Rome Chapt 6 Sect 4 Notes

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Ancient World History Chapter 6 Section 4


Quick Write:
What cultures are being blended into our modern society? Explain.
Cultures that are being blended into our modern society include Greek
and Roman. Greek culture is included into our modern day culture
through our current democratic form of government. Also, Romans
influenced our form of government in the form of a Republic. As well,
the Chinese culture is expressed and blended into our culture through
restaurants, traditions, etc. Other cultures that are blended are
Hispanic, Asian, Indian, etc.

Review questions:
First emperor of the Roman Empire: Octavian (Augustus)
First triumvirate collapsed because of a disagreement between Pompey
and Julius Caesar
Tribe that invaded roman empire- Visigoths
Emperor that was stabbed 23 times- Julius Caesar
Year that Roman Empire fell in 476 AD
God-man that many roman citizen worship instead of king- Jesus
Roman invention that brought water into cities from distant rivers
First Christian emperor of Rome- Constantine
People that belong to a country or city-citizens
Jesus was crucified- 33 AD
Continent in which most of the Roman Empire is on- Europe
Document that states Christian beliefs- Nicene Creed
Leader of the Huns who came in conflict with the romans- Attila the
Follower of Jesus who spread Christianity between the churches- Paul
Who wrote half of the books in the bible-Paul

Greco-Roman Culture
o Blend of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman culture
o Influenced by the Greeks in:
 Architecture
 Religion
 Government
 Art
 Language
Art and Culture

Romans Similarities Greeks

o Centered in o Near o Centered in
Rome (Italy) Mediterranean Athens
o Myths about sea o Valued
Romulus and o Polytheistic philosophy
Remus o Powerful o Had myths about
o Famous civilization gods
romans: Julius o Fought many o Famous Greeks:
Caesar, Nero, wars Socrates, Plato,
Augustus, o Impressive Aristotle
Constantine architecture alexander
o Speak Latin o Speak Greek

Art and Culture

Roman Architecture
o Forum: place of commerce, business and trade
o Coliseum: used for theater, chariot racing, animal fighting &
gladiator fights
o Aqueducts: carried water from distant streams and rivers into
major cities

Art and Literature

o City of Pompeii
o Borrowed philosophy from the Greeks
o Virgil- Poet
o Tacitus- Roman historian

Legacy of Rome
o Law based on Stoicism
 Strengthen rights of Roman citizens
 Laws should be fair and apply equally to all people

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