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Mabely GarcíaA01745752

Santiago Vallejo A01745816


Your department is spending a lot of money on its travel and entertainment
expenses. You’ve been asked by the Financial Director to write a report about this.

* Write a report about

● What travel and entertainment you are spending the money on.
● Why this spending is necessary.
● How this spending could be reduced.
*Write 180-200 words

Travel and Entertainment Expenditures

The objective of this report is to propose some alternatives to find another cheaper
options than the actually used, as well as explain the importance of the activities in
which the money is being expended.
Travel expenses
Our company is spending on travels to train the members that we hired in last
month’s recruitment. This invest is important because with this travel, the new
members we’ll be aligned to the goals and values of the company.
Entertainment expenses
Among the activities planned for the introduction trip to the new members, there are
some recreational activities. This is important because it helps members to know
each other better and therefore improves their teamwork.
Plan to reduce the expenditure
The report shows the department could reduce costs. We found a cheaper provider
with the same products, this will benefit a lot on the numbers.
Regarding the farewell meeting, Hilton Hotels offers a lunch with open bar for $10
less than Marriott‘s Hotels, but that bedroom prize is the same.
As we can see in this report, the alternatives mentioned looks well and the most
important, cheaper. In conclusion the company could reduce up $50 per person.
Mabely GarcíaA01745752
Santiago Vallejo A01745816

The objective of this report is to propose some alternatives to find other cheaper
options than the currently used, as well as explaining the importance of the activities
in which the money is being spent.
Travel expenses
Our company is spending on tickets for the members that we hired last month. This
investment is important because with this trips, the new members will be aligned to
the goals and values of the company.
Entertainment expenses
Among the activities planned for the introduction trip for the new members, there are
some recreational activities. This is important because it helps members to know
each other better and therefore improves their teamwork.
Plan to reduce the expenditure
The report shows the department could reduce costs. We found a cheaper provider
with the same products, this will benefit a lot on the figures.
Regarding the farewell meeting, Hilton Hotels offers a lunch with open bar for $10
less than Marriott Hotels, and the bedroom prize is the same.
As we can see in this report, the alternatives mentioned, look well and the most
important: cheaper. In conclusion the company could reduce up to $50 per person.

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