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Travel writing is quite a popular genre.

People take the help of the travelogues to know

about a particular place before deciding to visit it. Travel writing generally gives detailed
information about the attractions of a place so that people get tempted to go there on their
vacations. Hence, writers involved in travel writing should follow some specific rules to
make their travelogues more appealing and interesting to the readers.

1. Research about the Place

Before writing about a particular destination make a thorough research of it. If you are
able to go to the place then it gives you a first hand experience about it. You could find for
yourself what the place is all about. You could even ask the local people about its legends
and other information related to that place. You could tour all over the place and find out
for yourself all its hidden secrets that would attract a tourist bent on having fun. Hence,
you could build up quite a reliable picture in your travelogue. But, if you live quite far
away from the place in question, then you must rely on other resources. First and foremost
you should look up all the available information related to the place. You could look up
books available in the library or you could serf the net. If you find some pictures of it then
it could also help you a lot in your write ups as it would give you a clearer idea about the
looks of the place. So, one must always do a thorough research and present a complete
knowledgeable database for the readers.

2. Give a Photographic Description

Writers are artists. They present a picture through their words. Hence, show your artistic
talent here by describing the place in such a complete manner that the reader actually
visualizes it. Spin a beautiful picture so as to make the reader want to visit that place. If
you could get a picture of it then you can take its help to give an apt description. So,
giving a photographic description will make your travelogue that much more appealing.

3. Highlight the Various Attractions

In travel writing highlighting the various attractions is of paramount importance. The first
thing that attracts a person to a particular place is its various appeals. A place may be very
beautiful in its scenic beauty but until and unless it doesn’t give us any other attractions in
the way of sports or any other thing, few people will be tempted to visit it. So, include in
your travelogue all the available attractions of that place so as to lure maximum number of
visitors to it.

4. Mention the Ways and Means to Reach the

You have done your job of enticing the reader to visit the place with your travel writing.
But, if the reader does not get the adequate information regarding the ways and means of
reaching that destination then s/he may drop the plan to visit it altogether. Therefore,
always try to include the various means by which one can easily reach the place. You
could give the information regarding the airline details, train details, or any other detail
that you deem necessary.

5. Name a Few Good Hotels

Once a person reaches her/his destination then s/he may have trouble locating all the good
hotels in that place. So, you could help your readers out of their bewilderment by naming
a few good hotels for their benefit. And while you are naming the hotels then make sure
that you choose hotels for all the economic classes. Hence, you could mention some star
hotels for the rich and the powerful. Good hotels for the middle class segment. And some
cheap lodgings for the lower middle class people. Thus, your travelogue would help
people from all segments of the society and will be greatly popular in its effect.

6. Mention Some Out of the Way Tourist Attraction

To give your travelogue that specific edge you should try to include some out of the way
tourist attractions. These tourist attractions could be anything from a visit to the local
winery or some bargain or elusive items sold at the local market. So, do your homework
properly if you want to excel in travel writing.

7. Give Some Cultural Background

Giving some cultural background of the place makes your travelogue richer in its content.
People like to know the background and culture of a place they are planning to visit. It
gives them a distinctive idea of what to expect from that place. It also helps them in their
choice of clothes, accessories, etc. So, do remember to include this little bit of information
in your travel writing.

8. Mention Some Dos and Don’ts of the Place

And lastly mention some dos and don’ts of the place so that a person does not make a
cultural mistake there. Say a person is planning to visit the Middle East. Then s/he should
wear very decent clothes and reserve all the affectionate behavior for the private. Again
people should avoid asking for beef in a Hindu country like India or pork in a Muslim
country. Hence, knowing the dos and don’ts of a particular place makes a person abide by
all her/his etiquettes while fully enjoying the sights and sounds of that place.

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