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Background of the Study

Pollution is the introduction of a contaminant into the environment. Pollution

has a detrimental effect on any living organism in an environment, making it virtually

impossible to sustain life. Pollution is caused by industrial and commercial waste,

agricultural practices, everyday human activities and most notably, modes of


The Philippines is an archipelago, which means it is made up of a group of

islands and is rich in bodies of water such as the oceans, rivers, and lakes. However,

according to the data released by Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA) in

2005, 42.89% of the waters in the Philippines are contaminated. (Study Mode.

06.2013) This contamination is known as water pollution. It occurs when water

running over the land surface and through the ground collects natural or human-made

pollutants and deposits to the water bodies. Sources of water pollution are either from

point and non-point sources. Point sources of pollution come from precise locations or

identifiable sources live industrial discharges, municipal wastewater effluents,

manufacturing processing operations, septic systems and raw sewage. On the other

hand, non-point sources are diverse sources and origins like agricultural run-off, oil

grease and toxic chemicals run-off, leachate from municipal solid waste, oil spills and

illegal dumping. (National State of the Brown Environment Report, 2009)

Water pollution can sway the balance of an ecosystem resulting in danger to

natural wildlife of aquatic environments. It has a negative effect on the delicate

balance of the ecosystem. It destroys organisms that provide foods for other animals.

It can cause water shortage due to polluted water supplies. Harmful substances in
water cause human illnesses and diseases. Cholera and typhoid fever are caused by

eating shellfish taken from polluted water. Serious damage to the brain, kidneys, and

liver may result from drinking water that contains lead or mercury. (Fears, 2009),

(Tolentino,, 2008)

Globally, the effluents that are discharged from wastewater treatment systems

represent one of the largest sources of pollution. The negative impacts of these

effluents to aquatic ecosystems and to humans, from harmful substances found in

them have been documented both at national and international levels Some of these

impacts can include death of aquatic life, algal blooms, habitat destruction from

sedimentation, debris, and increased water flow and other short and long term toxicity

from chemical contaminants; in combination with chemical accumulation and

magnification at higher levels of the food chain. (Akpor O. B., 2011 as cited in

Canada Gazzette, 2010).

Bioassay test determines the relative strength of a substance by comparing its

effect on a test organism with that of standard preparation. It also examine the toxicity

of a medium, usually water, soil, or sediment, by evaluating exposure effects on a

variety of organisms. Typically an organism is exposed to the medium of interest for a

pre-determined period. Observations and measurements made during, and after the

test are called endpoints. Endpoints determine if the test organism was negatively

impacted from exposure to the medium. Bioassays may also be called toxicity tests.

(EIM, 2013)

Hence, this research was conducted to address some problems in water

pollution in the country and to determine possible effects of wastewater to the living

organisms in bodies water by conducting a bioassay test.

Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aimed to determine the effects of effluents from selected

creeks in Pinsao Pilot Project, Baguio City. Specifically, it aims to:

1. Determine if EC50 will be established by any treatment from the two sources of


2. Determine if there are significant difference in the EC50 or mortality means

between and among the treatments (after 48 hours) by the sources of wastewater.

3. Determine which treatment will have the highest and lowest mortality for Daphnia

magna (after 48 hours).

4. Determine which source will have higher and lower mortality for Daphnia magna

(after 48 hours).

Significance of the Study

Bodies of water are one of the most significant resources for human being.

Most of the residents in the Cordillera Administrative Region and in the whole

Philippines are dependent on the water bodies for their domestic activities like using

water for washing clothes, bathing and others. People also use water for economic

related activities like source of irrigation and the like. Studies therefore are very

significant in order to provide relevant and useful data regarding the resource under


A bioassay was conducted to determine the toxic effects of effluent to the

mortality of Daphnia magna. This study is important because it provides the complete

response of the test organism to all compounds present in wastewater. The test
organisms represent the living organisms (fauna) in the bodies of water because of

their psychological similarities.

Wastewater coming from the different residents will be carried and disposed

to the bodies of water, thus contaminating it. Therefore, the findings of this study will

provide benchmark information for those interested in finding out the useful value of

Daphnia magna as well as the people, for them to be aware about the water quality of

the wastewater from the selected creeks of the community. With this it will eliminate

the chance of the extinction of living organisms in bodies of water.

Furthermore, results of this study will also provide basis for the local

government units concerned in formulating rules and regulations on the proper

management of wastewater for better economic endeavours.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Generally, this study aimed to determine the effects of effluents from selected

creeks in Pinsao Pilot Project, Baguio City. Specifically, it aims to determine if EC 50

will be reached by any treatment from two sources of wastewater, determine if there

are significant difference in the EC50 or mortality means between and among

treatments (after 48 hours), and to determine which source and treatment will have the

highest and lowest mortality for Daphnia magna (after 48 hours).

A bioassay test was conducted by preparing different treatments with varying

concentrations of effluent. The set-up is in laboratory conditions and considered as

controlled experiment.

Water sample testing of the effluent’s possible contaminants was not

conducted but was identified through citations from acceptable and local references
with similar conditions. These were mentioned in the Review of Literature of this

research paper.

Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted from July to August, 2013 in the Science Laboratory

of Pinsao National High School, Pinsao Pilot Project, Baguio City.

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