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Wildlife Awareness
In District No. 57 sightings of bear, moose, deer and cougars are among the many wildlife sightings reported in
neighborhoods and near schools. Wildlife sightings are more common in the fall and spring time of the year
although they can happen at any time. It is likely that the wildlife is just passing through but all wildlife should
be considered dangerous and should never be approached.

Should you receive a legitimate report of wildlife (or danger) on/near your school property:

 Three rings of the school bell and/or three tweets of the supervisor’s whistle (indicating danger
in the area - all students to enter the school)
 All staff to move to all doors of the school
 Student to enter any door and return to classroom
 Staff and students remain indoors until the “all Clear” signal has been sounded
 If the sighting is near the end of the school day, students should have a plan to get home safely.

 Notify Conservation Officer 1-877-952-7277 or if in imminent danger call 9-1-1
 Notify Assistant Superintendent who will notify nearby schools
 Notify parents by letter home with students (sample attached)

Reminders about safety procedures should be communicated to parents through the school newsletter every
spring and fall. The BC Environment Safety Guide to Bears at your Home contains helpful and important
information. Please provide parents with this link.

General safety practices when encountering wildlife are:

 Remain calm, don’t panic
 Don’t approach the animal
 Slowly back away toward the building
 Do not “play dead”
 If the animal approaches: make noise and yell “GO AWAY”
 Drop your backpack if it contains food

Remind students to be aware of their surroundings, walk in groups, avoid forested areas and trails during peak
periods of wildlife sightings.

REVIEWED Assist. Supt. September 2015

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