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Sergeant Jesus Menocal was relieved of police powers on June 14. 2015 reference a criminal investigation. He
was placed on administrative assignment at home from June 14. 201 5 through October 2. 2015 lhen reassigned
as the SWAT coordinator where his organizational skills have been outstanding. No outcome has come as of yet
from the criminal investigation and merit step 1s being recommended. He remains on adm1nrstrallve assignment.

5.00 • t!.50 d.d9 • d.00 399-300 299-200 199-100

Average Factor Score : [ffl RATING ✓ E A A BA u
This appraisal report represents my observ d knowledge of the employee's performance and review of applicable information.
Title · Sergeant Date 03/29/16
Signature ~ -- --/ - -- ------''-'-....:."'

DEVELOPMENTAL PLAN -- Any categories rated below average or unsatisfactory must have an action plan with review/target date
Key Performance Goals / Objectives Target Date

ENDO RSER Concur Do not Concur


Name . Signature : Tille: Date :

Name : Date :

Do not Concur

Merit Increase Recommendation ( if eligible ) : Defer until :

NameC/ iiof R v-~-:...._qutt-

["-- Signature : Title :


Date :

Appraising Sup0r,isor i11iti11ls ~ Cnur,t 11) 101 3 Dat.: . 03/29/2016

Rev 20150108

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