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Nama :Ciesa Hilal Pratama

Kelas :XII-IPA 1
No.Peserta :02-071-063-2

The Importance of Faith in Daily Life

Faith is an important role in life, you know why ? without FAITH this life will be chaotic and
than without faith every people forgets his purpose will believe in God , if we do not have
faith we can not have a Living Guide and without faith we can not reach our goal.

First, faith can bring peace of mind yea How did it happen ? cause people have faith will
never feel stressed, afraid, pessimistic and anxious. Every time anxiety, stress, fear and
pessimism come, faith will return it to a neutral area. because people have faith are always
beilive to be protected by God in all manner of gestures, attitudes and actions.
Next, Faith is a key, guide, and compass in our lives. No human is on the right path if he does
not believe in God. Then, those who human have faith will have a clear purpose of life and
not easily despair. our purpose to live in this world is to worship the divine god, and always
grateful for god giving, that is why the human have faith are always close to God
And the last is faith can conquer ourself and reach the goal by faith, ya the definition of faith
that is trust and faith is justified by heart, spoken orally, and practiced by works. faith will
lead us to an unseen goal, faith can make us believe in ourselves and bring out the potential
of personal power, so faith can make us more confident
In conlusion that faith is very important in daily life because with the faith can bring a sense
of peace of mind is to make the atmosphere become peaceful, faith is the key to reach our
goal by believing in the will of the god of power and also with our faith can conquer
ourselves or control ourselves to be a confident person to be able to reach the goal

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