Current Event

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Eliana Josephine Hernandez

Ms. Dudley
Global History HGN21-1
Current Event #8 The Middle East


The article “Israel bans top Palestinian Waqf officials from Al-Aqsa” mainly talks about

the conflict in the division of opinions between the Israeli authorities and the people of Palestine

who have different religious values. Al- Aqsa is considered a holy site for both the Jewish and

the Muslims. In 2003, the Israeli authorities put a ban on the Bab al-Rahma building because

they thought people from the “outlawed Islamic Movement in Israel Northern Branch” were

using it for politics. However, the Islamic Waqf Council broke the 16-year ban by reopening the

site to religious worshippers in March. This caused Sheikh Abdel-Azeem Salhab and Sheikh

Najeh Bkerat, the head and deputy of the council, to be banned for a week and an additional 40

days (Salhab) and 4 months (Bkerat). Salhab then stated that the Israeli government was trying

to “ignite a religious war” and firmly believes that the mosque belongs to Muslims and the

Muslims only and that Israel is trying to change the “status quo”. On the other hand, religious

Zionists and Israeli people are very angered by the opening of Bab al-Rahma to the point where

they are advocating for the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to stop Palestinian people from

entering the building. Furthermore, many Palestinian people are angered for the fact that they get

detained. Jordan also disapproved of the bans causing tension between itself and Israel along

with the conflict between Waqf and Israel. Thus, the article talks about the buildup of tension

and conflict with Israel and Palestine (Waqf).

The article “Israel bans top Palestinian Waqf officials from Al-Aqsa” portrays the

enduring issue of conflict. As the article states, “... Israel's right-wing government is trying

to "ignite a religious war" as it continues to “facilitate Israeli extremists' intrusions” into the

compound”. This truly depicts the tension and conflict in beliefs between Israel and Palestine.

The Israeli authorities and worshippers in Palestine are at odds at who has rights to the holy site

of Al-Aqsa and who is not allowed to worship there. They experience conflict in terms

of disputes over land and competition. Al-Aqsa is known as the Temple Mount to Jews and is the

holiest site to Judaism and to Muslims, it is known as Noble Sanctuary and is the third holiest

site to Islam. Thus, both believe they have full rights or access to the site, even Salhab (head of

Islamic Waqf Council) stating “The Al-Aqsa mosque is the property of Muslims alone, and no

other religion has the right to it.” The Palestine worshippers believe that they should be able to

pray in Bab al-Rahma which was recently opened by the defiance of the Islamic Waqf Council.

However, Israeli authorities and Zionists believe otherwise. With the opening of the Bab

al-Rahma building, the head and deputy of the council were detained and people, such as

activists, that tried to defy the bias were also detained. Even with this, the Zionists and Israeli

members were still angered and urged the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to prevent and

forbid the Palestinian people from entering the building. The contrary beliefs portray the serious

conflict they have struggled with, first hand. The Jewish and Muslims truly differ in opinion

about Al-Aqsa and believe that each should have all exclusive access and remain in control of it.

This shows the significance of conflict in the article because it sheds light on issues other places

like Israel must face and can even show how they compare to the past. The issue of conflict also

is significant, for it affects so many people by causing divisions and rift between people and
religions. It can cause people to feel entitled and superior. As a result, the article depicts the issue

of conflict between Israel and Palestine worshippers.

Similar to the conflict between the different religious groups, the issue of conflict was

also faced in the past, in the time of the Umayyad Empire. The conflict in the empire was

between the Sunni and Shi’a in terms of disputes over beliefs and over how power was obtained.

Before the rise of the empire, Muhammad also known as Prophet Muhammad, who built the

foundation of Islam was in power until his death in 632. Due to this, the Muslim community

decided to elect new successors called caliphs. One of these caliphs was Ali, who died in 661

from a successful assassination, which started the whole conflict. His death led to a civil war

over who took control and the Umayyads ultimately won. This brought the new idea of the

caliphs being something other than a member of Muhammad’s family. This led to division

among the Sunni and Shi’a. The Shi’a didn’t accept the Umayyads for their idea and believed

that the caliph must directly be related to Muhammad or his bloodline. On the other hand, the

Sunni accepted the empire and believed anyone could be a caliph if they followed Muhammad’s

example. The difference in opinions over how someone becomes a caliph and holds power

caused resentment and dislike/distrust toward each side. Also, the Sunni have claimed that the

Shi’a distorted the meaning of certain passages in the Qu’ran and vice versa. These claims

clearly portray the conflict and the tension between the two beliefs and groups of people. They

both interpret Islam and its power in different ways. In comparison, the Sunni and the Shi’a both

faced difficulty and conflict with each other like the Israeli authorities and the Palestine

worshipers. Both cases involved religion whether it was the interpretation of Islam with the

Sunni and Shi’a or with differences between Judaism and Islam with Israel and Palestine. Not

only this but, in both instances, there was tension and resentment. Israel became annoyed with
the Palestine worshipers using Al-Aqsa and Bab al-Rahma, the Palestinian people became

aggravated by their ban from worshiping at the holy site and being detained, and the Sunni and

Shi’a were annoyed by their difference in opinion and the other thinking the “wrong” way.

Additionally, both parties in both the present and in the past have seen themselves to be right and

to be entitled whether it was with the holy site or pride in their beliefs. These similarities prove

the issue of conflict to be enduring. In both the present and past, the same conflict has even been

experienced in the same area. Between 632 and 750 CE, Sunni and Shi’a have been debating

whose perception is correct in the Middle East and Jews and Muslims in Israel and Palestine

have been fighting over control of Al-Aqsa, which is also in the Middle East. In conclusion,

conflict has continued to endure for centuries and will continue to endure.

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