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1. We ---- a few more goals but we are very happy

with the end result. 7. The effect of global warming is being felt
more day by day, and in near future
humans ---- to the new climate.
A) could have scored
B) must have scored A) will have to adapt
C) didn’t have to score B) must have adapted
D) needn’t have scored C) should have adapted
E) shouldn’t have scored D) were able to adapt
E) used to adapt
8. The handwritten letters ---- to City Hall last
2. Drinking two glasses of water before Friday.
meals ---- help you eat less.
A) delivered
A) may B) were delivering
B) may have helped C) had delivered
C) used to help D) have been delivered
D) must have helped E) were delivered
C) would rather
9. Churches and charitable organizations ---- an
3. James can’t even walk properly. He ---- a lot at the important role in the creation of educational
party. institutions for African Americans in the United
States between 1830 and 1835
A) should have drunk
B) couldn’t have drunk A) played
C) was supposed to drink B) were played

D) must have drunk C) has played

E) had to drink D) were being played
E) has been played
4. These drugs ---- side effects and ---- with certain
other medicines because this can lead to serious 10. More than 12 million copies of the
health problems. iPhone game Angry Birds ---- up to now.

A) may have / should be taken A) have downloaded

B) can have / should not be taken B) have been downloading
C) used to have / can’t be taken C) have been downloaded
D) must have / need to be taken D) was being downloaded
E) are to have / couldn’t be taken E) was downloaded

5. Everyone ---- Monday's accident because they got 11. Calcium ----in many foods, including dairy
out of the burning plane quickly. products such as milk or yogurt.

A) is able to survive A) finds

B) was able to survive B) is finding
C) could survive C) found
D) wasn’t able to survive D) was found
E) would rather survive E) is found

6. I ---- get a signal even though the place said it had

a wireless connection. 12. Starting next year, students ----to keep their
smart phones with them.
A) could get
B) couldn’t get A) allow

C) can’t get B) will be allowed

D) should get C) will allow
E) am used to get D) will have allowed
E) have been allowed

13. The application ---- Who Unfollowed Me On B) injured

Instagram and it ---- on December 15 C) had been injured
Downloadable now on iPhone. D) had injured
E) has been injured
A) called / released
B) was called / released
C) is called / was released
D) is called / is released
E) is called / has been released
20. Edwards said the burglary ---- on Monday
14. Last night, in my dream, I ---- by a monster. when employees ---- for work.

A) was chasing A) has been discovered / arrived

B) was being chased B) was discovered / arrived
C) will be chased C) is discovered / arrive
D) am being chased D) will be discovered / had arrived
E) chased E) had discovered / was arrived

15. Mr.Duran ---- me yesterday because my homework - 21. We ---- the computer, we ----the world wide
--- properly. web.

A) scolds / didn’t do A) invented / invented

B) was scolding / wasn’t doing B) invented / was invented
C) scolded / wasn’t done C) had invented / had been invented
D) has scolded / hasn’t been done D) has been invented / has invented
E) can scold / wasn’t done E) invent / invent

16. Lobo ---- president in November of last year with 56 22. Portuguese, the official language of Brazil,
percent of the vote. ---- by the entire population.

A) elected A) speaks
B) has been elected B) was spoken
C) was being elected C) has spoken
D) had elected D) is speaking
E) was elected E) is spoken

17. Normal human cells ----from reovirus infection by a 23. The Joker Movie --- by over five million
protein called PKR people so far.

A) are protected A) saw

B) was protected B) was seen
C) protect C) has been seen
D) have protected D) had been seen
E) protected E) will have been seen

18. Time travel ---- yet, but it will be in 30 years'time. 24. Over five million people ---- the Joker Movie
so far.
A) wasn’t invented
B) didn’t invent A) have seen
C) hasn’t invented B) saw
D) hasn’t been invented C) have been seen
E) won’t have been invented D) had seen
E) had been seen

19. The manufacturer said no one ---- as a result of the 25. Delilah ---- a lot of people but there ----
faulty airbags. more than 100 people at the party last
A) has injured

A) didn’t invite / is
B) doesn’t invite / has been
C) didn’t invite / were
D) wasn’t invited / had been
E) wasn’t invited / have been


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