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BARC Training Course on Goals of this presentation:

Radiography Testing Level - II • Purpose of radiation shielding

• Choice of shielding materials

• Build-up factor (B) and Reduction factor (RF)

Lecture: RT-T-9 & 10
Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography • Half-value Thickness/Layer (HVT/HVL)

Lakshminarayana • Tenth-value Thickness/Layer (TVT/TVL)

Isotope Radiation & Application Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
• HVT, TVT and RF relationships
• Shielding calculations

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Radiographic Techniques What is the Purpose of Radiation Shielding?

In Radiography Testing (RT) method, different types of radiation sources and detectors are used. • Encloser Radiography • On-site Radiography • Open Field Radiography

Radiographic Technique Radiation Source

X-radiography X-rays

γ-radiography gamma radioisotopes

n-radiography Neutrons
e-radiography electrons  To protect Human beings:
• radiation workers
p-radiography protons • visitors and the public
• persons working near, above or bellow the facility
β-radiography beta particles
 To protect materials against the harmful effects of exposure

To ensure total safety by keeping the radiation at minimum permissible levels in neighboring work areas.

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography
Principles of Radiation Protection Radiation Shielding
Principles of radiation protection
The fundamental principle of radiation safety is that the radiation exposures should be maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). Shielding advantages

Dose  Time Inverse square law  
Shield Operator

D0 
Dose  Dose rate  Time 1 HVT : D  ; TVT : D  μ(x,ρ,Z)
Dose rate  2 10 I
distance 2

• Encloser Radiography • On-site Radiography • Open Field Radiography  


D0 
HVT : D  ; TVT : D 
2 10

• Shielding reduces the size of the controlled area

• Shielding also reduces the radiation doses received by radiographers

Protection method:Shielding Protection method:Time, distance Protection method:Time, distance

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Shielding in X and Gamma Radiography Shielding in X and Gamma Radiography

Build-up factor (B) and Reduction Factor (RF) Shielding Calculation Techniques
• Half-value Thickness (HVT)
• Idealistic model: Shielding Formula without Scattering HVT: Thickness of a specified material required to reduce the dose-rate to ONE HALF of its original value at a point of interest
It  Ip HVT
I t  I o e μx R ln2 0.693
HVT  
I t  dose rate before shield/Intensity μ μ
d I0
I o  dose rate after shield/Intensity Reduction factor (RF)   2n
μ  linear attenuation coefficient in cm -1
x  shield thickness in cm I t  0n
Incident radiation (I0)
Trasmitted radiation (It) 2
RF  o R  d where n is the number of HVTs used
Transmission of X/gamma
• Realistic model: Shielding Formula with Scattering rays through material
• Tenth-value Thickness (HVT)
I t  I p  Is TVT: Thickness of a specified material required to reduce the dose-rate to ONE TENTH of its original value at a point of interest
I t  I o B e μx TVT
B is called buildup factor ln10 2.303
d TVT  
I μ μ
B  1 s R I0
Ip Reduction factor (RF)   10 n
Io It
RF  I
It Incident radiation (I0) I t  0n
R  d Trasmitted radiation (It) 10 Transmission of X/gamma
Radiography is performed under broad-beam geometry Shield
where n is the number of TVTs used rays through material

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography
Shielding in X and Gamma Radiography Shielding in X and Gamma Radiography
Common Shielding Materials for Radiographic Installations
Shielding Calculation Techniques
Relationship between HVT & TVT
Shielding Materials for Shielding Enclosers
Effect of HVT & TVT on radiation intensity
Job entry door
TVT  3.32 HVT warning lights

HVT & TVT depends on

 The energy of X and gamma radiation
 Density and atomic number of the materials
maze entrance
Shielding Ir-192 Co-60 Area / Zone
HVT (cm) TVT (cm) HVT (cm) TVT (cm) door monitor
Concrete 4.1 13.5 6.1 20.5
Steel 1.25 4.2 2.0 6.6
Shielding enclosure Shielding material
Lead 0.5 1.65 1.2 4.0
Radiography enclosure Concrete of density 2.5 gm/cc
0.31 1.0 0.7 2.2
Concrete of density 3.8 gm/cc
HVT and TVT values of common shielding materials for LINAC enclosure
different gamma-ray sources (High density concrete)

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Shielding in X and Gamma Radiography Shielding in X and Gamma Radiography

Common Shielding Materials for Radiographic Equipment Common Shielding Materials for Radiographic Equipment
Shielding Materials for collimators
• Shielding in the form of
Shielding Materials for Gamma Exposure devices (cameras)
collimators is designed so that
the radiation beam is primarily
in the direction necessary for

• collimators give shape to the

beam; beam shapes range Different industrial radiography gamma cameras
from conical to panoramic- Class Camera Shielding material
Mobile (M) ROLI-1 Pb
• Collimators are supplemented Collimators are made of: Portable (P) TechOps DU
with other forms of additional Portable (P) SPECT-2T DU
local shielding such as lead Lead (Pb)
shot, sheets and bricks. Tungsten (W) Portable (P) Teletran/Gammavolt DU

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography
Shielding in Electron and Beta Radiography Shielding in Proton Radiography

Electron/beta Source
• Protons creates secondary radiation by p-n
Shield bremsstranghlung
radiation (B.R)
activation of metals such as iron, aluminum, etc. So if

high Z materials are used, they will shield the
protons, but will quickly become too radioactive to
provide any true effective shielding.
Electron and beta particles effective shielding Proton effective shielding
• highly protonated material like polymer or just plain
Low Z material such as plastic or aluminum
water to attenuate protons by proton-proton
collisions + additional high Z material to block any
additional high Z material to reduce bremsstranghlung
radiation (B.R) from electron or beta sources hard gamma or x-rays

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Shielding in Neutron Radiography Choice of Shielding Materials

Shielding material for fast neutrons (E>10 eV) When selecting the shield material for a given problem,
•Hydrogenous material such as water, paraffin, plastics following aspects may have to be carefully considered
•graphite • Mass of the shield
•Beryllium • Fabrication of the shield unit
Shielding material for thermal neutrons (E<0.03 eV)
• Transportation or portability of the unit, if any
•Hydrogenous material such as water, plastics
•boron • Cost
• cadmium • Radiation damage to the shield
Additional high Z materials for shielding of secondary • Secondary radiation production
gamma rays by neutron capture
•Steel, lead • Induced activity, if any
Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography
Choice of Shielding Materials Choice of Shielding Materials
The most commonly used shielding material is Lead
because of:
• its high-Z (atomic number) and density
• it is soft and malleable and easily cast into various forms
When large amouts of Pb are required, it is usually
cheaper to use scrap iron or steel.
For very large volumes, concrete blocks are generally the
Best shield for neutrons
most advantageous as far as cost is concerned. in
exposure rooms or accelerator laboratories, concrete is
the standard shielding material.
Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Radiation Damage To The Shield Formulae in this Chapter

Radiation affects materials at very high dose X/γ-radiography Common shielding materials for different radiations
Particle Shielding material

•Materials such as plastics, rubber, cellulose etc. become (1) Shielding formula I t  I 0 Be-
μx Alpha particle Paper, Skin
Beta particle Low Z (<14) materials like Al, plastics
brittle and powdery at high dose above 1 to 10 megarads. (2) Buildup factor B  1 
Ip hydrogenous materials (e.g., water,
paraffin, concrete) for high speed
(3) Reduction Factor  Neutrons netrons and secondary shielding
It materials (e.g., boron or cadmium) for
0.693 thermal neutrons
•Glass darkens with radiation dose above 0.1 megarad. (4) Half Value Layer (HVL) 
μ X- and ɤ-rays Lead or concrete are usually used
(5) Tenth Value Layer (TVL) 
μ Common shielding materials for industrial radiographic
μ installations/equipment
(6) Mass attenuation coefficient μ m 
•Insulation property of most of the cables deteriorate ρ Radiography enclosures Concrete

above one megarad. Collimatrors

Pb, W
Pb, DU

•Problems do not exit with shield materials generally in use

with gamma rays of energy at least upto 10 MeV.
Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Radiation Shielding Calculations

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Buildup Factor: Practice Problem Buildup Factor: Practice Problem

Q. Scattered radiation intensity is 3 times the direct radiation intensity in Q. If the Buildup factor is 8, what is the component of scattered radiation?
a radiography set-up. What is the value of Buildup factor?
A) 7 B) 14 C) 24 D) 28
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

Ans :
Ans : B  1
I s  3I d
1 8
Is Id
B  1
Id Is
B  1 3  4 Id
I scattered  7I direct

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography
Shielding: Practice Problem Shielding: Practice Problem
Q. A material with a 9.83 in. tenth-value layer has a half-value layer of: Q. Approximately how many HVTs are in 6 TVT?

A) 1

(a) 2.50 cm (0.983 in.) B) 10

C) 18
(b) 7.49 cm (2.95 in.)
D) 28

(c) 12.48 cm (3.24 in.)

(d) 4.06 cm (1.60 in.)

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Shielding: Practice Problem Shielding: Practice Problem

Q. A C0 - 60 radiation source creates a gamma field of 20 Sv/hr. Q. What is the concrete thickness required to reduce a radiation dose rate of
Find the lead thickness that will reduce the gamma field to 2 mSv/hr? 80 Sv/hr from a Co-60 source to 2.5 Sv/hr? (Given attenuation coefficient for
concrete is 0.105 1/cm)
TVT value for Co - 60 of lead is 4 cm.
A) 22 cm
A) 4
B) 33 cm
B) 16
C) 44 cm
C) 32
D) 55 cm

D) 64

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography
Shielding: Practice Problem Shielding: Practice Problem
Q. What will be the exposure rate at 5 meter distance from 50 Ci Ir-192 source, Q. A transport container having 4.8 cm of lead shielding all around with 370 GBq
shielded by 10 mm of lead? (Given HVT of Pb for Ir-192 is 5 mm and RHM is 0.5 R/hr) (10Ci) Ir-192 source inside. What will be the exposure rate at 1 meter distance
from the countainer? (Given TVT of Pb for Ir-192 is 1.6 cm and RHM is 0.5 R/hr)

A  50 Ci 37 GBq  1Ci
SourceIr  192 RHM  0.5R/hr 370GBq  10 Ci
A  10 Ci
Pb shielding  10mm
SourceIr  192 RHM  0.5R/hr
distance  5mtr
Pb shielding  4.8 cm
A x RHM distance  1mtr
Without shielding RL0   1 R / hr
d2 1 TVT  1.6 cm
RF  22  4 1.6  1.6  1.6  4.8cm i.e 3 TVT
RL0 RL0 
 5 R / hr
With shielding RL   250mR / hr Without shielding
RF d2
RF  103  1000
With shielding RL   5mR / hr

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

Shielding of Ionizing Radiation

Radiography Testing Level-2: Radiation Shielding in Industrial Radiography

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