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The Renaissance

Alyssa Blake, Ashley Boehm,

and Jeff Pergola
Dear Dean Pang Ming,
As a group, we have came together to express the importance of the
Renaissance within our culture today. We believe that the Renaissance was one of
the most significant time periods in western culture. The period took place
between the 14th through 17th centuries, and is attributed to be the bridge
between the Middle Ages and present-day history. What really entailed our
passion of the Renaissance was the incredible roles in which it had on art and
European culture. Vast world renowned artists and philosophers were capitalized
during this time. Amongst the artist and thinkers were individuals such as
Michelangelo, Francesco Petrarch, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Filippo Brunelleschi.
Amongst the works in art, sculpture, architecture, writing, and incline in science,
these individuals managed to create and influence our present day lifestyles.
● Filippo Brunelleschi
initiated the Renaissance
○ Highlights symmetry,
geometry, and proportion

● Lead to the influence of

vast architecture within
Washington D.C.
Literacy Influences
● Francesco Petrarch:
○ author and theorist
● Best known for his poetry or his letters
○ “Epistolae familiares” : (Letters of
Family Matters)
● He collected these letters into a course of
books after he wrote them from 1351-1353,
but did not finish them until 1359.
Literacy Influences
● Niccolo Machiavelli
○ Diplomat, Historian, Humanist,
Philosopher, Politician, and Writer

● Controversial Philosophy
○ “The End Justifies the Means”
● Leonardo Da Vinci was a vital
innovator during the
renaissance period.
○ His artwork inspired vast cultural
● Vitruvian Man
○ Portrays the human form; beginning
the humanism revolt.
Mona Li


● People originally believed God was the only

capable creator of existence
○ Religion was the most important aspect
of life

● During the Renaissance people began to

establish that man could evaluate and expand
past other themes in reality
○ They realized their artwork could
expand much further than the church
and religion aspects
The Last Supper
● Michelangelo pursued interest in the
structure of man and how the body
○ Created a journal dedicated to the
human body and how it moved
● David
○ Illustrated the perfect body and the
perfect mind
● The Renaissance sparked creativity and
awareness of the individual self rather
than a community mindset

● The idea was “to be the

best that you can be.”

● Renaissance Man-
anyone with talents or
areas of knowledge
● The Renaissance provided the world with innovative artists, authors,
and thinkers, in which truly changed our human nature presently.
Without these advancements in the Renaissance, we would not have
captured the true knowledge in which we have today. The culture
provided during this time period was well beyond its resources;
however, it continually relevant in our present society. It emphasized
humanism, individualism, and virtue that had not been previously
utilized still in modern society. Without the works of Da Vinci,
Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, and Petrarch, as well as many others, many
of the ideals we hold near to us today, would cease to exist.

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