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I avail this opportunity to thank the people who were associated with me in successful
completion of this project. I had a great experience, pleasure and satisfaction while performing
this project. I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Mr.Rakesh Arora ,
senior excecutive for giving me this opportunity to pursue my summer internship project work
in Bharti Airtel Ltd.

My special thanks to Ms.prerna Jha , Head Talent management and Development and
Satish Gupta employees of HR department and all other staff for their valuable guidance and

I would also like to express my gratitude towards my faculty guide Ms.feza farooque
and Mr.asif Akhtar professors at faculty of management and research, Aligarh muslim
university. Under whose guidance and encouragement this project has been pursued

Human resource department is found to be the most organised department of any organisation,
with increase in need to manage employees as well as manage talent in the organisation , large
organisations ask human resource department to provide effective policies, procedures and
guidelines that are people friendly within the company.

Chapter 1- The Company Profile

Bharti airtel Limited is one of the leading telecom companies which operates in more than 18
countries and provide global telecommunication services all over. It operates in south Asia and
Africa with a turnover

Chapter 2- the literature review

Chapter 3-Research methodology

Chapter 4- Data analysis

Chapter 5- findings and conclusions

Chapter 6- finding, suggestions, conclusions and recommendations

Table of content

Human resources department use entities that is used to organise people , reporting
relationships and work in a way that best supports the accomplishment of the organisation
goal. And with the increase in technology Human resource department has also adopted
technical and time consuming ways to enhance organization’s Goal. So there are many online
as well as offline HR tools that are used by organisations where HR responsibilities include
payroll, hiring firing training and keeping up to date with state and federal tax laws.

 Managing and utilizing individuals viably

 Tying execution evaluation and remuneration to capabilities
 Developing skills that improve individual and authoritative execution
 Increasing the advancement, imagination, and adaptability important to
improve intensity
 Applying new ways to deal with work procedure structure, progression
arranging, vocation improvement, and between authoritative versatility
 Managing the usage and reconciliation of innovation through improved
staffing, preparing, and correspondence with worker

Responsibilities of human resource manager.

Human resources department has evolved in the past decades to become an important an
dintyegral component of the organisation. As HR department’s roles and values continue to
change the way HR is staffed are also evolvingnwith the increase in technology. Strategy is
managed to address actions that are necessary to develop a framework for strategic Hr staffing.

HR professionals are changing dramatically the way they used to work along with workforce
and economy, and they believe this evolution will continue to change as technology and
machines replaces humans and their performances tends to be better than humans. HR leaders
now in large organisations think bigger and have this tech savvy attitude and so nimble that
they can deal with an increasingly agile and very restless workforce.

Two main important functions that HR department work for, are overseeing department
functions and managing employees. That’s the reason human resource managers are well
versed in each of human resource disciplines- compensation and benefits, training and
development, employee relations, and recruitment and selections.

Core competencies of HR management include solid communication skills, and decision

making capabilities based on critical thought process and analytical skills.

Development of HR staff has become very important and the actions necessary to develop this
framework are:

1. They should understand the characteristics of a strategic HR functions.

2. Alignment of HR structure based on strategies.
3. Maintaining internal versus external HR responsibility sourcing.
4. Outsourcing HR functions like selecting providers and managing outsourcing
5. Assessing the effectiveness of HR staffing.

HR department plays a strategic role to staff the HR functions in the organisations. Following
are the ways they try to accomplish this:

1. Decide which HR functions should be staffed internally and which should be handed
2. Evaluate key indicators of HR staffing effectiveness.
3. Select and manage HR outsourcing partners who will provide HR functions efficiently.
4. A framework for HR staff should be developed. Thus an organisation needs to be aware
of the needs to be aware of essentials elements in order to select an appropriate
Following are the functions of an Human Resource manager, which he has to deal in day to
day activities:

1. Compensation and benefits.

This work is done by HR managers to help employees to know their compensstion and
benefits and they provide them guidance and direction to compensation and benefits
specialists. They also develop strategic plans for compensation and align their performance
management systems with their structure of compensation and negotiate for groups and
health care benefits. They monitor family and medical leave act compliance and adherence
to confidentiality proviosons including medical files.

2. Training and development

Training and development comprises of new hiring, their orientation, leadership training
and professional achievement. A periodic assessments to determine ewhen employees need
training and the type of training required by the employees is conducted by the HR managers.
This examining of each employees is done on their performance records to identify areas where
training can help employee develop their skills and this done by conducting seminars or
workshops on leadership techniques.

Human Resource mangers also implement employee development strategies. They also do
succession planning based on training and professional development. Succession planning
helps manager have an overall knowledge of employee development, training and areas where
skills can be used to increase business needs.

3. Effective employee relations.

This is the responsilities of an Human Resource manager to help improve the employer-
employee relationship usi ng effective employee relations strategies. Though this is the
duty of employee relations specialists to investigate and resolve workplace issues. Steps
that is to be used to keep an effective employee relation strategy to ensure overall well
being of emplpyees. It also evaluates that employees have a proper and happy working
environment which is free from harassment and discriminations.
4. Recruitment and selection
It is the duty of an employment manager to essentially oversee the company’s
recruitment and selection processes. They develop strategies and solutions to meet
workforce requirements and labour force trends. Human resource managers take
decions related to corporate branding as it effects recruiting and retaining talented

Human Resource Management

This includes the functions within the company like recruiting, managing and staffing
people who work in it. Human resource management contracts with the issues related to
cpmpensation and benefits , performance management, organistaion development, safety,
wellness employee motivation, training and learning and many more. HRM plays very
strategic role in management of people and the culture that is followed with in the
organisation. If it is applied effectively it can contribute significantly to the overall direction
and achivement of goal and objectives of the organisation.

New role in Human Resource management

 Companies now a days are seeking outsourcing and subcontracting of HR recruiters.

 Focus of HRM has moved to strategic utilisation of employees and how it can impact on
the overall business.
 Companies ae now expected to be adaptive and to be customer- centred.
 They are also expected to be quick on changing directions and decisions

To keep employee motivated, happy and engaged personally while contributing to company’s
success, HR managers they have to strategically manage a system for performance
development, career succession planning and employee development. So to serve customers
well and keep the reputation of the company HR professionals helps the organisatiion in
developin g the culture and the climate where employees are supposed to have the
competency concern and commitment towards their customers.
Human resource has been linked to technology from the past years and it has made job of HR
managers easy and less hectic and so an umbrella term for software and associated hardware
for automating the Human resources functions in organizations. Used well, technology makes
HR functions more efficient and when used poorly, it can get in the way of managing the
company’s Human resources. Good HR practices maximize the benefits and minimize the


Human resources industry has been evolving at a rapid speed due to digitization and
globalization, and thus with new innovations paving the way to increase efficiency and new

There is this so called software known as HRIS,( human resource information system) or
HRMS(human resource management system) basically this is combination of human resource
and information technology through HR software. In this HR activities and processes takes
place electronically. HRIS takes care of number of activities that are related to human
resource, accounting, management, and payroll. HRIS also leads to increase in efficiency
when it comes to making decions in HR.

Solutions offered by HRIS

There are several solutions that are offered by HRIS , which includes solutions in training,
payroll, hr, compliance and recruitment. The majority of quality HRIS system include are
flexible designs that feature database that include ability to create report and analyse
information quickly and accurately, which helps to make workforce much easier to manage.
This allows employees to exchange information with greater ease through the provision
single location for external web links, announcement and company policies. This location is
centralised and is designed so as to accessed easily from anywhere in the company and this
also reduce redundancy within the organisation.
HR and Payroll factors

If a company invests in an affordable HRIS, it helps the company in handling its workforce
by focusing in two primary components: which is PAYROLL and HR. Apart from these
company also invests in HRIS modules that help them put full productivity for their
workforce to be used, by including various experiences talents and staff skill within the
organisation. Another range of HRIS modules that are available, including those for
recruiting, such as resume and applicant management, attendance, email, alerts,
organisational charts , employee self service and tracking of employee training.

So it is very important for a company to choose the right HRIS. It is said that if a company
takes time to invest in a HRIS that best suits their goals, objectives, mission, and values, is a
company that is investing in its future and its success. The best way to use HRIS system is to
probably customise any HRIS to the unique needs of a company so as to keep the system
flexible and relevant throughout the life of the company or enterprise.

So picking right HR tool for any of the functions in department is a complex problem, as it
must be done with huge planning and proper assessment so that the results are accurate and
effective for the organisation. A HR manager has to come up with a detailed plan along with
organisational needs, and assess the available solutions while coming to a conclusion.

A list of features that can help organisations throw out HR tools that doesn’t suit their unique
process needs. All these essential aspects should never be overlooked when one is searching
for an ideal tool.

The top 8 features to look in an ideal HR tool are:

1. Ease to use
2. Quick implementation
3. Multichannel access
4. Collection of ready to use reports
5. Seamless integration with third party tools
6. Employee self-service portal
7. Customizability to fit unique needs
8. Scalability to accommodate business growth.

Top 5 HR tools that are worth using and make an HR manager stand out from the crowd

1. Zoho people
2. Kissflow HR cloud
3. iCIMS Talent acquisition
4. Breezy HR
5. ADP

All of these tools are cloud based tools and so Human resource management process(HRM)
is been used used by HR managers in large organisation for a while. And these Cloud-based
apps and human resurce planning solutions have helped HR professionals to solve many
hindrances that they used to deal in the past. Cloud based software for HR solutions can help
company’s workforce management become more effective. With the increase in technology
cloud technology is enjoying a lot of popularity.

1. Zoho People:

This is also a cloud based HR tool that helps organisations manage and organise employee
data. This tools has anumber of functions on the platform, like tracking employees leave,
manage timesheets, create custom forms, manage performance appraisals and many more. It
is transparent and help employees know what is their status and automate their leave
accordingly. This help HR team free up their time and actually spend some time focusing on
work that matters.

2. Kissflow HR cloud

This tool is also called as all in one HR cloud that enables organisations to create, modify and
manage HR processes in an efficient way. This tool comes pre-equipped with array of HR
management modules like applicant tracking and employee onboarding to performance
reviews to offboarding and succession management.
This data driven lists enables managers to take decisions based on the data provided by this
software instead of depending on gut feelings.

Features of Kissflow HR cloud

 It automates performance of the employees and triggers them to improve once they
are laid off beyond a specific saturation point.
 Other interesting feature is that it built in talent pool, automated announcements and
social collaborations
 It also integrates with the seamlessly third party software solutions like ERP systems
and payroll software, so that one can use any other tool that you are already using
right alongside Kissflow, so no data is lost or no issue in compatibility.

3. iCIMS Talent Acquisition

This software is an employee onboarding software that offers several number of dynamic
features including customised career portal which helps candidates search for their career
opportunities. This also simplifies accelerates the talent acquisition process. It is one of the
largest software as a service(SaaS) it provides talent acquisition and management solutions.

4. Breezy HR

One of the best qualities of Breezy is that is integrates with your existing hr tools seamlessly.
There’s no need to worry about data loss during migration and intergration. Breezy takes
care of it all automatically. It is not just limited to recruitment, but it also keeps track of
current employees and streamline communication. It also connects to linkedin and angelList
to find quality candidates.

5. ADP

It is also a cloud-based HR tool. When compared to other tools that provide specific
solutions, ADP is an all-in-one solutions, that combines all HR,payroll, talent, time and tax
and benefits administration. Its an online HR tool that is implemented by businesses of all
types and sizes.

Talent acquisition

Talent Acquisition is a term used to discuss the way towards discovering, pulling in, or
generally gaining capable individuals to work for an organization, just as the means taken to
hold them as representatives. Since numerous organizations depend on their workers for
progress, this part of business is critical for the life span of any organization. There are
various ability procurement systems that might be effective for an organization, however
given the troubles with this procedure, numerous organizations practice recruitment
procedure for outsourcing. Something else, ability obtaining is typically administered by an
organization's HR division, who may use an assortment of methodologies to get the best
ability for the most sensible expense.

What an talent acquisition manager do ?

An talent acquisition supervisor handles recruitment and maintenance for an organisation.

This HR position requires fantastic correspondence and systems administration abilities to
have the option to build up and use associations. Whenever there is an opening in the
organization, the talent acquisition manager recognizes individuals to fill those positions,
holds meetings, and at last settles on a contracting choice. When somebody has been
contracted, preparing and maintenance attempts are additionally important to fit the
representative into the association and urge the individual to remain consistent in the

 One piece of the activity includes keeping up with the detailed documents of candidates
who are on job.
 These include applications for explicit positions, specially for individuals who have
approached to be considered for employment opportunities later on.
 Programming utilities are accessible to help organizations deal with their HR needs more
productively, including projects outfitted explicitly at ability procurement chiefs
 They can utilize the program to keep notes, plan arrangements, allocate needs, and begin
individual records on new employees.
Company profile

Bharti Airtel Limited, known as Airtel, it is based in Delhi,India. It offers its telecom services
under the airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. It operates in 18 countries across
South Asia and Africa, and also in channel Islands. It provides GSM services in many
countries with 2G,3G,4G LTE, 4G+ mobile services and fixed line broadline and voice
services which depends on country of operations.

Airtel has also introduced its VoLTE technology across all Indian telecom circles. It is the
third largest mobile network in the world and also the second largest mobile network operator
in the world with 403 million subscribers and revenue of US$ 12 billion as of march 2019.

Airtel has a business strategy of outsourcing all of its business operations except marketing,
sales and finance and building. These strategies has been adopted by several operators .
equipment in Airtel is provided and maintained by Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia Networks
and IT department is supported by IBM.
Bharti Airtel Limited (Bharti Airtel or „the Company‟) (once Bharti TeleVentures Limited -
BTVL) was joined on July 7, 1995 under the laws of India for advancing interests in media
transmission administrations. Bharti Airtel together with its auxiliaries is here in after alluded
to as „the Group‟. The Group is a main media transmission specialist co-op in India. The
Groups head investors incorporate Bharti Telecom Limited, Singapore Telecommunication
International Pvt. Constrained and Vodafone International Holdings B. v .The portions of the
Company are recorded on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Mumbai Stock
Exchange (BSE), India. With impact from April 24, 2006, the name of the Company has been
changed from Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited (BTVL) to Bharti Airtel Limited (Bharti Airtel).

In 1984, Sunil Mittal began collecting push-catch telephones in India, which he prior used to
import from a Taiwan organization, Kingtel, supplanting the good old, massive turning
telephones that were being used in the nation at that point. Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL)
was joined and went into a specialized tie up with Siemens AG of Germany for production of
electronic push catch telephones. By the mid 1990s, Bharti was making fax machines,
cordless telephones and other telecom gear.[16] He named his first push-catch telephones as

In 1992, he effectively offered for one of the four cell phone system licenses sold in India.
One of the conditions for the Delhi cell permit was that the bidder have some understanding
as a telecom administrator. In this way, Mittal secured an arrangement with the French
telecom brand Vivendi. He was one of the primary Indian business people to distinguish the
versatile telecom business as a noteworthy development territory. His arrangements were at
long last endorsed by the Government in 1994 and he propelled benefits in Delhi in 1995,
when Bharti Cellular Limited (BCL) was framed to offer cell benefits under the brand
name AirTel. Inside a couple of years Bharti turned into the principal telecom organization to
cross the 2 million versatile endorser mark. Bharti likewise cut down the STD/ISD cell rates
in India under brand name 'Indiaone'.

In 1999, Bharti Enterprises procured control of JT Holdings, and stretched out cell tasks to
Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

In 2000, Bharti procured control of Skycell Communications, in Chennai.

In 2001, the organization obtained control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises
opened up to the world in 2002, and the organization was recorded on Bombay Stock
Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India.

In 2003, the mobile phone tasks were re-marked under the single Airtel brand.

In 2004, Bharti procured control of Hexacom and entered Rajasthan.

In 2005, Bharti stretched out its system to Andaman and Nicobar. This development enabled
it to offer voice benefits the whole way across India.

Airtel propelled "Hello Tunes", a caller ring back tone administration (CRBT), in July 2004
turning into the first administrator in Quite a while to do as such. The Airtel signature
melody, created by A.R. Rahman, was the most famous tune in that year.

In May 2008, it rose that Airtel was investigating the probability of purchasing the MTN
Group, a South Africa-based broadcast communications organization with inclusion in 21
nations in Africa and the Middle East. The Financial Times detailed that Bharti was thinking
about offering US$45 billion for a 100% stake in MTN, which would be the biggest abroad
securing ever by an Indian firm. In any case, the two sides underline the conditional idea of
the discussions, while The Economist magazine noted, "On the off chance that anything,
Bharti would wed up," as MTN has more supporters, higher incomes and more extensive
geographic coverage.[18] However, the discussions self-destructed as MTN Group attempted
to turn around the dealings by making Bharti very nearly a backup of the new company.[19]
In May 2009, Bharti Airtel again affirmed that it was in converses with MTN and the
organizations consented to talk about the potential exchange only by 31 July 2009. Talks in
the end finished without understanding, a few sources expressing this was because of
restriction from the South African government.
Logo used by Airtel until November 2010

 Mobile Services

Bharti Airtel offers GSM mobile services in all the 22 telecom circles of India.

 Home Services

Bharti Airtel offers fixed-line telephone and broadband services across 93 cities pan-India.
Our product offerings include voice connectivity over fixed-line and high-speed broadband
on copper & fiber with speeds up to 100 mbps for your homes.

 Airtel Business

Bharti Airtel is a leading and most trusted provider of ICT services in India and offers a
diverse portfolio of services to enterprises, governments, carriers and small and medium
business. Along with voice, data and video, our services also include network integration,
data centers, managed services, enterprise mobility applications and digital media. We also
offer global services in both voice and data including VAS services like International Toll
Free Services and SMS hubbing.

 Digital TV Services

We offer both standard and high definition (HD) digital TV services with 3D capabilities and
Dolby surround sound. We currently offer a total of 635 channels including 80 HD channels,
5 international channels and 3 interactive services.



Broad objective: Successful implementation of training and development strategies at


Specific objectives: Finding the ideal method of effectively implementing training and

development strategies and developing an efficient evaluation model to assess the impacts

of the applied tactics

Bharti Airtel's “Mission, Vision and Values” The Way Ahead.

Airtel’s focus is to win customers for life by offering an exceptional experience. At airtel they try to
put there heart at whatever they are doing for their customers, at the same time strive to improve their
experience and strengthen their relationship with the organisation by delivering best results every
time, and this reflects their mission too.

Our vision is to enrich the lives of our

customers. Our obsession is to win
customers for life through an
exceptional experience.

We aim to work towards our vision, driven by our values of ,
AIR - Alive, Inclusive & Respectful.

We are alive to the needs of our customers. We act with passion, energy and a can-do attitude
to help our customers realise their dreams. Innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit drive us -
if it can’t be done, we’ll find a way.

Airtel is for everyone - we champion diversity, recognising the breadth and depth of the
communities we serve. We work with them, anticipating, adapting and delivering solutions
that enrich their lives. We do this by having an open mind and embracing change.

We live the same lives as our customers, sharing the same joys and the same pains. We never
forget that they are why we exist. We act with due humility, always open and honest, to
achieve mutual respect.

Board of directors

The board of directors include an optimum mix of executive and non executive directors. It
consists of two executives and ten non executives directors Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman
and Mr. Gopal Vittal, MD & CEO (India and South Asia) are two executive directors on the
board. The board members possess requisite skills, experience and expertise required to take
decisions, which are in the best interest of the company.

Name designation

Sunil Bharti Mittal


Chua sock koong

Non Executive Director

Tang yong choo

Non Executive Director

Shishir Priyadashi
Independent director

V K Viswanathan Independent director

Kimsuka Narsimhan Independent director

Gopal Vittal Managing Director & CEO

Rakesh Bharti Mittal

Non Executive Director
Manish Kejriwal
Independent Director

D K Mittal
Independent Director

Craig Edward Ehrlich

Independent Director

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