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Master of Business Administration



Department of Business Administration


I avail this opportunity to thank the people who were associated with me in successful
completion of this project. I had a great experience, pleasure and satisfaction while performing
this project. I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Mr.Rakesh Arora ,
senior excecutive for giving me this opportunity to pursue my summer internship project work
in Bharti Airtel Ltd.

My special thanks to Ms.prerna Jha , Head Talent management and Development and
Satish Gupta employees of HR department and all other staff for their valuable guidance and

I would also like to express my gratitude towards my faculty guide Ms.feza farooque
and Mr.asif Akhtar professors at faculty of management and research, Aligarh muslim
university. Under whose guidance and encouragement this project has been pursued

Human resource department is found to be the most organised department of any organisation,
with increase in need to manage employees as well as manage talent in the organisation , large
organisations ask human resource department to provide effective policies, procedures and
guidelines that are people friendly within the company.

Chapter 1- The Company Profile

Bharti airtel Limited is one of the leading telecom companies which operates in more than 18
countries and provide global telecommunication services all over. It operates in south Asia and
Africa with a turnover

Chapter 2- the literature review

Chapter 3-Research methodology

Chapter 4- Data analysis

Chapter 5- findings and conclusions

Chapter 6- finding, suggestions, conclusions and recommendations

Table of content
Human resources department use entities that is used to organise and help people ,
to report their relationships and work in a way that best suits the accomplishment of the
company’s goal. And with the increase in technology Human resource department has also
adopted technical and time consuming ways to enhance organization’s Goal. So there are
many online as well as offline HR tools that are used by organisations where HR work and
responsibilities include payroll, hiring training and keeping in view the date with state and
federal tax laws.

 Managing and utilizing individuals viably

 Tying execution evaluation and remuneration to capabilities
 Developing skills that help their improve individual and authentication
 Increasing the activities , imagining, and adaptability important to improvise
 Applying new ways and ideas to deal official work and procedure structure,
progression arranging, vocation improvement, and between authoritative
 Managing the use of reconciliation by innovating through improved staffing,
preparing, and obliging with worker.

Responsibilities of human resource manager.

Human resources department has evolved in the past decades to become an important an
dintyegral component of the organisation. As HR department’s roles and values continue to
change the way HR is staffed are also evolvingnwith the increase in technology. Strategy is
managed to address actions that are necessary to develop a framework for strategic Hr staffing.

HR professionals are changing dramatically the way they used to work along with workforce
and economy, and they believe this evolution will continue to change as technology and
machines replaces humans and their performances tends to be better than humans. HR leaders
now in large organisations think bigger and have this tech savvy attitude and so nimble that
they can deal with an increasingly agile and very restless workforce.
Two main important functions that HR department work for, are managing department activites
and functions while managing employees. That’s the reason human resource managers are well
learned and equipped in each of human resource disciplines- which includes compensation
and benefits, training and development, employee relations, and recruitment and selections.

Core competencies of HR management include solid communication skills, and decision

making capabilities based on critical thought process and analytical skills.

Development of HR staff has become very important and the actions necessary to develop this
framework are:

1. They should understand the characteristics of a strategic HR functions.

2. Alignment of HR structure based on strategies.
3. Maintaining internal as well as external work related to HR responsibility sourcing.
4. Outsourcing HR activities like providing and managing outsourcing responsibilities.
5. Assessing the success of HR staffing.

HR department plays a strategic role to staff the HR functions in the organisations. Following
are the ways they try to accomplish this:

1. Deciding where and which HR functions and work should be recruited internally and
which should be handed externally.
2. Evaluating and checking key indicators of HR staffing usefulness.
3. Organising every HR outsourcing partners, who will be providing HR functions
4. A framework for HR staff should be developed. Thus an organisation needs to be aware
of the demand that is to be aware of essentials elements in order to select an appropriate
Following are the functions of an Human Resource manager, which he has to deal
in day to day activities:

1. Compensation and benefits.

This work is done by HR managers to help employees to know their compensstion and
benefits and they provide them guidance and direction to compensation and benefits
specialists. They also develop strategic plans for compensation and align their performance
management systems with their structure of compensation and negotiate for groups and
health care benefits. They monitor family and medical leave act compliance and adherence
to confidentiality proviosons including medical files.

2. Training and development

Training and development comprises of new hiring, their orientation, leadership training
and professional achievement. A periodic assessments to determine ewhen employees need
training and the type of training required by the employees is conducted by the HR managers.
This examining of each employees is done on their performance records to identify areas where
training can help employee develop their skills and this done by conducting seminars or
workshops on leadership techniques.

Human Resource mangers also implement employee development strategies. They also do
succession planning is established on training and professional development. It helps manager
have an overall knowledge of individual development, training and areas where skills can be
used to increase business needs.

3. Effective employee relations.

This is the responsivities of an Human Resource manager to help improve the

relationship using effecti employee relations strategies. Though this is the duty of
employee relations specialists to investigate and resolve workplace issues. Steps that is
to be used to keep an effective employee relation strategy to ensure overall well being
of emplpyees. It also evaluates that employees have a proper and happy working
environment which is free from harassment and discriminations.
4. Recruitment and selection
It is the duty of an employment manager to essentially oversee the company’s
recruitment and selection processes. They develop strategies and solutions to meet
workforce requirements and labour force trends. Human resource managers take
decions related to corporate culture as it effects recruiting, managing and retaining
most talented employees.

Human Resource Management

This includes the functions within the company like recruiting, managing and staffing
people who work in it. Human resource include management contracts with the issues
related to cpmpensation and benefits ,performance management, organistaion development,
safety, wellness employee motivation, training and learning and many more. HRM operates
and plays very strategic role in management of people and the culture that is followed with in
the organisation. If it is applied properly it can provide significantly to the overall direction
and achivement of goal and betterment of the organisation.

New role in Human Resource management

 Companies now a days are seeking outsourcing and subcontracting of HR recruiters.

 Focus of HRM has moved to strategic utilisation of employees and how it can impact on
the overall business.
 Companies ae now expected to be adaptive and to be customer- centred.
 They are also expected to be quick on changing directions and decisions

To keep employee motivated, happy and engaged personally while contributing to company’s
success, HR managers they have to strategically manage a work station for performance
improvement, career and future planning and employee development. So to provide
customers well and keep the reputation of the company HR professionals helps the
organisatiion in developin g the culture and the climate where employees are supposed to
have the competency concern and commitment towards their customers.
Human resource has been linked to technology from the past years and it has made job of HR
managers easy and less hectic and so a term for software and subordinate hardware for
organising and automating the Human resources functions in organizations.

So picking right HR tool for any of the functions in department is a complex problem, as it
must be done with huge planning and proper assessment so that the results are accurate and
effective for the organisation. A HR manager has to get up and give ideas with a detailed
plan along with organisational needs, and suggest the available solutions for the problems
while coming and planning to a conclusion.

This features that can help organisations throw out HR tools that doesn’t suit their unique
process needs. All these essential aspects should never be overlooked when one is searching
for an ideal tool.

The top 8 features to look in an ideal HR tool are:

1. Ease to use
2. Quick implementation
3. Multichannel access
4. Collection of ready to use reports
5. Seamless integration with third party tools
6. Employee self-service portal
7. Customizability to fit unique needs
8. Scalability to accommodate business growth.

All of these tools are cloud based tools and so Human resource management process(HRM)
is been used used by HR managers in large organisation for a while. And these Cloud-based
apps and human resurce planning solutions have helped HR professionals to solve many
hindrances that they used to deal in the past. Cloud based software for HR solutions can help
company’s workforce management become more effective. With the increase in technology
cloud technology is enjoying a lot of popularity.
Talent acquisition

Talent Acquisition is a term used to discuss the way towards discovering, pulling in, or
generally gaining capable individuals to work for an organization, just as the means taken to
hold them as representatives. Since numerous organizations depend on their workers for
progress, this part of business is critical for the life span of any organization. There are
various ability procurement systems that might be effective for an organization, however
given the troubles with this procedure, numerous organizations practice recruitment
procedure for outsourcing. Something else, ability obtaining is typically administered by an
organization's HR division, who may use an assortment of methodologies to get the best
ability for the most sensible expense.

What an talent acquisition manager do?

A talent acquisition supervisor handles recruitment and maintenance for an organisation. This
HR position requires fantastic correspondence and systems administration abilities to have
the option to build up and use associations. Whenever there is an opening in the organization,
the talent acquisition manager recognizes individuals to fill those positions, holds meetings,
and at last settles on a contracting choice. When somebody has been contracted, preparing
and maintenance attempts are additionally important to fit the representative into the
association and urge the individual to remain consistent in the organisation.

 One piece of the activity includes keeping up with the detailed documents of candidates
who are on job.
 These include applications for explicit positions, specially for individuals who have
approached to be considered for employment opportunities later on.
 Programming utilities are accessible to help organizations deal with their HR needs more
productively, including projects outfitted explicitly at ability procurement chiefs
 They can utilize the program to keep notes, plan arrangements, allocate needs, and begin
individual records on new employees.
Industry profile
Airtel Digital TV gives on-request benefits on associated boxes that incorporates an inventory
of films, TV arrangement and different projects crosswise over English and different Indian
languages.[13] It likewise offers intuitive administrations, for example, iDarshan, iKidsworld,
iMusicspace and games

1. Airtel payments bank ( Bank hai, par alag hai)

It is a subsidiary of bharti airtel limited. It is first digital payments bank in india. Main aim of
this bank is to give every individual access to equal, real and trustworthy banking solutions. It
was introduced in January 2017, by bharti airtel, to enhance cashless revolution as assured by
government of india.

2. Wynk (music app)

It is available for both android and iOS, it is developed by a huge and Famous network
operator known as Airtel. Wynk is a free app that has unlimited number of songs and is free
for its airtel users. The songs can be downloaded and is available offline also. Wynk has
approximately 80 million songs including Bollywood Hollywood and in many different


Broad objective: Successful implementation of training and development strategies at


Specific objectives: Finding the ideal method of effectively implementing training and

development strategies and developing an efficient evaluation model to assess the impacts

of the applied tactics

Bharti Airtel's “Mission, Vision and Values” The Way Ahead.



Airtel’s focus is to win customers for life by offering an exceptional experience. At airtel they
try to put there heart at whatever they are doing for their customers, at the same time strive to
improve their experience and strengthen their relationship with the organisation by delivering
best results every time, and this reflects their mission too.


“Our vision is to enrich the lives of our

customers. Our obsession is to win
customers for life through an
exceptional experience.”

“We aim to work towards our vision, driven by our values of ,
AIR - Alive, Inclusive & Respectful.”
Title of the study

The title of the study is NEW AGE HR TOOLS at BHARTI AIRTEL LTD.

Defining the problem

Defining the research problem is the first and most necessary step for any research. This

work should be done carefully. Here the research problem is to know what measures Human
Reasearch department are taking to ease the workload and increase productivity of AIRTEL.

Objective of the study

 The objective of the study is to understand how hr department of airtel uses

technology to ease work
 The objective is to understand how HR team of airtel shortlist best of candidates
among all for any posts that is vacant
 The objective is to understand if all employees are aware of the new tools that are
introduced for them and whether they find these tools effective.
 The objective is to understand how airtel rewards its employees and motivate them to
work for the betterment of the company.
 The methods regarding how a company’s board and HR committee views the
company’s overall rewards and performance which is linked to the performance of the
Data Analysis
Cold calling strategies which recruiters use at airtel.
Cold calling is that technique used in business where clients and workers who have had no
earlier contact with the person directing the call. It is a process to persuade potential clients to
get convinced to get either the item or administration. By and large, it is done using
telephone as a via telephone process, making it a source of telemarketing.

This explains the steps which an HR should follow while conducting a cold call.

Before: first and foremost, purpose of the call and specific goal should be known to the HR. main
focus should be to keep the person interested and engaged throughout the call, at the same time
rapport building is also important. Target should be specified properly and a right strategies should
be planned. Recruiter should be ready for any objection. And also should have positive mind set with
full confidence.

During the call: A strong opening sentence is to presented while focus should be on clients need and
not specially on any individual or the company. Mentioning the other persons name, this will make
him feel important and valued. All right open-ended questions with how, what, when, who and why
should be asked. Showing great listening skills and not interrupting the person during the
conversation. Providing the information which they might not have known about the industry.

After the call: Stay well organised , keep records of the status of all the companies regarding their
hiring needs.

Cold calling was done for many aspects, like:

1. To call candidates for interview.
2. Inform colleges about new internship opportunity in the company.
3. First briefing for the required job opportunity.
4. To keep records of all the new employees.
 Total number of cold calling done to ask new employee’s personal details.

In the month of June total new joiners were – 36

And in the month of July it was – 45.
I had to collect the information through call and keep a record of their personal information
on Excel sheet.
It was very important to keep the correct detail of the new joiner as no error can be
compromised regarding this.

 These informations are then added to welcome aboard list, which welcomes all new
employees for that month. Welcome Aboard messeges are those messages which are sent
to new employees in particular.
Hiring interns for marketing and sales profile

Marketing departments head had asked HR team to provide him with a few new interns from
management field for sales and marketing work. So I was asked to use cold calling technique
to call several management colleges around Delhi NCR to inform them about this new
internship opportunity. Which ever colleges were interested then wrote the HR department a
mail asking for the details.

A job description(JD) was sent to the placement coordinators of the institutes and
colleges which included the details and eligibility criteria required for the internship

JD includes:

1. Functions
2. Reporting To
3. Job level
4. Purpose of the job(KRA)
5. Key deliveries
6. Skills required
7. Education Qualification
8. Work experiences

Total number of interns required was 20 for which a screening of total 80 candidates was
done, for which 60 candidates were screened through cold calling. I first informed them about
the work they had to do during the internship and then asked them several questions to check
their communications skills and management skills. And finally selected around 30 interns on
my own. Later these interns were shortlisted by the Marketing Head.
Tools studied during the internship

Employee learning tool : AIRTEL 101

Airtel chooses Oust Labs' Micro Learning Platform for its Employees

Airtel 101 is

Oust Labs, a pioneer in smaller scale learning, has manufactured an exclusive procedure of
conveying learning results on the cell phone on its progressed SaaS stage. Conveyed in
numerous dialects, the Oust stage comprises of a online web application and versatile
application for the two iOS and Android, and MPower composing stage for rapidly
repurposing existing preparing content or making new portable inviting preparing content.

Airtel 101 is a case of digitally used innovation advanced development to make teaching and
learning intuitive and engaging for the workers. Its dispatch pursues the ongoing take off of
Airtel's computerized development program – work Next with an intend to make client
experience straightforward, intelligent and straightforward. Planned as a business test, Airtel
101 comprises of various modules for different point, trailed by inquiries to be replied by the
student. Declarations of fruition and leaderboards of india bring a component of solid
challenge. The modules give an extensive comprehension of telecom.

“Our approach of integrating bite sized learning in user workflow is delivering terrific results
to enterprises across the globe as they hire and engage with a large distributed workforce on
mobile devices. Airtel has been rated as one of the most innovative companies in India today.
We are extremely excited to be partnering with the No. 3 Telco in the world to deliver a
highly scalable mobile solution”,

This tool was launched on October 12,2017

“It has been a great experience to leverage Oust’s innovative learning platform to deliver a
highly engaging experience to our employees.”

Insight+ is a reference tool which is used to guide and formulate individual development plan of an
employee on the basis of their strengths and development areas. Setting clear and well defined
development objective is a critical portion of this development process.

In order to be confident of the objectives will help you to develop specific skills, knowledge
or elements of behavior , you need to ensure that they explicitly says that all the below
questions are answered :
1. What you need to do
2. By when you need to do it.
3. How will you know when you have achieved it.
At any point of time one must restrict themselves to a maximum of 2-3 development
objectives only as this will help them to be focused and centred towards their goal. Each
objective should be linked to a functional competency, leadership competency and a
particular behavioural indicator within that competency.
Components of individual development plan
ACTION LEARNING(LEARNING BY DOING): Some people prefer to learn by properly
trying to master a new process or methods , often by trial and error and self review, as well as
soliciting help from those around them.
LEARNING BY OBSERVING OTHERS: People who learn in this way like to be able to
think about new information quietly and draw conclusions. This is a more passive way of
LEARNING BY BEING COACHED: People who prefer this style want to relate new
information to their practical environment and to real events. Receiving feedback on own
preference from someone else who observes application of new skills is one way of achieving
this preference.
LEARNING BY READING: Those who learn by reading to see the logic behind what they
are learning. They believe in introducing an intellectual base of understanding of new
process and existing information to analyse the various ideas and approaches.


 STEP 1 Write down the competency and behavior concerned
 STEP 2 Specify your development objectives for the competency
 You may have more than one development opportunity for each. State your desired
outcome in terms of what job improvements will be observable if the plan is
 STEP 3 Add the development activity or activities that you have chosen to achieve
your development objective(s)
 STEP 4 Identify the key steps that need to be taken in order to achieve your objective
 STEP 5 Specify the support that you need from whom you will get it and how.
 STEP 6 Specify the time cale involved

This also comes under the tool Insight+ , but the only difference is that it gives a wider
perception of the scenario where in an individuals actions and performance is being measured
widely and areas where improvement can be done is made clear to the employee.
Overall score of every individual is calculated by taking the mean of the score the
respondents gave them and then on the basis of this score below table is formulated.
This advanced tools tells the focus areas which are :
1. Top strength areas
2. Top development areas
3. Pleasant surprises
4. Blind spots
Bharti Airtel’s employee Engagement tool
In Airtel, our Point is to be discerning and compromising to employee needs and pursue
worker engagement, not as a yearly activity however as a continuous procedure. With regards
to a digitally keen world, our contributions have gone advanced and workers are completely
are utilizing the portable applications.
The organization's employee engagement review is designated "Airpulse", which is a representative
commitment overview which is connected to three elements of representative criticism, "say",
"stay", and "strive". The review questions are provided and designed to check companies progress
on these parameters through different demographis.


So as to measure the well known disposition any point of time of the year, we have served internally
created and conveyed "Airtel Mood-O-Meter", a portable application to allow worker dipstick in a
hurry and continuously.

Questionnaire prepared to study how these tools help employees as well as the HR department to
know what is better for the employees and how improvement can be made regarding these new

1. Are you aware of the learning tool “airtel 101”?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Aware but havent used



Out of 50 respondents I have surveyed 36 said they know about this tool “airtel101” and use this
tool while they feel

Involvement in the hiring of store manager

This is that position in a company for which hiring process is done for 365 days of the year.
Store manager is appointed for every store of airtel through out the country, it handles all the
work of the store as well as he is responsible for whatever is happening in the store. He keeps
a record of all activities happening during the store is open.

So to fill a store managers position several steps is been taken for recruiting the candidate

Step1. Searching for candidates who are working as store manager for any other company or

Step2. This search is done on or LinkedIn. Using a job seekers ID which only
hiring managers have access to.

Step3. After providing with all details that we need for our store manager candidate to have,
website provide us with number of profiles that match our eligibility criteria.
Step3. Shortlisting of candidates who match our requirements, and giving them a call to ask if
they want to switch their jobs, if yes then first screening is done on a phone call.

Step4. First screening is done using cold calling technique, so that candidate feels
comfortable, main objective of first screening is to check candidates communication skills
and managerial skills.

Step5. After call if the recruiter is satisfied with the candidate he can be called for an face to
face interview with the HR.

Step6. If the HR approves the candidate he can be called for a technical round with the talent
Head manager and marketing Head for the final selection.

Step7. After the final selection, he is been asked to attend a 2 months training if required, and
after that the candidate is finally sent to the store he has to manage

I was asked by my supervisor to assist him in this hiring process, he gave me login id for job
seekers of and explained me how to search for candidates for store manager.
After searching for the CVs, I had to call approximately 50 candidates daily, out of which
only few would like to switch their jobs.
I had to call those selected candidates for their first screening , were my responsibility was to
ask them their current CTC and check their communication. And forward the shortlisted
candidates to the HR executive who then does the second round of screening and then finally
calls for face to face interview.

For one of the round I was asked to assist HR manager, where I sat with the manager while
he was taking the interview. The questions he asked to the candidates were:

 A brief introduction about self.

 Why did you choose this company?
 Why you want to leave your previous company?
 What was your roles and responsibilities there?
 Share some experiences of the problems you face in the store on daily basis?
 What CTC you are expecting from of us?

And on the basis of these questions and specially their work experience the candidate is
selected for the final round.
Findings and conclusions

 Human resource department of Bharti Airtel is well equipped with their techniques
and methods to ease theirs and employees work life.
 The policies are adopted for the well being of the employees so that they can be
engaged and work for the organization in a better way.
 According to the data is been analysed we can see that employees are aware of all the
tools and policies that is for the betterment of the employees as well as better for the
 This study shows that HR department uses technology to engage employees as it
being a trend “Employees mirror popular social trends” and so workplace has to
reflect the same technological agility
 Considering the value of the organisation, HR team of Bharti airtel is trying their best
to recruit the best employee from the market so that goals can be attained.
 They also provided effective and engaging learning experience, that is there learning
management system(LMS) which is available on both desktop and mobile phones.
 HR team tries to focus on the experience of the employees, for example they try to
identify if the employee is learning while working or is just repeating with out
learning any new work or concept.
 All the tools which HR team introduces makes sure that it is been used by every
 There are several activities that the team organizes for the employees on Friday which
is known to be a casual day and active participation is also important. So this makes
work more bearable wherein employees work on other days efficiently.
 At last I would like to conclude that working culture of Bharti Airtel, Gururam is
considered to be one of the best corporate cultures.
Recommendations and suggestions

 More emphasis should be given on the online learning process, learning app should be
updated as soon as any new course has been included.
 For the recruitment purpose online or skype interview should be introduced as it
reduces travel and waiting time.
 They must make sure that employees are aware of the policies as this will help them
in decision making process.
 Sustainability of employees should be taken care of, as Bharti Airtel is facing
employee crisis as many employees are leaving the company.

Limitation of the study.

 Personal conflict and biasness of various employees at airtel may have supplied
wrong data.
 Details and authorisation of tools is only available for the on roll employees of airtel,
as they can only access it using their unique employee ID.

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