM is located
sense, but they must be strengthened, and, abo-
in the coastal region of Ecuador and has an area of
ve all, scientific data must be produced to de-
11,483.68 km2 and a population of 1’149,748
monstrate the dual-regulation of the biotic and
inhabitants, which correspond to approximately
hydrological systems that are being implemen-
8% of the Ecuadorian population. The DHM is
ted in the area to increase community benefits
located in three of the 24 provinces of Ecuador,
from ecosystem services.
but most of it (97.7%) in the province of Manabí.
This is one of the nine hydrographic demarca-
Due to the implications of water management
tions of Ecuador and has and independent admi-
in Puerto Ayora and its rural parishes, the
nistrative management through the Undersecre-
possibility has been considered to present the
tary of the Hydrographic Demarcation of Manabí
Municipality of Santa Cruz as a possible ecohy-
(Zambrano-Mera, 2014).
drology demonstration site. For this, the local
government must apply within its model of wa-
In recent years, major hydraulic infrastructure
ter management the tools of the ecohydrologi-
works for water management have been carried
cal approach in order to solve problems related
out within the DHM. The most significant works
to the water resources management. The stren-
are the dams Daule - Peripa, La Esperanza, and
gthening of good management practices that, at
Poza Honda, and transfers I, II, and III. These
present, have been implemented by the munici-
infrastructure works have been developed with
pality and the Galapagos National Park should
the objective of providing drinking water for the
also be considered.
cities of Manabí, including the capital Portoviejo
and Chone, and for irrigation systems within the
province (see Figure 15.3.).

Photo: Eduardo Infantes

Figure 15.3. Infrastructure works to supply irrigation and drinking water within the Manabí Hydrographic Demarcation.

Source: Zambrano-Mera (2014)

The Chone River basin is one of the most impor- of most threatened ecosystems by human activi-
tant livestock areas in Ecuador, with an approxi- ties. According to Zambrano-Mera (2014), the
mate number of 198,082 cattle heads, which estuary of the Chone River was separated from
corresponds to 25.30% of production in the pro- the Ciénega de La Segua by an accumulation of
vince of Manabí and 5.42% in the country. Wi- sediments from the river and originated by the
thin this basin is the RAMSAR Wetland Ciénega deforestation of the middle part of the basin,
de La Segua (see Figure 15.4.), linked to the about 85 years ago. This separation has produ-
Chone River estuary (Zambrano-Mera, 2014). ced that at the moment this wetland is exclusively
On this site there are still mangrove forests, one freshwater.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 159

160 Sites where the hydroecological approach is developed in Ecuador

Figure 15.4.Chone river basin and location of the RAMSAR site Ciénega de la Segua.

Source: Zambrano-Mera (2014)

The upper part of the Chone River basin has a dry about 60 families do not own land and work as
tropical climate distributed in a strip approxima- day laborers in the area. The predominant eco-
tely 60 km wide that begins in the north of Ma- nomic activity is agriculture and the cultivation
nabí and goes south crossing the east of the area. of citrus fruits such as tangerines, oranges, and
The annual rainfall varies from 500 to 1,000 grapefruit, as well as passion fruit. The months
mm per year, with a rainy season from January to of greatest production are June, July, August and
April and a very dry summer with high tempera- September. Therefore, both droughts and floods
tures. The maximum altitude of the basin is over have serious implications for the food security of
700 masl. The area is prone to mass movements the communities that are downstream in the mi-
(which accelerate erosion processes), as well as ddle of the basin (Gaona, 2017).
floods and droughts. Some 200 families live in
this part of the basin. There are approximately The middle zone of the basin is characterized by
1,500 hectares of 3 to 4 blocks per family, while gentle hills and fluvial valleys, with steep reliefs
occurring between 100 and 400 masl. The topo- November, with annual maximum averages of be-
graphy in this area generates flood zones during tween 1,500 and 1,750 mm in the western fringe
the winter. The livestock sector is the predomi- of the basin (Gaona, 2017).
nant activity and droughts and floods constitute
the main risk and threat to the population. In this As a result of an exchange of experiences be-
area, 29.12% of milk is produced (96,000 litres tween specialists and managers, the development
per day), which is obtained mostly (85%) from of a project for the sustainable management of
small producers, who supply around 40-200 li- the Chone River estuary was proposed, where the
tters per day. In addition, the production of beef recurrent problems of infrastructure, tourism,
with 220,000 cattle heads has turned the area and health related to agriculture, aquaculture,
into the most cattle-producing municipality in and fishing were identified (IX Meeting of Natio-
the country. nal Committees and Focal Points UNESCO IHP
LAC, UNESCO-IHP, 2011) Three main pro-
In the lower area of the basin mangrove forests jects have been carried out: Upper Basin: Diver-
are found along the coastal strip. This ecosystem sified Fruit System to increase its resilience. Mi-
is of great importance for it plays the role of flood ddle basin: Silvo-pastoral Resilience Experience.
control, coastline stabilization, erosion control, Lower Basin: Management Plan of the Wildlife
and water desalination of water entering the con- Refuge Islas Corazones y Fragatas.
tinental territory, among others. In this area, the
main economic activity is fishing, and in parti- Due to the infrastructure for water management,
cular the production of shrimp. Since ancient the presence of a RAMSAR wetland located in
times, mangroves have supplied populations of the Chone River basin and the relationship with
fishermen and artisanal collectors and have beco- the local population, the ecohydrological tools
me the main source of protein for communities indicated in this document can be very useful for
and of businesses for the inhabitants, who also IWRM in this hydrographic system. Likewise,
benefit from its commercialization. Due to its the relationships that exist between the basin and
location, the climate is characterized by a strong the marine-coastal resources can be studied in
winter season that coincides with the first months depth and generate actions that allow obtaining
of the year and an extended summer from May to better ecosystem services of seafood products by
an improved catchment management

Alcaldía de Santa Cruz. (No date). Plan de Desarrollo y Ordenamien- Zambrano-Mera, Y. E. (2014). Posibilidades de implementación de
to Territorial, Cantón Santa Cruz, 2015 - 2027. Quito, Ecuador: un sistema de indicadores para la gestión de la sequía en la De-
Imprenta Torrescal. marcación Hidrográfica de Manabí-Ecuador. Máster, Universidad
Gaona, J. (2017). The Potential of Ecohydrology - Ecuadorian Case Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, España. Retrieved from http://
INEC. (2018). Resultados del Censo 2010. Retrieved from http://  

Parque Nacional Galápagos. (2014). Plan de Manejo de las Áreas

Protegidas de Galápagos para el Buen Vivir. Quito: Imprenta

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 161

162 Ecohydrology and its implementation in Ecuador
Chapter 16
Scientific research programmes on
ecohydrology in Ecuador

In Ecuador some research initiatives related to Resources and Environmental Sciences (iDRHI-
ecohydrology have been carried out. The largest CA), as indicated by our guest authors, Rolando
amount of scientific production on this subject Célleri and Patricio Crespo, researchers and tea-
is led by the University of Cuenca, within the chers of this university.
Hydrology with a Mention in Ecohydrology mas-
ter’s programme from the Department of Water

Rolando Célleri

Guest authors Cuenca, Ecuador
Patricio Crespo

A master’s degree in Hydrology

with mention in Ecohydrology
Rolando Célleri Alvear1,2, Patricio Crespo Sánchez1,3
1 Department of Water Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Cuenca
2 School of Engineering, University of Cuenca
3 School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cuenca

Water is essential for human development. Therefore, countries invest large amounts of money to
ensure that the population has access to this resource in sufficient quantity and acceptable quality
for different uses: drinking water, hydroelectric generation, and irrigation, among others. This is why
hydrological studies are carried out as a starting point for all water use projects since they determine
their availability at the sources.
However, economic activities do not always remain within the limits of the carrying capacity of the
ecosystems located in the catchments, which leads to a degradation of natural resources, protective
vegetation, and biodiversity and soils, to cite the most important. This, in turn, translates into a reduc-
tion in the availability of water, mainly the capacity of regulation and natural storage of the ecosystem.
If we add that the climate is very variable and that the projected climatic changes indicate that the
extremes will intensify in the future (very humid and very dry months), we have a scenario in which the
current water availability is very different from the future availability, which puts at risk the systems of
water uses.
The National Development Plan of Ecuador considers this problem. From the territorial analysis ca-
rried out for the elaboration of the Plan, there are also, in broad outline, several problems, principally
difficulties for the supply of safe water, which is why the water sources must be managed sustai-
nably. Consequently, among the specific objectives of the Plan, among other things, it is necessary

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 163

164 Scientific research programmes on ecohydrology in Ecuador

to: (i) identify, exploit, and use, in a sustainable manner, all water sources, (ii) implement a dynamic
national water inventory to characterize and quantify the supply and demand of water for production,
according to its uses and watersheds, and (iii) to promote the development and implementation of
water security plans.
To achieve these objectives, the participation of highly qualified professionals in hydrological studies is
necessary, people who understand not only the current situation but also future scenarios and incor-
porate them into studies of hydrological uncertainty. To do so, they must also know the relationships
between the ecology (terrestrial and aquatic) and the hydrological cycle, and the feedback between
soils, vegetation, water flows (through evaporation, transpiration, infiltration and runoff) and climate.
The area of hydrology that studies these processes at the ecosystem level is called ecohydrology, and
as such it is a relatively new area in hydrology.

The Master´s programme in Hydrology with mention in Ecohydrology

In line with national objectives, since 2015 the University of Cuenca has offered a research master’s
degree that trains professionals in the field of ecohydrology. The objective of the master’s programme
with mention in ecohydrology is the training of highly specialized professionals in the conservation and
management of water resources based on the current and future situation (global change), with a deep
understanding of the interrelations between hydrological and ecological processes, capable of critica-
lly analysing interdisciplinary problems, identifying gaps in knowledge, and generating new scientific
knowledge. This will be done through the design of ecohydrological and hydrometeorological moni-
toring systems, the use of advanced numerical simulation technologies and tools, and high skills to
disseminate this information through high-level scientific publications and presentations at technical
and scientific events. For this, it is necessary to acquire solidity in disciplinary subjects in ecology and
hydrology, as well as in interdisciplinary subjects in ecohydrology, as well as a strong foundation in key
tools such as statistics, programming, and geographic information systems. These men and women
will be trained to carry out professional activities as well as to initiate doctoral studies and develop an
academic career. The students of the master’s programme are able to enter the doctoral programme
in water resources offered by the University of Cuenca in conjunction with UTPL and EPN.
This is a full-time research programme, with a low cost, focused on the training of professionals ra-
ther than the generation of business. It is oriented to professionals who have a third level degree in
different branches of science. For more information visit our website
A critical issue when students select a master’s degree is the identification of the thesis topic. Thus,
we have succeeded in generating a bank of thesis topics fully funded and proposed by the research
groups of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cuen-
ca. The topics cover different lines of research. The selection of the thesis topic will be made at the
end of the first semester, giving the student time to complete his/her thesis during the two years of the
programme. This has already been evidenced when several students of the first batch have managed
to execute thesis topics of the highest scientific level worldwide, in the foreseen time, and that have
been presented in high impact international journals. Some of them have already been published by
high impact indexed journals, constituting an important milestone at national and regional level.
Additionally, we try to ensure that students receive the guidance of doctoral students and professors
of the highest world-class level in the area. This generates that the students expose their opinions and
experiences both from a technical and scientific point of view.
Rolando Célleri Alvear is Lecturer at the University of Cuenca. His
research aims to identify the impacts of global change on the water
resources of Andean ecosystems and define adaptation measures.
One of his main lines of research is ecohydrology: its processes
and soil-vegetation-atmosphere relationships. He also studies hy-
drometeorological processes and the integral management of wa-
tersheds. His projects include elements of field monitoring – using
conventional and advanced sensors – as well as various modelling

Patricio Crespo holds a PhD in Natural Sciences. He is currently a

principal investigator of the Department of Water Resources and En-
vironmental Sciences (iDRHICA) of the University of Cuenca, leads
the group of ecohydrology and ecohydrological tracers of the same
Department, and is director of the Master´s Programme in Hydro-
logy with mention in Ecohydrology. He has published more than 30
articles in indexed journals of high global impact and has directed
several national and international projects..

From the work carried out by iDRHICA a series of scientific publications available in the SCOPUS© sys-
tem have been released, and of which we list those related to ecohydrological research, ignoring those re-
lated only to hydrology, hydraulics, ecology, or related individual subjects.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 165

Lake, Cajas National Park. Photo: Marco Albarracín
166 Scientific research programmes on ecohydrology in Ecuador

Ochoa-Sánchez A, Crespo P, & Célleri R. (2018). drology, 10:e1894.

Quantification of rainfall interception in the high eco.1894
Andean tussock grasslands. Ecohydrology;
e1946. Mosquera, G. M., Segura, C., Vaché, K. B., Wind-
horst, D., Breuer, L., & Crespo, P. (2016). Insi-
Aparecido, L. M. T., Teodoro, G. S., Mosquera, ghts into the water mean transit time in a hi-
G., Brum, M., V Barros, F., Pompeu, P. V., ... & gh-elevation tropical ecosystem. Hydrology
Asbjornsen, H. (2018). Ecohydrological drivers and Earth System Sciences, 20(7), 2987–3004.
of Neotropical vegetation in montane ecosys-
tems. Ecohydrology.
eco.1932 Mosquera, G. M., Célleri, R., Lazo, P. X., Vaché, K.
B., Perakis, S. S., & Crespo, P. (2016). Combi-
Iñiguez-Armijos, C., Hampel, H., & Breuer, L. (2018). ned use of isotopic and hydrometric data to
Land-use effects on structural and functional conceptualize ecohydrological processes in a
composition of benthic and leaf-associated high-elevation tropical ecosystem. Hydrologi-
macroinvertebrates in four Andean streams. cal Processes, 30(17), 2930–2947. https://doi.
Aquatic Ecology, 52(1), 77-92. org/10.1002/hyp.10927

Hamel, P., Riveros‐Iregui, D., Ballari, D., Browning, Mosquera, G. M., Lazo, P. X., Célleri, R., Wilcox, B.
T., Célleri, R., Chandler, D., ... & Johnson, M. P., & Crespo, P. (2015). Runoff from tropical al-
(2017). Watershed services in the humid tro- pine grasslands increases with areal extent of
pics: Opportunities from recent advances wetlands. CATENA, 125, 120–128. https://doi.
in ecohydrology. Ecohydrology. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.catena.2014.10.010
Iñiguez–Armijos, C., Leiva, A., Frede, H. G., Hampel,
Wright, C., Kagawa‐Viviani, A., Gerlein‐Safdi, C., H., & Breuer, L. (2014). Deforestation and ben-
Mosquera, G. M., Poca, M., Tseng, H., & Chun, thic indicators: how much vegetation cover is
K. P. (2017). Advancing ecohydrology in the needed to sustain healthy Andean streams?.
changing tropics: Perspectives from early PLoS One, 9(8), e105869.
career scientists. Ecohydrology. https://doi.
org/10.1002/eco.1918 Crespo, P., Célleri, R., Buytaert, W., Feyen, J., Iñi-
guez, V., Borja, P., & De Bièvre, B. (2010). Land
Vimos, D., Martinez-Capel, F., & Hampel, H. (2017). use change impacts on the hydrology of wet
Environmental factors determining EPT com- Andean páramo ecosystems. IAHS Publ., (336),
munities at basin and habitat scales in the 71–76.
Andean headwater rivers of Ecuador. Ecohy-

On the other hand, Table 16.1. is a list of the cution or that have finished their research in this
doctoral and master’s thesis topics that are in exe- programme.
Table 16.1. Thesis subjects with an ecohydrological component of postgraduate students from the University of

Degree Thesis topic Student

Land cover influence on Subsurface Hydrogeochemical Fluxes in a Moun- Mosquera,

PhD tainous Catchment in South Ecuador. Giovanny
Influence of hydraulic and hydrological conditions on the spatial and tem-
PhD poral variation of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in high Andean Vimos, Diego
rivers in the south of Ecuador (in Spanish)
The effects of vegetation cover on the soil moisture dynamics in Andean Tenelanda Patiño,
MSc paramo hillslopes Daniel Orlando
Optimization of pluviometric spatial sampling with ecohydrological covari- Contreras Silva,
MSc ables (in Spanish) Juan José
Landscape and Hydrometereological factors influencing storage in a Lazo Jara, Patricio
MSc high-elevation tropical ecosystem Xavier
Impact of pine-tree plantations on the hydro-physical properties of the high Marín Molina,
MSc Andean soils of southern Ecuador (in Spanish) Franklin Geovanny
Response of native tree especies to water stress under climate change López Zamora,
MSc predictions in an Andean Region Juan Josué
Evaluation of evapotranspiration models based on vegetation indexes on Ramón Reinozo,
MSc pasture and shrub vegetation ecosystems (in Spanish) Mayra Elizabeth
The effect of grazing on the hydrological dynamic of a well monitored Montenegro Díaz,
MSc hillslope in the paramo Paola Fernanda
Effect on land cover and hydro-meteorological controls on carbon stocks Pesántez Vallejo,
MSc and export in a high elevation tropical enviroment Juan Patricio

Source: Archives of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Sciences..

Additionally, there are other investigations that from the ecosystem and that can be used as tools
also have a highly important ecohydrological com- for the development of strategies and good páramo
ponent of extreme quality in the country, although ecosystem management practices. Likewise, Be-
the use of ecohydrology principles as a management llot and Chirino (2013) present the HYDROBAL
tool is not explicit. eco-hydrological model as a tool to monitor the
water balance in a daily resolution. Specifically, the
For example, Minaya (2017) has generated great HYDROBAL model determines the effect of the
knowledge about the ecohydrological system of the type of vegetation on the water balance of the soil
Ecuadorian páramos of Ecuador, particularly those and the recharge of aquifers, generating in the end
of volcano Antisana. Although the dual regulation a useful tool for the management of vegetation for
approach to solve problems is not evident in this the purpose of improving the quantity of available of
work, Minaya makes a meticulous study of the rela- water.These two examples of studies on ecohydro-
tionships of the type of vegetation with the availabi- logy in Ecuador are useful tools generated from the
lity of water in this ecosystem that provides water for academy and that can be used for the management
the large city of Quito. However, the study identi- of water resources in the country.
fies a series of ecosystem services that are detached

Bellot, J., & Chirino, E. (2013). Hydrobal: An eco-hydrological mode- Minaya, V. (2017). Ecohydrology of the Andes Paramo Region: CRC
lling approach for assessing water balances in different vegeta- Press.
tion types in semi-arid areas. Ecological Modelling, 266, 30-41.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 167

168 Ecohydrology and its implementation in Ecuador

Cuyes River, Gualaquiza, Ecuador. Photo: Fabián Rodas

Chapter 17
Organisations that support the development of ecohydrology in Ecuador

17.1. Non-profit organizations carried out between 1996 and 2001. Current-
ly UNESCO is implementing phase VIII of the
17.1.1. UNESCO IHP with the programme entitled “Water Secu-
According to Zalewski et al. (2008), the concept rity: Answers to local, regional and global cha-
of ecohydrology as a “holistic tool for the sustai- llenges”. IHP-VIII consists of six topics and the
nable management of water resources” was born fifth is “Ecohydrology: Creating Harmony for a
as part of phase V of UNESCO´s International Sustainable World”. Figure 17.1. shows the six
Hydrological Programme (IHP-V), which was themes and focal areas of phase VIII of UNES-

Figure 17.1. The six topics of the Strategic Plan (2014-2021) of Phase VIII of UNESCO - IHP.
Sources: (UNESCO-PHI-VIII, 2012)

Water-related Underground Address water Water and Ecohydrology: Water education

disasters water scarcity and human settle- creating harmony and culture: a key
and hydrological ments in the for a sustainable- to water security
in a changing quality
changes future world

Water security: responses to local, regional and global challenges

The fifth theme of IHP-VIII “Ecohydrology: the between the continental area and coastal areas
creation of harmony for a sustainable world” has and ecosystem functioning (UNESCO-IHP-VIII,
in turn identified five focal areas in its strategic 2012).
plan: (1) The hydrological dimension of a basin -
identifying potential risks and opportunities for Under this brief umbrella of activities explained in
sustainable development . (2) Conformation of the the previous paragraphs, the UNESCO office in
ecological structure of the basin for possible im- Quito has among its objectives to broaden the base
provement of the ecosystem biological productivi- of knowledge regarding the freshwater resources
ty and biodiversity. (3) Solutions of the ecohydro- of the planet on cultural, social, and scientific
logical system and ecological engineering for the responses for sustainable water resources mana-
improvement of hydrological and ecosystem resi- gement. As can be found on its website, the office
lience and ecosystem services. (4) Urban Ecohy- supports the development of the ecohydrological
drology - purification of rainwater and retention, approach to improve the quality and services of
potential for improvement of health and quality of ecosystems and the application of this approach to
life in the urban environment. (5) Ecohydrologi- the formulation of policies related to environmen-
cal regulation to sustain and restore connectivity tal management (UNESCO -Quito, 2017).

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 169

170 Organisations that support the development of ecohydrology in Ecuador

On the other hand, as a result of the meetings of a non-governmental, non-profit organization ac-
the group that supports UNESCO’s ecohydrolo- credited by the Government of Ecuador through
gy, several initiatives have been created and many the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Inte-
of them have had an influence on the contribution gration, the mission of which is to conserve the
that UNESCO and these bodies can give to support most diverse and threatened ecosystems in Latin
countries for integrating their activities to the topics America and their associated cultural wealth,
of the strategic plan. Such is the case of the network saving endangered habitats, strengthening lo-
of young professionals working on ecohydrology cal capacities, and supporting communities to
issues, as explained by Valerie Ouellet of the Uni- preserve their ways of life. Since 2006, NCI has
versity of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. been supporting several Decentralized Autono-
mous Governments of Southern Ecuador in the
implementation of conservation processes for
17.1.2. Nature and Culture water sources and remnants of native forests, to
International Corporation ensure the provision of environmental services of
Nature and Culture International Corporation is natural ecosystems.

Guest author Valerie Ouellet, Quebec, Canada

Ecohydrology Emerging Professional Global

Network (Ecohydrology-EPGN)
With the growing recognition of the impacts of climate change and human activities on aquatic
ecosystems, the importance of developing more scientific knowledge to prevent the degradation of
water resources and stop the decline of biodiversity increases. Each year, more and more young pro-
fessionals begin a career in ecohydrology that is dedicated to understanding the relationships between
hydrological and biological processes at different scales, with the vision of helping to improve water
security, enhance biodiversity, and increase opportunities for the sustainable development of the envi-
ronment and the reduction of ecological threats.
In February 2018, after a meeting of the UNESCO Ecohydrology group, it was decided to create a
network made up of students and young professionals dedicated to ecohydrology. The Ecohydrology
Emerging Professional Global Network (Ecohydrology-EPGN) arose from the desire to give a special
place to young professionals and researchers in ecohydrology, since they represent the future of the
discipline, and from the need to strengthen the links of this group of entrepreneurs with UNESCO´s
ecohydrology programme. The network is coordinated by Dr Valerie Ouellet and José Gaona M. Sc.
(Co-chairs) and with the participation of Anastasia Mirli M. Sc., Lauren Zielinski M. Sc., Dr Makarius C.
S. Lalika, and Marco Albarracín M. Sc.
The mission of Ecohydrology-EPGN is to offer an opportunity to connect emerging professionals (stu-
dents, post-docs and career starters) in ecohydrology and to provide an exchange platform to discuss
and share relevant information related to ecohydrology (job offers, scholarships , general opportunities,
new articles and information, etc.). The network offers the opportunity to bring together emerging
professionals and to exchange with experienced professionals involved with UNESCO, and also to con-
tribute to the activities of UNESCO´s scientific committee on ecohydrology.
Ecohydrology Emerging Professional Global Network offers a unique opportunity for all students and
new professionals to share their vision of ecohydrology and to participate in the training of future eco-
hydrologists, in the first instance using online resources and then, later, meetings and training with an
international presence. Make your opinion count, contact us at or directly to
Dr Ouellet:

Valerie Ouellet hails from Québec, Canada. She graduated as a Bache-

lor of Biological Sciences at the University of Montréal. She holds mas-
ter’s degrees and a Ph.D. of the Canadian National Institute of Water,
Earth and Environmental Sciences. She currently works in the Depart-
ment of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University
of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Her research interest focuses
on understanding how different environmental variables, such as tem-
perature and water quantity, affect the habitat and physiology of key
fish species in aquatic ecosystems. Her research contributes to the
field of ecohydrology by generating knowledge about aquatic ecosys-
tems at risk of thermal degradation and reporting on strategies for river
restoration and aquatic resource management, especially for ecosys-
tems affected by human activities and climate change.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 171

172 Organisations that support the development of ecohydrology in Ecuador

Guest author Fabián Rodas López, Cuenca, Ecuador

The Water School: building local capacities for

water resources management s

Water protection is a high priority issue for nations that seek to ensure their development, production,
and human health possibilities. This is even truer when the effects of climate change are present, mel-
ting glaciers, altering rain regimes, and reducing harvests. In Ecuador, the mitigation of these negative
impacts depends on each city and irrigation system having a permanent programme for the protection
of its water sources, which are mostly found in the páramos and forests of the high mountains of the
This is not an easy task, since the rich soils of these biodiverse ecosystems are also used for the ex-
traction of wood, expansion of the agricultural frontier, mining, and human settlements, among other
uses that are traditionally implemented in an incompatible manner with the protection of water.
The co-responsibility of society, the formation of local capacities for the management of water resour-
ces, and the permanent financing to develop protection activities and management of water sources
are fundamental factors to achieve a paradigmatic shift. Fortunately, the country has already develo-
ped good local practices and experiences in this regard, which signify a positive change in the mana-
gement of water resources and constitute a basis for learning and generating policies applicable to the
entire country.
In this scenario, in 2016 the Water School1 was born, a continuous programme for the training of water
and irrigation service providers on the integral management of water resources, systematizing practi-
cal experiences and taking them to an academic level to share them widely at the national level.
It is an initiative generated by the sum of the wills of the National Water Authority - SENAGUA, the Priva-
te Technical University of Loja, the FONAPA and FORAGUA Funds, and Nature and Culture International,
financially supported by the Tinker Foundation. They contribute from their experience, information, and
skills to increase the capacities required by local water managers to carry out a proper management.
Between 2017 and 2019, about 180 officials from 28 Municipal Governments are being trained in three
editions of the course “Conservation and Management of Water Sources”, which includes eight months
of free and academically-accredited training in six modules covering topics such as: General Conserva-
tion Principles, Geographic Information Systems, Water Indicators and Monitoring, Legislation applied
to the protection of water sources and Practical strategies for water management.
The goal of the Water School until 2019 is to contribute to the improvement of the quality and quantity
of water for 500,000 people, the creation of 100,000 ha of new municipal reserves for the protection
of water sources, and the generation of permanent economic resources for the implementation of
conservation activities at the local level.
Soon, the Water School will implement courses in ecohydrology as a tool to solve water quality and
quantity problems, taking advantage of the recent addition of Paltas - Catacocha to the UNESCO World
Network of Ecohydrology Demonstrative Sites and the new links with the “Water Family”, which will
expand the technical vision and collaborative networks of the participants.

Secretaría del Agua – SENAGUA. 2016. Resolución Ministerial 2016-1442.
Fabián Rodas López is a biologist and the General Coordinator of the
Water School. Since 2002, he has been involved with NCI, where he has
worked and published in avifauna research, ecosystem conservation,
teaching, declaration of protected areas, trust funds for water resour-
ces, training for local governments, and generation of environmental
policies. Since 2006 he has worked in the protection of water resour-
ces as responsible for the creation of the Regional Water Fund - FO-
RAGUA and in support of the Water Fund for the Conservation of the
Paute River Basin - FONAPA. Photography has allowed him to portray
and share the natural beauty that surrounds us.

NCI is part of the institutions that technically The company is the result of many years of pre-
and financially support the execution of the “Wa- paration and acquired experiences to make them
ter School “ and has established cooperation compatible to development and environmental
agreements with both SENAGUA and the Muni- protection through the provision of professional
cipality of Paltas to support the integration in consulting services, as indicated by its president
Ecuador of the ecohydrological approach as a and guest author Freddy Cáceres.
tool for managing water resources. 
The catalogue of services of the company con-
templates three strategic areas: (1) engineering
17.2. Private companies studies, (2) environmental consultancy, and (3)
17.2.1. INGERALEZA S.A. the development and support to the dissemina-
tion of ecohydrology in Ecuador.
Based in Quito, INGERALEZA is an environ-
mental consultancy focusing actions throughout
the country with an international projection.

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 173

174 Organisations that support the development of ecohydrology in Ecuador

Guest author Freddy Cáceres, Quito, Ecuador

The link between private companies in the

development of ecohydrology in Ecuador:
the case of INGERALEZA S.A.
Scientific knowledge and the development of technology are fundamental pillars in the academic field.
While more studies are carried out, human beings benefit from the advantages that translate into a
better understanding of natural phenomena and, with this, the Academy reaches a greater maturity,
generating, at the same time, new scientific challenges. However, scientific knowledge alone is insu-
fficient to meet the needs of modern society, a society eager for the provision of basic services, food,
infrastructure, energy, manufacturing, telecommunications, and information technology and virtual
reality in the digital age, with the direct benefit that this represents in the generation of employment
sources. In other words, industrialization and, in general terms, development are of vital importance
for human beings.
Sustainable development, which seeks the balance between economic, social, and environmental is-
sues, is presented as the best alternative to achieve the prosperity of society within a framework of
respect for the human being and the environment, and, within this, for each one of its dimensions,
including the ecological dimension, i.e., that of the relations, processes, and transfer of matter and
energy between the inert medium and the living beings. Precisely it is in this last area where ecohydro-
logy is registered as a discipline that studies bidirectional cause-effect interactions between hydrology
and ecology.
In any development model, and even more in the model of sustainable development, social actors fulfil
an established function, being only the level of effectiveness of these functions, and the interactions
between each of the actors, which determine the success or the failure of the model. Thus, authorities,
academia, public institutions, private companies, NGOs and public opinion, all play an important role
in the maintenance and growth of the applied development model. The more and better ordered and
coherent this multi-sectorial participation, the greater the level of effectiveness in the application of the
In this multi-sectorial interaction framework, a private enterprise plays a preponderant role since it
constitutes the transmitting agent of scientific and technological knowledge towards practical appli-
cations that make it possible to meet the needs of society. In other words, the abstract knowledge
generated in the scientific-academic sphere is reflected in products and services for society through
private companies that generate work and wealth while meeting the requirements of good citizenship.
Ingeniería y Naturaleza, INGERALEZA S.A., has decided to assume the leadership in scientific inno-
vation as the pioneer private company in the generation of a new line of business: the provision of
specialized services of technical consultancy in ecohydrology, taking care that the theoretical-scientific
foundations of this discipline are reflected in tangible actions that incorporate UNESCO´s ecohydrolo-
gical approach.
INGERALEZA has actively collaborated in this process through its participation in the international con-
gresses of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2017) and Faro, Portugal (2018), which has strengthened its technical
capacity, allowing the obtention of several important achievements such as the identification of key
sites and actors for the development of ecohydrology in Ecuador, the nomination and recognition of
the Paltas-Catacocha demonstration site, and the contribution to training and education in ecohydro-
logical issues, especially within the framework of the “ Water School”.
The projects in which INGERALEZA manages to Cover the requirements of this concurrence of knowle-
dge between ecology and hydrology relate to IWRM, the management of watersheds, the provision of
potable water services, sewerage, irrigation systems, wastewater treatment, hydrobiological studies,
bio-aquatic monitoring, aquatic parks, etc. Of course, we provide technical advice to local governments
interested in qualifying their water resources management projects as demonstration sites before
UNESCO´s Ecohydrological Programme. A work that, with great pleasure, is available to all of Ecuador.

Freddy Cáceres is a biologist and engineer in environmental manage-

ment. He holds two Masters: one in Energy and Environment and ano-
ther in Safety and Prevention of Occupational Hazards, as well as spe-
cialization courses in Business Management and Integral Management:
Quality, Environment and Social Responsibility. He is the Executive Presi-
dent of INGERALEZA S.A., a private company that has incorporated the
foundations of ecohydrology in the provision of technical advisory servi-
ces as one of its business lines in the field of environmental consulting.

In the strategic area of ecohydrology, INGERA- in ecohydrology in the different levels and structu-
LEZA aims to support the development of the res of water resources management. It carries out
ecohydrological approach in Ecuador through scientific and educational projects to promote the
educational activities and training, scientific re- application of this holistic tool for water manage-
search, and professional consulting. As specific ment in Ecuador (INGERALEZA, 2016).
activities, the company offers specialized services

IINGERALEZA. (2016). INGERALEZA S.A. Web page. Retrieved from Zalewski, M., Harper, D. M., Demars, B., Jolánkai, G., Crosa, G., Ja- nauer, G. A. and Pacini, N. (2008). Linking biological and physical
UNESCO-IHP-VIII. (2012). Seguridad Hídrica: Respuestas a los processes at the river basin scale: the origins, scientific back-
Desafíos Locales, Regionales y Mundiales. Plan Estratégico ground and scope of ecohydrology. In D. M. Harper, M. Zalewski
PHI-VIII 2014 - 2021. Retrieved from and N. Pacini (Eds.), Ecohydrology–Processes, Models and Case
images/0021/002180/218061s.pdf Studies, edited by: Harper, D., Zalewski, M., and Pacini, N., CABI,
Oxfordshire (pp. 1-17).
UNESCO-Quito. (2017). Oficina de la UNESCO en Quito. Retrieved

Albarracín, Gaona, Chícharo, and Zalewski 175

River Pita tributary, Pichincha, Ecuador
To conclude this work, we copy an excerpt from the inaugural address presented by Ms Audrey Azou-
lay, Director General of UNESCO at the World Water Forum held on March 19, 2018 in Brasilia. In
her speech she mentioned the example of the recovery of the ancestral knowledge of the Paltas in the effort
to manage the water resources in Catacocha, in the south of Ecuador. The Paltas were sure about their me-
thods to subsist in an area where rainfall has been always scarce; the current challenge is to integrate all the
knowledge of our time to support the sustainable development of our peoples, as proposed by the pre-
cepts of ecohydrology and thus to overcome the paradox presented at the beginning of this text.

... “The 2018 edition of the World Report on Water Development by UNESCO and UN
Water highlights the intrinsic link between water and ecosystems. Nature-Based So-
lutions (NbS) have inspired the theme of the celebration of World Water Day, 2018.
This vision requires us to take advantage of the benefits of NbS, and not only focus
on the “grey infrastructure” to ensure the adequate supply of water, ensure the pro-
duction of food, and provide drinking water to societies.
NbSs can also contribute to other aspects of sustainable development, such as
disaster risk reduction, the construction of sustainable urban settlements, and the
promotion of decent work.
Now, more than ever, we must work with nature instead of fighting her.
An example of this is the Paltas water management system in southern Ecuador.
The community is restoring natural reservoirs and reversing the trend towards
overexploitation of the land. As a result, residents of the neighbouring city of Ca-
tacocha have a water supply for six hours a day instead of just one.
This example of water management is located in a cross-border Reserve of the
Biosphere of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme, the Peace Forest shared
by Ecuador and Peru; this was only possible by working with the local population.
But not only traditional practices and ancestral water management systems were
revived: in fact, the project has discovered ancient petroglyphs, which represent the
elemental relationship of humanity with water.”

Audrey Azoulay
Director General of UNESCO

Brasil, March 19 2018

The Water School (Escuela del Agua) is a training
How do we find ourselves in Ecuador with res-
programme developed jointly by the Water Secreta-
riat (SENAGUA), the Technical Particular University
pect to the application of ecohydrology? Who
of Loja (UTPL), Nature & Culture International (NCI), are the main actors? Where are water resources
the Regional Water Fund (FORAGUA), and the Pau-
management practices with an ecohydrological
te River Basin Conservation Water Fund (FONAPA).
It aims at strengthening the scientific capacities of
approach being used? Which institutions do re-
service providers related to drinking and irrigation search on and use ecohydrology in the country?
water as well as institutions linked to water ma-
nagement, in order to guarantee the conservation, These are the main questions that motivated this text. The responses
recovery, and integral management of watersheds were very encouraging and, although much remains to be done (mainly
and ecological flows related to the hydrological generating scientific data and creating public policies), we believe that
cycle. the development and use of ecohydrology in the country will be extremely

The development of ecohydrology in Ecuador via useful to ensure practical support for water management and nature, with

scientific research and the application of scientific clear benefits for society.

tools will entail a better opportunity to protect and This work is articulated within the International Hydrological Programme
recover the environmental services of ecosystems, of UNESCO, phase VIII, specifically within the “Ecohydrology: creating har-
which will benefit human and natural propulations. mony for a sustainable world” subprogramme. Here we show the main
Thus, the Water School takes in hydrolecology as strategies of global dissemination of this concept and its current situation
a discipline that will be fostered within its training and perspectives of application in Ecuador.

The Water School is a joint effort of:

With the collaboration of:

Suported by:

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