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Online Gaming: Effects to the Study Habits of Senior High students of Basilan

National High School

1. Name: _______________________________________________

2. Strand
3. Sex:
o Male o Female

4. Age:
o 16 o 19
o 17 o 20
o 18

5. Do you usually play over a LAN outside home (i.e Cyber Café, game Shops) or
at home over the Internet/LAN?
o Outside home o At home

6. How frequently do you spend on online games?

o Once a week o Everyday
o 3-6 times a week

7. How much time do you spend normally per game session playing the game
without taking any breaks?
o Less than 1 hour o Less than 6 hours
o Less than 3 hours o More than 10 hours

8. Which age have you started playing games?

o 1-5 years old o 11-15 years old
o 6-10 years old o 16^

9. What type of game is your favourite?

o Adventure Game o Role Playing Game o Racing Game
o Action Game o Puzzle o Board Game

10. Where do you usually play Online Games?

o Android/IOS o Compters/Laptops
11. Do you have internet connection at home?
12. Do you get friends because of playing online
13. Do you play online games more than offline
14. Do you play online games than studying?
15. Do you consider yourself to be addicted to your
most frequently played online game?
16. Do you hold off going to the toilet just to
complete a non-competition game?
17. Do you skip sleep just to finish your game?
18. Do you skip your meals just to finish your game?

19. Are gaming stories the most exciting topics of

conversation for you?
20. Do you continue playing even though it's
causing harm to you? (failing in studies,
Insomnia, being late to school, relationship
problems, etc)
Usually Seldom
21. Do you prefer playing games than going out?
22. Do you prefer playing games than spending time
with friends?
23. Do you prefer playing games than spending time
with your family?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
24. I had tried quitting the Online Game
after I become addicted to it.
25. I feel frustrated if I am unable to play
the Online Game.
26. I have a sense of higher self-esteem
when playing the Online Game.
27. I continue to play the game ever after
my character is deleted in the game and
I want to get back my character’s
previous experience level by starting
over again.
28. Gamers in general are at risk of being
addicted to Online Gaming.
29. Online Gaming affects my performance
at school and my study habits.
30. Online Gaming is beneficial to the

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