The Nature of Humanity As Transcendent

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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dear People,

I am going to talk about the truth that all of us are linked together, and who we are. I am giving you a comment
on YouTube and some emails from a person who worked very hard to keep everyone updated in July when I was
held hostage. The Banking Cartel has insertel malware in this file because they are trying to hide the truth.

Have you ever read this?
Inbox x

divine sequence Thu, Nov 7, 8:47 AM (6 days ago)

I try to read between the lines of most of what I read as most is false. I found this interesting in relation to Jesuits.
Have you come across this and what is

divine sequence Thu, Nov 7, 8:50 AM (6 days ago)

Some of the history was interesting IF* true. Boy, what I was thinking and what I typed were certainly out of
alignment. Enjoyed your latest segment. Your speec

Thu, Nov 7, 10:42 AM (6 days ago)

Karen Hudes <>
to divine

We are avoiding this topic until the corruption in the money has ended

On Thu, Nov 7, 2019, 8:50 AM divine sequence <> wrote:

Some of the history was interesting IF* true. Have you come across this and what is your take? Is this just more
division with some elements of truth. Regardless of the intent, some of the history was interesting is true.

Boy, what I was thinking and what I typed were certainly out of alignment.

Enjoyed your latest segment. Your speech is clearing. I know it has been hard to work through the attacks, but you
are strong and well-protected.

Warm Regards,


On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 7:47 AM divine sequence <> wrote:

I try to read between the lines of most of what I read as most is false. I found this interesting in relation to Jesuits.

Have you come across this and what is your take? Is this just more division with some elements of truth. Regardless
of the intent, some of the history was interesting is true.

divine sequence Thu, Nov 7, 10:47 AM (6 days ago)

The topic of Jesuits? On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 9:42 AM Karen Hudes <> wrote: We are avoiding
this topic until the corruption in the money has end

Thu, Nov 7, 12:30 PM (6 days ago)

divine sequence
to me

I am glad I finally heard from you, either way. I have missed talking with you. I didn't necessarily like the
circumstances we conversed in, but it was necessary. Like you always say, we all have a part to play and step up
when we need to. But I do care about your well being and wish I could hear from you here and there. Anyway, hope
to hear from you soon.

Same here.

I miss you too.

Sounds good.

divine sequence 10:50 AM (6 hours ago)

to me


I went through all of the archives and did some intense research on Venetian/Black Nobility and now I
TOTALLY get why you don't want to discuss religion. Very smart.
I will never make the mistake of entanglement about that again until corruption is cleared and even then, be
quite aware and conscious of how it has been used against us in the past. Wars and religious disagreements
are part and parcel of the divide strategy. Sorry for my long learning curve. I am sensitive, but am trying to
stay grounded, have a level of detachment that keeps my logic engaged.

I am just ready for whatever is next in whatever capacity small or large. I am just so grateful for your
strength in this to continue. Each week, each broadcast strengthens resolve. Many will ask "How much
longer?" The ones who are clearer will take it as a dose of enforcement to stay on course and just realize
that it will come when it comes, but it is INEVITABLE. In the meantime, we all have a part to play.

Thank you for your huge effort in this. Against the hardest circumstances, you forge ahead towards our

Love and Light, lots of positive energy sent your way!!!

divine sequence Fri, Oct 25, 2:34 AM

to me, Karen


It was not good news to read about your current struggles with health. I was very glad, however, to hear

your positive and valiant spirit no matter what the struggle. I know you are getting hit hard. The closer a
mother gets to giving birth, the harder the contractions. Your fighting spirit never ceases to amaze me.

Sending you many healing thoughts, prayers and blessings. If you need anything. Please don't hesitate to

Warmest Regards,

divine sequence <> Mon, Jul 29, 4:50 PM

to me


I really enjoyed your live version and like being able to see you behind the desk.You just seem more real
that way, even though I know very well you are real anyway.

The mind control attacks are very real and I am realizing that I am susceptible to them. Your comment
about music really piqued my interest.

Do you have suggestions of good music or music to avoid? I tend to love classical and opera along with
singers and songwriters or folk music. Can you do an episode on this topic or put out a suggestion list?
I know you are very busy, but I do believe that this is critical. It seems the more you know, research or
learn, the more you get zapped. I think autoimmune issues are strong with that, but also my speech and
thinking/memory can be affected.

I appreciate what you do. I had to smile when you described yourself as cantankerous because I have
thought that about you many times, but deeply respect it. I am very similar and always was that way even in

Again, thank you. THANK YOU! I see the sound attacks on the last few episodes and wow. It was crazy on
the live version, but I stuck with it and was glad I did to watch you speak extemporaneously. You are very
personable that way. It fees like you are talking over coffee with an old friend. Anyway, love to you. Keep
up the great work.


Sep 18, 2019, 3:14 PM

divine sequence <>

to me, Karen


I sent you an email several days ago, but hadn't heard back from you. I know you are very busy and sometimes your
email is wonky.

Do you know anything about selenium levels and how they can make the mind more susceptible to scalar attacks?

I have been reading research papers about the mind's response to hertz and trying to get a grasp on comparative
hertz levels and which the brain will respond to dominantly. That way, if they are using an attack on us, we can
figure out what hertz to knock it out. Could it be that easy? I am just starting to learn.

I have been having a lot of trouble with my sight. I also found out that my Testosterone level (which was totally
normal 8 months ago) is 5 times higher than normal. I have to go get a pelvic scan.

In my reading, I found some mention of selenium levels in regards to scalar effectiveness. I also found out my
selenium levels were very high on the blood tests. I have a homeopathic doctor who helps me a great deal. When I
was reading and saw the mention of selenium levels, I about fell out of my chair.

The study I am attaching came to this conclusion: Theta activity was induced by a 6-Hz binaural beat on a 250 Hz
carrier tone. Responses occurred at all cortical regions; however, compared to the control group, the induced
responses at the frontal and parietal-central regions were left hemisphere dominant. Moreover, the pattern of theta
activity was similar to that of a meditative state, in which general theta rhythms were increased at the frontal and
parietal-central regions and frontal midline theta activity appeared at the Fz position within 10 min stimulus
exposure. Therefore, we suggest that a 6-Hz binaural beat on a 250 Hz carrier tone could be used as a stimulus for
inducing a meditative state within a short duration.

From what I read, a hypnotic state induced by scalar is usually 10 Hz. Correct me if I am wrong. How do you
disseminate what studies to trust in this environment of almost total disinformation?

This study indicates the lower hertz is dominate. Was curious if this might help us or relatives under this horrible

I am trying to protect myself and family the best I can.

I am sorry this is so long, but I am dealing with a lot of issues right now. I am not sure how far down the rabbit hole
you have dived with this issue. I would like to dive deeper and will, but wanted to check with you on what you have
learned. If you have a video that is deep on this and I have missed it, let me know.

Warmest Regards,


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST


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