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By: Marvin and Donovan

Writing is one of the most important technologies that human race had created, since this
had allowed us to give big steps to understand the universe, each other, and ourselves.
Therefore, we can say that the function of writers had been gather information of the
humanity, and shape it on books.

In ancient Sumeria (5600 B.C) began the written word, where temples played an
important part in writing began. This was through mud tables to register all the
depositories of the village, in sewing times.

The ancient priests of Sumerians community used this table. They used it drawing
something on it, and putting a mark for every bug of something harvested, for example,
if someone gave seven bags of corn as an oblation to the temple, then, the priest of that
temple draw a corn and below of this draw he make the same number of marks for every
bag of corn.

Another important event occurred on that time was that scribes changed the way of
writing, because priests writes from top to bottom, and scribes began writing from left to
right, that is something we do until now.

Through time that draws became simpler and had little but important changes until
become in the alphabet. Alphabet with which people in some languages in all the world
can communicate between themselves. In addition, it is the same which writers create
many new histories, documental, novels, etc.
Social status

Due writing was not for all during a long time, to be a writer was only for important
people or people in the high economic class. Nowadays, to be a writer is a little bit more
accessible, though to be a recognized writer follow being something of the high class.
Writers had gotten many different and specific technologies along the human history.
Some examples are the mud tables (Around 5600 B.C), scrolls, papyrus and inks, printing
and e-books, which are used by millions of people today. Therefore, we can say that this
is one of the oldest and important professions for the human race.
By: Marvin and Donovan


In the cities and villages there were teachers who taught the first letters in mixed schools,
of boys and girls. Among the people there were illiterates but there were also those who
knew how to read and write.

However, only men from affluent families continued studying after the age of twelve. A
"grammarian" or literature teacher went to his house to study classical authors and
mythology. Rich young people studied to cultivate their spirit, not to "earn their living"
or to integrate into public life. The subjects that these young people learned had a
"prestige" value because they embellished their soul, like rhetoric, which was the art of
speaking eloquently in public. All the boys learned models of judicial or political

At the age of fourteen, the young man began to wear adult clothing and a couple of years
later could opt for a public career or enter the army. There were young noblemen who at
seventeen were officers, priests of the State or speakers in the forum. Learning about civic
and professional issues was learned in school. Likewise, Greek language and literature
were taught there. This gave them prestige before society and elevated their intellect thus
forming what we commonly call social classes.

The literature has historically been for men, In the same way, until the mid-nineteenth
century in literature was condemned, in one way or another, the "immoral" behavior of
women-meaning all behavior that does not involve staying locked in your home at the
service of your family- . Therefore, it is not surprising that it is difficult to find examples
of writers born before that time. However, we cannot ignore names such as Saint Teresa
of Jesus, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (great defender of the cultural rights of women) or
Madame de Staël, authentic revolutionaries of the time in which they lived.

Now, from the middle of the nineteenth century, with realism, begins to appear a type of
literature that seeks the objective representation of reality, of what happens. Alongside
this current emerges a new type of feminine image, of a woman annulled and oppressed
by society. This woman rebels against the established and, tired of being misunderstood,
is carried away by their passions and impulses and breaks with the canons imposed by
traditional society, which tended to puritanical. Works such as Madame Bovary, La Casa
de Bernarda Alba or Tristana are good examples of this type of literature. Thus, society
begins to become aware of the situation and the feminist movements appear that served
so that women could fight for their rights and change their situation, opening the way for
the future proliferation of female authors.

Jane Austen, Mary Shelley and Virginia Woolf in England, Harriet Beecher Stowe in the
United States, Rosalía de Castro and Emilia Pardo Bazán in Spain and, a few years later,
the Chilean Gabriela Mistral, are some of those women who dared to challenge the norms
By: Marvin and Donovan

imposed by society and managed, even if they had everything against, to make
themselves heard and to pave the way for many others that would follow them from the
20th century.

The writing material most used in antiquity was papyrus, with which rolls were formed,
from which one could cut leaves to write short documents (letters, contracts, testaments
...) or that were used in their entirety, to write or copy of works of literature, laws, etc.

In principle, the scribes “Writers” were chosen among those privileged who had been
trained in the environment of the royal family. At the end of the Old Empire, the
development of the administration led to the appearance of a caste of scribes. The charges
were transmitted, generally, from parents to children. The famous text entitled "From the
teaching of Khety" speaks of a noble office.

There were many parents who considered that for their children, "there was no work
more beautiful than that of scribe". Educated in a house of life, which depended on a
temple, the apprentice scribes studied, from five years to seventeen, hieroglyphic and
hieratic writing, grammar and classical texts, as well as learning law, languages, history,
geography and accounting.

Nowadays the writers learn based on their own imagination in not placing limits on the
mind, writing is a trade that can be learned but first you must know the techniques of a
trade as old as the man: the storyteller. Because a story can take many forms: that of a
story or a novel, yes, but also that of a conference, an advertisement or a biography.

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