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ELSEVIER Solid State lonics 84 (1996) 1-21

Cathode materials for lithium rocking chair batteries
R. Koksbang *, J. Barker, H. Shi, M.Y. Sa~di
Valence Technology, Inc.. 301 Conestoga way, Henderson. NV 89015, USA
Received 21 November1995; accepted 14 December 1995


Cathode materials for rechargeable rocking chair or lithium-ion batteries, are reviewed, The emphasis is placed on the
comparison between specific capacities and rechargeability of lithium-containing high voltage cathode materials such as
manganese oxides and LiMO 2 compounds, where M is Co or Ni. It is generally found that the maximum reversible
capacities for the most promising materials fall in the range 100-120 mAh/g, and decaying to around 75 mAh/g after
several hundred cycles. The rechargeability is similar for the most commonly considered materials: LiMn20 a, LiCoO 2 and
LiNiO 2. No improvements in capacity or rechargeabilityl beyond what have been found for these materials, is observed by
substitution of other elements into these compounds.

Keywords: Lithium battery; Lithium cobalt oxide; Lithium manganeseoxide; Rocking chair

1. Introduction derived from concentration cells [2] which consist of

essentially identical electrodes containing different
There has been considerable research and devel- reactant concentrations, and also from carbon~carbon
opment activity targeted towards the commercial cells based on cation insertion in one electrode and
manufacture of battery systems based on lithium anion insertion in the other [3-5]. Shortly after the
insertion cathodes and metallic lithium anodes. This RCB concept was revealed by Armand [1], the con-
effort was primarily driven by the desire for inexpen- cept was demonstrated [6-10] using transition metal
sive high energy density rechargeable batteries, which compound anodes and cathodes. Later, new names
could be utilized in applications ranging in size from for this technology appeared: Lithium ion [11], Shut-
cellular telephones and other electronic devices to tlecock [12], Swing Electrode System [13], etc., but
electric vehicles. the fundamental concept remained the same. In 1990,
Lithium metal free lithium batteries have been Sony Energytech Inc. [14], announced the commer-
known for several years, and were originally termed cial availability of their "lithium ion rechargeable
"rocking chair" batteries (RCB) by Armand [1]. The battery" based on a carbon (non-graphitic) anode
basic concept of operation for RCB's was partially and a LiCoO2 cathode. Sony has ~ince made several
iterative improvements to the performance of their
particular RCB system. Further, several other
• Corresponding author. Fax: (702) 558-1001; Phone: (702) Japanese companies have since also announced com-
558-1032; E-mail: mercialization of their particular lithium ion technol-

0167-2738/96/515.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All fights reserved

PIl S0167-2738(96)00016- 1
2 R. Koksbang et a L / S o l i d State Ionics 84 (1996) 1-21

ogy, i.e. A & T Battery, Hitachi Maxell, Mitsubishi environmental friendliness, LiMn20 a is favored over
and Sanyo. These batteries apparently all show ac- its counterparts".
ceptable performance characteristics under a variety In the following, the properties of the materials
of different design applications. In a number of cases listed in Table 1, will be discussed and where appro-
a higher specific capacity graphitic anode has re- priate, additional material will be discussed. The
placed the non-graphitic type used in the original table contains information regarding the materials,
Sony configuration. Furthermore, prismatic designs the preparation conditions, and the electrolytes used
as well as cylindrical ones are now commercially for the electrochemical measurements as well as the
available. current and voltage conditions applied, initial and
The intention of this paper is to provide the reader reversible capacities and cycle life. Each entry is
with an overview of the battery related properties of numbered and will be referred to throughout the text,
cathode materials, including preparation procedures by reference to (#xx), where xx is the line entry in
and electrode characteristics, i.e. the applied aspects the table. Contrary to these references, literature
of the cathode materials. Several excellent reviews references are given in square brackets.
covering the fundamental structural and electrochem-
ical properties of cathode [15,16] and anode [17,18]
materials have appeared recently as well as an 3. LiMO z materials
overview of the rocking chair battery technology
[19]. For other cathode materials, the reader is re-
Only the first row transition metal compounds are
ferred to earlier reviews [20-22].
considered in this review because of the relatively
low insertion potentials versus Li of the LiMO z
compounds of the heavier transition metals, e.g.
2. Electrode materials LiWO2, LiMoO 2 and LiRuO z [20,21]. The poten-
tials of these compounds are typically lower than 2
V versus Li, and in fact, for the three examples
The electrode materials considered in this review
mentioned here, the potentials are closer to 1 V
are all characterized by providing the lithium needed
versus Li.
for the RCB reaction. The number of different com-
Layered metal oxides of the type LiMO 2 (where
pounds which are known, is rather limited, and are
M = C o or Ni) have a rhombohedral structure
arbitrarily divided into LiMO z (e.g LiCoO z and
[112,113] where lithium and transition metal atoms
LiNiO 2) compounds, manganese oxides (e.g
are ordered alternate (111) planes in a distorted
LiMn20,,) and other materials. These compounds are
cubic-close-packed oxygen ion lattice. The layered
characterized by being strongly oxidizing in nature
framework provides a two dimensional interstitial
and as such reversibly intercalate lithium ions above
site which allows for relatively facile extraction and
3 V versus Li. The cobalt compound (used in con-
insertion of lithium ions. The materials will be dealt
junction with a coke anode) was used in the original
with separately in the following discussion.
commercially available RCB from Sony. Although
this is a relatively expensive material, its favorable
electrochemical properties mean it is continuing to
find application in recently developed RCB's from 4. LiCoO 2
other manufacturers, The nickel compound on the
other hand, is comparatively inexpensive but is much The lithium cobalt oxide, LiCoO z , was among the
more difficult to prepare in the electrochemically lithium insertion compounds first described by
active form. There are several proponents for appli- Mizushima et ai. [114] in 1980, and is currently the
cation of the manganese spinel material. Tarascon most extensively used cathode material for rocking
and co-workers for instance [23], describe the chair batteries. Removal of lithium corresponding to
LiMn204 compound as follows: "based on abun- x = 1 in LixCoO 2, is equivalent to a theoretical
dance, ease of preparation, material cost, and the capacity of about 274 mAh/g. However, due to
R. Koksbang et a l . / Solid State Ionics 84 (1996) 1-21 3

structural restrictions [115], lower amounts of lithium gous fashion to the solid electrolyte interface model
may be removed and inserted reversibly. The general (SEI), originally postulated by Peled and co-workers
consensus between independent researchers appears [122] to characterize the interfacial properties be-
to suggest that a maximum of around 150 m A h / g tween metallic lithium and non-aqueous electrolytes.
may be reversibly cycled over many charge-dis- The cathode interracial layer model was expected to
charge cycles without appreciable specific capacity moderate the electrochemical properties of the
loss (# 1-18). In most instances groups testing under LiCoO 2 composite electrode. The film formation
rates of insertion/extraction consistent with cell us- was then further substantiated by electron micro-
age, report reversible specific capacities in the range graph pictures of a LiCoO 2 composite cathode sur-
120-140 mAh/g. Very high cycle numbers are ob- face in contact with the electrolyte surface [121].
tained with commercially available batteries from The use of LiCoO 2 as a cathode material in large
Sony and others, with minimal capacity losses. test/prototype cells, has been demonstrated by sev-
Several synthesis routes have been attempted to eral organizations [31,123-126]. Cylindrical 30 All
improve the performance, including the conventional batteries constructed from plates using metallic Li
sintering of a carbonate mixture ( # 1-2, 11), nitrate anodes [123,124] were cycled 40-50 times without
mixtures (#5), LiOH and either a carbonate (#6), an appreciable loss of discharge capacity. Cylindrical
oxide (#7) or a nitrate (#8) of cobalt. The general 1.5-2 Ah and 8 Ah cells, having a flat plate con-
trend suggests that the high temperature synthesis struction inside [124], were assembled and tested,
methods have little or no influence on the electro- together with two types of spirally wound cells of
chemical performance of the LiCoO 2 material since 0.3-0.5 Ah, and 4-6 Ah capacities, respectively. In
essentially identical results are obtained. The differ- addition, prismatic 3 Ah rocking chair (carbon an-
ences observed can probably be ascribed to elec- ode) cells were also tested [123]. Cylindrical " C "
trolyte properties, choice of current collectors, or size cells based on both LiCoO 2 and LiNiO 2 cathode
electrode preparation. Most reports on materials pre- materials and with a lithium anode [31] showed high
pared at low temperature show only a restricted capacity and a cycle life exceeding 100 cycles.
number of charge/discharge cycles. For example,
[69] demonstrates an unusually high specific capacity
for the low temperature material but unfortunately 5. LiNiO 2
only a few cycles are reported and the long term
cycle life is unknown. LiNiO 2 exists in two structural modifications, of
The structure of LiCoO 2 [116-118] and the struc- which only one is electrochemically active [50]. The
ture varations during lithium insertion and lithium theoretical capacity of LiNiO 2, assuming l Li per
extraction, have been studied in detail [112,117]. The NiO 2 unit may be extracted, is close to that of the
structural differences between LiCoO 2 prepared by LiCoO z compound, i.e. ~ 275 m A h / g . Again, in a
conventional high temperature synthesis and the so- similar fashion to the cobalt system, a significantly
called LT-LiCoO2 (#19-21) prepared at about lower capacity is obtained in actual test cells ( # 2 2 -
400°C, are discussed in [47,117]. Lithium ion trans- 44). However, the overall reversible specific capaci-
port has been described in [119]. In addition to the ties reported for LiNiO 2 are typically 10-30 m A h / g
insertion of lithium into the Li~,CoOz lattice, the higher than those for LiCoO 2. Fewer cycles have
corresponding sodium reactions were also studied in been reported, but good charge retention is generally
[120]. observed after > 100 cycles (#24). Very small par-
The influence on the insertion properties by the ticle size was claimed to be advantageous (#44) in
formation of interracial layers [121] on the LiCoO 2 one report, but unfortunately no electrochemical data
has been described. The formation of this cathode- were presented. The cycle life size is strongly depen-
electrolyte interface layer, apparently formed by re- dent on the depth of discharge [127], i.e. high cycle
action between the electrolyte (IM LiBF4/PC) and numbers are achieved when the capacity is restricted
the cathode components was indicated by ac to about 100-120 m A h / g , while only a few cycles
impedance measurements. It is formed in an analo- are possible at higher capacities.
4 R. Koksbang et al./Solid State Ionics 84 (1996) 1-21

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In addition, the LiNiO 2 compound appears to be another transition metal such as Cr (#45), Mn
more difficult to synthesize than the corresponding (#55-58) and Fe (#59-60), respectively. The most
cobalt oxide, in a modification which is able to well-documented approach is the LiNi,Co, _xO., se-
reversibly insert lithium to any significant extent. ries of compounds (#46-54), which were initially
Contrary to LiCoO 2, which can be prepared by [47] investigated because of their lower insertion
sintering a mixture of almost any Li, Co and O potentials compared to that for the pure cobalt oxide
sources under proper temperature conditions, the phase. The LiNixCo,_~O 2 compounds were ex-
LiNiO2 compound needs to be prepared under pected to be oxidatively less demanding on the elec-
strongly oxidizing conditions. Typical examples in- trolyte phase. Further, these materials are generally
clude e.g. hydroxide mixtures annealed in an O z considered to be simpler to prepare than the pure
atmosphere (#22-23, 42), hydroxide and nitrate nickel oxide. However, no improvement in specific
(#27, 41) or by the use of Na202 alld an Ni source capacity or in cycle life was observed. Similar syn-
(#31), followed by ion exchange with LiNO 3 at thesis routes to those used for the pure Ni and Co
elevated temperature. oxides, have been attempted with near equivalent
The structure of LiNiO 2 is described in [ l 16,128- results.
130], while the structure of Li2NiO 2 is also dis- Apart from this N i / C o combination, it is apparent
cussed in [128]. The latter paper also discusses that substitution with other transition metals results
lithium insertion in the approximate range 1 < x < 2 in materials characterized by lower capacities and
in LixNiO 2, which takes place at about 1.8 V versus less reversible insertion/extraction reactions. Fur-
Li. This is in contrast to lithium insertion in LiCoO 2 thermore, as a general trend it appears that as the
where no plateau around this voltage is found. At concentration of the substitutional metal increases
about 1.1 V versus Li, a large plateau is observed in there appears to be a concurrent negative effect on
the Li/LiCoO~ system, presumably corresponding the specific capacities of these materials. For exam-
to disproportionation of LiCoO 2 to Li20 and Co ple, Jones et al. [63] successfully prepared single
metal [128]. The solid state ionic transport properties phases of Li~,CryCol_rO2 type compounds. The
of LiNiO2 are discussed in [131] while other physi- electrochemical results indicated that as y increased,
cal/chemical properties are given in a number of the specific capacity declined. The same group un-
references [ 132-134]. successfully attempted to prepare single phase Li.,-
Performance results, comparable to those of liquid CryNi I_yO z by the same preparative route [63].
electrolyte systems, were obtained with Li/LiNiO z,
Li/LiMn204, C/LiNiO 2 and C/LiCoO 2 cells [135],
7. Other L i M O 2 oxides
using a PAN based hybrid polymer electrolyte (i.e.
polymer-liquid-salt combination, [136]) at room Other LiMO z compounds, such as, LiCrO 2
temperature. However, a rapid decay of the capacity (#63-64), LiVO 2 (#66) and LiCuO 2 (#65), all
with cycling, was observed in the early experiments have lower reversible capacities than the previously
with the carbon anode based systems. described compounds of this general stoichiometry.
Cycle testing [59] of a C/LiNiO 2 cell, slightly As an example, the Li~CrO z compound has a theo-
smaller than a " C " size, showed good initial capac- retical capacity of about 295 m A h / g , assuming 1 Li
ity (approximately 1 Ah), and about 40% of this per CrO 2 unit can be cycled, but the actual reversible
capacity was retained after 1200 cycles at relatively capacity is as low as about 60 mAh/g. Further, the
high rate. cycling performance of this material is disappointing.
The capacity of LieRhO 2 seems to be high ( A x =
0.8) [137] but the lithium is re-inserted at potentials
6. L i M O z (M - Co, Ni) derivatives down to 2 V versus Li. LiFeO2 would obviously be
of great interest, but the structure [138] of conven-
Many attempts have been made to improve the tionally prepared LiFeO 2 (rock salt) does not allow
lithium insertion properties of both LiCoOz and lithium to be extracted reversibly to any significant
LiNiO 2 by partial substitution of Co or Ni, with degree. Several different approaches have been at-
14 R. Koksbang et a l . / Solid State Ionics 84 (1996) 1-21

tempted in an effort to prepare the layered LiFeO 2 corresponding value for the cobalt and nickel LiMO 2
compound, i.e. hydrothermal synthesis [138], ion phases mentioned earlier. In most experimental cells,
exchange of et-NaFeO 2 [139-141] and from FeOCI it is found that the reversible specific capacity of the
[1421. 4 V range for the LiMn204 is about 120 mAh/g, or
about 81% of the theoretical capacity. The theoreti-
cal capacity may be reached at very low cycling
8. Manganese oxides rates, although extended cycling at these rates is
normally accompanied by a concurrent capacity fade.
Considerable work has been focused on character- The LiMn204 compound is traditionally made by
ization and optimization of the iithiated manganese annealing of the corresponding carbonates in the
oxides. Although the reversible specific capacities approximate temperature range 700-900°C. Other
for the manganese oxides are lower than the theoreti- synthesis routes, primarily encompassing different
cal specific capacity of the best cobalt and nickel low temperature methods based on sol-gel chem-
LiMO 2 compounds, they potentially represent the istry, have been investigated. Sol-gel synthesis of
least expensive of the available cathode materials. manganese oxides is discussed in details in [149-
Much of the available work has concentrated on the 152]. As in the case of the LiMO 2 compounds, only
spinel phase Li,Mn204. Although this review is minor performance improvements in terms of spe-
primarily concerned with the high voltage materials, cific capacity or cycling, (or none at all), are ob-
i.e. those best suited for the rocking chair batteries, served. Recently [153-157], lithium insertion in
some materials operating at the 3 V plateau will also LiMn20 * was demonstrated from an aqueous elec-
be included. Significant efforts are also underway to trolyte.
extend the capacity of the 4 V plateau to the 3 V For application purposes it has been necessary to
plateau without significantly compromising the spe- unequivocally demonstrate long term cycling of the
cific capacity. LiMn204 material without significant capacity fade.
The structure of the LiMn204 compound is de- To that end, Tarascon et al. [158] and Sffidi et al.
scribed in [116], and is reviewed together with the [ 159] have demonstrated that it is possible to retain a
structures of related manganese oxides, as well as capacity around 75 mAh/g for LiMn204 after more
other spinel compounds, in [143-146]. Structural than 1000 deep discharge cycles. Furthermore,
work on the delithiated spinels is also found in Tarascon et al. [23360] have shown a full RCB that
[147,148]. The LiMn:O 4 spinel is by far the most incorporates the spinel cathode coupled to a
extensively investigated manganese oxide, both for petroleum coke anode with over 1300 deep discharge
the 3 V plateau (#71, 73-74, 76, 80-82, 88- cycles and only a 36% decline in the battery dis-
89, 105-107), the 4 V plateau (#69-70, 72, 77- charge capacity.
79, 84-87, 91-94, 96-97, 99-103, 108-109), orfor Very recently, a study using a solid inorganic
both plateaus (#75, 83, 95, 98, 104, 110, 112). In a phosphate electrolyte, which is reported to be stable
few cases up to 4 Li per Mn204 unit (#90) have above 5 V versus Li [161], indicated that structural
been cycled. In this particular case the cycling has changes which take place at very high potentials, are
been extended to include the lowest voltage plateau in some way beneficial to the capacity at the 4 V
around I V versus Li. The major emphasis in this plateau. It was previously shown [23,162,163] that
review is concentrated on the parent LiMn204 spinel two reversible redox reactions take place at high
compound and its derivatives. anodic potentials (4.55 and 4.95 V versus Li). The
additional capacity only corresponds to x = 0.06 for
both plateaus.
9. LiMn204, 4 V plateau
10. LiMn204, 3 V plateau
The cycling of 1 Li per Mn204 unit corresponds
to a theoretical material utilization capacity of 148 Since approximately 1 Li per Mn204 unit can be
mAh/g. This figure is somewhat lower than the inserted over the approximate 3 V voltage plateau,
R. Koksbang et al. / Solid State Ionics 84 (1996) 1-21 15

the theoretical specific capacity of this plateau processing conditions for obtaining a material with
(#71-72, 77-78), is roughly identical to the capac- both high specific capacity and improved reversibil-
ity of the 4 V plateau, i.e. around 150 mAh/g. ity of the lithium insertion reaction.
However, the delivered capacity is often significantly In one report the lithium capacity at the 3 V
lower than that of the 4 V plateau, and the capacity plateau has been used as a subsidiary lithium source
fade with cycle number is usually greater. It has been [167], in order to retain a larger fraction of the
reported [84,86,164] that the electrode impedance capacity at the 4 V plateau, which would otherwise
increases abruptly (almost by a factor of ten) at the be consumed due to the capacity loss often observed
transition between the 4 V and the 3 V plateau, during the initial cycling of the carbon anode [168].
which then causes lower material utilization and This was achieved by chemically increasing the
poor cycling properties. It was concluded [84,86,164] lithium content in Li~+xMn204 by the use of LiI
that the concurrent cubic to tetragonal phase change similarly to the methods originally described by
which accompanies lithium insertion over this volt- Murphy [ 169].
age range, confers the inferior electrochemical per- Finally, scale-up of cells to the AA battery size
formance on this material. Thackeray and co-workers has been demonstrated [170]. In this study the 3 V
[79] also reported the poor cycling of the L i / L i x- plateau of Li/LiMn204 cells was cycled more than
Mn204 cells on the 3 V plateau and attributed this to 100 times but at low material utilization.
an asymmetric lattice expansion/contraction of the
LixMn204 electrode during cycling. They contended
that the lattice distortion resulted from a Jahn-Teller 11. LiMn204 derivatives
distortion that occurs around x = 1.08, and trans-
Transition metal substitution (Fe: #115, V:
forms the cubic symmetry of the spinel phase to a
# 1 1 6 - 1 1 7 , Cr: #118-122, Zn: #126, #Co:
tetragonal symmetry.
#127, Ni: #128-129, Ti: #130-131) appears to
Methods to stabilize this Jahn-Teller distortion
have little or no influence on the specific capacity or
have been reported. For example, by varying the
the cycling performance of the 4 V plateau while
synthesis conditions, Tarascon et al. [82,165], showed
only minor improvements may occur at lower poten-
that it is possible to control the amount of lithium
tials. At higher potentials, the trend is actually to-
which can be reversibly inserted/extracted within
wards lower capacities than that of the parent spinel
each voltage plateau. However, overall, the total
LiMn204. Similar results were obtained by substitu-
amount of lithium available in both plateaus remains
tion with Mg 2+ (#123-125).
approximately constant. Improved performance at
Tarascon and co-workers [171] systematically
the 3 V plateau was achieved by modification of the
studied the electrochemical properties of LiMy-
synthesis procedures [166]. The materials were pre-
Mn2_yO 4 over the voltage range 3.5-4.5 V versus
pared from Li2CO 3 and Mn(CH3COO)2.4H20, to
Li, in which Mn is substituted with other elements,
which a small amount of carbon black powder was
(M -- Ti, Ge, Fe, Zn or Ni) and with varying levels
added. The theoretical specific capacity was
of cation substitution, y. It was reported that replac-
achieved, and the capacity decay was smaller than
ing Mn with +2 valence cations (Ni, Zn) or +3
that of conventionally prepared LiMn204.
valence cations (Fe) reduces the specific capacity,
Although acceptable cycling performance of cells
but apparently does not affect the cycling perfor-
covering both the 3 V and 4 V plateaus together is
considered to be difficult, at least one report has
appeared which indicated that this is certainly a
possibility [88] (at least over a restricted number of 12. Other ternary manganese oxides
discharge/charge cycles). The LiMn204 material
described in [88] was prepared by a proprietary Examples of other ternary manganese oxides
method and the electrochemical performance com- which have been investigated are Li 2Mn#O 9 (# 132)
pared directly to commercially available LiMn204. and Li4MnsOi2 (#133-134), both of which cover
The paper stresses the importance of controlling the the voltage range 2-3.3 V versus Li, i.e. not at the 4
16 R. Kokz'bang et a l . / Solid State Ionics 84 (1996) 1-21

V plateau [79,80,172,173]. Lithium cannot be ex- versus Li is somewhat lower than the LiMn20 ~.
tracted from these oxides since the manganese is Other materials in this group generally have very
already in the + 4 oxidation state. The synthesis and low reversible capacities at reasonable rates, e.g.
structure of several defect spinel manganese oxides LiTi204 [177-180], LiV20 ~ [73-74, 177-178, 181],
is described in [173,174]. and LiCo204 [178, 181].
Li.,MnO 2 compounds (#135-143) are also of Obviously, the current selection of cathode mate-
interest, since the theoretical specific capacity for rials is rather limited, and in addition the capacities
these materials is about twice that of the spinel phase are small compared to other cathode materials (e.g.
LiMn204, i.e. about 300 mAh/g. Contrary to the TiS 2, V6013, etc.) and the carbon based anode mate-
Li/LiMn204 system, which shows two distinctive rials. Apart from the materials reviewed here, re-
plateaus at around 3 V and 4 V versus Li, these search on molybdenum oxides, and extended to
compounds typically show a sloping voltage curve vanadium and manganese oxides [182, 183]. has lead
over the entire insertion range. The voltage typically to the discovery of a new group of cathode materials.
varies from slightly lower potentials (about 3.8 V
versus Li) to about 2 V versus Li. Thackeray and
co-workers [ 175,176] showed that LiMnO 2 cathodes
that contain at least some spinel component give 14. Summary
reasonable electrochemical performance with a gen-
erated specific capacity up to around 160 m A h / g The reversible capacity of LiCoO 2 falls in the
between voltage limits of 2.0 and 4.4 V versus Li. range from 120-130 m A h / g , and the compound is
Interestingly, the discharge voltage profile of these most suitable as a cathode material if it is highly
cells becomes increasingly spinel-like following mul- crystalline. The reversibility is dependent on the
tiple discharge-charge cycles with distinct voltage amount of lithium removed from the structure. Re-
plateaus becoming evident around 3 and 4 V moval of relatively large amounts, resulting in irre-
versus Li. versible structural changes, lowers the capacity sig-
nificantly. The capacity is otherwise fairly independ-
ent of the preparation method.
13. Other oxides Contrary to LiCoO 2, the lithium insertion proper-
ties of the LiNiO 2 compound and the reversibility of
The only other known lithium containing transi- the reaction, is very dependent on the preparation
tion metal oxides, which have been described (very conditions. Unless strongly oxidizing conditions are
recently) in the literature, are LiNiVO4 (#144) and applied, the electrochemical activity is practically
LiCoVO4 (#145), both of which have the inverse zero. Only compounds of the electrochemically ac-
spinel structure. The insertion potential of the LiN- tive structure were included in this review. The
iVO4 compound is around 4.8 V versus Li. This is capacity is in general slightly higher that of the
the highest potential for any known cathode material LiCoO 2 compound, i.e. in the range 120-150
and clearly demonstrates that the lithium is relatively mAh/g. Again, removal of relatively large amounts
tightly bound to the host lattice. The potential of the of lithium inducess irreversible structural changes
LiCoVO4 compound is somewhat lower. At present which reduces the available capacity.
the measured specific capacities of both compounds Other LiMO 2 compounds have very limited re-
are fairly low, in the range of 40-50 mAh/g. It versible capacities, e.g. the reversible of LiCrO 2 is
should be noted, however, that, with further detailed less than 60 m A h / g .
evaluation, these materials, particularly with elec- Substitution of either Ni or Co for other first row
trolytes with improved oxidative stability, may result transition metals generally has a negative effect on
in significantly improved specific capacity. the capacity and possibly also on the reversibility of
As an example of other spinel compounds of the the lithium insertion reaction. For example, partial
general composition LiM20 ~, LiV204 (#67-68) is substitution of Ni with Fe reduces the reversible
given in Table 1. The potential of LiV204 material capacity to less than I00 mAh/g.
R. Ko~'bang et al. / Solid State Ionics 84 (1996) 1-21 17

An exception to the general trend of these data, is lithium removal from these compounds is extremely
the substitution of Ni for Co or vice versa. In this difficult. At the lower plateau, lithium may be in-
case, the results are roughly the same as with the serted in approximately the same amounts as in
parent compounds, both in terms of capacity and LiMn204.
reversibility. However, a larger fraction of the capac- A couple of new cathode materials (LiNiVO: and
ity is removed at potentials slightly lower than that LiCoVO 4) have recently been discovered. Apart from
of the LiCoO 2 compound (i.e. less demanding for a capacity of about 45 m A h / g and a high potential
the electrolyte stability), and the mixed compounds versus Li, very few details regarding their lithium
are far easier to prepare than LiNiO 2. insertion properties are presently available.
LiMn204 is able to insert four lithium ions per Second and third row transition metal oxides are
formula unit between 1 and roughly 4.3 V versus Li, not considered in this review since they tend to insert
but only the two upper plateaus are of interest as lithium at potentials below 3 V versus Li.
cathode materials for rocking chair batteries. The Finally, it should be noted that the thermal stabil-
theoretical capacity of each of these two plateaus is ity of LixCoO 2, LixNiO 2 and LixMnO 2 in air is
about 150 mAh/g. Although the preparation condi- excellent for x = 1 [184]. However, for x < 1, the
tions for the LiMn204 compounds are not quite as stability decreases both in air and in inert atmo-
demanding as those for LiNiO 2, some adjustment of sphere. The delithiated compounds release oxygen
the capacity is possible, primarily by varying the during heating and the stability decreases in the
preparation temperature. The precursor seems to be order Li,NiO 2 < Li~CoO 2, < LixMnO 2 [184]. An-
less important. However, by using a low temperature other study, in which the thermal characteristics of
synthesis route, it is easier to change the properties carbon/LiNiO 2 (AA cells) was carried out as func-
than by applying a conventional solid state annealing tion of the capacity balance ratio of the electrodes,
process. Although the capacity ratios of the two confirmed the previous findings [185].
plateaus may be varied, the sum of the capacities of
the two plateaus remains constant.
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