Chapter 1

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Inventory system helped many large companies. In this system it contains all about
the stock goods of a company or a sari-sari store. One of the trending news that we can
hear nowadays is the issue about the overstocking of rice in the government
warehouses that are still unused until today, which is used to be given to the typhoon
victims that aren’t still financially stable. Due to the concern of the researchers in
helping companies and small scale businesses to ease the work in inventorizing their

Company Background

While on the company that the researchers’ going to interview, which is the Mila's
sari-sari store started in the year 2009, with an investment of two thousand from her
sister. At first the store has a small stocks that it could be just a piece or at least 3 pieces
of a most requested products, as well as the owner said Mrs. Milagros Geverola that she
only has a 3 costumers that's why she only had a small stocks. After three months of
having her business, she already paid the investment money that she barrowed on her
sister and started using the money that she got from the store. And now, it's been 9 years
since the sari-sari store started and still selling different food and needs of her costumers.
The stocks also got plenty and more than her first stocks, and she's just maintain the
stocks that she had every month or she's only changing the stocks monthly or if she
already have a money to invest to.

It is an innovative step for the information and communication business industry
to have such a technology that will ease everything that they will do in line of the
inventory industry
Not only having the capability to control and store all the important details but
to keep them in hand for the latter use

General Problem
● Minimal changes of stocks in the company that may affect the sales and profit of
the organization.

Specific Problems
● Over stocking of goods.
● Under stocking of goods.
General Objective
 To help the sari-sari’s store in managing their stocks and to lessen the works that
the system can provide, just like knowing the numbers of stocks in just a small
period of time. To study the functions of inventory management system, explore
the challenges being faced by the manual system for a sari-sari store. To design a
computerized inventory management system that solves the problem inherent in
the manual system with the use of Microsoft access and Microsoft Visual Basic.

Specific Objective
 Eliminate the over stocking and stock shortage in the company.

Theoretical Assumptions of the Study

1. We assume that our inventory system will help many sari sari store owners
effectively and efficiently.
2. We are assumpting a positive outcome towards our system.

Scope and Limitation

Our research is limited within the stock inventorying, listing of the goods and
doesn’t include the sources of stocks, their costumers or the one who will buy their goods
and the selling price of their stocks. And the scopes are about the stocks, listing the goods
and the information’s needed about studying on how to make an inventory system.


Our study (or system rather) is significant for it is made by us researchers who
developed the system for professional purposes.
It can be useful not only in small scale businesses but can also be used in large
companies that may in need of the system.

The system will provide an up-to-date advancement to others having the study with
business and technology, having the program to store the data’s for a very long period of time.

The system give people the accessibility to the technology making them readily advance
for other mediums and materials through the internet.

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