Custom Timeline For Manuel Rudas

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12/11/2019 Timeline

Custom Timeline
1987 to 2017

1946-1989: The Cold War from before birth to age 2

Reign of Queen Elizabeth II (Windsor) from before birth until
after timeline
1961-1989: Berlin Wall from before birth to age 2
1981-1988: Ronald Reagan president of US from before birth to age 1
1987: 2000th satellite launched: USSRs Cosmos in birth year
Turin shroud precisely carbon dated to 1330 AD - shroud is a
hoax at age 1
1988: Pacific trash patch discovered at age 1
1989: Breakup of the Soviet Union at age 2
1989: Fall of Berlin Wall at age 2
1989: Powell is 1st black chairmain joint US chiefs of staff at age 2
1989: US Invades Panama, topples Noriega at age 2
1989: Pons and Fleischmann claim cold fusion at age 2
1989-1992: George Bush president of US from age 2 to age 5
1990: Hubble space telescope deployed at age 3
1990: World Wide Web at age 3
1991: Iraq attacks Kuwait, US Attacks Iraq at age 4
1991-2003: 8th Cholera pandemic from age 4 to age 16
1992: Blacks riot in South Central neighborhood, Los Angeles at age 5
Catholic Church apologizes for its treatment of Galileo in the
1600s at age 6
1993: Muslim terrorists bomb World Trade Center at age 6
1993-2000: William Clinton president of US from age 6 to age 13
1994: South Africa moves to 1 person, 1 vote system at age 7
1995: American Terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City at age 8
1996: DVD video recordings at age 9
1997: Cloning living beings at age 10
1997: Mars pathfinder lands at age 10
1998: Pres. Clinton Impeached December 19th. at age 11
1998: US attacks Iraq, again at age 11
1998: 1st 1 GHz microprocessor ships - The DEC Alpha CPU at age 11
1999: US attacks Bosnia at age 12
2000: Playstation II ships - most powerful video system to date at age 13
2000: Working draft of human genome completed at age 13
2nd Coming Prophesied 2nd time; Prophesy remains unfulfilled
at age 13
2000: North Pole ice melts - 1.5 km of open water in August at age 13
Probe NEAR-Shoemaker makes 1st touchdown on asteroid at age
2001: Satellite Radio broadcasts to consumers begin at age 14
2001: Wikipedia goes online at age 14
2001: X-Box console released at age 14
2001: Netherlands first country to legalize same-sex marriage at age 14
2001: Earthquaqe at Gujarat, India - 20,000+ deaths at age 14
2001: Muslim terrorists destroy World Trade Center Sep 11th at age 14
2001-2009: George W. Bush president of US from age 14 to age 22 1/3
12/11/2019 Timeline

US war in Afghanistan, October 7th from age 14 until after

2002: Euro currency introduced at age 15
2002: Terrorist bomb kills 170, injures 250 in Bali at age 15
2002: 10th solar planet(oid) discovered: Quaoar at age 15
2003: 28,000 die in Iran earthquake at age 16
2003: Shuttle Columbia destroyed during re-entry (feb 1st) at age 16
2003-2020: US war in Iraq from age 16 until after timeline
2004: Non-government Spaceship One achieves spaceflight at age 17
2004: 10 terrorist bombs kill 200, injure 1240 in Spain at age 17
Indian Ocean earthquake/tsunami kills 290,000+ - dec 26 at age
2004: Huge trans-Neptunian object, Sedna, discovered at age 17
2004: Water verified present on Mars by Odyssey lander at age 17
2005: Microsoft ships Xbox 360 at age 18
2005: NASAs Deep Impact spacecraft craters comet Temple 1 at age 18
2005: Space Shuttle returns to flight July 26th-Aug 10th at age 18
Hurricanes Katrina, Rita devastate New Orleans - Aug, Sep at
age 18
2005: Kashmir earthquake kills more than 74,000 at age 18
2005: Muslim terrorists bomb London transit system July 7th at age 18
2005: Huge trans-Plutonian object discovered at age 18
2006: PS3 ships from Sony at age 19
2006: Twitter launched at age 19
2006: Wii ships from Nintendo at age 19
2006: Americans lose habeas corpus at age 19
2006: Israel attacks Lebanon at age 19
2007: Amazon launches the Kindle reader at age 20
2007: Comet McNaught swings by the sun - extremely bright at age 20
2008: Tesla begins delivering electric vehicles to the public at age 21
2008: Cyclone Nargis kills more than 138,000 at age 21
2008: Sichuan Earthquake kills more than 69,000 at age 21
2008-2010: Global Recession from age 21 to age 23
2009: Comet Lulin, a green comet, swings past earth at age 22
2009: Population of Africa reaches one billion at age 22
2009-2016: Barack Obama president of USA from age 22 to age 29
2010: US healthcare act (ACA) becomes law at age 23
2010: Haiti earthquake - 220k dead, 300k injured at age 23
2011: Space shuttle fleet retired at age 24
Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of
Mexico at age 24
2011: Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown, rad release at age 24
2011: Japan 9.1 earthquake and Tsunami - 10K dead at age 24
Craig Venter creates first artificial lifeform: Mycoplasma
laboratorium at age 24
2011: Macular degeneration curable at age 24
2012: Mayan calendar cycle ends at age 25
2012: Voyager I crosses the heliopause at age 25
2013: First nation to legalize cannabis -- Uraguay at age 26
2013: Meteor explodes over Chelyabinsk at age 26
2013: PS4 launched at age 26
2013: XBox One launched at age 26
2013: Embryonic stems cells created via cloning at age 26
2014: Amazon launches the Echo voice-command server at age 27 2/3
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2014: Gay marriage in England, Wales at age 27

2014: Laser weapons deployed on naval platforms at age 27
2014: NATO ends combat ops in Afghanistan at age 27
2015: Cuba and USA reestablish diplomatic relations at age 28
2015: Dawn probe reaches Ceres at age 28
2015: New Horizons probe reaches Pluto at age 28
Hajj pilgrimage stampede in Mecca kills 2200+, injures 900+,
600+ missing at age 28
2015: Ireland legalizes same-sex marriage at age 28
Hurricane Patricia record winds 200 MPH+, 879mb pressure at
age 28
2015: liquid water found on Mars at age 28
2016: North Korea tests nuclear weapon at age 29
2016: Chinese 500m radio telescope begins ops at age 29
2017: Machine learning system beats human Go champion at age 30
Donald Trump president of the US from age 30 until after

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