FCE-Speaking Useful Phrases2

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Useful Phrases for Speaking Test Part 3 Useful Phrases for Speaking Test Part 4

polite and keep the conversation moving)
Would you like to begin? I've never really thought about What I think is that...
Shall I start? Maybe, but about… that, but...
In my opinion, ...
I am not sure I agree. What a good question!
AGREEING WITH YOUR PARTNER: It's clear to me that...
I agree with you. I get your point, but… That's a good question.
One thing I'm sure of is...
That´s a good idea!
I´m not so keen on that. That's an interesting question.
I might be wrong but ...
I see your point.
I think it would be better to... Oh! Let me think. Well, ...
I'm no expert but...
You make some great points.
That´s one way of looking at it. On the
I couldn´t agree with you more! other hand… GIVING REASONS FOR YOUR
You´re absolutely right! For one thing...[reason 1] And for
... because .... Do you mind if I add
another... [reason 2]
Encouraging a shy partner: ... so it's obvious that...
REACHING A DECISION: I'd like to comment on that.
What do you think? ... That means...
Which do you prefer? Well, I think it´s definitely not… If I could just make a point.
So then, what do you think is the
Do you think it´s a good idea to…? best one?
What´s your opinión on/about…? I guess you think we should choose PARTNER
(topic)? Another thing is.../apart from that,
What are your views on this As well as that, ... What do you think, …?
question…? Are we both in favour of (topic)? Just as importantly, ... Don't you agree?
There's also the fact that... Do you have anything to
Okay, so we agree. And don't forget... say about that
Moving to the next item …, do you have anything
So what about [topic]? to add to that?
I wonder if we can compare…
What about this one? [pointing to topic] TRYING TO CHANGE AN OPINION
What do you think about this idea?
But don't you think that... / Yes, but isn't it true that.../Okay, but on
How do you feel about that one?
the other hand.../Maybe there's another way to think about
We still need to discuss [topic].
it./You're partly right, but...
Ah, that connects with the next topic.

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