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~ ••• This report Is based on the sworn recorded interview made by Ms. 8-(Victim) to the Hialeah Police Dept.
Professional Compliance Bureau (PCB) Detectives F. Penate and H. Reyes documented under PCB Case# 15-33....
Ms. B-stated to Detectives Penate and Reyes that she had learned that a Hialeah Police Sergeant whom she
had dealt with in the past was Involved In an Incident that came out on the news.
Ms. B stated that her first encounter with Sgt Menocal (Suspect) whom she knows as "Jesse" was in the month
of November 2014. Ms. tated she was inside a house that was "raided" by police with Sgt Menocal being
one of the officers on scene. Ms. B ,c1d been in that house to "party". She said Sgt Menocal pulled her to the
side and asked her lf she was a prostitute. He then started flirting with her. Ms. e••·then stated Sgt Menocal
offered her a ride home and she agreed. About 3 to 4 blocks away from her house, Sgt Menocal stopped the grey police
truck he was driving. Ms, B stated the details were somewhat vague because she was still intoxicated. When
Sgt Menocal stops his truck, he asks Ms. e tu get In the backseat of his truck and he handcuffs her with both
hands to her front, not in the back. He then tried to remove her pants and she felt scared and intimidated. Sgt Menocal
then digitally penetrated her vagina (fingers/vagina) while exposing his penis and touching himself at the same time. He
also pulled her shirt down and exposed her breasts. Ms. •••■·then stated that the incident did not occur in the
back seat of the truck, it happened In the front seat. El/erything stopped when Sgt Menocal got a call on his police radio
and he let her go.
The second Incident occurred one day when she was walking near a plaza located by the OMV when she was
approached by Sgt Menocal. Ms. s•••stated she was wearing a little dress and heels and Sgt Menocal
approached her and started asking questions. Sgt Menocal then takes her in his police truck to the apartment comple,c
she was residing at the time near a staircase. While walking to the stairs, Ms. e stated Sgt Menocal ordered her
to tum around and bend over. She complied and that Is when Sgt Menocal pulls down the panties she was wearing while
~ touching himself on top of his pants. Ms. said Sgt Menocal did not expose himself on that occasion.
The third and last encounter occurred one day when she was with some friends along W 24 Ave In Hialeah. Ms.
ated she was extremely intoxicated when Sgt Menocal approached the group ~he was hanging out with.
Ms. stated Sgt Menocal called her towards him, placed handcuffs on her, and drove a couple of blocks away.
She stated Sgt Menocal then exposed his penis and started touching himself while he touched her In the vaginal area.
Ms. e■■■lcould not remember if he introduced his fingers Inside of her or not due to her severe Intoxication (Refer
to recorded statement for further details). ·

Ms. provided a sworn recorded statement to PCB Detectives Penate and Reyes regarding the incident she
was involved In with Sgt Menocal, This offense report Is being authored for documentation purposes only. Please refer tc
Hialeah Police Department PCB Case 15-33 for the final outcome of this Investigation.
•• • I was Instructed by Sgt. M.Colon to initiate this report

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