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Computer Science & Egineering

1 Schedule
Follow this timeline to complete your project:

• Week 1: Introduce mini-project topics.

• Week 2 (2 Points): Each group prepares a short slide which presents the
design (Block diagram and it connection), list out the functionalities, in-
put/output interfaces of your design.

• Week 3 (3 Points): Show your testcases for testing your system. Simulation
results on Modelsim-altera

• Week 4 (3 Points): Final Report and Demo (You should print your report
and give them to the instructor). A report must include:

– Chapter 1: Introduction - Introduce your problem, the tools used.

– Chapter 2: Design and Implementation - Show your design that are
block-diagrams and its connection, how the signals in modules are con-
nected. RTL model, flowcharts are also recommended.
– Chapter 4: Testing - Show your test cases, Simulation results. Image
captured on DE2I-150 board and a link on youtube for demonstration
– Chapter 5: Conclusion - State the functionalities of your design, it
advantages/disadvantages, future works, a table to present the tasks of
each member.

Logic Design with Verilog HDL CO2034 - 2019 1

Computer Science & Egineering

2 Topics
Topic 1: Number guessing:

• Player will guess a signed decimal number, let name it N (-9999 <= N <=

• The system supports two modes to create N: random or inputted from ad-
min. The admin should input N in BCD format.

• N will be hidden in the system by the admin.

• The admin can control to show/hide N on the LEDs.

• Player then inputs a number from SW, and press button to submit.

• After submitting the number, the system will notice to the player that the
input number is greater/smaller than N.

• If the submitted number match N, then notice to the player (WIN). In

case the player guess too many times that exceed a threshold defined by
the admin, the player will receive a message (LOSE). Then Stop the game,
show N to the LEDs.

• Display player guesses on the LEDs.

Topic 2: Design and implement a Digital Clock.

• Display time-of-day (current time: hh-mm-ss) on the LEDs of DE2I-150


• Allow the user to adjust the clock time (hh-mm-ss), the day-month-year,
and also the time zone.

Topic 3: Design and implement an Alarm Clock:

• Display current time: hh-mm-ss on the LEDs of the DE2I-150 board.

• Display the specified time.

• Support up to 5 alarms (user can configure to enable/disable alarms).

• Beeping every 60 seconds (you can blink LED instead of beeping).

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Computer Science & Egineering

Topic 4: Design and implement a led-drivers with 6 different types and variations

Hình 1: Led-drivers.

• State 1: Two LEDs run (active) from left to right.
• State 2: Three LEDs run from right to left.
• State 3: LEDs running and blinking from middle to two sides.
• State 4: ALL LEDs turned on, then turn off LEDs from two sides to the
• State 5: LEDs run from left to right, when all LEDs are active, turn-off the
LEDs one by one from right to left.
• State 6: LEDs run from right to left, when all LEDs are active, turn-off the
LEDs one by one from left to right.
There are 4 modes: State are transition in default (Figure 1), Odd-state only (1-
>3->5->back to 1), even-state only (2->4->6-> back to 2), or use SWs to choose

Logic Design with Verilog HDL CO2034 - 2019 3

Computer Science & Egineering

Topic 5: Door lock

Implement a door lock control design (using FSM is compulsory) with the features

• The password consists of three numeric digits from 0 to 9;

• To simplify the design, numeric digits are inputted by using BCD code and
SWs are used to generate the input signal.

• There is only 1 digit that is inputted each time, a KEY is used to confirm
an input value (assume KEY1). Input value must be showed on 7-segment

• There are 2 modes that can be applied:

– Set modes: users set password.

– Verify modes: users enter a password and system check it.

Modes are switched by using KEY (assume KEY2)

• In Verify mode:

– If user enter a correct password: a GREEN led blink with a 5Hz

– If user enter a false password: a RED led blink with a 1Hz frequency.
After that, user has more 2 trials. With these trials, if user enter a
correct password, her/his number of trials will be resetted. On the
contrary side, the system is blocked and only be reactivated by using
RESET KEY (assume KEY3).

Note: Students will have more points if they can apply their design into real
Topic 6: Car alarm
Utilizing the FSM approach, design a circuit for a car alarm with the features

• The circuit should have 4 inputs:

– clock
– reset
– remote
– sensors

Logic Design with Verilog HDL CO2034 - 2019 4

Computer Science & Egineering

... and one output:

– siren

• When there is an active signal from remote: the siren is put into activation
(if it’s not activated before) and vice versa.

• When the siren has been already activated and there is a active signal from
sensors, system is put into intrusion and the siren sound with a 2Hz fre-
quency (students can use LED in order to alternate the real siren).

• When the system is being in intrusion state, the siren only become silent on
if there is a active signal from remote.

Note: Students will have more points if they can apply their design into real
Topic 7: You can propose a problem and submit to instructor in class, also
declare all the functionalities of your design in detail.
Bonus: Use the LCD or infrared remote to display information or control signals
in your design.

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