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GROUP 4 – Multiple Choice Questionnaire 7. It is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere.

a. Religion
1. It is the inner essence, the part of the self that connects the b. Animism
person to the sacred, the supernatural and the universe. c. Suffering
a. Religion d. Spirituality
b. Spiritual aspect 8. It is regarded as an essential act to realize the ultimate
c. Holy Spirit meaning of transcendence and human life.
d. Christian Ethics a. Acts
2. What is the meaning of the Latin word spiritus? b. Worship
a. Breath or life force c. Salvation
b. Search for the Meaning of Life d. Practices
c. Spirit 9. Christians use this term to describe the Holy Spirit.
d. Higher Being a. Deities
3. It can be understood as a search for the sacred and b. Spirit
transcendent. c. Supernatural
a. Spirituality d. Psyche
b. Religion 10. In the Philippines, these people are known to practice
e. Christian Ethics animism.
c. Animism a. Indigenous people
4. It is the belief that creatures, objects, and places represent b. Colonized people
certain spirits. c. Keralites
a. Spirituality d. Tamil
b. Religion 11. It is the pursuit of human existence as well as on man's search
c. Christian Ethics for such a meaning.
d. Animism a. Logotherapy
5. In this book, Viktor Frankl shared his personal experiences in b. Experience
the Nazi concentration camp. c. Transcendent
a. Search for the Meaning of Life d. Spirituality
b. Man's Search for Meaning 12. One can discover the meaning of life in three different ways
c. Strive to Find Meaning in one's Life except
d. To Live is to Suffer a. By doing a deed
6. According to this Chapter, is connected to b. By experiencing a value
Religion. c. By suffering
a. Logotherapy d. By Salvation
b. Experience
c. Transcendent
d. Spirituality
13. It is the way of finding meaning in life through achievements or
a. By doing a deed 19. According to this, the striving to find a meaning in one's life is
b. By experiencing a value the primary motivational force in man.
c. By suffering a. Logotherapy
d. By Salvation b. Experience
14. An example of this way of finding meaning in life is loving a c. Transcendent
person. d. Spirituality
a. By doing a deed 20. What is not an example of acts of worship?
b. By experiencing a value a. Prayer
c. By suffering b. Reading the Bible
d. By Salvation c. Higher Being
15. Through this way of finding meaning in life, man encounters d. None of the above
the central theme of existentialism.
a. By doing a deed
b. By experiencing a value Answer Key
c. By suffering
d. By Salvation 1. B
16. He suggests that one should not search for an abstract 2. A
meaning of life. 3. A
a. Frankl 4. D
b. Payton 5. B
c. Parris 6. D
d. DeFanti 7. A
17. What is not an example of Animism? 8. B
a. Spirits of Sun are their god 9. B
b. Spirits inhabit plants and animals 10. A
c. Different deities exist to protect them 11. A
d. None of the above. 12. D
18. It enables a person to experience a feeling of oneness with a 13. A
higher being and the universe and gives a deeper purpose or 14. B
meaning of one's life. 15. C
a. Spiritual Self 16. A
b. Christian Ethics 17. D
c. Animism 18. A
d. Life 19. A
20. C

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