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ST – Mastery 35%

Strategies Planned
 Math Lesson: practicing multiplying/dividing decimal problems that will be on their test
 Math Lesson: demonstrating some practice problems before they begin working on their
problems individually
 Guided Reading Lesson: Teaching aspects of finding theme, which was a newer concept
 Guided Reading Lesson: Demonstrating elements of the plot line with beginning, rising action,
climax, falling action, resolution
 Writing Lesson: I will have a demonstration of a letter I wrote for the students to reference if
they need help with formatting their letter
 Science Lesson 1: Direct instruction of producers, consumers, and decomposers was a new
concept for students
 Science Lesson 2: the pictures students will bring in showing various ways they are helping the
environment act as a demonstration for the rest of the class and anyone else who sees the

Multiple Intelligences fostered

  Body/Kinesthetic: students moving from station to station (guided reading lesson)

SF – Interpersonal 35%

Strategies Planned
 Math Lesson: Math Test Review Game – Students are asked to work as a team to find clues to
solve math problems in preparation for their test
 Math Lesson: Students are working as a class and group in order to unscramble the envelopes at
the end of the lesson that had words on them that led them to their reward
 Guided Reading Lesson: Group discussions in guided reading groups about the story we read
and their opinions on various choices made throughout the story
 Writing Lesson: Students will share their writing with me as I am walking around and
conferencing as well as when we share an example of why we think the wolf is innocent and why
we think he is guilty at the end of the lesson
 Science Lesson 1: Working in groups of 2 researching and investigating a specific producer,
consumer, or decomposer and the affect it has on the food chain.
 Science Lesson 2: Working in groups of 4 to research their aspect of global warming
 Science Lesson 2: sharing group posters with the rest of their class on their aspect of global

Multiple Intelligences fostered
  Musical/Rhythmic – extension activities with songs about global warming
  Interpersonal – group collaboration on posters for both science lessons

NI - Understanding 20%
Strategies Planned
 Math Lesson: Solving problems in order to reach a conclusion and find the next clue
 Guided Reading Lesson: Using evidence from the story to support their reasoning
 Writing Lesson: Using evidence to debate if we think the wolf was innocent or guilty
 Science Lesson 1: Using evidence based on what we know to determine what would happen if an
organism was removed from the food chain – how would it affect the rest of the organisms in the
 Science Lesson 1: Using a hypothesis to guide their thinking about how living things rely on each
 Science Lesson 2: Comparing and Contrasting the size of the ice cubes throughout the lesson
 Science Lesson 2: problem solving – we know global warming is a problem and we play an
important role in finding the solution, what can we do?

Multiple Intelligences fostered

  Intrapersonal – creative writing essays based on their beliefs if the wolf is innocent or
  Verbal/Linguistic – Presenting their posters to the class and explaining aspects of their

NF – Self-expressive 10%
Strategies Planned
 Math Lesson: Math Test Review Game – Students are asked to work as a team to find clues to
solve math problems in preparation for their test
 Math Lesson: Students are working as a class and group in order to unscramble the envelopes at
the end of the lesson that had words on them that led them to their reward
 Guided Reading Lesson: Group discussions in guided reading groups about the story we read
and their opinions on various choices made throughout the story
 Writing Lesson: Students will share their writing with me as I am walking around and
conferencing as well as when we share an example of why we think the wolf is innocent and why
we think he is guilty at the end of the lesson
 Science Lesson 1: Working in groups of 2 researching and investigating a specific producer,
consumer, or decomposer and the affect it has on the food chain.
 Science Lesson 1: Creating a hypothesis on how they think living things rely on eachother
 Science Lesson 2: Working in groups of 4 to research their aspect of global warming
 Science Lesson 2: sharing group posters with the rest of their class on their aspect of global

Multiple Intelligences fostered

  Logical/Mathematical – creating a hypothesis in each science lesson, solving math
problems to prepare for their upcoming test
  Visual/Spatial – creative aspects of their posters requires drawing and making use of
  Naturalist – discuss the effect of producers, consumers, and decomposers on the
environment as well as the repercussions of global warming

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