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Directions for questions 1-6 (Reading Comprehension): Answer the following questions based on

the passage below.

All the cells in a particular plant out with the same complement of genes. How then can these cells
differentiate and form structures as different as roots, stems, leaves and fruits? The answer is that only a
small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell are expressed or turned on, at a given time. This is
accomplished by a complex system of chemical messengers that in plants include hormones and other
regulatory molecules. Five major hormones have been identified: auxin, abscisic acid, cytokinin, ethylene
and gibberllin. Studies of plants have now identified a new class of regulatory molecules called
Unlike the oligosacchatins, the five well-known plant hormones are pleiotropic rather than specific; that
is each has more than one effect on the growth and development of plants. The five have so many
simultaneous effects that they are not very useful in artificially controlling the growth of crops. Auxin, for
instance, stimulate the rate of cell elongation, causes shoots to grow up and roots to grow down and inhibits
the growth of lateral shoots. Auxin also causes the plant to develop a vascular system, to form lateral roots,
and to produce ethylene.

The pleiotropy of the five well-studied plant hormones is somewhat analogous to that of certain
hormones in animals. For example, hormones from the hypothalamus in the brain stimulate the anterior
lobe of the pituitary gland to synthesize and release many different hormones, one of which stimulates the
release of hormones from the adrenal cortex. These hormones have specific effects on target organs all
over the body. One hormone stimulates the thyroid gland, for example, another ovarian follicle cells and so
forth. In other words, there is a hierarchy of hormones.
Such a hierarchy may also exist in plants. Oligosaccharins are fragments of the cell wall released by
enzymes: different enzymes release different oligosaccharins. There are indications that pleiotropic plant
hormones may actually function by activating the enzymes that release these other, more specific chemical
messengers from the cell wall.
1. According to the passage, the five well-known plant hormones are not useful in controlling the growth
of crops because
A) It is not known exactly what functions the hormones perform
B) Each hormones has various effects on plants
C) None of the hormones function without the others
D) Each hormones has different effects on different kinds of plant
2. The passage suggests that the place of hypothalamic hormones in the hormonal hierarchies of
animals is similar to the place of which of the following in plants?
A) Plan cell wall
B) The complement of genes in each plant cell
C) A subset of a plant cell’s gene complement
D) The five major hormones
3. The passage suggests that which of the following is a function likely to be performed by an
A) To stimulate a particular plant cell to become part of plant’s root system
B) To stimulate the walls of a particular cell to produce other oligosaccharins
C) To activate enzymes that release specific chemical messenger from plant cell walls
D) To duplicate the gene complement is a particular plant cell
4. The author mentions specific effects that auxin has on plant development in order to illustrate the
A) Concept of pleiotropy as it is exhibited by plant hormones
B) Differences among the best known plant hormones
C) Hierarchical nature of the functioning of plant hormones
D) Way in which hormones are produced by plants

[ A–2 ] PG-QP–38
5. According to the passage, which of the following best describes a function performed by
A) Regulating the daily functioning of a plant’s cells
B) Interacting with one another to produce different chemicals
C) Releasing specific chemical messengers from a plant’s cell walls
D) Influencing the development of a plant’s cell by controlling the expression of the cell’s genes
6. The passage suggests that, unlike the pleitropic hormones, oligosaccharins could be used effectively
A) Trace the passage of chemicals through the walls of cells
B) Pinpoint functions of other plant hormones
C) Artificially control specific aspects of the development of crops
D) Alter the complement of genes in the cells of plants
Directions for questions 7-11: For each Capitalised word bellow, a contextual usage is provided.
Pick the word/phrase from the alternatives that is most appropriate in the given context.
7. OBLIVIOUS: The minister seemed oblivious of the prejudices that prevailed in the village.
A) Aware B) Unaware
C) Insouciant D) Enthusiastic
8. Inveterate: Alex Abraham, an inveterate traveller, has put together various anecdotes from his life.
A) Creative B) Energetic
C) Habitual D) Respectable
9. REGALED: He regaled passengers with humorous stories and one-liners.
A) Amused B) Derided
C) Refreshed D) Stimulated
10. BONHOMIE: Another aspect of Islam’s utilitarian paradox has been its bonhomie with authoritarian
A) Enmity
B) Association
C) Friendship
D) Relation
11. VORTEX: Pakistan being sucked in to the vortex of religious extremism.
A) Storm
B) Sphere
C) Control
D) Whirlpool
Directions for questions 12-14: Choose the option closest in meaning to the word given
12. Low-key
A) Official
B) Secret
C) Subdued
D) Complicated
13. Stipulation
A) Imitation B) Signal
C) Excitement D) Requirement
14. Transitory
A) Short-lived B) Idle
C) Unexpected D) Clear

[ A–3 ] PG-QP–38
Direction for questions 15-19: In each question below, a capitalized word is followed by four
words/phrases lettered A to D. Select the word most nearly opposite to that word.
A) certainty B) misunderstanding
C) trepidation D) composure
A) distant B) recede
C) lucid D) precise
A) contract B) dwindle
C) wither D) mortify
A) infortunity B) tranquility
C) submission D) tolerance
A) acquiesce
B) accept
C) agree
D) exonerate
Direction for questions 20-23: Each of the sentences bellow has one or more blank space indicating
where a word/words has /have been left out. Following each sentence, four words or set of words
are given lettered A to D. you have to select the appropriate word or set of words that make the
sentence most meaningful.
20. though he was living far away from his ………father, he heard the rumble of his father’s voice ……..
him for some default.
A) exacting, admonishing
B) angry, accusing
C) severe, chastising
D) irate, carping
21. All rebels against conventions, all who have ……………… hide and all who are morbidly
…………of being noticed can find protection in the sprawling, congested cities.
A) mysteries, desirous
B) facts, afraid
C) secrets, conscious
D) skeletons, sensitive
22. Hundreds of people ………………..the capital in order to have last …………of their departed leaders.
A) thronged, glimpse
B) crowded, look
C) lined, stare
D) assembled, gaze
23. After the experiments had completed, we sat for a while ........... our experience and ……… silently on
the ravines.
A) Thinking, looking
B) relishing, seeing
C) savouring, gazing
D) enjoying, staring

[ A–4 ] PG-QP–38
Direction: questions 24 and 25 are based on the following information.
The earth’s resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. If all the people in the world followed the
lifestyle and consumption pattern of the people in the United State (US), we would need 7 earths to meet
their resource requirement.
24. The argument above assumes that:
A) New resource deposits are constantly being discovered.
B) The per capita resource consumption by the United State is high in the world.
C) The US consumes on third of all resources used in the world.
D) The US uses resources wastefully.
25. It can be inferred from above that:
A) Curbing US resource consumption will significantly retard world resources depletion.
B) All the people in the world will not follow the US consumption pattern.
C) The US uses more resources than any other country.
D) Per capita resources consumption in the US is at an all time high.
Direction for questions 26-31: The following data table shows the comparative data for state-wise
literacy and population growth. Study the data carefully and answer the questions:

State-Wise Literacy and Population Growth

State Percentage increase in
Total Literacy Change in Population
Female Literacy
(From 1981- Growth Rate
(From 1981-1991)
1991) (From 1981-1991)
Andhra Pradesh 25.17 23.32 +0.09
Bihar 22.34 19.48 -0.04
Gujarat 27.21 26.20 -0.53
Haryana 29.19 28.67 -0.11
Himachal Pradesh 31.06 31.00 -0.24
Karnataka 27.52 26.63 -0.47
Kerala 30.17 31.20 -0.43
Madhya Pradesh 25.58 22.86 +0.13
Maharashtra 25.87 25.92 +0.10
Manipur 29.61 29.68 -0.25

26. Which of the following states shows a higher percentage increase in female literacy than the
percentage increase in total literacy?
i) Maharashtra ii) Himachal Pradesh
iii) Kerala iv) Karnataka
A) (i) only B) (i), (ii) and (iv)
C) (i), and (iii) D) All the above
27. For the state showing the minimum percentage increase in total literacy, the numerical ratio of the
percentage increase in total literacy to the change in percentage population growth rate is nearly (take
absolute values only)
A) 508.5 B) 558.5
C) 598.5 D) None of these
28. The ratio of percentage increase in female literacy to the percentage increase in total literacy is
maximum for which state?
A) Kerala
B) Maharashtra
C) Manipur
D) Madhya Pradesh

[ A–5 ] PG-QP–38
29. The ratio of the overall simple average of the percentage increase in female literacy to the simple
average percentage increase in female literacy of those states where the percentage increase is more
than the overall average is:
A) 0.972 B) 0.818
C) 0.89 D) 0.146
30. The ratio of the simple overall average of the percentage increase in female literacy to the simple
overall average of the percentage increase in total literacy is approximately equal to:
A) 0.894 B) 0.968
C) 1.033 D) None of these
31. Which state exhibits the highest total literacy?
A) Himachal Pradesh B) Kerala
C) Manipur D) Can’t be determined
Direction for questions 32-34 : The following pie charts (a) and (b) exhibit the distribution of the
overseas tourist traffic from India. The two charts show the tourist distribution by country and the
age profile of the tourists respectively. Study the charts carefully and answer the questions which
Pie Chart (a) Pie Chart (b)

32. What percentage of the Indian tourist went either USA or UK?
A) 40% B) 50%
C) 60% D) 70%
33. The ratio of the number of Indian tourists that went to USA to the number of Indian tourists who were
below 30 years of age is:
A) 2:1 B) 8:3
C) 3:8 D) 4:5
34. If amongst other countries, Switzerland accounted for 25% of the Indian tourist traffic, and it is known
from official Swiss records that a total of 25 lakh Indian tourists had gone to Switzerland during the
year, then find the number of 30-39 year old Indian tourists who went abroad in that year.
A) 18.75 lakh B) 25 Lakh
C) 50 Lakh D) 75 Lakh
35. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘CORPORATION’ be arranged so that the
vowels always come together?
A) 810 B) 1440
C) 2880 D) 50400
36. Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, __. What number should come next?
A) 20 B) 22 C) 23 D) 26

[ A–6 ] PG-QP–38
37. Look at this series: V, VIII, XI, XIV, __, XX. What number should fill the blank?
38. Look at this series: U32, V29, __, X23, Y20. What number should fill the blank?
A) W26 B) W17
C) Z17 D) Z26

Direction for questions 39-42:

Study the information given in the following bar diagram and answer the following questions
Figure (a)
Figure (b)

39. Between 1995 and 2000, in which year has the average employment per factory shown an increment
compared to previous year, but decreased in the next year?
A) 1996 B) 1997 C) 1998 D) 1999
40. If in 1996, 20,100 factories had 659 employments on an average, the remaining factories had an
average employment of:
A) 559 B) 509 C) 584 D) 534
41. The total employment in 1999 is how many times to that of 1996
A) 1.45 B) 1.48 C) 1.6 D) 1.42
42. In which of the following five year period, number of factories has shown maximum increase?
A) 1980-85 B) 1985-90
C) 1990-95 D) 1995-2000
43. The speed of three cars are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. The ratio between the time taken by these cars to
travel the same distance is----
A) 2 : 3 : 4 B) 4 : 3 : 2 C) 4 : 3 : 6 D) 6 : 4 : 3

[ A–7 ] PG-QP–38
Direction for questions 44-46:
Five courses A, B, C, D and E each of one month duration are to be taught from January to May one
after the other though not necessarily in the same order by lecturer P, Q, R, S and T. P teaches course ‘B’
but not in the month of April or May. Q teaches course ‘A’ in the month of March R teaches in the month of
January but does not teaches course ‘C’or ‘D’.
44. Which course is taught by S?
A) C B) E
C) Either C or D D) D
45. Which lecturer’s course immediately follows after course B?
A) Q B) P
C) S D) T

46. Which course is taught in the month of January?

A) C
B) D
C) E
D) Data Inadequate
Directions for question no. 47 to 51: These questions are based on following information
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are eight employees of a concern. Each is allotted a different locker, out of
eight lockers numbered 1-8 in a cupboard. The lockers are arranged in four rows with two lockers in each
Lockers 1 and 2 are in the top row from left to right respectively while lockers 7 and 8 are in the bottom
row arranged from left to right respectively. Lockers 3 and 4 are in the second row from the top-arranged
from right to left respectively. So are lockers 5 and 6 –arranged from right to left respectively-in the second
row from the bottom. P has been allotted locker 1 while V has been allotted locker 8. T’s locker is just above
that of Q which is just above that of R, whereas W’s locker is in the bottom row.
47. Which of the following cannot be the correct locker number-occupant pair?
A) 3-Q B) 7-W
C) 4-U D) 6-R
48. If U’s locker is not beside Q’s locker, whose locker is just above that of W?
A) U B) S
C) R D) Q
49. Which of these pairs cannot have lockers that are diagonally paired?

A) P-Q B) S-R
C) U-R D) Either B) or C)
50. Which of the following groups consist only occupants of odd numbered lockers?
A) Q, R, W
B) R, V, W
C) T, R, Q
D) P, T, Q
51. If the U’s locker is in the same row as that of R, and S exchanges his locker with V, then who is the
new neighbour of V in the same row? (Assume that nothing else is distributed from the original
A) P
B) Q
C) R
D) U

[ A–8 ] PG-QP–38
Directions for question no. 52 to 56: These questions are based on following information
There are four trees-Lemon, Coconut, Mango and Neem-each at a different corner of a rectangular plot. A
well is located at one corner and a cabin at another corner. Lemon and Coconut trees are on either side of
the gate which is located at the centre of the side opposite to the side at whose extremes, the well and the
cabin are located. The mango tree is not at the corner where the cabin is located.
52. Which of the following pairs can be diagonally opposite to each other in the plot.
A) Neem tree and Lemon tree
B) Cabin and Neem tree
C) Mango tree and well
D) Coconut tree and Lemon tree
53. If the Lemon Tree is diagonally opposite to the well, then the Coconut tree is diagonally opposite to the
A) Mango tree
B) Well
C) Cabin
D) Gate

54. If the Coconut tree and the Neem tree can’t be at adjacent corner of the plot, then which of the
following will necessarily have to be at diagonally opposite corners of the plot?
A) Coconut tree and well
B) Lemon tree and Cabin
C) Lemon tree and Coconut tree
D) Lemon tree and Well
55. Which of the following must be TRUE?
A) Cabin and Well are not at adjacent corners
B) Cabin and Coconut tree cannot be at adjacent corners
C) Neem tree and Well are at adjacent corner
D) Neem tree and Well are not at adjacent corner
56. Which of the following definitely FALSE?
A) Mango tree is adjacent to the well at one corner
B) Neem tree is adjacent to the cabin at one corner
C) Coconut tree is at corner adjacent to the well
D) Lemon tree is not on the same side of the plot as the gate.
57. What is the time taken by Joseph to cover a distance of 360 kilometre by a motorcycle moving at a
uniform speed of 10 metre per second?

A) 10 hours B) 5 hours
C) 6 hours D) 8 hours
58. In a fort, there was sufficient food for 200 soldiers for 31 days. After 27 days 120 soldiers left the fort.
For how many extra days will the rest of the food last for remaining soldiers?
A) 12 days
B) 10 days
C) 8 days
D) 6 days
59. A firm dealing in furniture allows 4% discount on the marked price of each item. What price must be
marked on a dining table that costs Rs. 4000 to assemble, so as to make a profit of 20% on cost?
A) Rs. 4750
B) Rs. 4800
C) Rs. 5000
D) Rs. 5200

[ A–9 ] PG-QP–38
Direction for Questions 60-62: Questions are based on the following table

Speed of the train over a 3 hours period

Time Period (in minutes) 0 30 45 60 90 120 150 180
Speed at Time (in M.P.H) 40 45 47.5 50 55 60 65 70
60. How fast was the train travelling 2.5 hours after the beginning of the time period?
A) 50 MPH B) 55 MPH
C) 60 MPH D) 65 MPH
61. During the three hours shown on the table, speed of the train
A) Increased by 25%
B) Increased by 50%
C) Increased by 75%
D) Increased by100 %
62. At time t, measured in minutes after the beginning of the time period, which of the following gives the
speed of the train is accordance with the table.
A) 1/6 t B) 10 t
C) 40+ t D) 40+1/6 t
63. Six (6) men can do a piece of work in 12 days. How many men are needed to do the work in 18 days?
A) 6 men B) 2 men
C) 3 men D) 4 men
64. A baseball team won W games and lost I games, what fractional part of its game it did it win
A) I/W B) (W-I)/W
C) W/(W+I) D) (W+I)W
65. A 5 foot stick is cut so that one part is 2/3 of other. How long, in inches, is the shorter one
A) 3 B) 24
C) 36 D) 3(1/2)
66. Find the ratio between LCM and HCF of 5, 15 and 20.
A) 8 : 1 B) 14 : 3
C) 12 : 2 D) 12 : 1
67. Three bells rang at intervals of 5 seconds, 6 seconds and 7 seconds. If they ring together for the first
time at 9: 00 am in the morning, after what interval of time will they together ring again for the first
A) After 30 seconds B) After 35 seconds
C) After 42 seconds D) After 210 seconds
68. In how many ways the letters of the word DELHI be arranged?
A) 119 B) 120
C) 60 D) 24
69. The average age of 8 members in a committee is increased by 2 years when two men aged 35 and 45
are substituted by two women. Find the average age of two women.
A) 48 years B) 45 years
C) 51 years D) 42 years
70. The average score of a cricketer in three matches is 22 runs and in two other matches it is 17 runs.
Find the average in all the five matches.
A) 21 B) 19.5
C) 19.6 D) 20

[ A–10 ] PG-QP–38
71. A screwdriver and a hammer currently have the same prices. If the price of screwdriver rises by 15%
and the price of hammer goes up by 3%, how much more will it cost to buy 3 screwdrivers and 3
A) 3% B) 5% C) 9% D) 24%
Direction for questions 72-76:
Six friend A, B, C, D, E and F work in different companies namely Pentasoft, Quark, Raymond’s,
Sunmet, Trump & Gates and Udupi and each wears company sponsored different colour shirts, viz. Blue,
Green, Pink, Yellow, Purple and Red though not necessarily in same order.
i) The one wearing Blue shirt works in Sunmet and one wearing a green shirt works in Pentasoft
ii) F does not work in Raymond’s or Trump & Gates
iii) A wears Pink and works in Quark
iv) D does not work in Trump & Gates and purple coloured shirt is not sponsored by Raymond’s
v) E works in Udupi and neither D nor B works in Sunmet
vi) Trump & Gates does not sponsor Purple or Yellow coloured shirt and C Works in Pentasoft
72. Which Colour shirt is sponsored by Raymond’s?
A) Yellow B) Blue
C) Pink D) Green
73. Which pair is correctly matched?
A) Red-Raymod’s –A B) Red-Trumps&Gates- B
C) Green- Raymond’s- C D) Red-Pentasoft-B
74. Which of the following is true?
A) Udupi sponsors Green B) D is working in Trump & Gates
C) E wears Red shirt D) Red shirt is sponsored by Trump & Gates
75. What is the sequence of companies representing A, B, C, D, E and F?
A) Quark, Pentasoft, Trump & Gates, Raymond’s, Udupi and Sunmet
B) Quark, Trump & Gates, Pentasoft, Raymond’s, Udupi and Sunmet
C) Quark, Pentasoft, Trump & Gates, Sunmet, Udupi and Raymond’s
D) Quark, Pentasoft, Raymond’s, Udupi, Trump & Gates, and Sunmet
76. If Raymond’s and Sunmet decide to interchange the colours of sponsored shirts, then which two
persons had to interchange their shirt?
A) D & F B) A & C
C) D & E D) B & D

77. If there are 3 different roads from city A to city B and 4 different roads from city B to city S, how many
different routes are there from city A to city S which go through city B?
A) 9 B) 12
C) 16 D) 27
78. If 16 workers can finish the work in 3 hours, how long it takes 5 workers to finish the same job?
A) 3.5 Hours B) 4 Hours
C) 5 Hours D) 9 Hours 36 Minutes
79. Eggs cost Rs.90 per Dozen. Pepper pocket cost Rs. 20 each. A special omlet requires 3 eggs and 1/5
of a pepper packet. How much will the ingredients for 9 special Omlets cost?
A) Rs. 238.50 B) Rs. 250.75
C) Rs. 800.50 D) Rs. 960.90
80. If ‘A’ is less than ‘B’, which of the following numbers greater than ‘A’ and less than ‘B’?
A) (a+b)/2 B) ab/2
C) b²-a² D) ab

[ A–11 ] PG-QP–38
81. Choose the Image that completes the pattern from the choices given

A) B) C) D)
82. Choose the Image that completes the pattern from the choices given

A) B) C) D)
83. Choose the Image that completes the pattern from the choices given

A) B) C) D)
Direction for questions 84-88: Each of the questions has a group. Find out which one of the given
alternatives will be another member of the group or of that class.
84. Lucknow, Patna, Bhopal, Jaipur
A) Shimla B) Mysore C) Pune D) Indore
85. Newspaper, Hoarding, Television
A) Press B) Media
C) Rumor D) Broadcast
86. Carpenter, Plumber, Electrician
A) Doctor B) Blacksmith
C) Professor D) Lawyer
87. Tamilian, Gujarati, Punjabi
A) Aryan B) Dravidan
C) Indian D) Barbarian
88. Root, Stem, Branch
A) Fertilizer B) Leaf
C) Tree D) Wood

[ A–12 ] PG-QP–38
Direction for questions 89-91: In each of the questions, two statements are given. Which are
followed by four conclusions (1), (2), (3) and (4). Choose the conclusions which logically follow from
the given statements.
89. Statements: All green are blue. All blue are white.
1. Some blue are green. 2. Some white are green.
3. Some green are not white. 4. All white are blue.
A) Only (1) and (2) B) Only (1) and (3) C) Only (1) and (4) D) Only (2) and (4)
90. Statements: All the phones are scales. All the scales are calculators.
1. All the calculators are scales. 2. All the phones are calculators
3. All the scales are phones. 4. Some calculators are phones.
A) Only (1) and (4) B) Only (3) and (4) C) Only (2) and (4) D) Only (1) and (2)
91. Statements: All the research scholars are psychologists. Some psychologists are scientists.
1. All the research scholars are scientists. 2. Some research scholars are scientists.
3. Some scientists are psychologists. 4. Some psychologists are research scholars.
A) Only (3) and (4) B) None of the four C) All the four D) Only (3)
Direction for questions 92-96: Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.

92. How many persons who take tea and wine but not coffee?
A) 20 B) 17 C) 25 D) 15
93. How many persons are there who take both tea and coffee but not wine?
A) 22 B) 17 C) 7 D) 20
94. How many persons take wine?
A) 100 B) 82 C) 92 D) 122
95. How many persons are there who takes only coffee?
A) 90 B) 45 C) 25 D) 20
96. How many persons takes all the three?
A) 20 B) 17 C) 25 D) 15
97. If a clock takes seven seconds to strike seven, how long will it take to strike ten ?
A) 7 seconds B) 9 seconds C) 10 seconds D) None of these
98. At the end of a business conference the ten people present all shake hands with each other once. How
many handshakes will there be altogether?
A) 20 B) 45 C) 55 D) 90

99. A father is now three times as old as his son. Five years back, he was four times as old as his son.
The age of the son (in years) is
A) 12 B) 15 C) 18 D) 20
100. If you write down all the numbers from 1 to 100, then how many times do you write 3 ?
A) 11 B) 18 C) 20 D) 21

[ A–13 ] PG-QP–38

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