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Gauss's theorem, mass deficiency at Chicxulub crater

(Yucatan, Mexico), and the extinction of the dinosaurs

J. 0. Campos-Enriquez *, H. F. Morales-Rodriguez$,
F. Dominguez - Mendez, and F. S. Birch **

Discovery of an iridium anomaly during a paleomagnetic

ABSTRACT study carried out on the Botaccione sequence near the town
of Gubbio (Italy) to study the transition from the Cretaceous
Using Gauss's theorem, we estimated the mass de-
to the Tertiary (K/T) led Alvarez et al. (1980) to propose
ficiency of the Chicxulub impact structure (Yucatan,
a theory relating the massive biota extinction to global cli-
Mexico) from its gravity anomaly. The mass deficiency
matic changes due to the impact of a major meteorite. At
obtained from the residual gravity anomaly map ranges
the same time, gravity and magnetic studies in the Yucatan
between 1.06 x 10 16 and 1.67 x 10 16 kg. Because the
platform (Mexico) revealed conspicuous circular anomalies
gravity anomaly has approximately radial symmetry, we
that Penfield and Camargo (1981) interpreted as the signa-
also estimated the mass deficiency from selected profiles.
ture of an impact. These two far-reaching scientific works were
In this way, we obtained slightly lower mass deficien-
not linked immediately. Indeed, the catastrophic theory of
cies (6.16 x 10 15 to 1.35 x 10 16 kg). The central gravity
Alvarez et al. (1980) needed support. This support derived from
high, which is supposed to be associated with the central
subsequent geologic, geochemical, and geochronologic studies
structural high, has a mean excess mass of 1.93 x 10 14 kg.
conducted during the 1980s (Hildebrand et al., 1991; Sharpton
By assuming a mean density contrast of 100 kg/m 3 be-
et al., 1992; Blum et al., 1993; Koeberl, 1993; Krogh et al., 1993).
tween the country rock and the sedimentary and brec-
In particular, the discovery and documentation of tsunami
ciated rocks, we estimated the equivalent total mass
deposits enabled scientists to confine the impact site to the
(1.60 x 10 17 to 4.34 x 10 17 kg) and volume (6.16 x 10 13
area of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean (Hildebrand
to 1.67 x 10 14 m3 ) of breccias and sedimentary rocks re-
and Boyton, 1990). The search for the specific impact site(s)
sponsible for the gravity anomaly. These figures repre-
was launched (Hildebrand and Boyton, 1992). Hildebrand
sent lower bounds on the mass and volume ejected from
et al. (1991) revised the 10-year-old Penfield/Camargo inter-
the impact crater. They represent estimates made from
pretation, concurred with it, and further linked the Chicxulub
geophysical principles and data, and compare well with
independent estimates based on other principles such impact crater and the massive biota extinction at the end
as scaling relations. According to actual estimations of of the Mesozoic. Current studies by Mexican, United States,
and Canadian institutions also seem to confirm this in-
the sulfur dioxide mass generated by the Cretaceous-
Tertiary impact and our results, only a small fraction terpretation (Sharpton et al., 1993; Pilkington et al., 1994;
Campos-Enriquez et al., 1994; Hildebrand et al., 1995;
(about 1%) of the anhydrite in the target strata was
vaporized. Espindola et al., 1995; Urrutia-Fucugauchi et al., 1996), al-
though arguments against it continue (Meyerhoff et al., 1994).
Even if the existence of an impact structure in the sub-
surface of northern Yucatan (Figure 1) has achieved near
INTRODUCTION consensus, several questions still remain. In particular, the
Why did the dinosaurs become extinct? Possible answers subsurface features of this impact structure need to be estab-
to this question are meteorite impact (Alvarez et al., 1980), lished. Because the Chicxulub impact structure lies under a
and intense volcanism (Officer and Drake, 1985; Hallam, 1987; cover of 300-1000 m of Tertiary sediments, geophysical meth-
Rampino, 1987). Here, we will only address the impact theory. ods have been used to map its features. This task, however, is

Manuscript received by the Editor February 07, 1997; revised manuscript received January 27, 1998.
*Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, Delegacidn Coyoacan, 04510 Mexico D.F., Mexico. E-mail:
$IPN-ESIA-Ticoman, Ciencias de la Tierra, Mexico D.F., Mexico. E-mail: E-mail:
**University of New Hampshire, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, James Hall, 56 College Road,
Durham, New Hampshire 03824-3589. E -mail:
© 1998 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.


1586 Campos-Enriquez et al.

not straightforward because a meteoritic impact can, depend- According to Pilkington et al. (1994), it is a peak-ring crater,
ing on the rheological properties of the impact site, produce 180 km in diameter. Espindola et al. (1995) inferred, based on
different structures ranging from a simple crater to a complex first and second vertical derivatives of gravity data, the pres-
crater to a multiring basin (Melosh, 1989). ence of a central twin peak and a single ring, and also con-
Morphologically, complex craters present a protruding rim strained the diameter of the structure to less than 200 km.
surrounding a terrace zone, a flat floor, and a central peak Figure 3 presents the respective models. In particular, a
(Figure 2). The formation of an impact complex crater is a con-
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tinuous process that can be divided into three stages (Melosh,

1989): (1) contact and compression, (2) excavation, and (3)
In the first stage, most of the projectile's kinetic energy is
transferred to the target (the underlying target rocks are com-
pressed, heated, and accelerated to high speed). This is the
shortest of all the stages. During excavation, the target ma-
terial is set in motion, initiating a subsonic excavation flow
that eventually opens the crater. The bowl-shaped "transient
crater" formed in the foregoing stage generally collapses un-
der gravity. Slump terraces form on the wall, and a central peak
rises in the interior. High topographic rings may appear in and
around still larger craters. On a geologic timescale, isostatic re-
bound may follow the collapse, eventually flattening the crater
to a flat, circular region of different albedo than the surround-
ing area. The modified final crater is smaller in volume than
the transient crater (Schultz and Merril, 1981; Melosh, 1989).
Independent studies of the Chicxulub structure have pro-
duced different conclusions about its type. The original
Penfield and Camargo interpretation of Chicxulub was of a 180-
km-diameter crater with a concentric 210-230-km-diameter
zone of magnetic breccia (Penfield and Camargo, 1981). Based
on analysis of gravity data, Sharpton et al. (1993) considered
the structure to be a four-ring basin, 300 km in diameter.

FIG. 2. Schematic illustration of the formation of a complex

crater with a central peak (after Melosh, 1989): (a) schematic
illustration of the early compression and jetting phase in a mod-
erately oblique impact; (b) excavation and beginning of uplift;
FIG. 1. Study area. For comparison purposes, the proposed (c) modification: central uplift and rim collapse; (d) final crater.
diameters of 170-200 km (Penfield and Camargo, 1981; Uplift of the crater floor begins even before the rim is fully
Hildebrand et al., 1991; Pope et al., 1993; Espindola et al., 1995) formed. As the floor rises further, rim collapse creates a wreath
and of 300 km (Sharpton et al., 1993) for the impact structure of terraces surrounding the crater. In smaller craters, the cen-
are indicated. The bathymetric contours are given in meters. tral uplift "freezes" to form a central peak. In larger craters, the
The diamond indicates location of the city of Merida, the cen- central peak collapses and creates a peak ring before motion
tral point indicates the town of Progreso. ceases.

Gauss and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs 1587

300-km-diameter multiring basin would represent an ex- The differences between the above models arise basically
tremely energetic event, one of the largest collisions in the from the nonuniqueness inherent in potential field data such
inner solar system since the end of the early period of heavy as gravity and magnetics. Ambiguity also arises in connection
bombardment almost 4 billion years ago (Sharpton et al., 1993). with an incomplete knowledge of the petrophysical properties
The diameter estimates of Chicxulub structure range from 170 of the rocks constituting the sources of the gravity and magnetic
to 300 km (Pope et al., 1993; Sharpton et al., 1993; Pilkington anomalies. The nonuniqueness means than an infinite number
et al., 1994; Camargo-Zanoguera and Suarez-Reynoso, 1994; of models can account for the observed data. This ambigu-
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Espindola et al., 1995), corresponding to an order of magni- ity can be reduced by constraining the modeling with other
tude variation in impact energy. We see that knowledge of the data types, such as seismic studies and drilling. Nevertheless,
size and morphology of this impact structure is basic for quan- at present, short of applying these more expensive exploration
tifying the impact's lethal effects on the Cretaceous biota. techniques, gravity and magnetics have provided the only con-
straints on the size and structure of the crater.
The nonuniqueness inherent to gravity modeling is well
a) known. It is somewhat less well known that gravity provides a
01 5/180
2 1/370 4/230 r means of uniquely determining the amount of anomalous mass
L 6 2/250
3/310 1
responsible for a gravity anomaly. The total magnitude of the
a 8 i
anomalous mass is an important constraint on the amount of
w10 shattered rock in impact structures such as Chicxulub.
12 7/600
14 80 The gravity anomalies associated with an impact crater are
0 50 100 150 considered a consequence of the sedimentary rock filling the
Distance from center of structure (km) craters and also of the presence of crushed and fragmented
rock (e.g., Innes, 1961; Pilkington and Grieve, 1992). The mass
deficiency, AM, caused by the presence of these low-density
b) materials can be estimated, with help of Gauss's theorem, by
direct integration of the gravity anomaly (Hammer, 1945). This
method is independent of the form and shape of the gravity
1/-100 source. No assumption need be made about the densities of
E -4
Y the disturbing masses. This technique has already been applied
L -8 to determining the mass deficiency in several impact craters
a) (e.g., Innes, 1961) (Figure 4).
-12 In the gravity anomaly map for North America (Tanner and
-IZ5 -IOU -(5 -5U -25 0 2b 50 75 IOU
the DNGA Committee, 1988) and in the Bouguer anomaly
Radial distance (km) map for Mexico (de La Fuente et al., 1992), the gravity anomaly
at the Chicxulub crater consists of an approximately 30-mGal
low approximately 90 km in radius with a central high of about
20-mGal high about 20 km in radius. The gravity data used for
this study area are those used by de La Fuente et al. (1992) to
0.00 construct the Bouguer anomaly map for Mexico (Figure 5a).
-2.00 This database was also used in the construction of the grav-
3/-100 2/20
ity anomaly map for North America (Tanner and the DNGA

E -7.00 2/20 4/40 Committee, 1988). The gravity data set comprises 3,675 obser-
vations on land and 3,134 observations offshore. The data cover
a -12.00 1/40
the area delimited by the geographical coordinates 19°30'N and
22°30'N, and 88°00'W and 90°30'W. We have a variable point
-17.00 density that approaches 0.5 stations/km 2 .
Conspicuous gravity and magnetic anomalies on the north-
-22.00 ern Yucatan (Figure 1) showing concentric patterns (Figure 5)
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
drew the attention of Penfield and Camargo (1981), who first
Distance from center of structure (km)
interpreted them as the signature of an impact crater. Figure 5a
FIG. 3. Subsurface models for the Chicxulub impact structure shows the corresponding Bouguer anomaly of the study area.
according to (a) Sharpton et al. (1993), (b) Pilkington et al. We observe a partial circular pattern. Indeed, superimposed on
(1994), and (c) Espindola et al. (1995). Densities or density a regional gravity anomaly is a residual anomaly with roughly
contrasts are given in kilograms per cubic meter. In (a), 1: im- circular symmetry. On the south, this approximately circular
pact melt sheet and melt breccia; 2: inner allogenic breccia unit;
3: fractured uplifted crystalline basement; 4: outer allogenic anomaly is continued by a prominent linear north-south low
breccia; 5: Cretaceous platform sediments; 6: uppermost crys- extending some 100 km southward. On a more regional scale,
talline basement; 7: intermediate basement; 8: uplifted deep gravity presents a conspicuous pattern of approximately north-
basement; 9: Tertiary carbonate rocks with densities between south strips. The north-south elongated gravity low belongs to
1800 and 2000 kg/m 3 . In (b), 1: melt; 2: megabreccia; 3: central this regional fabric. Sharpton et al. (1993) interpret the elon-
uplift; 4: upper breccia; 5: outer breccia; 6: Cretaceous and base-
ment. In (c), 1: basement; 2: Mesozoic sedimentary sequence; gated gravity low south of the Chicxulub crater as due to incip-
3: filling material, breccias plus fractured basement; 4: impact ient rifting associated with the opening of the Gulf of Mexico.
melt sheet and/or uplifted basement. Also the other regional north-south strips are concordant with

1588 Campos-Enriquez et al.
the Gulf of Mexico rift and Yucatan block predrift orientation the state of compression resulting in the central uplift (Grieve,
and position next to the United States Gulf Coast. In contrast, 1988) can account for the existence of the gravity high. Because
the lack of a perfect circular anomaly may be a result of oblique of this, the excess mass associated with the central gravity high
impact (Schultz and D'Hondt, 1996). constitutes an upper bound on the total mass of the magnetic
The center of the gravity anomaly lies east of Progreso, ap- sources giving rise to the also concentric magnetic anomaly as-
proximately at 89.60°W, 21.30°N. It is thought that the central sociated with the Chicxulub impact structure (Figure 5b). The
gravity high is partly due to the central uplift of the crater crater's melt rocks acquired a remanent magnetization during
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(Pilkington and Grieve, 1992), the signature of a complex a time of reversed polarity consistent with the age of the K/T
crater. An estimate of the total mass associated with the gravity event (Sharpton et al., 1992; Urrutia-Fucugauchi et al., 1994).
high can also be made by considering only the central gravity In this paper, we estimate the total mass deficiency of the
high with respect to the surrounding gravity low. Denser and Chicxulub impact structure. From the mass deficiency, we cal-
partly more magnetic crustal material brought to the surface culate the equivalent total mass and volume of breccias and
(Pilkington and Grieve, 1992) and a density increase due to sedimentary rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly. We
compare our results, derived from geophysical data and prin-
ciples, with several independent estimations.



Gauss's theorem has been used to estimate anomalous
P masses from gravity anomalies in mining prospecting to de-
10 13
AR1 termine the tonnage of ore deposits (Goetz, 1958) and in vol-
canologic studies to calculate the mass deficiencies associated
with calderas (Yokoyama, 1958, 1983, 1987), as well as in the
studies of impact structures (e.g., Innes, 1961). Hammer (1945)
10 12 first applied the Gauss's theorem to establish the mass of a local
U) ore body.
0 Gauss's theorem states that the total amount of anomalous
F- mass is directly proportional to the residual gravity anomaly:
AM = (1/4nG) A • nds, (1)
where AM is the anomalous mass, G the gravitational constant,
I ' 10
S any surface which completely bounds the anomalous mass, A
a) the residual attraction of gravity, and n the unit vector normal
to the surface. The numerical equivalent of the above equation
when the integration surface S comprises only the surface of
10 9 the earth is
AM = (1/2,rG) ^Az1ASi, (2)

where Azi represents the mean value of the gravity anomaly

10 8 in the ground surface element AS, (e.g., a square cell). Deriva-
tions of equation (2) are given in Hammer (1945) and Goetz
(1958). For an anomaly with circular symmetry, equation (1)
becomes (LaFehr, 1965)
10 7
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 EM = (1/G) AZ (r)r dr, (3)
1 10 100 J 0

Diameter (Km) where r is the radial distance from the center of the anomaly
and A Z is the residual (vertical) anomaly. The numerical equiv-
FIG. 4. Plot of the mass deficiency at the Chicxulub impact alent of the above equation is
structure in a diagram of mass deficiency versus crater diame-
ter of various terrestrial and lunar craters. AR1 through MR3
are our estimates for the Chicxulub crater (open circles). AR1 AM = (Ar/G)>2Az(rl)rj, (4)
represents the estimate based in the profiles and the residual where i is the running index of the variable r, and A(r 1 ) is the
Rl (Figure 6). MR3 represents the estimate based in the grav-
ity map and the residual R3 (Figure 6). P represents Pilkington value of the gravity anomaly at the radial distance r, from the
et al.'s (1994) estimate. Rl and R2 represent two estimates center of the anomaly.
of the Rochechouart impact structure by Pohl et al. (1978). LaFehr (1965) analyzed the effects on the mass estimates
Broken lines represent best fits for simple craters (long bro- caused by (1) a limited gravity coverage, (2) the earth's curva-
ken line), and complex craters (short broken line). Data for
other craters are from Innes (1961), Jung and Schaaf (1967), ture, and (3) the numerical integration. According to him, the
Dvorak and Phillips (1977), Dabizha and Fedynsky (1987), and estimates are highly sensitive to the depth of the gravitating
Pilkington et al. (1994). body and to the extent of the gravity coverage. He elaborated
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-90.00 -89.00 -88.00

Gauss and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs

a 19.00
-90.00 -89.00 -88.00 87.00

o 50 o 25 50 100
DECL" 3.5
! !
I I I I NCL= 51.5

FIG. 5. (a) Gravimetric anomaly map for the study area. Note the circular gravity anomaly associated with the impact structure. Contour interval is
4 mGal. Locations of radial gravity profiles used to estimate the mass deficiency are indicated. The inner circle (180 km in diameter) indicates the
area included in the gaussian integration of equation (4) corresponding to results of Table 1. The outer circle indicates the maximal area included in
the gaussian integration used in elaborating Figure 7. (b) Total field magnetic anomaly for the study area. The l80-km-diameter circle indicates the
impact structure according to Pilkington et al. (1994).

1590 Campos-Enriquez et al.

curves to correct obtained values for the above mentioned to the three residuals used in conjunction with equation (4)
effects. (Figure 6). We integrated the Bouguer anomaly in an 180-km-
diameter circular area covering the structure according to
MASS DEFICIENCY OF THE CHICXULUB Pilkington et al. (1994). The mass deficiencies estimated with
IMPACT STRUCTURE the help of equation (2) (1.06 x 10 16 and 1.67 x 10 16 kg; Table 1)
We first estimated the mass deficiency using equation (4) and are slightly higher than those obtained from profiles and equa-
radial gravity profiles (Figure 6). The lengths of the profiles tion (4). The obtained mass deficiencies are shown in Figure 4,
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were chosen to cover a circular area with a diameter between a plot of mass deficiency versus diameter for several terres-
180 and 200 km corresponding to the estimated diameter of trial and lunar craters. Figure 7 shows the mass deficiency as a
the structure (Pilkington et al., 1994; Espindola et al., 1995). function of the radius of the integration area. It was elaborated
We observe that the gravity anomaly is not perfectly symmet- assuming the residual anomaly corresponding to the regional
ric. To compensate errors caused by this slight asymmetry, we R3 of Figure 6 and varying the radius. Initially, because of the
applied equation (4) to the eastern and western radial profiles central peak, the mass deficiency shows a marked increase from
separately and then obtained the mean value of the two results. 0 to 12 km. Between 12 and 22 km, this increase slows down
The greatest error in the mass estimates arises, perhaps, from a little. At 22 km, the mass deficiency reassumes a strong in-
ambiguities in estimating the residual anomaly (e.g., in assess- crease up to a radius of 32 km. The mass deficiency increase
ing the regional anomaly). To assess the uncertainty caused by then slows down constantly: from 90 to 100 km, the increase is
the regional gravity anomaly, we calculated the mass deficiency of only 2.70 x 10 15 kg; between 100 and 110 km, the difference
for residual anomalies obtained from three different regional is 1.70 x 10 15 kg. The mass deficiency continues to increase with
anomalies. We assumed that the regional anomaly can be repre- an approximate rate of 3.00 x 10 15 kg/km. The net increase from
sented by a linear trend (increasing eastward 0.076 mGal/km) 90 to 150 km is 2.72 x 10 16 kg (less than an order of magnitude).
(Figure 6). In fact, a linear regional gradient increasing east- In contrast, the mass deficiency increases four orders of magni-
wards is observed in the gravity anomaly (e.g., Pilkington et al., tude between 0 and 100 km. However, we observe in Figure 5a
1994; Espindola et al., 1995). Figure 6 shows the different re- that for radii larger than 110 km, we are already integrating
gional anomalies or trends used to estimate the mass deficiency. gravity anomalies of regional nature apparently unrelated to
The upper and lower regional anomalies or trends have the the impact structure.
same slope but are shifted 5 mGal with respect to the central As already mentioned, the central gravity high is assumed to
one. The maximum and minimum mass deficiencies estimated be associated with dense and magnetized uplifted silicate base-
correspond to the upper and lower residuals respectively. The ment rocks associated with the structural high (Pilkington and
mass deficiencies estimated from the eastern radial profile are
slightly bigger than those obtained from the western profile.
We obtained values between 6.16 x 10 15 and 1.35 x 10 16 kg Table 1. Mass deficiency of the final crater obtained from
equations (2) and (4), and residual gravity anomaly.
(Table 1).
We also estimated the mass deficiency with help of equa- Profile 1 Profile 2 Average
tion (2). From the Bouguer anomaly map of Figure 5a, we ob- (west) (east) (both profiles) Map
tained the residual anomalies (not shown here) corresponding Residual AM (kg) AM (kg) OM (kg) AM (kg)
R1 5.48 x 10 15 6.84 x 10 15 6.16 x 10 15 1.06 x 10 16
R2 8.16x1015 1.15 x 1016 9.88x10 15 1.36 x 10 16
R3 1.08 x 10 16 1.63 x 10 16 1.35 x 10 16 1.67 x 10 16

CD 27
E 24 310 11
X 21 3

o 18
E 15 6
c 12 X10

Q 9
N6 m
rJ) 3 8
O 0 10
m 3
-85 -70 -55 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 85 80 95 110
Distance (Km)

FIG. 6. Gravity radial profiles used to estimate the mass defi- Radius (Km)
ciency (see location in Figure 5a). Also indicated are the dif-
ferent regional trends (R1, R2, R3) used to obtain the residual FIG. 7. Mass deficiency [according to equation (2)] in tons
gravity anomalies. (10 3 kg) as a function of the radius of the integration area.

Gauss and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs 1591
Grieve, 1992). Gauss's theorem can also be applied to estimate mean densities of 2565 kg/m 3 for the sedimentary and frag-
the excess mass associated with this gravity high. We consid- mental rocks, and 2791 kg/m 3 for the crystalline country rocks.
ered the magnitude of the central gravity high with relation Here, we assumed 2700 kg/m 3 for a. and 2600 kg/m3 for ab .

to the lowest value of the gravity anomaly. This is equivalent These values correspond to a conservative density contrast of
to considering that the central gravity high is simply superim- 100 kg/m 3 and approach the average of the density contrasts
posed on the gravity low. Figure 6 shows the corresponding reported by Pilkington et al. (1994) to exist between the up-
regional gravity anomaly. Equation (4) applied to the central per, breccia, outer breccias, megabreccia, melt rock, and the
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gravity high portion of the radial profiles gave excess masses respective surrounding host rocks. With these assumed densi-
of 1.59 x 10 14 kg and 1.62 x 10 14 kg. Equation (2) applied to ties, the mass deficiency corresponds to a volume of fragmental
the digitized data gave a higher excess mass: 2.58 x 10 14 kg. We and sedimentary rocks between 6.16 x 10 13 and 1.67 x 10 14 m3
have a mean value of 1.93 x 10 14 kg. This figure also represents (Table 2). Figure 8 shows the volume (not the form or position)
an upper bound for the mass of the magnetic sources because of rock responsible for the mass deficiency as a function of the
the central gravity high is thought to be caused by denser and density contrast between the country rock and the sedimen-
partly more magnetic crustal material brought to the surface tary and fragmental rocks. The volume of the responsible rock
by the impact (Pilkington and Grieve, 1992). is bigger for small density contrast. These volumes give an idea
of the portion of the crust involved in the impact process.
We assumed a density contrast of 100 kg/m 3 for the denser
and magnetic rocks of the central gravity high with respect to
The mass deficiency does not depend on any assumption the country rock. This implies a density of 2800 kg/m 3 for the
about the density, location and form of the gravity-anomalies central structural high, which agrees with the density values
sources. An infinite number of models can account for a given used in the gravity models (Figure 3) of Sharpton et al. (1993),
mass deficiency. We can not establish the form and location of Pilkington et al. (1994), and Espindola et al. (1995). With this
the corresponding gravity sources because of the nonunique- density contrast, the mass excess associated with the central
ness inherent to gravity. However, if we know the mean densi- gravity high corresponds to a volume between 1.59 x 10 12 and
ties of the country rock and that of the fragmental and sedimen- 2.58 x 10 12 m 3 (a mean value of 1.93 x 10 12 m 3 ).
tary rocks left in the crater, we can calculate the equivalent total
volume (not the form) and the associated mass of breccias and DISCUSSION
sedimentary rocks responsible for the gravity anomalies from
the following equations (Innes, 1961): The major impact-associated mechanisms proposed to cause
the KIT extinctions are the following (Toon et al., 1997): dust
Total mass = Qb /(v, - crb )AM (5) loading of the atmosphere (cooling, halt of photosynthesis, loss
of vision), fires (burning, soot cooling, pyrotoxins, acid rain),
and NO, generation (ozone depletion, acid rain, cooling), shock
Total volume = AM /(Q, - ab), (6)
Table 2. Volumes and masses of sediments and shattered rock
where AM is the mass deficiency (diminution in mass from equivalent to the mass deficiencies estimated for the Chicxulub
normal crustal conditions), a, is the mean density of the coun- impact final crater and the central uplift. Assumptions: coun-
try rock, and ab is the mean density of the sedimentary and try rock mean density of o = 2700 kg/m 3 , mean density for
sediments and brecciated rock of Orb = 2600 kg/m 3
brecciated rocks in the crater. .

The densities of rocks at Chicxulub, especially those from Mass

deeper levels, are not well constrained. Numerous density mea- Data deficiency Total Total
surements are reported for rocks from impact craters (e.g., source AM (kg) mass (kg) volume (m 3 )
Innes, 1961); however, there are few determinations of den-
sity contrasts between fractured and unfractured target rock. Final Crater Mass Deficiencies
We measured densities between 2060 and 2620 kg/m 3 in sur- Profile 6.16 x 1015 1.60 x 1017 6.16x1013
(Residual 1)
face limestone samples. The P-wave seismic velocities deter- Profile 9.88 x 10 15 2.56 x 10 17 9.88 x 10 13
mined by Cue (1953) at the center of the crater can be used (Residual 2)
to infer the bulk densities of rocks in the subsoil with the help Profile 1.35 x 10 16 3.51 x 10" 1.35 x 10 14
of the Nafe and Drake relationship (Nafe and Drake, 1958; (Residual 3)
Grant and West, 1965, 200). According to this relationship, the Map 1.06 x 1016 2.75x10 17 1.06x1014
density increases from 2000 at the surface to 2350 kg/m 3 at a (Residual 1)
Map 1.36 x 1016 3.53x10" 1.36 x 10 14
depth of about 1500 m (these extreme values correspond to (Residual 2)
limestones and to melt sheet rock). Pilkington et al. (1994) Map 1.67 x 1016 4.34x10 17 1.67 x 10 14
reported densities between 2650 and 2850 kg/m 3 measured in (Residual 3)
samples of Chicxulub melt rock and crystalline basement. The
Central Uplift Mass Excess
structural high in the gravity models of the Figure 3 has been Profile 1 1.59 x 10 14 4.13 x 10 15 1.59 x 10 12
assigned densities between 2600 and 2800 kg/m 3 (Sharpton (West)
et al., 1993), and a value of 2740 kg/m 3 (Espindola et al., 1995). Profile 2 1.62 x 10 14 4.21 x 10 15 1.62 x 10 12
Barlow (1979) reported a value of 150 kg/m 3 for the density (East)
contrast at Gosses Bluff, Australia, where the target rock is Map 2.58 x 1014 6.70 x 1015 2.58 x 10 12
sedimentary. For the Holleford crater, Innes (1961) reported Mean 1.93 x 10 14 5.01x10 15 1.93 x 1012

1592 Campos-Enriquez et al.

wave (high wind), earthquakes (shaking), tsunami (drown- as 4.0 x 10 14 kg, whereas Pope et al. (1994) estimated the SO 2
ing), heavy metals (poisoning), water/CO2 injections (warm- emission between 8.0 x 10 13 and 1.4 x 10 15 kg.
ing), SO2 injections (cooling, acid rain). Many of these extinc- Estimates on the mass and volume of ejecta are basic for any
tion mechanisms have been investigated in an isolated fashion assessment of environmental effects of the proposed extinction
by several researchers, often in a preliminary basis. Recently mechanisms. Calculations on the mass and volume of the ejecta
Toon et al. (1997) have extensively analyzed these major mech- are based mainly on scaling relations based on experiments in
anisms and discussed how they relate to the environmental the laboratory, and on observations of planetary craters and
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consequences of asteroid and comets impacts in general. Toon nuclear explosion craters (e.g., Melosh, 1989). For example,
et al.'s (1997) work represents the most recent review of the Holsapple (1994) estimated as 1.2 x 10 1 m3 the volume of
research done in this field. the final crater assuming a 300-km-diameter for the structure
One of the favored scenarios is that in which dust raised and a velocity of 20 km/s for the impactor. The volume of the
by the impact prevents sunlight from reaching the surface transient crater is estimated as 2.9 x 1015 m3
for months (Alvarez et al., 1980) inducing a halt in the pho- These estimates are constrained by the size of the initial
tosynthesis and leading to precipitous temperature declines crater and volume of the impacting projectile. The size of the
(Alvarez et al., 1980; Toon et al., 1982). However, because of initial crater can be inferred from models of the actual impact
selective pattern of extinctions, it is difficult to believe that just structure (and scaling relations). However, as we already men-
one mechanism caused the K/T extinctions. It is likely that sev- tioned, several models with different dimensions have been
eral, if not all, of the mentioned mechanisms contributed to the proposed for the Chicxulub structure (Figure 3). These models
devastating stress on the global biosphere. correspond to different volumes and masses of ejecta. Hence,
According to Toon et al. (1997), the environmental effects of it is important to get a bound on the mass ejected from the
dust loading, fires, and SO2 injections are the most important impact crater independent of any assumption upon the dimen-
ones for impacts approaching energies equivalent to 10 12 kg sions and shape (type) of the K/T impact structure and the
of TNT, the energy estimated for the Chicxulub impact (Toon density of the rocks involved.
et al., 1994). In the particular case of the K/T impact, the SO2 Mass deficiency estimates based in geophysical data and
injection into the stratosphere becomes important. Indeed, the principles enable us to set limits on the mass ejected from the
platform of Yucatan at the KIT transition was a shallow car- impact crater. Pilkington et al. (1994) roughly estimated the to-
bonate/evaporite shelf. A large portion of the Chicxulub target tal mass deficiency at the Chicxulub structure at 1.2 x 10 16 kg,
rock was anhydrite (CaSO4), which may have been volatized assuming a 90-km radius and an average Bouguer low of
during impact (Sigurdsson et al., 1991, 1992). As a result a 20 mGal. This estimated mass deficiency is close to our value
large amount of sulfur gas was injected into the stratosphere. of 1.08 x 10 16 kg obtained from residual R3 (upper value of re-
The sulfur gas would have reacted with water to form sulfu- gional). The mass deficiency from the Chicxulub impact struc-
ric acid aerosols. Sigurdsson et al. (1991, 1992) estimated the ture is similar to that of the Eratosthenes crater in the Moon
sulfur dioxide mass generated by the K/T impact to be be- (Dvorak and Phillips, 1977), which is smaller (60 km in diam-
tween 2.5 x 10 15 and 8.0 x 10 15 kg. Brett (1992) estimated it eter). Craters in the Moon with similar diameter (Copernicus,
about 100 km; Theophilus; about 100 km; Langrenus; about
130 km), (Dvorak and Phillips, 1977) have higher mass deficien-
cies (because lower lunar gravity allowed fractured material to
be blasted away).
Recall that the mass deficiencies estimated for the Chicxulub
10 structure correspond to masses of breccias and sedimentary
rocks between 1.60 x 10 17 and 4.34 x 10 17 kg and respective
volumes between 6.16 x 10 13 and 1.67 x 10 14 m3 . These values
Flo 10 17
are lower (up to two orders of magnitude) than Holsapple's
3 estimated final crater volume (1.2 x 10 15 m 3 ). To obtain values
close to Holsapple's estimates, we must assume density con-
trasts between the country rock, a,, and the sedimentary and
0e 16 MR3
0e 16 MRl brecciated rocks, orb in the crater of between 5 and 15 kg/m 3

1De 15 AR1 (Figure 8). These very low density contrasts are not observed
in the Chicxulub impact structure. To obtain volumes of brec-
cias and sedimentary rocks close to Holsapple's estimated fi-
Density Contrast (Kg/m 3) nal crater from a density contrast between a,, and ob , around
150 kg/m 3 , we need mass deficiencies greater than 1.20 x 10 17 kg
FIG. 8. Volume (in cubic meters) of the rock responsible for (a value one order of magnitude greater than our estimates
the gravity anomaly as a function of the density contrast be-
tween the country rock and the sedimentary and brecciated and not approached even for diameters of 320 km) (Figure 6).
rock left in the crater. Curves were established following equa- The mass of rocks responsible for the gravity anomaly in the
tion (6) from Innes (1961) and three of our estimated mass model of Pilkington et al. (1994) is equal to —1.31 x 10 16 kg,
deficiencies. Labels of the curves indicate the associated mass whereas for the model of Espindola et al. (1995), it is equal
deficiency. The horizontal broken line represents Holsapple's
estimate (Holsapple, 1994). To obtain the estimated volume of to —1.97 x 10 16 kg. In this case, where we know the densities
the final crater by Hosapple (1994), assuming a density contrast and geometry of the sources, the mass of rocks responsible for
of 100 kg/m 3 , we would need a mass deficiency of 1.20 x 10 17 kg. the gravity anomaly corresponds to the mass deficiency. We see

Gauss and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs 1593

that the models of Pilkington et al. (1994) and Espindola et al. Our results compare well with Pilkington et al.'s (1994) esti-
(1995) have associated mass deficiencies close to the values de- mate (1.20 x 10 16 kg). The gravity models of Pilkington et al.
termined here. In contrast, the model of Sharpton et al. (1993) (1994) and Espindola et al. (1995) have associated mass defi-
has a mass excess of +4.93 x 10 17 kg. Their bodies 1 and 2 (cen- ciencies very close to the mass deficiencies established for the
tral basin) have a mass deficiency of 1.18 x 10 16 kg. However, Chicxulub impact crater (1.31 x 10 16 and 1.97 x 10 76 kg, re-
when we include the other bodies (i.e., body 3 representing spectively). In contrast, the gravity model from Sharpton et al.
their first ring), we get an excess of mass. (1993) has associated a mass deficiency of 1.18 x 10 6 kg if we
Downloaded 02/08/16 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

The value of 1.60 x 10 17 kg (corresponding to the mass defi- consider only the central basin (their bodies 1 and 2). How-
ciency estimated from the residual R1 and converted to a mass ever, when we include other bodies (i.e., body 3 representing
of rock assuming a density contrast of 100 kg/m 3 ) represents a their first ring), we get an excess of mass. Craters on the moon
lower bound on the mass ejected from the impact crater. We with similar diameters (Copernicus, Theophilus, Langrenus)
see that the sulfur dioxide masses estimated by Sigurdsson et al. have higher mass deficiencies. The much smaller Erastosthenes
(1991, 1992), Brett (1992), and Pope et al. (1994) represent a crater (60 km in diameter) has a similar mass deficiency. This
small fraction (much less than 1%) of our estimated ejected contrast is caused by lower gravity on the moon.
mass. According to Ward et al. (1995), the impact site was un- By assuming the density contrast between the country rock
derlain by about 2500-3000 m of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, and the breccias and sedimentary rocks left in the crater, we
of which 25-30% was anhydrite. They point out the existence can estimate the total volume (not form or position) and associ-
of a breccia near the top of the Cretaceous strata. Anhydrite ated mass of the rock responsible for the gravity anomaly. This
clasts making up 15-20% of this breccia. Because of this, they volume gives us an idea of the portion of the crust affected
infer that great volumes of evaporite rock excavated and frag- by the impact. If the density contrast is 100 kg/m 3 , the mass
mented by the impact remained unvaporized. The sulfur diox- deficiencies correspond to masses of breccias and sedimentary
ide masses estimated by Sigurdsson et al. (1991, 1992), Brett rocks between 1.60 x 10 17 and 4.34 x 10 17 kg and respective vol-
(1992), Pope et al. (1994), and Ward et al.'s (1995) considera- umes between 6.16 x 10 13 and 1.67 x 10 14 m3 . These volumes
tions indirectly support our estimation of the total mass ejected are up to two orders of magnitude lower than the estimated
from the K/T impact structure. (based in scaling relations) volume of the final crater made by
Finally, by assuming a melt sheet thickness of 3 km and ra- Holsapple (1994). To obtain this value (1.20 x 10 15 m 3 ) from our
dius of 45 km, Pilkington et al. (1994) estimated a volume for mass deficiencies, we would need density contrasts between 5
the melt sheet of 19 000 km 3 (1.9 x 10 13 m 3 ). Based on the mass and 15 kg/m3 . However, these low density contrasts are not ob-
excess associated with the central gravity high, we estimated served. To approach Holsapple's estimated volume, we would
for the central structural high a volume between 1.59 x 10 12 need mass deficiencies greater than 1.20 x 10 17 kg. The mass
and 2.58 x 10 12 m3 (a mean value of 1.93 x 10 12 m3 ). Our esti- deficiency at the Chicxulub impact site remains two order of
mate is lower by about one order of magnitude than Pilkington magnitude below this value even if we integrate up to circular
et al.'s (1994) estimate. Because of this, we think that the cen- areas 320 km in diameter.
tral gravity high is basically caused by nonmagnetic dense rocks The mass of 1.60 x 10 17 kg represent a lower bound on the
(e.g., mainly due to an increase in density associated with the mass ejected from the impact crater. Estimates of the sulfur
pressure state resulting in the central uplift). This is also im- dioxide mass generated by the K/T impact and our results imply
plicit in Pilkington et al.'s (1994) magnetic model, which shows that only a small amount of the anhydrite of the target rock was
small discrete magnetized bodies distributed within the larger vaporized (about 1%).
melt volume. Finally, for the central structural high, we obtained an ex-
cess mass of 1.93 x 10 14 kg. This value implies a mean volume
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS of 1.93 x 10 12 m 3 . This estimate is lower by about one order
of magnitude than Pilkington et al.'s (1994) estimate of the
Based on Gauss's theorem and gravity data, we have estab- volume of the melt sheet. This implies that the central gravity
lished the mass deficiency from the Chicxulub impact area. Our high is basically due to nonmagnetic rocks (a result implicitly
estimations were obtained by integrating the residual anomaly advanced in Pilkington et al., 1994).
along radial profiles (between 90 and 100 km in length), as
well as by integrating the residual anomaly inside a circular ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
area with a diameter of 180 km. This area of integration was
chosen to cover the impact structure. R. O. Hansen, T. R. LaFehr, and three anonymous referees
According to Pilkington et al. (1994) and Espindola et al. contributed with critical reviews to improve the paper. This
(1995), the diameter of the impact structure ranges between study was supported through research grants from CONACyT
180 and 200 km. Our estimates of mass deficiency range from (2197-T), DGAPA/UNAM (IN104394), and Nissan Founda-
6.16 x 10 15 to 1.67 x 10 16 kg. We also analyzed the behav- tion (through Matsui Takafumi).
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