Assimil Russian Whit Ease - Extrait

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Europe’s top language learning method


and GIN


- 100 all-inclusive and progressive lessons



Common ork Level

Framew - 226 exercises with key
B2 - dual-language lexicon
- grammar summary


With Ease Series

Original Text by

Adapted for English-Speaking Learners

by Madeleine GRIEVE

Illustrated by J.-L. GOUSSÉ

B.P. 25
94431 Chennevières-sur-Marne Cedex © ASSIMIL 2011
FRANCE ISBN 978-2-7005-0444-6


Lessons 1 - 100
1 Как делa?........................................................................... 1
2 Ктo это?............................................................................. 7
3 Давaйте знакoмиться!.................................................... 11
4 Зaвтрак............................................................................. 15
5 Пойдём гулять!............................................................... 19
6 Спокoйнoй нoчи!............................................................ 23
7 Повторeние...................................................................... 27
8 На Кавкaзе....................................................................... 31
9 Экзaмены......................................................................... 37
10 Какaя интерeсная книга!................................................ 41
11 Упрямство........................................................................ 45
12 Рyсский язык................................................................... 49
13 Гдe я?............................................................................... 55
14 Повторeние...................................................................... 59
15 За столoм......................................................................... 65
16 Моя семья........................................................................ 71
17 Пoезд................................................................................ 75
18 В ресторaне .................................................................... 79
19 Телефoнный разговoр..................................................... 85
20 В Сибири......................................................................... 89
21 Повторeние...................................................................... 95
22 Дни недeли ................................................................... 101
23 Сон................................................................................. 105
24 Какaя жарa!................................................................... 109
25 День рождeния ............................................................. 113
26 Замечaтельныи вeчер................................................... 119
27 Вeжливая дeвочка ........................................................ 123
28 Повторeние.................................................................... 127
29 Нoвое плaтье................................................................. 131
30 Нoвое плaтье: В магазине (продолжeние).................. 135
31 Недоразумeние.............................................................. 139
32 На вечеринке................................................................. 143
33 Сосeди .......................................................................... 147
34 Разочаровaние............................................................... 153
35 Повторeние.................................................................... 157

• IV
36 Кто лaет?........................................................................ 163 77 Повторeние.................................................................... 375
37 На приёме у врачa......................................................... 167 78 Прoще простoго ........................................................... 381
38 Медицинский осмoтр................................................... 171 79 Поговорим о путешeствиях......................................... 387
39 Емy не повезло!............................................................ 177 80 Мы идём за покyпками................................................ 395
40 Идеaльный подaрок...................................................... 181 81 Не муж, а зoлото!.......................................................... 401
41 Напряжённый грaфик .................................................. 185 82 На пoчте ........................................................................ 407
42 Повторeние.................................................................... 189 83 Что прaзднуете?............................................................ 413
43 Мечты............................................................................ 197 84 Повторeние.................................................................... 419
44 Евгeний Онeгин............................................................ 201 85 С приeздом!................................................................... 425
45 Жaдина.......................................................................... 207 86 Без пaники!.................................................................... 433
46 Какие плaны?................................................................ 211 87 Выход из положeния.................................................... 437
47 Общежитие.................................................................... 215 88 Осторoжно: провeрка ….............................................. 443
48 Нoвый год...................................................................... 221 89 Какoе счaстье!............................................................... 449
49 Повторeние.................................................................... 227 90 Cвaдьба.......................................................................... 453
50 Хитрость........................................................................ 233 91 Повторeние.................................................................... 459
51 На вкус и цвет товaрищей нет!.................................... 239 92 Болeзнь.......................................................................... 465
52 Лeтний ромaн................................................................ 243 93 Какaя красивая кyхня!.................................................. 471
53 Желeзная лoгика........................................................... 247 94 Всё ясно, как двaжды два!........................................... 477
54 Закоренeлый холостяк.................................................. 251 95 Потeря............................................................................ 483
55 Солидaрность................................................................ 257 96 В аэропортy .................................................................. 489
56 Повторeние.................................................................... 261 97 Шашлык ....................................................................... 493
57 Сбoры............................................................................ 267 98 Повторeние.................................................................... 499
58 Вор................................................................................. 273 99 Рoдина............................................................................ 505
59 Разyмное решeние........................................................ 277 100 До нoвых встреч!.......................................................... 511
60 Дилeмма........................................................................ 281
61 Совпадeние.................................................................... 287
Grammar Section........................................................................ 518
62 Цeнная пoмощь............................................................. 291
Grammar Index........................................................................... 566
63 Повторeние.................................................................... 297
Further Reading.......................................................................... 570
64 Спортсмeн..................................................................... 303
Russian Phrases and Expressions................................................ 574
65 Подозрeние.................................................................... 309
Lexicon....................................................................................... 578
66 Хитрeц........................................................................... 313
Russian – English.................................................................... 579
67 Oтпуск .......................................................................... 319
English – Russian.................................................................... 627
68 Слишком низко............................................................. 323
69 Мы умeем считaть........................................................ 329
70 Повторeние.................................................................... 333
71 В гостинице................................................................... 341
72 Все цветa рaдуги........................................................... 347
73 Как с вaми связaться?................................................... 351
74 Все профeссии важны!................................................. 357
75 Суевeрный человeк....................................................... 363
76 Peвность........................................................................ 369

V• • VI
1 Before you start on the lessons, please read the introduction carefully, Note: In the dialogues, the stressed syllable in each word is shown 1
even if you have some basic knowledge of Russian or have studied in bold (in the notes, it is indicated by an acute accent on the
Russian before. The introduction provides important information stressed vowel). In the English translation of the dialogues, the
about pronunciation and how to make the most of your learning. Italicised words in brackets ( ) are a word-for-word translation of
the Russian. The words between square brackets [ ] are words that
The first set of lessons aims mainly to familiarize you with Russian are not in the Russian phrase but that are needed in English.
pronunciation rules and the sounds of the language. Once you have
assimilated these, you will be able to pronounce every word you
read. We recommend you read the pronunciation notes carefully.

1 Пе́рвый уpо́к [pyervweey oorawk] First Lesson 1

Как дела́? How are you?
1 – Hello (Good day) Nadya!
1 – Дoбрый день ①, Нaдя! 2 – Hi, Sasha!
dawbreey dyenyi nadya
2 – Привeт, Сaша ②! Всё хорошо!
privyet sasha

Pronunciation Notes
(The numbers refer to the sentences in the dialogue.)
Lesson number: • The sound ы is halfway between y [oo] and
и [i]. The tongue is drawn back, as for y, but the lips are spread,
as for и. In this course, ы is transcribed as [ee] after most letters,
but [wee] after б, в and м.
• р is a rolled [r].
1 нь (день [dyenyi] ) is pronounced [n] followed by a very short
[yi] sound, like the [ny] in new (British pronunciation) or the [gn] Notes
in gnocchi. The soft sign ь (like the hard sign ъ which you will ① The expression до́брый день [dawbreey dyenyi] is used as a
see later) is silent, but alters the pronunciation of the preceding greeting until about 6 pm.
consonant. ь softens the preceding consonant.
2 Stressed e (Приве́т) is pronounced like the [ye] in yes. ② Са́ша [sasha] is a diminutive of Алекса́ндр [alyiksandr]. На́дя
Stressed a is pronounced like the [a] in hard. Unstressed a is [nadya] is a diminutive of Наде́жда [nadyezhda]. Even if the
pronounced like the first [a] in karate. two forms of the same name do not look much like each other,
you’ll have to get used to it, because Russians love diminutives!

1 • один [adin] два [dva] • 2

1 3 Как делa? ③ 3 How are you (How matters)? 1
kag-dyila 4 – Well, thank you (thank-you).
4 – Хорошo, спасибо. 5 And you (And in-possession of-you)?
kharashaw spasiba 6 – Everything’s fine, thank you (Thank-you, all
5 А ④ у ⑤ вaс ⑥?
aoo vas
6 – Спасибо, всё хорошo.
spasiba fsyaw kharashaw *

3 Before the voiced д [d] in дела́ [dyila], the final unvoiced к [k] in Stressed o is pronounced like the [aw] in thaw. Unstressed o is
как becomes voiced and is pronounced like the [g] in give: [kag- pronounced like the first [a] in karate: xорошо́ [kharashaw].
dyila]. The two words are hyphenated in the pronunciation to show 5 a y [a-oo] is pronounced as a single word.
that the second word alters the pronunciation of the first word. 6 • The final o in Спаси́бо [spasiba] is unstressed, so is
Unstressed e (дела́) is pronounced [yi]. However, when it is pronounced like the first [a] in karate.
in the final position, unstressed e is pronounced [ye] but with • Before the unvoiced c [s] in всё, the voiced в [v] becomes
slightly less emphasis e.g. yпражне́ние [ooprazhnyeniye]. unvoiced and is pronounced [f]: всё [fsyaw].
4 x is a guttural h sound indicated by [kh]. It is like the [ch] in
Loch Ness or German Bach.

③ Как дела́? [kag-dyila], literally “How matters?”, is a very  my/your/his etc. possession, at my/your/his etc. place, or by
common expression, the equivalent of How are you? The another appropriate preposition. In this case, the expression А
verb to be is omitted in the present tense in Russian (in both у вaс, which is short for A как у вaс дела́, could be translated
statements and questions). Russian word order is much more as How are things with you?
flexible than English word order. Instead of saying just Как ⑥ вaс. Russian has two forms of the second person pronoun
дела́?, you can insert у вас? [oo vas] “with you”: Как у вас (you): the informal ты [tee] for close friends, family, children
дела́?, how are you? (literally: “How with you matters?”). and animals, and the formal вы [vwee] for people you do not
④ A [a], introduces a contrast with the previous statement or know well or who are your seniors. вы is also the plural form
question. In this sentence, it introduces a change of person. of you. These distinctions are the same as French tu and vous.
Depending on the context, it can be translated as and or but or Here вaс is the genitive case of вы after the preposition y.
How/What about you/him, etc.? or not translated.
⑤ The preposition у [oo] has no exact equivalent in English. In
English, depending on the context, it can be translated by in 

3 • три [tri] четыре [chiteer ye] • 4

1 Упражнeние 1 – Читaйте и переводите Answer Key to Exercise 1 (Translation) 1
❶ Hello, Sasha! – Hi! ❷ How are you? ❸ Thank you, Nadya!
Exercise 1 – Read and translate ❹ Everything’s fine. ❺ How are you?
❶ Сaша, дoбрый день! – Привeт! ❷ Как делa?
❸ Спасибо, Нaдя! ❹ Bсё хорошo. ❺ Как у вас

Упражнение 2 – Восстановите текст ❹ Hello!

Exercise 2 – Fill in the missing words Дoбрый  . . . . !
❺ Everything’s fine.
(Each dot stands for a letter or a sign.)
. . .  хорошo.
❶ How are you?
. . .  делa?
❷ Well, thank you.
Хорошo,  . . . . . . . .
❸ Hi! Answer Key to Exercise 2 (Cloze)
. . . . . . ! ❶ Как – ❷  – спасибо ❸ Привет ❹  – день ❺ Bсё –

Cаша, да, газ, спасибо, вы, жираф, опера. There are two extra exercises at the end of each lesson – a reading
exercise and a writing exercise. In these exercices, you will
Саша, gа, гаz, сnасuбо, вы, жuраф, оnера. come across words you have encountered in the previous les-
sons as well as new words. You will find that the letters that
Answer Key (pronunciation and translation): seemed incomprehensible at first will start to make sense as you
[sasha] Sasha, [da] yes, [gas] gas, [spasiba] thank you, [vwee] you manage to decipher them.
(plural or formal), [zheeraf] giraffe, [awpyira] opera. In the reading exercise, the first line is in typed script. The
second line is in cursive script and shows you how a Russian
Write and decipher: would handwrite the same words. Sometimes the two scripts
как, это, Надя, театр, стоп. can look quite different. Read each word aloud and enjoy saying
and hearing the sounds of Russian!
The second exercise is designed to help you practice handwri-
Answer Key: ting Russian words. We recommend you use a separate exercise
как [kak] how, эmо [et ] that, Hаgя [nadya] Nadya, mеаmр
book to practice and write out each word several times.
[tyiatr] theater, сmоn [stawp] stop.

5 • пять [pyats] шесть [chests] • 6

From now on, the dialogues will not be transcribed in full. You don’t their pronunciation in the Pronunciation Notes. And we will still
need the transcription anymore! It has even started to get in the indicate stress. Review the pronunciation rules in the introduction
way, now that you have no trouble reading Cyrillic. We will still if you are in doubt.
help you with difficult or irregular words, of course: you can check

50 Пятидеся́тый уро́к Fiftieth Lesson 50

Хи́трость Cunning

1 – Дай мне, пожалуйста, ① твою ручку! 1 – Give me your pen, please!
2 – Почему ты хочешь именно ② мою 2 – Why do you want my pen?
ручку? 3 – Think for yourself: Dad writes with a pencil,
3 – Подумай сам ③ : папа пишет 4 Mom types on the computer,
карандашом ④, 5 and I need a pen!
4 мама печатаeт ⑤ на компьютере,
5 а мне нужна ручка!

Pronunciation Notes
Lesson number: Пятидеся́тый [pitidyisyateey].  ③ The pronoun сам means oneself. You will learn more about it
in lesson 55.
④ The instrumental is the case that describes by what means, or
“instrument” the action is accomplished, or what accompanies
the action:
Ты пи́шешь рýчкой и́ли карандашо́м?, Do you write with
Notes a pen or a pencil?
① Дай мне, пожáлуйста (literally “give me please”) can often To refresh your memory of how to form the instrumental sin-
be translated as Can I please have? gular, refer to lesson 42, section 1. An interesting derivation:
② The word и́менно, exactly, is not always translated in English, the word каранда́ш was introduced into Russian in the 18th
because it can be rendered by emphasis on the key word. When century. It is formed from two Turkish words: kara, black, and
и́менно is used with и, and, it means that’s exactly the one… taş, stone. The Swiss brand of pencils Caran d’Ache would
For example: seem to have the same origin.
и́менно э́ту кни́гу я и хочý!, That’s exactly the book I want! ⑤ The imperfective verb печа́тать can be translated as type,
и́менно э́то он мне и сказа́ л, That’s exactly what he told me.  print or publish.

233 • двести тридцать три двести тридцать четыре • 234

50 6 Таня и Рома ⑥ вообще не умеют писать ⑦ : 6 Tanya and Roma don’t even (generally) know 50
7 значит ⑧ у них нет ручки… how to write:
8 – Так почему ты не пишешь ⑨ своей 7 so they don’t have a pen…
ручкой? 8 – So why don’t you write with your pen?
9 – Мне надо делать ⑩ домашнее ⑪ задание, 9 – I need to do my homework,
10 but my pen is always (constantly) making mistakes!
10 а моя ручка постоянно делает ошибки! *

10 To read Russian, remember that unstressed e is pronounced 

[yi] and unstressed o is pronounced [a]. Don’t forget that voiced old Russian language), the last consonant of the root changes in
consonants at the end of a word or before an unvoiced consonant the conjugation. The verb писа́ть, to write, is a good example:
become unvoiced: оши́бки [asheepki]. c becomes ш in every person. You will find an example of this
type of conjugation in the next review lesson.
Notes ⑩ на́до + infinitive is an impersonal construction that can be
translated as it is necessary, must, have to. To personalize this
⑥ Та́ня and Ро́ма are the diminutives of Татья́нa and Рома́н. construction, add the person for whom the action is necessary
⑦ уме́ть + infinitive means can in the sense of to know how [to in the dative case:
do something]. It is a regular first-group verb (see endings in Мне на́до идти́ домо́й, I have to go home.
lesson 21, section 4). To a question like Ты уме́ешь писа́ть?, Ба́бушке на́до мыть посýду, Grandma has to wash the
Can you write? / Do you know how to write?, you can simply dishes.
answer Да, уме́ю, Yes, I can, without having to repeat the verb ⑪ Look at some of the ways the adjective дома́шний, -яя, -ее,
that comes after уме́ть. home, from дом, house/home, is used:
⑧ зна́чит is the third person singular of the verb зна́чить, to У него́ есть дома́шняя библиоте́ка, He has a home library /
mean. It can, of course, be translated as it/that/which means a library at home.
and also by so or therefore when it is used without a subject: Она́ де́лает дома́шнee зада́ние, She is doing her homework.
Что э́то зна́чит?, What does this mean? Вот мой дома́шний а́дрес, Here’s my home address.
Зна́чит, э́то был ты…, So it was you… Э́то их дома́шние живо́тные, Those are their pets (literally
⑨ In many Russian verbs that come from Old East Slavonic (the  “home animals”).
*** ***

Упражнeние 1 – Читaйте и переводите Answer Key to Exercise 1

❶ Подумай сам: мне нужно новое платье. ❶ Think [about it] (yourself): I need a new dress. ❷ Do they know
how to type on the computer? ❸ That’s my pen, (but) where’s
❷ Они умеют печатать на компьютере? ❸ Это yours? ❹ In the evening I need to do my homework. ❺ So why
моя ручка, а где твоя? ❹ Вечером мне надо isn’t Mom writing the letter?
делать домашнее задание. ❺ Так почему мама
не пишет письмо?
235 • двести тридцать пять двести тридцать шесть • 236
50 Упражнение 2 – Восстановите текст Answer Key to Exercise 2 50
❶ I write with a pencil, but you [write] with a pen. ❶  – карандашом – ручкой ❷ Значит – ❸  – постоянно – ошибки
❹  – умеешь – ❺ Подумай – именно –
Я пишу  . . . . . . . . . . , а ты  . . . . . . .
❷ So, he needs to go to the shop.
. . . . . . , ему надо в магазин. Вечером мне надо
❸ He is always making mistakes. домашнее
Он  . . . . . . . . .  делает  . . . . . . . задание.
❹ – Do you know how to write? – Not yet.
– Ты  . . . . . .  писать? – Ещё нет.
❺ Think which pen exactly you want.
. . . . . . . , какую  . . . . . .  ручку ты хочешь.

The second wave: how it works

Today you start the active phase of your learning. How does it
work? It’s very simple. After you finish studying the day’s lesson
as usual, you go back over a previous lesson, starting from the
beginning of the course (we will tell you which lesson to revise).
Once you have revised that lesson briefly, translate the English
dialogue back into Russian out loud.
Don’t be shy! Speak loudly and clearly. Go back over the pro-
nunciation several times if you need to.
The “second wave” review isn’t tedious at all. It enables you to
go over what you have already learned and consolidate your
knowledge without even noticing.

Second wave: 1st Lesson

237 • двести тридцать семь двести тридцать восемь • 238

100 Cо́тый уро́к One-Hundredth Lesson 100
До но́вых встреч! Until we next meet (Until new meetings)!

1  Вот мы и подошли ① к поcледнему 1 Now we’ve reached (Here we and came-up to)
уроку нашего учебника. the last lesson of our book.
2  Путь был нелёгким ②, вам понадобилось 2  The road (path) was not easy, you needed a lot
много терпения и трудолюбия ③. of patience and dedication.
3  Но, как говорится, без труда не 3  But, as they say, no gain without pain (without
labor not you-will-pull-out and fish from pond)!
вынешь ④ и рыбку ⑤ из пруда!
4  Everything has worked out well for you (with you
4  У вас всё получилось, и если вам everything received-self), and if that has made you
захотелось поехать в Россию, want to go (you felt-like to-go) to Russia,
5 мы только можем пожелать вам 5 we can only wish you “Bon voyage!”.
«Счастливого пути!». 6 The language is the best way to [get to] know a
6 Язык – это наилучший ⑥ способ country and its people (best way of-knowledge
познания стран и народов, of-countries and peoples),
7 с их культурой и традициями. 7 (with) their culture and traditions.
 ты был грýстным, you were sad; де́вочка была́ стра́нной,
Pronunciation the girl was strange.
2 … nyilyawkhkim … 3 … byistrooda … 5 … shislivava … ③ Don’t forget that after мно́го the noun and/or adjective is in
6 … nailoochsheey …
the genitive.
мно́го терпе́ния и трудолю́бия, much patience and
Notes dedication.
① подошли́: the prefix под(о) contains the idea of approaching ④ Here the second-person singular is used in a general, imperso-
or coming up to something: подойти́, to approach on foot nal sense: не вы́нешь, you won’t pull out as in no one can pull
takes the preposition к + dative: out (whether they want to or not).
Он подошёл к столý и что́ -то взял, He came up to the table ⑤ ры́бкa is the diminutive of ры́бa, fish, formed with the femi-
and took something. nine suffix -ка. It is also a term of endearment used for a child
② You already know that after some verbs, the noun and/ or a romantic partner.
or adjective is in the instrumental (to revise the rule, see ⑥ The prefix наи- reinforces the sense of a superlative. It is
lesson 77, section 6). For example, after the verb быть, to used frequently with some superlatives and rarely with others.
be, in the past tense, the adjective goes into the instrumental: наилýчший is the reinforced superlative of лýчший, the
упражне́ние бы́ ло нелёгким, the exercise was not easy;  best.

511 • пятьсот одиннадцать пятьсот двенадцать • 512

100 8 Открытие ⑦ многовековой русской 8 The discovery of centuries-old (many-century) 100
культуры, великой литературы, Russian culture [and] great literature,
9 всё это ждёт вас, если вы пойдёте 9 all that awaits (waits) you, if you go further.
дальше. 10 Speak Russian! Read! Discover Russian cinema
10 Говорите по-русски! Читайте! Откройте for yourself!
11 We are not saying goodbye but “See you
для себя русский кинематограф!
11 А мы не прощаемся с вами, а говорим 12 [We wish you] all the best and success in
вам «До свидания!» everything!
12 Всего доброго и успехов во всём! *

До свидания! До свидания! До свидания!

8 … mnawgavyikavoy …

⑦ oткры́тие has two meanings: opening and discovery. For
example: oткры́тие магази́на: the opening of a store;
oткры́тие но́вых стран, the discovery of new countries.

*** ***

Упражнeние 1 – Читaйте и переводите Answer Key to Exercise 1

❶ Без труда не вынешь и рыбку из пруда! ❷ Не ❶ No pain, no gain! ❷ Don’t go there: you don’t know what is
waiting for you there... ❸ They’re learning Russian, to be able to
ходите туда: вы не знаете, что вас там ждёт… speak Russian and read Russian literature. ❹ Hurray! Everything
❸ Они учат русский язык, чтобы говорить по- has worked out well for us! ❺ – I feel like going to Russia again...
русски и читать русскую литературу. ❹ Ура! – Have you been there before (already)? – No, but I felt like going
У нас всё получилось! ❺ – Опять в Россию yesterday too!
захотелось… – Вы там уже были? – Нет, но
вчера тоже хотелось!
513 • пятьсот тринадцать пятьсот четырнадцать • 514
100 Упражнение 2 – Восстановите текст ❹ That people has very interesting centuries-old traditions. 100
❶ – We wish you all the best! – Thank you. У этого  . . . . . .  очень интересные 
– . . . . . .  вам всего  . . . . . . . . . . ! – Спасибо. . . . . . . . . . . . .  традиции.
❷ Language is the best way to get to know a culture and [its] ❺ Bon voyage! Don’t forget to call us when you arrive home.
traditions. Счастливого  . . . . ! Не  . . . . . . . .  позвонить
Язык – наилучший  . . . . . .  познания  нам, как  . . . . . . . .  домой.
. . . . . . . .  и  . . . . . . . . .
Answer Key to Exercise 2
❸ – Right, let’s not say goodbye! – Of course, until we next meet!
❶ Желаем – наилучшего – ❷  – способ – культуры – традиций
– Ну, не  . . . . . . . . . ! – Конечно, до новой  ❸  – прощаемся – встречи ❹  – народа – многовековые – ❺  –
. . . . . . . ! пути – забудьте – приедете –

Russians have a fine sense of humor. Jokes undoubtedly help them На ры́нке:
cope with a stressful existence in a society in transition. Russians – Скажи́те, пожа́луйста, ско́лько сто́ит э́та ло́шадь?
readily make fun of themselves, their favorite heroes, various – Но э́то не ло́шадь! Э́то кýрица.
aspects of society, human failings, etc. Here are some examples to – А... прости́те: я смотре́л на це́ну.
end the last lesson with a smile. At the market:
– Can you please tell me how much this horse costs?
– Това́рищ милиционе́р, скажи́те, по э́той ýлице ходи́ть не – But that’s not a horse! It’s a chicken.
опа́сно? – Oh, sorry, I was looking at the price.
– Бы́ло бы опа́сно, я бы здесь не ходи́л!
– Officer (“Comrade Policeman”), [tell me] is it dangerous to walk – До́ктор, у меня́ грипп. Что вы мне посове́туете?
down this street? – Вста́ньте от меня́ пода́льше!
– If it were dangerous, I wouldn’t be walking here! – Doctor, I have the flu. What do you advise me [to do]?
– Stand a bit further away from me!
– Па́па, угада́й, како́й по́езд бо́льше всех опа́здывает?
– Како́й, сыно́к?
– Тот, кото́рый ты обеща́л мне подари́ть ещё на про́шлый
Но́вый год... The last lesson is over, but you don’t have to stop here! How about
– Dad, guess which train comes later than all [the others]. continuing the second wave right up to lesson 100!
– Which one, son?
– The one you promised to give me last New Year...
Second wave: 51st Lesson

515 • пятьсот пятнадцать пятьсот шестнадцать • 516

With Ease

Also available from Assimil:

Russian Phras

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language self-study since 1929
Europe’s top language learning method


About the Assimil method

Assimil is a revolutionary self-study method based on the simple,
effective principle of intuitive assimilation. This is the natural
process through which you learned your own language. With lively
dialogues, simple notes and practical exercises, the Assimil method
will bring you to a level where you can converse comfortably.
• In the first part of the course, the passive phase, you soak up the
language by reading and repeating each lesson.
• You then move on to the active phase, applying the structures
and automatic reflexes you have absorbed, while continuing to
In just a few months, you will be able to speak effortlessly and
naturally, without hesitation.

• Lively, practical dialogues
• Realistic situations from everyday life
• A carefully designed system of grammatical progression
• Systematic revision to consolidate what you have learned
• Fascinating cultural insights
• A unique witty style that’s tried and tested

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Recordings (4 audio CDs or 1 mp3 CD) of all the dialogues

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and translation exercises are sold separately under the title

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Русский. Read by Russian voice artists, they are a valuable

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