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This study would not have been possible without the full support, guidance and

assistance of the following individuals who extended their untiring efforts that inspired

the researchers to finish this research paper. The researchers wish to extend their heartfelt

gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of this study;

To their supportive adviser, Zybrinskie T. Bangcado, for his guidance, financial

support, patience, provisions, reminders, corrections and comments done to make this

project of best quality;

To Ma’am Wilen Mina-Galvan of University of the Philippines- Baguio (Biology

Department) for her generosity in giving Daphnia Magna to the researchers and to her

valuable advices for culturing the test organisms;

To the faculty and staffs of Pinsao National High School for their unending

support to this project;

Special thanks to their parents, Mr. Benson Calawen and Mrs. Naty Calawen; Mr

Jose Alalag and Ellen Alalag ; Mr. Godfrey Ayan and Mrs. Carmelita Ayan for their

unending love and affections, pieces of advice, guidance, efforts, sacrifices, and financial

and moral support;

To their siblings and relatives for their guidance and love, financial and moral


To their friends and classmates who cheered them during the tough times of the


And most of all, to the Almighty Father, who is the source of all knowledge and

that, lent the researchers the thinking power to this research, for his countless blessings,

love and guidance from whom everything was made possible.


Wastewater pollution has always been a major problem throughout the world. It

destroys organisms that provide foods for other animal and can cause water shortage due

to polluted water supplies. Harmful substances in water cause human illnesses and


Generally, this study aimed to determine the effects of effluents from selected

creeks in Pinsao Pilot Project, Baguio City. Specifically, it aims to determine if EC50 will

be reached by any treatment from two sources of wastewater, determine if there are

significant difference in the EC50 or mortality means between and among treatments

(after 48 hours), and to determine which source and treatment will have the highest and

lowest mortality for Daphnia magna (after 48 hours).

A bioassay test ( Acute Toxicity Testing) to observe the effects of the effluent

with the idea that the death of the test organisms could mean the occurrence of toxic

contaminants in the effluent.

T1 in both of the sources established an EC50 because above 50% of the daphnids

subjected in this treatment died. Statistical analysis showed that there is no significant

difference between and among the treatments. T1 in both of the sources has the highest

total of dead daphnia. Higher total of mortality was obtained in source 2 (21 dead

Daphnia). This research therefore, must be presented to the stakeholders of Pinsao Pilot

Project for them to be aware about the quality of water in the creeks and for them to find

ways to mitigate water pollution in the community.



Title Page………………………………………………………………...... ..... i

Acknowledgements…………………………………………………............ ii

Abstract………………………………………………………………........... iv

Table of Contents……………………………………………………........... v

List of Tables………………………………………………………….......... viii

List of Map…………………………………………………………………..

List of Figures.......................................................................................... x

List of Plates…………………………………………………………............ xi

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………….. 1

Background of the Study……………………………………… 1

Objectives of the Study……………………………………….. 3

Significance of the Study……………………………………... 3

Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………………… 4

Locale and Time of the Study………………………………….. 5

REVIEW OF LITERATURE……………………………………………. 6

Nature of Bioassay……………………………………………… 6

Water Pollution in Urban Areas…………………………………. 7

Daphnia Magna as Test Organism in Bioassay………………… 10

Other Organisms Used in Bioassay………………………………… 13

Water Quality of the Cordillera Administrative Region……….. 16

Other Researches on Bioassay Using Daphnia Magna…………….. 18


Daphnia Magna as Test Organism…………………………………. 24

Propagation and Culture of Daphnia ………………………….. 25

Effluent……………………………………………………………. 26

Effluent Collection site………………………………………….. 27

Methodology………………………………………………………... 27

Experimental Design……………………………………………….. 27

Bioassay Experiment……………………………………………….. 27

Data Collection Parameters…………………………………………. 29

Statistical Analysis…………………………………………………… 29

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………………………………………….. 30


Summary………………………………………………………………. 36

Conclusions……………………………………………………………. 37

Recommendations……………………………………………………… 37

LITERATURE CITED………………………………………………………… 39

APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………. 45

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH…………………………………………………...



Table No.

1. Mortality or EC 50 of dead Daphnia per treatment in Source 1 (Purok 7)


2. One- Way Analysis of Variance on the Mortality

Rate of Daphnia in Source 1…………………………………

3. One- Way Analysis of Variance on the Mortality

Rate of Daphnia in Source 2………………………………….

4. Mortality of Daphnia magna in Source 1 (Purok 7)……………

5. Mortality of Daphnia magna in Source 2 (Purok 3)……………..

6. Total number of dead Daphnia in Source 1 and Source 2…..

7. Raw data on the Moratlity of Daphnia (Source 1-Purok 7)…..

8. Raw data on the Moratlity rate of Daphnia (Source 2-Purok 3)…..

9. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 20 minutes

( Source 1)………………………………………….. ………….

10. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 2 hours ( Source 1)…

11. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 1 day( Source 1)..........

12. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 2 days(Source 1)……..

13. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 20 minutes ( Source 2)….

14. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 2 hours ( Source 2)……….

15. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 1 day( Source 2)………….

16. pH and Temperature of Effluent After 2 days( Source 2)……..........

TEST MATERIAL: Creek Effluent (Source 1)

17.1 Observation after 5 minutes………………………………………

17.2 Observation after 10 minutes…………………………………….

17.3 Observation after 20 minutes…………………………………….

17.4 Observation after 1 hour…………………………………………..

17.5 Observation after 2 hours………………………………………

17.6: Observation after 3 hours………………………………………….

17.7 Observation 24 hours…………………………………………………

17.8 Observation 48 hours…………………………………………………

TEST MATERIAL: Creek Effluent (Source 2)

18.1 Observation after 5 minutes………………………………………

18.2 Observation after 10 minutes…………………………………….

18.3 Observation after 20 minutes…………………………………….

18.4 Observation after 1 hour…………………………………………..

18.5 Observation after 2 hours…………………………………………

18.6: Observation after 3 hours………………………………………….

18.7 Observation 24 hours…………………………………………………

18.8 Observation 48 hours…………………………………………………


Map No. Page

1 Map Representation of the Collection site………………………………


Figure No. Page


Plate No. Page

1. Daphnia Magna as Test Organism…………………………….. 24

2. Collection of Effluent in Purok 7, P.P.P.(Source 1)……………

3. Collection of Effluent in Purok 7, P.P.P.(Source 2)……………

4. Labelling of the Test Bottles…………………………………….

5. Measuring of the Test Substance…………………………………..

6. Filtering of the Test Substance……………………………………

7. Pouring of the Test substance with a concentration to

the test bottle……………………………………………………….

8. Transferring of Daphnids to the Test Bottles ……………………..

9. Test Bottles with treatments of varying

concentrations (Source 1)………………………………………..

10. Test Bottles with treatments of varying concentrations (Source 2)….

11. Taking of Observations………………………………………….


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