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doi: 10.1111/joim.12326

Fluid resuscitation in acute medicine: what is the current

J. A. Myburgh
From the 1Department of Intensive Care Medicine, St George Clinical School, University of New South Wales; and 2Division of Critical Care
and Trauma, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, Australia

Abstract. Myburgh JA (University of New South patients with hypovolaemia. There is emerging
Wales, Sydney; The George Institute for Global evidence that saline may be associated with
Health, Sydney, Australia). Fluid resuscitation in adverse outcomes due to the development of
acute medicine: what is the current situation? hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis, although
(Review) J Intern Med 2015; 277: 58–68. the safety of balanced salt solutions has not been
established. Fluid requirements vary over the
The administration of intravenous fluids for course of critical illness. The excessive use of
resuscitation is the most common intervention fluids during the resuscitative period is associated
in acute medicine. There is increasing evidence with increased cumulative fluid balance and
that the type of fluid may directly affect patient- adverse outcomes in critically ill patients. The
centred outcomes. There is a lack of evidence that selection of fluid depends on the clinical context
colloids confer clinical benefit over crystalloids in which it is administered and requires careful
and they may be associated with harm. Hydroxy- consideration of the dose and potential for toxic-
ethyl starch preparations are associated with ity. There is an urgent need to conduct further
increased mortality and use of renal replacement high-quality randomized controlled trials of cur-
therapy in critically ill patients, particularly those rently available fluid therapy in patients with
with sepsis; albumin is associated with increased critical illness.
mortality in patients with severe traumatic brain
injury. Crystalloids, such as saline or balanced Keywords: albumin, colloids, crystalloids, fluids, hy-
salt solutions, are increasingly recommended as droxyethyl starch, saline.
first-line resuscitation fluids for the majority of

to hospital with severe gastroenteritis and fever.

They are widely used as first-line resuscitation
‘I keep six honest serving men (they fluids in bleeding patients before blood transfusion
taught me all I knew), is available, to replace excessive loss of bodily
fluids, for hydration in patients who are unable to
Their names are What and Where and drink and as a vehicle for the delivery of drugs.
When and Why and How and Who’ Despite their established role in clinical practice for
over a century, until recently, none of these fluids
The Elephant’s Child by Rudyard Kipling had been evaluated in specific trials to determine
their safety and efficacy. This is because intrave-
It is an iconic image: a bag of intravenous fluid nous fluids were introduced into routine clinical
hanging above a sick patient. Administration of practice at a time when they were not regarded in
intravenous fluid provides a direct link between the the same light as intravenous drugs [1].
attending clinician and the patient, and is the most
common intervention in acute medicine. Asanguin- The selection and use of intravenous fluids is
eous intravenous fluids are administered to almost based on physiological principles relating to the
all patients during and following major surgery, constituents of the fluid; however, there is marked
most patients admitted to the accident and emer- variation between clinicians, institutions, regions
gency (A&E) department following acute trauma and countries. The selection of fluids is largely
and burns, the majority of patients treated in determined by local preferences and custom, avail-
intensive care units (ICUs) and children admitted ability and cost as well as the influence of com-

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J. A. Myburgh Review: Fluid resuscitation in acute medicine

mercial marketing [2]. There has been considerable 0.6%. Isotonic (0.9%) saline is the most commonly
debate for over 30 years, based more on opinion used fluid worldwide [9].
and experience rather than objective evidence, on
whether to use crystalloid-based or colloid-based Human serum albumin was developed from frac-
fluid resuscitation strategies. This debate has tionation of whole blood in 1941 and was used
intensified over the last decade following the pub- extensively as a resuscitation fluid by the Allies in
lication of the results of high-quality randomized World War II. The potential benefits of colloidal
controlled trials that have demonstrated that both solutions for resuscitation subsequently led to the
the type of fluids and the mode of administration development of semi-synthetic plasma alterna-
directly affect patient outcomes [3–6]. tives.

To use the Kipling’s analogy, the debate has moved

Physiological considerations
from focussing on the preferred type – the ‘What’ –
to the broader clinical applicability and efficacy of Based on Ernest Starling’s [10] description of the
fluid resuscitation – the ‘Where, When, Why, How determinants of transvascular exchange across
and Who’. semi-permeable membranes, clinicians have pref-
erentially used solutions that exert and maintain
Given the ubiquity of the use of fluids in vulnerable an effective colloid osmotic pressure or tonicity
patient populations, small but quantifiable relative to extracellular fluid. Theoretically, col-
increases in the risk of harm or benefit associated loids, containing suspensions of molecules with a
with specific fluids may have a substantial impact molecular weight that makes them relatively
on public health worldwide. impermeable to an intact capillary membrane,
are retained within the intravascular compart-
ment on an isovolumetric basis; crystalloids,
Historical perspective
containing solutions of ions, rapidly equilibrate
The administration of an alkalinized salt solution across the capillary membrane. On this basis,
to humans was first described during the cholera colloids were considered to be three times more
pandemic in the early 19th century when benefi- effective than crystalloids in increasing depleted
cial effects were observed in dehydrated and intravascular volumes. Consequently, crystalloids
shocked patients. These observations provided are associated with the development of greater
the basis for establishing the life-saving effects clinically significant interstitial oedema than col-
of intravenous fluids in severely hypovolaemic loids [11].
patients [7].
Recent descriptions of the presence and function of
A number of events led to the development of the endothelial glycocalyx layer have provided
‘modern’ intravenous fluids. In the 1920s, an insights into the effects of inflammatory and path-
American paediatrician, Alexis Hartmann, admin- ological conditions on tissue permeability, suggest-
istered an alkalinized salt solution to treat children ing that the theoretical benefits of colloids in
with gastroenteritis; this solution had originally conditions such as sepsis or trauma may be
been used in physiological experiments in isolated substantially less than those of crystalloids, both
heart muscle in Sydney Ringer’s laboratory at in terms of increasing intravascular volume and
University College London in the late 19th century. the development of interstitial oedema [1, 12].
The original solution was piped water from the New
River Water Company that contained carbonated
Does the type of fluid matter?
sodium chloride, calcium and magnesium and was
modified to become compounded sodium lactate Pragmatic factors such as ease of availability, long
that is used to this day as Hartmann’s solution in shelf life, low cost and familiarity have led to
the UK and Ringer’s lactate solution in the USA [8]. recommendations for the use of crystalloids as
first-line fluids for acute resuscitation in patients
Development of the use of sodium chloride, often with trauma, burns or sepsis and during surgery.
termed ‘normal’ saline, was based on in vitro The wide availability of semi-synthetic colloids,
studies of red cell lysis conducted in the 1880s particularly hydroxyethyl starch (HES) prepara-
that suggested that the concentration of salt in tions, has led to these fluids being used exten-
human blood was 0.9%; it is now known to be sively as alternative colloids to human albumin,

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J. A. Myburgh Review: Fluid resuscitation in acute medicine

particularly in regions in which the availability of large-scale, prospective, blinded, randomized

albumin is restricted due to cost. controlled trial [the Saline vs. Albumin Evaluation
(SAFE)] to determine whether resuscitation with
Until recently, there was little evidence that the 4% albumin (in 0.9% saline) was associated with
type of fluid used for resuscitation was associated increased mortality at 28 days compared to 0.9%
with specific benefit or harm to patients. Clinicians saline alone in a heterogeneous population of ICU
working in A&E departments, operating theatres patients [3]. The study was powered to determine
and ICUs focused on short-term haemodynamic half the treatment effect observed in the Cochrane
effects associated with fluid resuscitation, rather review (3%) yielding a study population of 7000
than considering potential longer-term conse- patients. The SAFE study demonstrated no differ-
quences, such as organ failure, increased mortality ence in 28-day mortality between patients resusci-
and decreased functional survival. This approach tated in the ICU with albumin or saline (RR 0.99,
was based on the assumption that the principal 95% CI 0.91 to 1.09, P = 0.87), thereby refuting the
driver for increasing survival in hypovolaemic conclusions of the 1998 Cochrane review [3].
patients was the prompt correction of symptomatic
hypovolaemia to restore vital organ perfusion. A number of new findings emerged from the SAFE
However, this paradigm has been challenged over study. No differences in resuscitation end-points
the last decade, particular in relation to albumin, such as mean arterial pressure, heart rate and
HES and most recently saline. urine output were observed between patients who
received albumin compared to those who received
saline, although there was a statistically significant
but clinically small increase in central venous
Before 1998, there was no clear evidence to suggest pressure in the former group. However, this
that resuscitation with colloids was superior to increase in intravascular volume was achieved
resuscitation with crystalloids in terms of patient with similar volumes of study fluid; the observed
outcomes such as mortality. Most studies to com- albumin : saline ratio in this blinded trial was
pare these fluids had investigated the effects on 1 : 1.4 rather than the traditionally accepted col-
short-term physiological surrogate outcomes in loid : crystalloid ratio of 1 : 3.
animal studies and human volunteers. In 1998, a
systematic review and meta-analysis of these stud- The baseline serum albumin concentration in ICU
ies, reported by the Cochrane Injury Group Albu- patients was approximately 28 g/L, consistent
min Reviewers, compared the effects of albumin with an acute-phase reduction in serum albumin.
versus other fluids in patients with hypovolaemia, Subsequent analyses demonstrated that there was
burns and hypo-albuminaemia as well as on over- no difference in 28-day mortality in patients with
all mortality [13]. The group concluded that the hypo-albuminaemia (<28 g/L) who received albu-
administration of albumin was associated with a min or saline for resuscitation compared to those
statistically significant 6% increase in mortality with albumin concentrations >28 g/L [15].
[relative risk (RR) 1.68, 95% confidence interval
(CI) 1.28 to 2.23]. The findings of this analysis A statistically significant increase in mortality
caused considerable alarm in regions in which 2 years after randomization was observed in
albumin was widely used for resuscitation, such as patients with severe traumatic brain injury who
the UK, and resulted in a sharp decline in the use received albumin (RR 1.63, 95% CI 1.17 to 2.26,
of albumin [14]. Albumin was also widely used in P = 0.003) [16]. The increase in the rate of death
Australia where, produced by blood fractionation was attributed to the development of intracranial
by a single manufacturer (CSL Bioplasma, Mel- hypertension during the first 7 days after random-
bourne, Australia), it is supplied to public hospitals ization, possibly due to extravasation of albumin
free of charge through the National Blood Author- across the damaged blood–brain barrier and/or
ity. due to the relative hypotonicity of the 4% albumin
preparation used in the study (Albumex; CSL
Given the potential public health impact of the Bioplasma) [17].
Cochrane review, clinician researchers from the
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Amongst patients with an admission diagnosis of
Clinical Trials Group and the George Institute sepsis, a significant reduction in the adjusted risk
for Global Health designed and conducted a of death at 28 days was demonstrated in those who

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J. A. Myburgh Review: Fluid resuscitation in acute medicine

received albumin compared to those treated with also a determinant of the degree of accumulation
saline (odds ratio 0.71, 95% CI 0.52 to 0.97, within the reticulo-endothelial tissues of skin, liver
P = 0.03). This finding suggests that there may be and kidney.
a beneficial effect of albumin in this patient pop-
ulation [18]. Tissue accumulation associated with HES was
described histologically as hydrops lysosomalis
In the Albumin Italian Outcome Sepsis (ALBIOS) generalisatus in skin, liver and kidney, and has
study, the administration of concentrated albumin been suggested to be a potential mechanism of
as a drug infusion rather than as a resuscitation toxicity presenting as pruritus, hyperbilirubina-
fluid to maintain a serum albumin level >30 g/L emia, coagulopathy and acute kidney injury [20,
was compared to the use of crystalloids alone in 21]. Concerns about the safety of hyperoncotic
patients with severe sepsis. No statistically signif- (>6%), high molecular weight (>200 kD), highly
icant difference in 28-day mortality between the substituted (>0.5) HES preparations were raised
two groups was demonstrated (RR 0.94; 95% CI following the report of an increased incidence of
0.85 to 1.05, P = 0.29), although there was a postgraft azotaemia and requirement for dialysis in
significant reduction in mortality in the subgroup transplant recipients who received kidneys from
of patients with septic shock at enrolment (RR brain-dead organ donors resuscitated with 6%
0.87, 95% CI 0.77 to 0.99, P = 0.03) [19]. HES (200/0.62) compared to 4% gelatin [22].
Similar results, particularly an increase in renal
The findings of the SAFE and ALBIOS studies dysfunction and requirement for renal replacement
suggest a potential beneficial effect of albumin for therapy, were obtained in patients with severe
resuscitation of patients with sepsis during the sepsis resuscitated with 6% HES (200/0.6–0.66)
initial admission period to the ICU. However, at compared to 3% gelatin [23] and in patients
present, this remains the only evidence-based resuscitated with high doses (70 mL/kg) of 10%
indication for albumin. HES (200/0.5) compared to compound sodium
lactate [24].
Hydroxyethyl starch
New-generation isotonic (6%) HES preparations
The relative expense, limited availability and logis- (tetrastarches) with lower molecular weight (<130
tical difficulties associated with the mass produc- kD) and a lower degree of molar substitution (<0.5)
tion and distribution of albumin as a resuscitation were produced with a reputed improved safety
fluid provided a major impetus for the commercial profile. Many of the studies attesting to the
development of semi-synthetic plasma alterna- improved safety of tetrastarches compared the
tives. Of these, HES preparations are the most effects of these preparations to crystalloids, albu-
commonly used semi-synthetic colloids, particu- min or historical controls [25, 26]. These studies
larly in Western Europe where they have been in were underpowered and used surrogate or physi-
use for the last 40 years. Other semi-synthetic ological outcomes in selected patient populations
colloids include gelatin–polygeline preparations or in post hoc subgroups defined by postrandom-
and dextran solutions, although the use of the ization variables.
latter has decreased substantially in the last
decade. Tetrastarches, predominantly 6% HES (130/0.4) in
0.9% saline, were rapidly introduced into clinical
Hydroxyethyl starch solutions are produced by practice and became the most commonly pre-
hydroxyethyl substitution of amylopectin obtained scribed colloids worldwide, particularly in patients
from naturally occurring starch products such as undergoing anaesthesia for major surgery, for
sorghum, maize and potatoes. They are categorized resuscitation in military trauma and in the ICU.
according to their concentration, molecular weight Tetrastarches were recommended for use in doses
and the degree of molar substitution on glucose of <50 mL/kg/day. However, clinician uncertainty
molecules which determines the rate of enzymatic about the overall safety of HES remained, based on
hydrolysis. This substitution on glucose molecules systematic reviews that consistently demonstrated
results in expansion of the intravascular volume in that their administration was associated with
human volunteers for a period of time that is increased mortality [27] and because the new-
shorter than with equivalent volumes of albumin, generation tetrastarches had not been evaluated
but longer than that produced by crystalloids; it is in high-quality, investigator-initiated, randomized

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controlled trials. This was particularly relevant in No significant differences in haemodynamic resus-
Australia, where HES, specifically 6% HES (130/ citation end-points were demonstrated in either the
0.4), was licensed for the first time by the Thera- CHEST or 6S study between patients receiving HES
peutic Goods Administration of Australia in 2006. and the respective crystalloid, other than a tran-
sient increase in central venous pressure.
Consequently, a large-scale (n = 7000), blinded, Although the use of HES was associated with lower
randomized controlled trial, modelled on the SAFE volumes of resuscitation fluid compared to the use
study [Crystalloid vs. Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial of the crystalloid, the HES : crystalloid ratio was
(CHEST)], was designed and conducted in Austra- 1 : 1.3, consistent with the findings of the SAFE
lia and New Zealand between 2009 and 2012. study and other blinded randomized controlled
CHEST compared the effects of resuscitation with trials [25]. In CHEST, HES was associated with an
either 6% HES (130/0.4) in 0.9% saline (Voluven, increase in urine output compared to saline at low
Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany) or saline levels of acute kidney injury but this was not
alone on 90-day mortality and the use of renal associated with a decrease in serum creatinine or
replacement therapy in ICU patients [4]. At the in the use of renal replacement therapy, suggesting
same time, a blinded, randomized controlled trial a direct nephrotoxic effect. In both studies, HES
[the Scandinavian Starch for Severe Sepsis/Septic was also associated with increased use of blood
Shock study (6S)] compared the effects of resusci- products and adverse events, particularly pruritus.
tation with either 6% HES (130/0.42) in Ringer’s
acetate (Tetraspan, B Braun, Melsungen, Ger- Following the publication of the results of the
many) or Ringer’s acetate alone on 90-day mortal- CHEST and 6S studies, a number of independent
ity and use of renal replacement therapy in 804 systematic reviews were published that consis-
ICU patients with septic shock [5]. tently demonstrated a significant increase in mor-
tality and use of renal replacement therapy
In 2010, during the recruitment period of CHEST associated with HES [31–34]. These effects appear
and 6S, the first of 87 reports published by to be common to all preparations of HES, dose
Joachim Boldt was retracted due to scientific fraud dependent and applicable to all patient popula-
[28]. The retracted studies included 11 reports on tions in which no safe dose of HES can be recom-
the safety and efficacy of 6% HES (130/0.4); the mended.
results of some of these studies had been used in
pharmaceutical industry product information In June 2013, the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assess-
sheets, clinical trial protocols and submissions ment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines
for licensing by medical regulatory authorities [29]. Agency suspended marketing of HES preparations
This scandal highlighted the importance of the across the European Union, the US Food and Drug
results of CHEST and 6S in determining the safety Administration issued a ‘black box’ warning
and efficacy of HES for resuscitation [30]. against the use of HES in high-risk patients and
the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
In CHEST, no significant difference in 90-day Agency withdrew the registration of HES across the
mortality between patients who received either UK and recalled all unused stock [35]. In October
6% HES (130/0.4) or saline for fluid resuscitation 2013, HES marketing authorization holders
was found (18% vs. 17%; RR 1.06; 95% CI 0.96 to appealed against the PRAC decision based on
1.18; P = 0.26). However, the use of HES was industry-commissioned expert reports, unpub-
associated with a significant increase in the lished industry-sponsored registry data and inves-
requirement for renal replacement therapy (RR tigator-initiated trials published after the original
1.21; 95% CI 1.00 to 1.45, P = 0.04). The median PRAC decision, in particular the Colloids versus
cumulative dose of HES was 17 mL/kg [4]. The 6S Crystalloids for the Resuscitation of the Critically
study demonstrated a significant increase in 90- Ill (CRISTAL) trial [36]. The unblinded CRISTAL
day mortality in the 6% HES group compared with trial compared the effects of resuscitation with any
the group treated with Ringer’s acetate alone (51% colloid and with any crystalloid on 28-day mortal-
vs. 43%; RR 1.17; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.30; P = 0.03) ity in hypovolaemic, hypotensive ICU patients
and a significant increase in the use of renal (n = 2857). No difference in 28-day mortality
replacement therapy (RR 1.35; 95% CI 1.01 to between colloid and crystalloid treatment was
1.80; P = 0.04). The median cumulative dose of observed (25% vs. 27%; RR 0.96; 95% CI 0.88 to
HES was 44 mL/kg [5]. 1.04; P = 0.26); however, colloids were associated

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with decreased 90-day mortality compared to gested that they may be associated with the devel-
crystalloids (31% vs. 34%, RR 0. 92; 95% CI 0.86 opment of acute kidney injury, particularly
to 0.99; P = 0.03) although this was not a prespec- reduction in glomerular filtration [43] and immune
ified secondary outcome measure. Despite the fact dysfunction [44].
that HES was used as the predominant open-label
colloid in this trial, the efficacy and safety of HES in Most of the evidence for the potential adverse
this population cannot be conclusively determined effects of saline comes from observational studies
due to lack of randomization and baseline imbal- comparing the effects of chloride-rich and chloride-
ance. restricted solutions, such as ‘buffered’ or ‘balanced’
salt solutions, in cohorts of acutely ill patients.
The PRAC revised its original recommendation and Saline is associated with a significant increase in
allowed continued use of HES for resuscitation in mortality and use of renal replacement therapy in
patients with severe hypovolaemia and mandated patients in ICU [45] and in those with sepsis [46],
extended monitoring of kidney function for 90 days as well as a significant increase in major compli-
following the administration of HES. Consequently, cations in patients undergoing surgery [47].
the use of HES has decreased substantially across
the European Union, although it continues to be ‘Balanced’ salt solutions, based on the prototype
marketed heavily and used widely in Asia. compounded sodium lactate, are increasingly
being recommended on the basis that these solu-
The ‘starch story’ over the last 5 years and is an tions are physicochemically approximate the con-
example of the impact of high-quality trials on stituents of extracellular fluid [42]. However, none
clinical practice and the reaction from industry of the current proprietary solutions is truly ‘bal-
when results conflict with marketing expectations anced’ or ‘buffered’ due to the requirement to
[37]. Based on the currently available high-quality maintain electrochemical neutrality by substitut-
evidence, the use of HES for resuscitation provides ing anions such as lactate, acetate or gluconate
no clinical benefit and is associated with the instead of chloride and bicarbonate in these solu-
development of general, dose-dependent nephro- tions [48]. The administration of large volumes of
toxicity, adverse events and increased costs. It is these solutions is associated with the development
therefore difficult to justify its use in any patient of metabolic alkalosis and hypotonicity, the clinical
population. consequences of which are unclear.

Although crystalloids are increasingly being rec-

ommended and used in daily clinical practice,
As a consequence of high-quality evidence showing there is a need to conduct a large-scale, high-
a lack of benefit associated with colloids, clinical quality, randomized controlled trial to determine
practice guidelines increasingly recommend cryst- the efficacy, safety and effects on patient outcomes
alloids as first-line resuscitation fluids in high-risk of saline compared to proprietary preparations of
patients including for the treatment of sepsis [38], balanced salt solutions.
trauma [39], burns [40], dehydration and diabetic
emergencies [41] as well as during major surgery
Is the dose and timing of fluid important?
[42]. There is insufficient evidence to support these
recommendations and there is increasing concern Fluid resuscitation is a single component of a
about the safety and efficacy of crystalloids for complex resuscitation process with changing
resuscitation, both in terms of the type of crystal- requirements over the duration of acute illness
loid used and in the volumes administered. [1]. Fluids should primarily be used at all times to
correct symptomatic or clinically significant hypo-
Of the crystalloids, isotonic (0.9%) saline is the volaemia. Estimating hypovolaemia or evaluating
most commonly used fluid worldwide, particularly the response to fluid resuscitation is complex and
in the USA [2]. Despite widespread use, there is there is no single clinical or biochemical parameter
increasing concern about the effects of hyperchlo- that reflects the complexity of the circulation,
raemic metabolic acidosis induced by large vol- particularly under rapidly changing pathological
umes of saline. The clinical consequences of this conditions. Careful assessment of the history of
phenomenon are unclear but the findings of both the presenting problem, an understanding of the
animal and human volunteer studies have sug- trajectory of the illness and a clinical assessment

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that integrates trends in the levels of physiological compared to no fluid administration (RR 1.45, 95%
and biochemical markers are all required. CI 1.13 to 1.86, P = 0.003) [51]. The principal
cause of death in these patients was due to
Resuscitation of patients in shock has been cardiovascular collapse rather than fluid overload
described in four conceptual phases: an initial or neurological factors, suggesting an adverse
‘salvage’ phase in which the priority is life-saving interaction between bolus fluid administration
measures to restore vital organ perfusion; an and compensatory autonomic responses [52]. The
‘optimization’ phase to maintain the restored cir- generalizability of these results to adult patients in
culation; a ‘stabilization’ phase to prevent organ high-income regions has been questioned, but the
dysfunction following haemodynamic stabilization; validity of the trial and the findings question the
and a ‘de-escalation’ phase in which support is safety and efficacy of bolus fluid resuscitation in
weaned and intrinsic haemodynamic function is patients with compensated hypotension and at
restored [49]. least suggest the need for a high degree of caution
before and during administration.
Increasingly, the early use of vasopressors, such as
During this phase, typically between 0 and 24 h, noradrenaline or adrenaline, is recommended as
there is a high likelihood of symptomatic hypovol- an adjunctive resuscitation strategy during the
aemia, particularly following trauma or in patients salvage phase, mainly to reduce the volume of
with severe sepsis. Most resuscitation fluid should resuscitation fluid and to improve vital organ
be administered during the salvage phase. perfusion through augmentation of venous return,
mean arterial pressure and cardiac output.
Crystalloids, such as saline or balanced salt solu-
tions, are recommended as first-line fluids for
almost all patients. The exception is blood trans-
fusion for bleeding patients where fresh blood and During the optimization phase, typically between
blood products should be administered as soon as 24 and 72 h, the incidence of hypovolaemia is
practical following careful crystalloid resuscitation. substantially reduced. Smaller volumes of resus-
Albumin may have a role for resuscitation in sepsis citation fluid (5–15 mL/kg) are commonly admin-
during this phase [18, 19], although it is con- istered during this phase as part of the diagnostic
tradicted in patients with traumatic brain injury evaluation for suspected hypovolaemia, which is
[16]. frequently triggered by isolated physiological
causes such as oliguria or low central venous
An initial fluid ‘challenge’ or bolus of crystalloid is pressure.
recommended in doses of 20–30 mL/kg, primarily
as a treatment for hypovolaemia. Evidence to There is insufficient evidence to show that the
support the use of this dose is limited, and is administration of fluids in this context improves
based on consensus statements and treatment vital organ function, such as in patients with
guidelines [38]. There are emerging data to suggest acute kidney injury, or is effective in improving
that lower doses may be equally effective, for systemic perfusion or mean arterial pressure [53].
example as demonstrated in a recent randomized Most of the administered fluid, particularly in the
controlled trial of early goal-directed therapy in case of crystalloids, accumulates in interstitial
patients with sepsis [50]. tissues under conditions of increased tissue per-
meability. The overall net effect of the adminis-
The efficacy and safety of bolus fluid resuscitation tration of unnecessary and ineffective volumes is
has been challenged following publication of the not improvement in systemic haemodynamic
results of the Fluid Expansion as Supportive function, but an increase in cumulative fluid
Therapy (FEAST) study [6]. The FEAST study, balance and pathological, iatrogenic interstitial
conducted in febrile children with compensated oedema.
hypotension in resource-limited settings, demon-
strated that bolus resuscitation with albumin or The adverse effects of increased fluid balance and
saline was not associated with a difference in death the long-term outcomes, particularly increased
at 48 h, but that bolus resuscitation was associ- mortality and prolongation of mechanical ventila-
ated with a significant increase in death at 48 h tion, have been demonstrated in patients with

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J. A. Myburgh Review: Fluid resuscitation in acute medicine

Table 1 Pragmatic evidence-based recommendations for fluid resuscitation (with apologies to Rudyard Kipling)
What Use isotonic, buffered salt solutions as first-line resuscitation fluids
Consider isotonic saline in hypovolaemic, alkalotic patients
Use fresh whole blood or blood components in actively bleeding patients
Consider colloids in severely hypovolaemic patients as second-line resuscitation fluids
Where Use crystalloids for ease of access and stability in prehospital, military and low-income settings
Use blood products for acute haemorrhage in surgical and trauma resuscitation settings
When Fluid requirements change over time
Resuscitation fluids are a key intervention during the salvage phase of resuscitation (0–24 h)
Fluid requirements decrease during the optimization and stabilization phases of resuscitation (24–96 h)
Fluids should be reduced or restricted during the de-escalation phase (>96 h)
Why Resuscitation fluids should primarily be used to treat symptomatic hypovolaemia
Maintenance fluids should only be used in patients unable to maintain adequate enteral hydration
How Consider the history, cause and illness trajectory when selecting and administering resuscitation fluids
No single clinical or physiological parameter accurately measures intravascular volume
Identify and replace the fluid that is most likely to be lost with equivalent volumes
Consider serum osmolality and acid–base status when selecting a resuscitation fluid
Consider the early use of vasopressors with fluids, particularly during salvage and optimization
Consider cumulative fluid balance when selecting the dose of resuscitation fluid
Do not use fluids to treat isolated physiological perturbations such as oliguria
Use fluid boluses with caution in patients with compensated shock, particularly children
Use the smallest bolus volume necessary to treat hypovolaemia, particularly when salvage is completed
Use fluid challenges to diagnose fluid responsiveness with caution, particularly when salvage is completed
All fluids cause interstitial oedema; avoid excessive volumes of crystalloids
Who Albumin has a potential beneficial role as an adjuvant fluid in patients with sepsis and septic shock
Albumin is contraindicated in patients with traumatic brain injury
The safety of other colloids has not been established in patients with acute brain injury
Saline is the fluid of choice in patients with traumatic brain injury
Buffered salt solutions are recommended in patients undergoing major surgery and those with burns
The safety and efficacy of semi-synthetic colloids has not been established in any patient population
Hydroxyethyl starch is contraindicated in patients with severe sepsis
Hydroxyethyl starch is contraindicated in patients at risk of developing acute kidney injury
The safety and efficacy of hypertonic crystalloids has not been established in any patient population

sepsis [54] and the acute respiratory distress It is during this period that unnecessary fluid
syndrome (ARDS) [55]. administration, particularly ‘maintenance’ fluids
and administration for drug infusions, substan-
tially contributes to cumulative fluid balance.
The role and use of resuscitation fluids during the There is increasing debate about introducing
stabilization phase, which normally occurs between ‘restrictive’ fluid strategies to reduce and minimise
72 and 96 h, are similar during the optimization cumulative fluid balance, with some evidence that
phase. The incidence of hypovolaemia is low and these approaches are effective in reducing morbid-
therefore fluid challenges should be used infre- ity in surgical patients [56]. However, there is no
quently if at all, unless there are objective and mea- consensus or evidence-based guidelines to define
sureable losses of fluids that result in hypovolaemia. such strategies.

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during the course of critical illness requires the

same consideration and care that would be
The priority during the de-escalation or ‘de-resus- employed for the use of a potentially toxic drug.
citation’ phase, usually after 96 h or when haemo-
dynamic stability has returned, is to achieve a
Conflict of interest
negative fluid balance either by restricting intrave-
nous fluid administration or by increasing fluid Professor Myburgh’s institution, the George Insti-
removal through spontaneous or induced diuresis. tute for Global Health, has received reimbursement
There is insufficient evidence to recommend the for travel expenses, speaker’s fees and unrestricted
use of haemofiltration to achieve this in the grant funding and logistic support from Fresenius
absence of acute kidney injury [53]. Kabi in relation to the Crystalloid versus Hydroxy-
ethyl Starch Trial and reimbursement for travel
Whilst it may be intuitive to begin an active expenses and consultancy fees from Baxter Health-
strategy to remove excess fluid that has accumu- care.
lated over the preceding periods, restricting the use
of excessive and unnecessary volumes of fluids
would seem to be a more prudent and effective References
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