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Republic of the Philippines


Sorsogon City Campus

Mastery Test #4

Name: __________________________________________ Student No. : ______________ Score:

Course & Year: ________________________ Instructor: Engr. Noel G. Benavides,

I. Multiple Choice. (40 pts.)

Directions: Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
question then write the letter of your corresponding choice on the line provided before each
number. If your answer is not found in the given choices, write “NA” for ‘No Answer’.

_____ 1) A reaction was found to be second order in carbon monoxide concentration. The rate of
the reaction _____ if the  CO  is doubled, with everything else kept the same.
A) doubles B) remains unchanged C) triples
D) increases by a factor of 4 E) is reduced by a factor of 2

_____ 2) Of the units below, __________ are appropriate for a first-order reaction rate constant.
A) Ms 1 B) s 1 C) mol / L D) M 1s 1 E) L mol 1s 1

______ 3) If the rate law for the reaction

2A  3B  products
is first order in A and second order in B, then the rate law is rate = __________.
A) k  A   B  B) k[A]2 [B]3 C) k[A][B]2 D) k[A]2 [B] E) k[A]2 [B]2

_____ 4) The overall order of a reaction is 2. The units of the rate constant for the reaction are
A) M s B) M  1s  1 C) 1 s D) 1 M E) s M 2

_____ 5) The kinetics of the reaction below were studied and it was determined that the reaction
rate increased by a factor of 9 when the concentration of B was tripled. The reaction is __________
order in B.
A  B  P
A) zero B) first C) second D) third E) one-half

______ 6) The kinetics of the reaction below were studied and it was determined that the reaction
rate did not change when the concentration of B was tripled. The reaction is __________ order in B.
A  B  P
A) zero B) first C) second D) third E) one-half

_____ 7) A reaction was found to be third order in A. Increasing the concentration of A by a factor
of 3 will cause the reaction rate to __________.
A) remain constant B) increase by a factor of 27 C) increase by a
factor of 9
D) triple E) decrease by a factor of the cube root of 3

_____ 8) A reaction was found to be zero order in A. Increasing the concentration of A by a factor
of 3 will cause the reaction rate to __________.
A) remain constant B) increase by a factor of 27 C) increase by a
factor of 9
D) triple E) decrease by a factor of the cube root of 3

The data in the table below were obtained for the reaction:
A  B  P

_____ 9) The order of the reaction in A is __________.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 0

_____ 10) The order of the reaction in B is __________.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 0

_____ 11) The overall order of the reaction is __________.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 0

_____ 12) For a first-order reaction, a plot of __________ versus __________ is linear.
1 1 1
A) ln [A]t , B) ln  A  t , t C) ,t D)  A  t , t E) t,
t [A]t [A]t

_____ 13) The following reaction occurs in aqueous solution:

NH 4  (aq)ŹŹNO 2  Ź N 2 (g) Ź2H 2O(l)
The data below is obtained at 25 °C.

The order of the reaction in NH 4  is __________.

A)  2 B)  1 C) 2 D) 1 E) 0

_____ 14) The rate constant for a particular second-order reaction is 0.47 M 1s 1 . If the initial
concentration of reactant is 0.25 mol/L it takes __________ s for the concentration to decrease to
0.13 mol/L
A) 7.9 B) 1.4 C) 3.7 D) 1.7 E) 0.13

_____ 15) A first-order reaction has a rate constant of 0.33 min 1 . It takes __________ min for the
reactant concentration to decrease from 0.13 M to 0.088 M.
A) 1.2 B) 1.4 C) 0.51 D) 0.13 E) 0.85

_____ 16) The initial concentration of reactant in a first-order reaction is 0.27 M. The rate constant
for the reaction is 0.75 s 1 . What is the concentration (mol/L) of reactant after 1.5 s?
A) 3.8 B) 1.7 C) 8.8 10 2 D) 2.0  10 2 E) 0.135

_____ 17) The rate constant for a second-order reaction is 0.13 M 1s 1 . If the initial concentration of
reactant is 0.26mol / L it takes __________ s for the concentration to decrease to 0.13mol / L
A) 0.017 B) 0.50 C) 1.0 D) 30 E) 4.4  103

_____ 18) The half-life of a first-order reaction is 13 min. If the initial concentration of reactant is
0.085 M it takes __________ min for it to decrease to 0.055 M.
A) 8.2 B) 11 C) 3.6 D) 0.048 E) 8.4

_____ 19) The graph shown below depicts the relationship between concentration and time for
the following chemical reaction.

The slope of this line is equal to __________.

A) k B) 1/ k C) ln[A]o D)  k E) 1/ k

_____ 20) The reaction below is first order in [H 2 O 2 ] :

2H 2 O2 (l)  2H 2O(l)  O2 (g)
A solution originally at 0.600 M H 2 O 2 is found to be 0.075 M after 54 min. The half-life for this
reaction is __________ min.
A) 6.8 B) 18 C) 14 D) 28 E) 54

_____ 21) A second-order reaction has a half-life of 18 s when the initial concentration of reactant
is 0.71 M. The rate constant for this reaction is __________ M 1s 1 .
A) 7.8 10 2 B) 3.8 10 2 C) 2.0  10 2 D) 1.3 E) 18

_____ 22) The rate law of a reaction is rate = k[D][X]. The units of the rate constant are
A) mol L1s 1 B) L mol 1s 1 C) mol2 L2 s 1 D) mol L1s 2 E)
2  2 1
L mol s

The data in the table below were obtained for the reaction:
A  B  P

_____ 23) The rate law for this reaction is rate = __________.
C) k  A   B D) k  A   B E) k  A 
2 2 2 2
A) k[A][B] B) k[P]

_____ 24) The magnitude of the rate constant is __________.

A) 38.0 B) 0.278 C) 13.2 D) 42.0 E) 2.21

_____ 25) The rate law for a reaction is

rate  k  A   B

Which one of the following statements is false?

A) The reaction is first order in A. B) The reaction is second order in B.
C) The reaction is second order overall. D) k is the reaction rate constant
E) If [B] is doubled, the reaction rate will increase by a factor of 4.

_____ 26) Under constant conditions, the half-life of a first-order reaction __________.
A) is the time necessary for the reactant concentration to drop to half its original value
B) is constant
C) can be calculated from the reaction rate constant
D) does not depend on the initial reactant concentration
E) All of the above are correct.

_____ 27) The reaction: 2NO 2  2NO  O 2 follows second-order kinetics. At 300 °C, [NO 2 ] drops
from 0.0100 M to 0.00650 M in 100.0 s. The rate constant for the reaction is __________ M 1s 1 .
A) 0.096 B) 0.65 C) 0.81 D) 1.2 E) 0.54

_____ 28) The reaction CH3  N  C  CH 3  C  N

is a first-order reaction. At 230.3 C , k  6.29 104 s 1 If [CH 3  N  C] is 1.00  103 initially,
[CH3  N  C] is __________ after 1.000  103 s
A) 5.33 10 4 B) 2.34  104 C) 1.88  10 3 D) 4.27  103 E) 1.00  106

_____ 29) The reaction

2NOBr (g)  2NO(g)  Br2 (g)
is a second-order reaction with a rate constant of 0.80 M 1s 1 at 11 C . If the initial concentration of
NOBr is 0.0440 M, the concentration of NOBr after 10.0 seconds is __________.
A) 0.0400 M B) 0.0350 M C) 0.0325 M D) 0.0300 M E) 0.0275 M

_____ 30) A compound decomposes by a first-order process. If 25.0 % of the compound

decomposes in 60.0 minutes, the half-life of the compound is _________.
A) 65 minutes B) 120 minutes C) 145 minutes D) 180 min
E) 198 min

_____ 31) Which one of the following graphs shows the correct relationship between
concentration and time for a reaction that is second order in [A]?

A) B)

C) D) E)

_____ 32) The following reaction is second order in [A] and the rate constant is 0.039 M 1s 1
The concentration of A was 0.30 M at 23 s. The initial concentration of A was __________ M.
A) 2.4 B) 0.27 C) 0.41 D) 3.7 E) 1.2  102

The reaction A  B is first order in [A]. Consider the following data.

_____ 33) The rate constant for this reaction is __________ s 1 .

A) 0.013 B) 0.030 C) 0.14 D) 3.0 E) 3.1 103

_____ 34) The half-life of this reaction is __________ s.

A) 0.97 B) 7.1 C) 5.0 D) 3.0 E) 0.14

The reaction A  B is first order in [A]. Consider the following data.

_____ 35) The rate constant for this reaction is __________ s 1 .

A) 6.9  102 B) 3.0 102 C) 14 D) 0.46 E) 4.0  102

_____ 36) The concentration of A is __________ M after 40.0 s.

A) 1.3 102 B) 1.2 C) 0.17 D) 3.5 10 4 E) 0.025

_____ 37) The rate constant of a first-order process that has a half-life of 225 s is __________ s 1 .
A) 0.693 B) 3.08 10 3 C) 1.25 D) 12.5 E) 4.44  10 3

_____ 38) The reaction A(aq)  B(aq) is first order in [A]. A solution is prepared with [A] = 1.22 M.
The following data are obtained as the reaction proceeds:

The rate constant for this reaction is __________ s 1 .

A) 0.23 B) 1.0 C) 0.17 D) 0.12 E) 0.12

_____ 39) One difference between first- and second-order reactions is that __________.
A) the half-life of a first-order reaction does not depend on [A]0 ; the half-life of a second-
order reaction does depend on [A]0
B) the rate of both first-order and second-order reactions do not depend on reactant
C) the rate of a first-order reaction depends on reactant concentrations; the rate of a
second-order reaction does not depend on reactant concentrations
D) a first-order reaction can be catalyzed; a second-order reaction cannot be catalyzed
E) None of the above are true.

_____ 40) At elevated temperatures, methylisonitrile (CH3 NC) isomerizes to acetonitrile (CH 3CN) :
CH3 NC (g)  CH 3CN (g)
The reaction is first order in methylisonitrile. The attached graph shows data for the reaction
obtained at 198.9 C .

The rate constant for the reaction is __________ s 1 .

A) 1.9  104 B) 1.9 10 4 C) 5.2 105 D) 5.2 105 E) 6.2

II. True or False. (10 pts.)

Directions: Read the following statements carefully. If the statement is correct, write “TRUE”
on the line provided before each number. On the other hand, if the statement is wrong then
write “FALSE”.

_____ 1) The overall reaction order is the sum of the orders of each reactant in the rate law.

_____ 2) Units of the rate constant of a reaction are independent of the overall reaction order.

_____ 3) The concentration of reactants or products at any time during the reaction can be
calculated from the integrated rate law.

_____ 4) The rate of a second order reaction can depend on the concentrations of more than one

_____ 5) The half-life for a first order rate law depends on the starting concentration.

_____ 6) In the reaction, 2N2O → 2N2 + O2, oxygen and nitrogen gases are formed at the same
rate (mol/L·s) .

_____ 7) The rate constant of a first-order reaction, A → products, can be determined from a graph
of ln[A] versus t.

_____ 8) For the first-order reaction, A → products, if half of the initial concentration of A reacts in
20 min, then the remaining half will completely react in the next 20 min.

_____ 9) If the temperature of the reactants is increased, the rate of the reaction will decrease.

_____ 10) Chemists can change the rate of a reaction by changing the concentrations of the

- End of the Test! -

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