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Camiling Catholic School

Camiling, Tarlac
Second Monthly Examination


English 10

I. Directions: Underline all the phrases and clauses on the paragraph below; then identify
the type of phrase/clause it shows by writing at the top of the word underlined.

Thence for nine days, I drifted before the deadly blast along the swarming sea; but on

the tenth, we touched the land of the Lotus-eaters, men who make food of flowers. So

here we went ashore and drew us water, and soon by the swift of ships, my men

prepared their dinner. Then, after we had tasted food and drink, I sent some sailors

forth to go and learn what men dwelt on the land- selecting two, and joining with

them a herald as a third. These straightway went and mingled with the Lotus- eaters.

These Lotus-eaters had no thought of harm against our men; indeed, they gave them

lotus to taste; but whosoever of them ate the lotus-honeyed fruit wished never to leave

the place, but with the Lotus-eaters there desired to stay, to feed on lotus and forget

his going home. These men I brought back weeping to the ship by very force and

dragging them under the benches of our hallow ships I bound them fast and bade y

other trusty men to hasten and embark on the swift ships, that none of them might eat

the lotus and forget his going home. Quickly they came aboard, took places at the

pins, and sitting in order, smote the foaming water with their oars.

II. Directions: Correct the faulty parallelism in each of the following sentences. Write the
corrected sentence on the space provided.
1. In my opinion, working on my stamp collection is much more interesting than to
watch television.
2. It is better to invest in a variety of enterprises rather than putting all the eggs in
one basket.
3. The problem these days is found not so much in choosing a college as to gain
admittance to the college chosen.
4. Hoping to impress mother, I swept the basement, cleaned out the garage, and then
I carried all the trash to the alley.
5. Expressways not only cost far more than improved public transportation but often
create more problems than they solve.

III. Directions: Give the conceptual and the operational meaning of the following words.
Use the space provided for your answer.
1. Drifted___________________________________________________________
2. Banish___________________________________________________________
3. Mortal___________________________________________________________
4. Bribe____________________________________________________________
5. Ponderous________________________________________________________

IV. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the statement carefully then write your answer on the space
For items 1-6 choose your answer on the choices below
A. Hearing
B. Understanding
C. Remembering
D. Interpreting
E. Evaluating
F. Responding

_____1. Your mother asked you to buy salt and pepper in the store near you, you get
the money from your mom and went to the store the condiments she needs for her
_____2. Your teacher asked you to explain the word communication.
_____3. Your friend told you that her father has a colon cancer. You know that colon
cancer is different from pancreatic cancer because colon cancer is related to our
_____4. When your teacher asked you to define microscope you always answer that a
microscope is a device that you used to see microscopic organism that cannot be seen
by our naked eye.
_____5. When your friend suddenly burst out in tears because of family problem, you
already know how painful she is feeling right now and all she needs is someone who
she can talked to.
_____6. When your teacher asked you at the end of her discussion if you have
questions, you always say “None, Ma’am.”

_____7. Which among the techniques in improving your listening skills is shown
Concentrating on the content and the intent of the message rather than to think of
your responses.
a. Remember the meanings are in people, not in words.
b. Give the other person a full hearing
c. Remove the physical barriers to listening
d. Focus on the speaker’s main idea.

For item number 8-12 choose your answer below

A. To inform

B. To persuade

C. To entertain

_____8. A speech about why Disneyland is the best place to go on a vacation.

_____9. An advertisement showing the bad effects of using plastics.

_____10. A storytelling about the adventure of Odysseus.

_____11. A documentary about the Lumad.

_____12. A research conference about the new trends in education.

For item number 13-17 identify the kind of reading done in the following situations.

A. Scanning
B. Skimming
C. Extensive Reading
D. Intensive Reading

_____13. You want to know what movie is going to be shown in HBO tonight at 9
o’clock so you looked at the movie guide in the newspaper.

_____14. You are given a timed test. Your instructions are to give the topic of each

_____15. You are asked to present an argument against death penalty so you went to
the library to gather your data and materials.

_____16. Jaypee has been asked by his teacher to compare the camera with an eye.
_____17. You want to relax so you bought yourself a new pocketbook and read it.

_____18. How does Odysseus finally prove himself to Penelope?

A. Showing her his wedding ring

B. By knowing that his bed is connected to a tree and stating the fact when
she suggests to move the bed to another room.
C. By singing her favorite song
D. By knowing something about her that no one else knows

_____19. Where was Oddyseus home?

A. Ithica C. Calypso

B. Ithaca D. Phaeacians

_____20. What were the names of Oddyseus wife and son?

_____21. During the fight who does Oddysseus and Telemachus kill?

A. Penelope and Callux C. Penelope and Telemachus

B. Phelomena and Telemachus D. Phelomena and Callux

_____21. During the fight who does Odesseu and Telemachus kill?

A. The nurses B. Everyone C. All the suitors, except the Bard D. No one

_____22. What two challenges does Penelope give the suitors?

A. 1. To lift the most

2. To run the fastest
B. 1. To string Odysseus' bow
2. shoot an apple off someone's head
C. 1. Have the most most money
2. Have the most strength
D. 1. To string Odysseus’ bow
2. shoot it thru 12 rings.

_____23. What does Odysseus tell Telemachus to hide?

A. Odysseus's bow and arrow

B. Penelope
C. All the weapons so there are only enough for Telemachus and
Odysseus to fight.
D. All the food

_____24. When Telemachus returns home from his quest to find his father, who does
he find at the swine herd?

A. His father B. His mother C. His brother D. Athena

_____25. Who is disguised as a shepherd, and who does she disguise Oddyseus

A. Athena, a beggar
B. Hades, a goat
C. Poseiden, a goat
D. Artimes, a beggar

_____26. After Odysseus leaves the King of the Phaeacians where does he wake

A. The shore of Troy

B. The shore of Athens
C. The shore of Ithaca
D. The shore of Calypso's home

_____27. To prevent the crew from hearing the siren's powerful song, what does
they do?

A. Make a sacrafice to the sirens

B. Kill the sirens
C. Pray to the gods for guidence
D. Stuff wax in their ears

_____28. What did King Aeolus give Odysseus and what will it accomplish?

A. A compass to help Odysseus get home

B. A new boat to help Odysseus get home

C. A map to help Odysseus get home

D. A leather sack of all of the storm winds to help Odysseus get home

_____29. Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus?

A. Odysseus stole from Poseidon

B. Odysseus harmed Poseidon's son Polyphemus the cyclops.
C. Odysseus disgraced Poseidon
D. Odysseus did not name his son after him

_____30. Ten days after leaving Troy, why did Odysseus have to tie down some
of his men?

A. They ate lotus flowers that made his men their desire to go home. They
wanted to stay on the lotus island.
B. They were stealing from Odysseus
C. They were passing by the sirens
D. They were fighting
_____31. Why were the Greeks punished by Poseidon and Athena after the
victory of Troy?

A. They did not give their due to the god’s that helped them defeat Troy.
B. They disgraced the god's name.
C. They littered in the ocean.
D. They thanked the wrong gods for their victory.

_____32. A graphic representation of comparisons between and among data.

A. Tables B.Maps C. Graph D. Pictograph

_____33. What nonlinear text should be used in locating the different natural
resources in Africa.

A. Tables B.Maps C. Graph D. Pictograph

_____34. A statement supporting your argument.

A. Evidence B. Claim C. Evidence D. Thesis Statement

_____35. Means reading a text quickly or just looking it over in order to find specific

A. Skimming B. Intensive Reading C. Extensive Reading D. Scanning

V. Directions: Write a short essay about attitude and skills in choosing athletes, then
underline all the adverbs that you used and identify its type.

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