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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Camiguin

Sto Niño Integrated School

Sto. Niño, Catarman, Camiguin

S.Y. 2018-2019


Grade 7- Orchid
Name: _________________________________ __________ Date: ________ Score: _______
I- A. Checking Grammar!
Directions: For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree. Then
write the letter of your answer on the space provided.

A) Every one of the shirts has a green collar.
B) Every one of the shirts have a green collar.
A) This singer, along with a few others, play the harmonica on stage.
B) This singer, along with a few others, plays the harmonica on stage.
A) Sandals and towels are essential gear for a trip to the beach.
B) Sandals and towels is essential gear for a trip to the beach.
A) The president or the vice president are speaking today.
B) The president or the vice president is speaking today.
A) Either Cassie or Marie pays the employees this afternoon.
B) Either Cassie or Marie pay the employees this afternoon.
A) Either the sculpture or the paintings are in the museum today.
B) Either the sculpture or the paintings is in the museum today.
A) The coat or the hats are in that closet.
B) The coat or the hats is in that closet.
A) Neither she nor I is getting the lunch special.
B) Neither she nor I am getting the lunch special.
C) Neither she nor I are getting the lunch special.
A) Each of the dancers twirls brilliantly.
B) Each of the dancers twirl brilliantly.
B. Verbs: Indicate appropriate verb by choosing from the pool of answers the correct verb that
will complete the thought of the following sentences. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided before the item no.
A. need b. goes c. lent d. wash e. bark f. hates g. think

____10. I always _____ the dishes after our meal.

____11. When in danger, the dog could only ____
____12. Ana never ______ out without an umbrella.
____13. Where is the book I _____ you last week?
____14. We ___ to buy more snacks for our picnic.
____15. I ___ of resigning from my job.
____16. She ____ eating fried chicken.
C. Contextual Clues: Unlock the meaning of the underlined words through context clues. Write
the letter of your answer on the space provided.
_____17. In industry, the most corrosive substances are sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and
hydrochloric acid, which are harmful to our flesh, clothes furniture and other objects.
a. Can clean things b. can eat away or damage things c. can burn things
_____18. Some mentally ill people have bizarre ideas. For instance, they may think the
television is talking to them or that others can steal their thoughts.
a. Realistic b. impressive c. very strange
______19. Common euphemism include “final resting place” (for grave),” intoxicated” (for
drunk), and “comfort station” (for toilet).
a. Simple term b. short answers c. substitute for
offensive terms
______20. Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on
the family, yet there are many salutary effects as well.
a. well- known b. beneficial c. hurtful
______21. Opponents of capital punishment or death penalty assert that it has never deterred
anyone from coming any form of crimes.
a. prohibited b. punished c. stopped
______22. All the candidates fidgeted during the answer and question portion.
a. Excited b. nervous c. confident
______23. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable.
a. Cannot be stated b. cannot be cancelled c. cannot be seen
D. Prepositions: Fill in the blank with the correct preposition. Choose your answer from the
word pool below. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the item number.
a. in b. on c. at
______24. My best friend lives ___ Cagayan De Oro.
______25. Let us see each other again ___ Sunday.
______26. My brother never stays ____ home.
E. WH-Questions- Fill each blank with correct WH Question. Choose the most appropriate
answer from the box below.
How many Whom What How much Whose Which
When Where How often Who Why How

27. ____________ handkerchief is this? (Possession)

28. ____________ does Dr. Hanson live? (Place)
29. ____________ among these flowers you like best? (Choice)
30. ____________ boxes where delivered? (Quantity)
31. ____________ does Ana feel dizzy? (Frequency)
32. ____________ are you crying? (Reason)
33. ____________ will you visit Hongkong? (Time)

II-A- Read the paragraph and copy the chronological connector word below that completes each
numbered item
The group joined a dance contest. They tried to come up with the best performance that
the group could have, but as they received the comments from the audience, they got annoyed.
34.________, someone told the performance was an imitation even it was an original concept. 35.
_________, another comment from the audience came out pointing at the execution of every
movement seemed unrehearsed and like a twisted metal spring when the execution of the
movement was well-coordinated. 36.__________ was a complete disaster even if they received
the loudest and longest applause from the audience. The group remained patient and continued to
hope that they would bring home the bacon. Surprisingly, in spite of the comments given by the
audience still the group was declared as the champion.

____37. This passage is an example of a/an ___________.

A. hyperbole B. irony C. metaphor D. personification
____38. Refer to the selection, the following are the importance of signal words, first, then, and
another, used in the selection except for:
a. Help the readers to easily understand the flow of events
b. logically connect all the details found in the story
c. serve as guide for readers to read the selection chronologically
d. make the reading more interesting and enjoyable.

B. Arrange the following details chronologically based on the selection. Write only the letters to
indicate the order. Use the letters A to E.
________39.The group hoped that they would win the contest.
________40.Someone commented on the unsynchronized movement of the group.
__A____ The group joined and performed in a dance contest.
__E____The group won the contest.
_______41. The audience believed that the performance was a total failure.

C. Tell whether the stamen is fantasy or reality by writing F, for fantasy and R, for reality.
_______42. The group joined a dance contest and was declared as the champion in the contest.
_______43. The group had won due to the magic spell that turns their performance into an
amazing one.
_______44. During their dance performance the group received comments from the audience.

D. Tell whether the statement is a general or specific. Write G for general statement and S for
specific statement.
_______45. The group remained patient and continued to hope that they would bring home the
_______46. One of the audiences commented that the performance was a complete disaster.

E. Answer the question using the given map below.

____47. Excuse me, I am looking

for the da-da-da. Do you know
where I could find it?
Yes, the da-da-da is on Short
Avenue across the street from the
a. Bank b. fire Station
c. Bakery d. Grocery
____48. Excuse me, where is the
da-da-da located? The da-da-dab
located across the street from the
parking lot on Long Avenue.
a. Bank b. Mc Dab
c. Video Store d. Library
F. Transcode what is the meaning of the given graph below:
_____49.How many percent of the residents of
25% a. 50 b. 25 c. 15 d. 10
50% ____50. How many percent of the residents is
15% single?
10% a. 50 b. 25 c. 15 d. 10
____51. Which has the biggest percentage in the
Widowed single Separeted Married
population of the Barangay Sta. Cruz?
a. Single b. Married c. Widowed
G. Match the given road sign to its function:
A B C ____52.This sign simply mean no parking
____53.Driver may only travel in one direction on a road.
____54. Driver in this lane must not turn left.

H. Parts of the Book

_____55. You want to know the meaning of the word “Befriend.”
a. Table of contexts b. Glossary c. Dedication d. Preface
_____56. You want to know how many lessons are there in a chapter of a textbook or workbook.
a. Table of contexts b. Glossary c. Dedication d. Preface
_____57. You want to know whom the book is dedicated.
a. Table of contexts b. Glossary c. Dedication d. Preface

One day, a man loaded his horse heavily with coconuts he gathered from a far away. On
his way home, he met a boy curious and worried; he asked how long it would take him to
reach his house.
“If you go slowly”, said the boy, looking at the load on the horse, “you will arrive very
soon. But if you go fast, it will take you all day”.
The man did not believe the strange statement so he speeded up his horse. But, the
coconuts fell of and he had to stop to pick them up. As he hurried his way home to his house,
the more the coconuts fell off and had to be picked up.
Many times he did this. It was already night time he reached home.
______58. What is the implied main idea of the selection?
A. We will never know when we’ll run out of time
B. We need to move fast at some point in our lives.
C. We have to live life one step at a time.
D. We have to choose the shortest way to get things done.
_____59. Which of the following is the meaning of the phrasal verb “speeded up”?
A. Went up B. Increased C. Improved D. Moved faster
_____60. According to the boy, what would happen if the man goes slowly?
A. He would arrive home at night
B. He would reach home very soon
C. The coconuts would fail down the horse
D. The horse would get tired of carrying the coconuts
Don’t wait for your company to send you to school. Determine your needs and ask about
the company’s training program. If they don’t have one, sigh up for classes at a local college.
When it comes to your profession, you should be a lifelong learner. Put high priority on
learning new skills and personal growth and professional development. Learn new software
technology and improve interpersonal and writing skills.
_____61. What is the theme of the paragraph above?
A. Waiting for the company to send you to school
B. The company’s training program
C. Being a lifelong learner
D. New software technology at work
_____62. The word “sign up” in the selection means.
A. Affixing the signature in a public document
B. Enroll to a period of education
C. Logging in a social media account
D. Putting one’s signature in the upper part of the document
_____63. The following statements support the main idea of the selection EXCEPT:
A. Put a priority on learning new skills
B. Learn new technology and improve writing skills
C. Try new hobbies related to the job
D. Sign up for classes at a local college

Remember, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly. That said, the key to
making perfect cookies is merely a matter of preparation and precision. To begin with, read
your cookie recipe thoroughly before baking. Make sure that you have all of the necessary
ingredients before you continue. Next, is good tools and utensils. Sometimes, the craftsperson
is only as good as his or her tools. By using good tools you can minimize mistakes and
improve the quality of your product. Lastly, you should use top quality ingredients. Unlike in
fairytales, you can’t turn lead into gold. If you use poor quality materials, you’ll create
inferior products. So, to make prefect cookies you should use the highest quality materials
available. Bon appetite!
_____64. What does the line “You can’t turn lead into gold” mean as used in the text?
A. You can’t use gold making cookies.
B. You should use the right ingredients in making cookies.
C. You should use good tools and utensils in making cookies.
D. You should read the recipe carefully before making cookies.
______65. What can we learn from making cookies?
A. We should follow the steps carefully to achieve our goal.
B. We should find time doing our hobbies.
C. We should learn how to enjoy even in doing simple tasks.
D. We should take time in accomplishing a task.
______66. We can infer from the selection that making perfect cookies requires.
A. Time and effort
B. Preparation and precision
C. The use of any materials available
D. The use of tools and utensils
______67. What approach is applied in the text?
A. Journalistic B. Academic C. Literary D. Historic
______68. What do you think is the author’s intention in writing the text?
a. to inform b. to remind c. to persuade d. to entertain
______69. I can’t live without you is an example of what figures of speech?
a. Hyperbole b. understatement c. personification d. metaphor
______70. I can hear the wind whispering his name.
a. Hyperbole b. understatement c. personification d. metaphor

Prepared by:

ENGLISH 7- Teacher

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