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Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive (PHPMA) 2017, Volume 5, Number 1: 24-27
E-ISSN: 2503-2356

Barriers for people who inject drug (PWID) to access

Published by DiscoverSys voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) at the
health centres in East Lombok CrossMark

Dany Karmila,1* Pande Putu Januraga,1,2 Ni Wayan Septarini1,2


Background and purpose: Utilisation of voluntary counselling Results: This study found that PWID preferred to use mobile VCT rather
and testing (VCT) by people who inject drug (PWID) in East Lombok than VCT at health centres because of scared of getting caught by police.
is low. This study aims to explore barriers for PWID to access VCT They also felt uncomfortable of using VCT service at the health centres due
service from community health centres in East Lombok, West Nusa to stigma and discrimination. In addition, lack of human resources at the
Tenggara. health centre was also found to be a significant barrier. This led to increased
Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in East Lombok. workload thus limited attention was given to quality of VCT service.
Data were collected using in-depth interviews. Nine participats Conclusions: Barriers to access VCT service at the health centre
were purposively selected consisted of five HIV negative PWID who include high stigma and discrimination from health provider and
repeatedly tested for HIV, one non-governmental organization official, living arrangements of PWID. To improve VCT access for PWID, effective
one field worker, one VCT counsellor and one medical doctor. Data were collaboration between health centres, private health institutions and
inductively analysed. village cadres are required.

Keywords: qualitative study, HIV, voluntary counselling and testing, IDU, PWID, East Lombok
Cite This Article: Karmila, D., Januraga, P.P., Septarini, N.W. 2017. Barriers for people who inject drug (PWID) to access voluntary counselling and
testing (VCT) at the health centres in East Lombok. Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive 5(1): 24-27. DOI:10.15562/phpma.v5i1.37

Public Health Postgraduate INTRODUCTION post test counselling to PWID. As a result, there is
Program Udayana University, possibility for PWID to not having comprehensive
School of Public Health Faculty of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired knowledge on the importance of HIV testing and
Medicine Udayana University Immunodeficiency Syndrom (HIV-AIDS) is one treatment, also due to technical problem in many
among many global health problems. The HIV cases, the test results could not be provided imme-
epidemic in Indonesia is considered as a concen- diately to PWID.4 It is critical to encourage PWID
trated epidemic with a prevalence of more than to utilize VCT service at the health centre rather
5% among key population such as men who have than the mobile VCT.5,6,7 This study aims to explore
sex with men (MSM), sex workers, transgender barriers to access VCT service at the health centre
and people who inject drug (PWID). The majority among PWID in East Lombok.
of HIV cases were found among productive aged
One of the provinces with increasing trend of
HIV prevalence among high risk groups is West
Nusa Tenggara. In 2014 there were 574 HIV and A qualitative study with inductive inquiry was
AIDS cases with 379 died cases reported in the conducted in East Lombok District. In-depth inter-
same year.2,3 views were conducted with nine participants who
One of the strategies implemented to prevent purposively selected in consultation with a local
new infection and death is increasing the cover- non-governmental organization/NGO. Participants
age of testing among high risk groups including consisted of five HIV negative PWID who repeat-
PWID. Data from East Lombok District AIDS edly accessed VCT service, one NGO official, one
Commission showed that the utilization of VCT field worker, one VCT counsellor, and one medical
service at the health centre among PWID was low. doctor. The study was conducted from March to
For example, within the last few months only one May 2016.
or two PWID accessed VCT service at the health In-depth interview was aimed to explore barri-
centre.4 In order to improve VCT coverage among ers to access VCT service at the health centres from
Correspondence to: Dany Karmila,
Public Health Postgraduate Program
PWID, health centres run a mobile VCT service at the PWID perspective. Prior to interview, every
Udayana University ‘IDUs hotspot’. Given the nature of mobile service, participant was provided participant information providers did not comprehensively deliver pre and sheet and informed consent was obtained. Data
24 Open access:

were inductively analysed by reading the scripts “Eeeee from 2012… our friends [PWID] prefer
repeatedly and considering meanings presented by mobile [VCT]…”
the texts. (NGO Staff, 34 years old)
The Planned Behaviour Theory was used to
unpack the barriers for PWID to access VCT A field worker also stated that PWID are afraid
service at the health centre. This theory describes to access VCT service at the health centre because
that barriers to access VCT service at the health they might be get caught by police if they were at
centre are influenced by PWID perceived barriers the health centre as can be seen in the following
which may originated from their norms or belief quote:
Meanings were identified through indexing “Our friends [PWID]… they like mobile [VCT]
several codes to generate several categories. All because it is more convenient for them and more
codes were merged into three categories and were comfortable as they do not have to go the health
use to guide the discussion or to answer the study centre. [they] are afraid as well if something
objectives. In order to improve data quality, triangu- happen at the health centre like get caught by
lation of data sources, peer debriefing and literature police…”
comparison were conducted.9,10,11 The study proto-  (Field worker, 36 years old)
col has been approved by Human Research Ethics
Committee of Kerti Praja Foundation, Denpasar. This study found that PWID with negative HIV
status accessed mobile VCT more often than VCT
Findings and Discussion at the health centre. In-depth interviews revealed
Barriers for PWID to access VCT service at the that mobile VCT is more favorable among PWID.
health centres were rooted in experiences of and This preference is influenced by their past expe-
motivations to utilizing the service. Until now, very riences when accessing VCT service at the health
limited PWID actually utilized VCT service at the centre. They feel uncomfortable at the health centre
health centre. They preferred to access the mobile because of the general health staff attitudes toward
VCT service. In addition, they also have low moti- them, they have to face new people, and they also
vation to access VCT service at the health centre. feel unsafe at the health centre as they might be
These are elaborated below. caught by police if they were at the health centre.
There is a suspicion among participants that the
Barriers from the PWID Perspective health centres joined with the police department
PWID with HIV negative status who repeatedly to catch them. Furthermore, motivations of PWID
access VCT service preferred to use mobile VCT to access VCT service at the health centre is low. It
than the service provided at the health centres. might be a result of lack of internal motivation from
Some participants only accessed mobile VCT but them and also limited support systems available to
never visited health centres for HIV testing. The encourage them to access VCT service at the health
following quotes illustrate this situation. centre. Other study found that external support
from relatives or friends can improve utilization of
“mobile at my friend house, well [we] call our VCT service.12
friends to gather there… then [our] blood were Mobile VCT in this study area is organized by
taken” community health centres in collaboration with
 (VCT3, 23 years old) local NGO. Local NGO is tasked to invite PWID
and to prepare the location. The community health
“[I] was invited by my friend to attend a health centres will come to a designated place. This strat-
education at [their] house” egy allows greater VCT coverage among PWID.4,6
 (VCT2, 23 years old) Mobile VCT eases the access to HIV testing for
PWID who live far out from the health centres
The NGO staff also echoed similar view by stat- and allows greater HIV testing coverage among
ing that mobile VCT is more favorable than VCT PWID.5
at the health centre. A field worker also stated that This study found that PWID experienced stigma
PWID are more comfortable accessing mobile VCT from health providers at the community health
since they do not have to be at the health centres centres. It can be explained that general health staff
or meet up with new people which make them are not well-exposed with HIV information leading
uncomfortable. This can be seen in the following to fear and moralizing people with HIV. They often
quote: associated people living with HIV as being immoral

Published by DiscoverSys | Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive 2017; 5(1): 24-27 | doi: 10.15562/phpma.v5i1.37 25

and they acquired HIV because they do not obey number of doctors available at the health centre. In
to religion and local values. In addition, posters addition, doctors might also be overburdened with
on HIV and AIDS placed at the health centres also other health programs. Even though VCT counsel-
enhance fear among PWID to access VCT service lor and laboratorium analyst are always available at
at the health centre. A study conducted in primary the VCT clinic, PWID expect a physician to serve
health care settings at Llorin-Nigeria found that as them as they are more comfortable to discuss their
many as 87.7% of general health staff were afraid health problems with physician. They also believe
of contracting HIV which leads to stigma and that physician will help them to build their self-es-
discrimination.13 teem too.
PWID also experience stigma and discrim- This study also found that opening time for
ination from communities around their home. VCT service at the health centre is also a significant
Local NGO staff explained that PWID are mindful barrier. VCT service at the health centre follows
that their families were disappointed. As a result, the opening and closing time of the health centre,
they receive little supports from their families. which is not convenient for PWID. They are work-
Furthermore, existing beliefs in the local commu- ing in the morning until late afternoon. If PWID
nities that drug users cannot be cured especially wish to access VCT service at the health centre,
when they infected with HIV also perpetuate this they must ask for a permission from their employer
stigma and discrimination.8,14,15 which is not always an easy thing. The majority of
VCT staff are also contractual position and almost
“For stigma and discrimination… often faced by impossible for them to provide extra hour service
new PWID. It mainly comes first from families without permission from the head of health centre.
and second from their surroundings”. Opening and closing time at the health centre are
 (NGO staff, 34 years old) bound to the health centre policy and it is hardly
changed. This can be seen in the following quote:
Other study has also found that social rejec-
tion leads to a low service coverage. In order to “For me… It is probably more related with time.
improve service utilization among PWID, a safe, VCT service usually open at 7.30 until 12 am.
comfortable and conducive environment should After that the doctor is probably unavailable,
be provided. This requires partnership between also people at the VCT clinic is often unavailable
governments, district and village officials, health after 12 am”.
cadres and community leaders to improve coverage  (VCT5, 27 years old)
of HIV education program and to ensure the stigma
reduction programs were in place.16 Furthermore, medical doctor at the health
centre explained that PWID still experience stigma
Barriers from health provider from the general health staff. Even though health
The availability of health human resources is a key education on HIV and AIDS has been conducted
barrier for implementing VCT service at the health at the health centres, some health providers are still
centre. As a result, the VCT staff are also responsi- judgemental about PWID and fear about HIV and
ble for other health programs. This means that they AIDS. This can be seen in the following quote:
must split their attention not only to VCT program
but also to other health programs.4 “Yeah there is still a high stigma from yeah
The availability of physician during the service health providers, for example if the health staff
provision is also viewed by health providers as knew the patient who went to VCT clinic… They
another key barrier. PWID are more reluctant to start to freak out…”
open their HIV status or to access HIV-related (Physician, 47 years old)
services if no physician is available. In fact, physi-
cian is not always available at the health centre as This study revealed that PWID still experienced
explained by the local NGO staff. This can be seen stigma and discrimination from general health staff
in the following quote: at community health centres. Stigma and discrim-
ination inhibit PWID to access HIV services at
“The doctor is not available, so our friends the health centre thus can reduce the coverage of
[PWID] who have a health problem are unable HIV services among key population. This might
to see the doctor” be associated to the lack of comprehensive HIV
 (Local NGO, 34 years old) and AIDS knowledge among health providers and
moral judgements attached to PWID. These further
This study found that medical doctor is not perpetuate stigma and discrimination against
always available at the VCT clinic due to limited PWID.17

26 Published by DiscoverSys | Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive 2017; 5(1): 24-27 | doi: 10.15562/phpma.v5i1.37

CONCLUSION 7. Ministry of Health of Indonesia. Pedoman Pelayanan VCT

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Published by DiscoverSys | Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive 2017; 5(1): 24-27 | doi: 10.15562/phpma.v5i1.37 27

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