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A. Background Of Study
Nowadays, many people are listening music. It’s become an important thing for some
people. Furthermore, music also can become an entertainment. With so many of entertainments
in this world, music still be the best choice to entertain for the viability of human life. In
situation supported with the tightness of music industry competition. For example, in America,
the competition were so strict. It can be seen with so many of “new comer” in American music
industry which their album can surpass the record of most of the old singers. According to
music daily world on April 8th 2019, the Billie Eilish album sales up to 313,000 units and
Megan Trainor with 238,000 units. From the data above, it can be seen that Billie Eilish as a
new comer can beat Megan Trainor in the number of album sales. On top of that, a band from
another country, BTS from South Korea, is also joining the American music industry. And not
only that, BTS even joins Colombia Record as their label which is still under Sony Music

According to Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary of Current English in Wulandani

(2008:20) Song is singing; music for the voice, short poem or number of verse set to music
and intended to be sung. The other hand, song is a work that produced from selves experience
or a story that related with life. However, English song is song that produced in English. It
contains foreign language, so it can increase speaking skill especially in English. According to
Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary Language is a system of communication in speech and
writing used by people of a particular country. Gooh (Farhati, 2011: 1) argues that first
language as the first thing you learn in your life. Thus, the second language is any language
you can learn after you have the first language. Spoken language is more important than written
language, because actually from the first time we try to talk is by using spoken language and
we use it in our daily life. First, we start to talk (spoken language) after then start to learn

In mastering English as a foreign language, students have some problems of that. For
example, English has different sound in oral and written. So, in that case, students have to learn
deeper about English. Students in English literature has some problem is their classes. For
example, every class has some problem, there are students have had good pronounce, good
grammar, many vocabularies that they have, and they have coherence in speaking.
Furthermore, some students are not speaking English well. For example, if they were
answering the lecturer, they were asking their friend how’s in English. These occurs in one
class, there are many classes that had the same problem, but many student have an average
speaking skill.

In order to achieve the goals, it is important to make students learn English with more fun.
Therefore, it is a need to improve their speaking skill. One of the method to improve English
speaking skill is with English songs. Listening music is fun, so learning English by listening
music is more fun way of learning. English songs are easy to find and good for listening,
speaking and pronounce. Listening music everyday can make us to get used to listen English
and there are more benefits to take.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background, the problem in this study is:

1. How speaking skill level before gave treatment?

2. How speaking skill level after gave the treatment?
3. Effectiveness of English song as a method to improve English speaking skill toward
students’ English literature 2018?
C. Scope of the Study

This study focus on identifying How speaking skill level before given the treatment, how
speaking skill level after given the treatment, and effectiveness of English song as a method to
improve English speaking skill toward students English literature 2018.

D. Objective of the Study

The object of the study is the effectiveness to improve speaking skill toward students
English literature 2018 through English song as a method.

E. Review of the Related Studies

To make this research more valid, the researcher looks for the relevant researches dealing
with the subject of research and the researcher finds the same approach with the other students:
1. Veronica Cristamia (2014) in a graduate paper which titled “Improving Students’
Speaking Skill Through English Song And Puppets At Grade IV Of SD N Adisucipto
In The Academic Year Of 2013/2014”, contains that the implementation of English
songs and puppets improved the students’ speaking skill, especially their accuracy and
interest by providing them with various topics, songs, and activities. The indicators of
the success of the implementation were that: (1) Students were more motivated in
learning English and to be involved in speaking activities; (2) Students were actively
answer the question and give comment; (3) Students were more active in the speaking
activities during the teaching and learning process, and (4) There were many kinds of
activities in every meeting, and also pictures that make the students feel interested to
do the activities.
2. Intan Gusviani (2014) in a graduate paper which titled “The use of English song in
teaching listening skill (A quasi experimental of eleven grade of senior high school at
SMA NEGERI 4 Cimahi)” to find out the use of English song as a medium in
improving students’ listening skill and also investigate the responses given by students’
toward the use of English song in teaching listening skill. It can be concluded that the
use of songs improved the eleven graders students’ listening skill at SMAN 4 Cimahi.
The findings from questionnaires showed that the students enjoy the listening learning
process using English song. It is indicated from their enthusiasm in finishing the
listening test well and their answers to the questionnaires.

From the review that researcher do. There are different with my research that is
researcher using treatment toward students English literature 2018 to improve speaking
skill through English song as a method.

F. Method of Research
1. Data and Source of Data
a. Primary Data

The main data of research which will be processed. In this research, the writer will

us the main data from pre-test, post-test, and the questionnaire.

b. Supporting Data
Supporting data is complement data which can support the main data. In this

research the supporting data are taken from another sources such as journal, thesis, and

other sources related to this study.

2. Method of Collecting Data

This research use instrument to collecting data. These is questionnaire which include
indicator to observe the students speaking skill with do pre-test and post-test as a media.
Those have aims to make more accurate, because those can compare with condition
before and after given a treatment.

3. Method of Analyzing Data

The data were analyzed through experiment approaches.

1. Validating the questioner that will be used for pre-test and post-test.
2. Giving the pre-test to students. It in a face to face setting.
3. Giving the treatment that is listening English song.
4. Giving the post-test design. It in a face to face setting.
5. Conducting process data.

G. Theoretical Approach

In this paper, researcher uses a experiment approaches. According to Sugiyono (2017:72)

dalam penelitian eksperimen ada perlakuan (treatment). It means that experiment approaches
has different research from nature level or setting place.

However, the researcher uses this theory in this paper. According to Oktavia, In Indonesia,
the EFL learners’ proficiency is generally low. It is likely to have something to do with the
teachers’ low competence and/or performance. So that way EFL is very difficult to learn
especially English. Because English is not a mother language and also not a second language
in Indonesia. Therefore, to simplify the process of learning we can use English song to improve
the ability of foreign language.

Language learning is ability to knowing more language which students had to processing
for learning which it come to their self. Therefore, language learning can make students
communication well and do it with better than before.
According to Nirmawati (2015:8) “Johnson and Morrow said that speaking which is
popular with term ‘oral communication’, is an activity involving two or more people in which
hearers and speakers have to react to what they hear and make their contributions at a speed of
a high level”.

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