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Executive Summary

The objective of the Equicity Project is to encourage large scale citizen

participation and create awareness amongst all sections of society about the
importance of working together towards making towns and cities a better place
to live in. Therefore, the Equicity team has developed a Mobile Application
which intends to foster a spirit of healthy competition among different Zones at
towns and city level to improve their service delivery to citizens.
Since citizen participation is a very crucial component of this Project, Web
based(Mobile Application) along with traditional data collection(Citizen Report
Card & Community Scorecard) will be used strategically in order to ensure
significantly higher levels of participation from all citizens as well as to
reinforce the importance of their participation in the survey.
The Equicity Application aims to be a health diagnostic of our cities; the better
the scores, the better it stands to provide its citizens high quality of life in the
medium to long term.

Points of consideration:

 The selected parameters will largely be based on inputs/information/data

that can be verifiable through DPR/SBM portal or records maintained at
the ULB level.

 More weight age will be given where inputs/information/data given can be

verified and/or sophistication so that information captured cannot be

 Objective questions are to be asked/information captured, in order to

address subjectivity.

 Anything that is not within the purview of the Municipal Commissioner, will
not be covered in any of the process indicators/parameters.


In order to compute for the score and rank the different components, there is a
need to understand the weighing of each component and the manner of
computing each indicator. As each component has different dimensions and
aspects to consider, the weights need to be adjusted accordingly.

The six broad areas for which detailed process and outcome indicators are
designed are given below: The maximum possible score is 100.
 Sewerage & Sanitation(Toilets
& ODF)
 Water Supply 25%
 Solid Waste Management- Door
to door Collection.
 Storm Water Drainage. 10%
 Governance 15%
The Nagpur City Area has been divided into 10 zones, which in turn contains
numerous wards. The Equicity Rating System will find the competitive index at
zone level. Rankings of each Zone are based on the sum of their scores on
above parameters out of a total score of 100.

Uses of the Index:

Public Sector: The Index can be used as a diagnostic tool by local government
officials to assess the competitiveness of their city or municipality and identify
areas for improvement and collaboration. Data can provide insight for policy
making, development planning and investment promotion.
Private Sector: For the business community, the Index can serve as a guide in
deciding where to locate. Aside from the overall score, data on the different
indicators will prove valuable depending on the specific needs of their business.
Academe: The Index also paints a general picture of cities and municipalities
which may be used by the academe, civil society as a take-off point for further

Sanitation(Toilets & ODF) - (25 marks)

What kind of toilet do (a)Individual toilet 20

you use then?
(b)Public/Community 10

(c)Open defecation 0

(c)Open defecation
(a)Individual toilet toilet
Is it connected to the Has the Municipality Has the Municipality
sewerage system or safe approached for approached for
onsite sanitation facility construction of Toilet construction of Toilet
? under IHHL scheme? under IHHL scheme?

Yes (5) Yes (2) Yes (2)

No (0) No 0 No 0
Is it connected to the
sewerage system or safe
onsite sanitation facility
Yes (5)
No 0

Access to toilet -
toilet available

1 toilet within 100meters

1 toilet within 300meters
1 toilet within 500 meters
No toilet within 500
meters (1)
toilet is gender friendly
(Separate section for
Man and Woman),
child friendly.

Yes (1)
No (0)
Basic infrastructure
functional in the
toilet (taps, pour flush,
door, wash basin etc)

Yes (1)
toilet is well lit (no dark
areas) and ventilated
Yes (1)
No (0)
How would you rate
of Public/Community
toilet ?
Good (1)
No maintenance(0)

Solid Waste Management(Door to Door Collection, Sweeping & Transport)-

(25 marks)

Do you find your area Always (4)

clean ? Sometimes (2)
Rarely (1)
Never (0)

What is the frequency Daily (4)

of road sweeping in Once in 2 days (3)
your area ? Once in 3-4 days (2)
Once in a week (1)

Never (0)
Where is Household Door-to-Door collection (8)
Solid Waste disposed? Disposed in Roadside (4)
Disposed at designated (2)
open dumping spot
Other (0)
What is the frequency What is the frequency What is the frequency
of Door to door waste of Disposed waste of waste collection
collection from your collection from from open dumping
household ? Roadside Bin ? spot ?
Daily (4) Daily (4) Daily (4)
Once in 2 days (2) Once in 2 days (2) Once in 2 days (2)
Once in 3-4 days (1) Once in 3-4 days (1) Once in 3-4 days (1)
Once in a week (0.5) Once in a week (0.5) Once in a week (0.5)
Are you able to easily Always (3)
locate dust binsSometimes (2)
available in areas? Rarely (1)
Never (0)
Is the Size of the bins Yes (2)
sufficient enough to No (0)
manage daily waste (No
Spill over) ?


Availability of Storm Yes 5
water drainage in your No 0
Yes -5
Do you face water No 5
logging problem in
your area?

WATER-(25 marks)

What is your main Household water supply 10

source of water? (piped)
Other 5
Are you satisfied with Yes 5
the quantity of water No 0
that you receive from
your main source of
How would you rate the Good 5
quality of water that Average 2.5
you receive from your Not fit for use 0
main source of water?
Are you satisfied with Yes 5
the frequency of water No 0
supply ?

Governance(Transparency, Accountability & Citizen Accountability)

-(15 marks)

Are there any Good 3

Grievance redress Satisfactory 2
mechanisms in place Average 1
for registering No such mechanism 0
complaints? If yes how
would rate it?
Have you made a Prompt action taken
complaint related to 1.5
municipal service in the Delayed action taken
past one year? If Yes No action taken 0
then what was the
result of the complaint?
Has your municipality Yes 2
ever conducted No 0
feedback survey in the
past one year ?
Yes 2
Does your municipal
body invite citizens for No/Don't Know 0
or engagement in
decision making?
Based on your On a scale of 1 to 5
experience, please rate
the commitment of
your Municipal
representative for
accountability and
citizen engagement .


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