DEMO Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan for

Kaffir Boy

Prepared by:

Princess Sarah A. David

Teacher 1 – Applicant
UAN: T15322294
I. Objectives

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of

how world literature and other text types serves as instruments to
resolve social conflicts also how to use the language of research,
campaigns and advocacies.
B. Performance Standard: The learner competently presents a
research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives (LC CODE)
EN10RC-IVd-2.13 Distinguish facts from beliefs:
EN10VC-lvd-29: Appraise the unity of plot, setting and
characterization in material viewed to achieve writer’s purpose:
EN10LC-lvh-14.3: Show appreciation

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
a. Unlock words through dictionary meaning / context clues;
b. Arrange the highlight excerpt through “pic-to-dialogue”
(picture with dialogue)
c. give the significance of education by creating a campaign hero ad
its campaign ad;
d. recognize the value of education

II. Content Excerpt from The Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane

III. Learning Resources Writing Implement: USB: Speaker: TV; Net book

A. References
1. Learner’s Material pages pp. 460-464
2. Additional materials from learning resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Materials cartolina; pens, tapes, crayons

IV. Procedures

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting new lesson

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Let us pray first … “ (One students will lead the prayer)

“Good morning class!” “Good morning, Ma’am Sarah!”

“Before you take your seat, kindly

check if there are pieces of paper under
your chair and see the alignment of your
(Checking of Attendance) (The secretary of the class will list down
all the names of the absentees for the
day on a ¼ sheet of paper and submit it
to the teacher.)

(“So, how’s your day? Is it good so “It is great Ma’am!”


“That’s good to know!”

“Now let us have a short review about (Let the students answer.)
what you have learned yesterday. Who
would like to remind us?”

“Very good! Do you have any questions “None, Ma’am”

or clarifications regarding the last

“If none, let us process to our lesson for


(The teacher will play the “Graduation March Song”)
“Few weeks from now, you’ll be moving up form this institution
wherein this music will be the background song of yours, to all your
hardships and hard works at school.
On the table is a “Well of Ignorance”. Class what do we mean by
ignorance? (Let the student answer) From the list on the board, identify the
words or statements showing the possible result of ignorance. Drop the
results in the well but, before you drop each possible result, explain your
reason for choosing it.

B. Establishing purpose of the lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
“Very good, class! You were able to
explain your reasons well before
dropping each possible results of
ignorance to our Well here.”

“For today class, we’re going to discuss

an excerpt on how to liberate oneself
form ignorance and its possible result.

“Are you ready class?” “Yes Ma’am!”

C. Presenting examples / instances of the new lesson.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


“Before moving on our topic, let us first

unlock the difficult words that are
present in the excerpt.”

“What can you see in front class?” “Lock and keys, Ma’am!”

“Yes, we have here in front are big keys

and locks. The words the words that we
need to unlock is written on the locks
while the meaning are written on the
keys and I call this keys “keys of
knowledge”. What are you going to do Words to unlock:
is match the right key to each right lock.  dreadful
In other words, match the right meaning  latter
to its right word. If you find it hard to  shattered
select the right key or meaning to the  dabbing
lock or word just pull the excess paper  shun
on the right part of the lock for you to  mere
see the word in the sentence. Use this
 yawning
sentence as a guide clue for you to be
 Kaffir
able to find the right meaning. Read the
word, its meaning and example sentence
(Let the students perform the activity.)

“Very good class, it is nice that you

were able to unlock the meaning of the
following words and used those words
in your own sentence.

“By the way class, what have you

observed with the sample sentences that
we have in front, aside from the
sentence that your classmates gave a
while ago. Does it look familiar to you?
“Yes Ma’am!”
“In what way do the sentences became
(Let the students answer)
familiar to you?

“Okay class our sample sentences that

we have here on the board are all taken
from the excerpt that we are going to
discuss today.”
“Have you read the excerpt from the
novel Kaffir Boy that I asked you to
read?” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Who among you have an idea or

looked the meaning of the word Kaffir?” “An insulting term used for black
people in South Africa?”

“Who is the author of the particular

excerpt class” “Mark Mathabane is the author of the
Kaffir Boy Ma’am.”
“Very Good! Class I have here some
information about Mathabane, but
before that may I ask you class what is
your idea when we talk about Africa?
What comes into your minds? (Let the students answer.)

“It is nice that you have knowledge

about Africa class. (The teacher will
show pictures of Mark Matahbane. This
is Mark Mathabane the author of Kaffir

“His real name is Johannes Matahbane,

born on October 18, 1960. He is now
living in United States but he is a South
African in nationality. He is a South
African author, lecturer, a former
collegiate tennis player and a college
professor. He is known for being a
Kaffir Boy back to his childhood.”



“To deepen your understanding about

the excerpt that you have read, I will
group you into four and what you will
do is to arrange the disarranged picture
dialogue showing the highlight of the
excerpt which I will give to your group.
Once you are done, you need to have
one group mate who is hold your work (Let the students perform the activity.)
in front.
(See the attached page)
“Okay class, it is nice that you were able
to arrange the sequence of the picture
dialogue. Let us see who got it
perfectly! (The teacher shows the right
sequence of the picture dialogue.)

“Let us give a round of applause to

those groups who got the right

“In the beginning, what is the boy’s “The boy disliked school because he
initial attitude toward going to school? knew nothing about what actually went
on there.”

“Why did the boy’s father doesn’t want “The father did not want his son to go
him to go to school?” school because the father didn’t go to
school as well.”

“What was the boy’s mother point of (Let the students answer.)
view about school?”

“What does the mother promise to the (Let the students answer.)

“From the picture dialogue that you

have arranged from your activity a while
ago, what was the boy’s realization in
the end?” Would you have the same
realization like the boy in the story?
Explain. (Let the students answer.)

“Explain the line: … education is the

key you need to open up new world and
new life for yourself.” (Let the students answer.)

D. Discussing new concept and practicing new skill.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Class, who are your favorite heroes?” (Let the students answer.)

“What is your reason of having that (Let the students answer.)

particular hero as your favorite one?”

…… campaign ad.

“With the same four groups a while ago.

Each group will have a representative
that will represent the group in front and
explain their work into three to four
sentences. What you are going to do is
to draw a hero character on which is
education will have a hero character,
what will it looks like? Also create a
campaign add relevant to education to
your hero. Make your work as creative
as you can in less than five minutes.
Post immediately your group work on
the board, once I said stop, finish or not
finish, your group representative will
have to present your group work. We
will start from group one down to the (The students will do the assigned task
last group. as a group.)
(see the criteria on the attached page)

F. Developing mastery for formative assessment.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

(Each group will present their work.)

“Congratulations to all the groups
because you were able to create you
hero for education and you were also
able to give its campaign ad.”

G. Finding practical application of concepts and skill for practical living.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
“Class, since this school year is almost
end and sooner you are going to face
another level of your studies, what
inspires or motivates you to keep
going?” (Let the students answer.)

“Are you studying because you don’t

have a choice? You have personal
intentions and dreams that make you
pursue more school?
“What are your plans and dreams?” (Let the students answer.)

WELL … of Knowledge
and not of Ignorance

“A while ago, we had what we so called

“Well of Ignorance”, now can I have
one volunteer to remove the remaining
statements on the board from the
previous activity?”

“If you are going to place it or throw it

into the well, how will you going to call
that well?” (Let the students answer.)

“Very good! The remaining statements

that we have are the results of having
understanding and knowledge and it
should be placed into the “Well of

H. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Very good class! It is nice that you

have realizes the importance of the
excerpt that the author want you to

Now let us know where is the author



“This time, I would like to share a video

presentation after which, I am going to
ask you questions." (Let the students answer.)

“Class, what is the common in the video

that we have to our selection today?” (Let the students answer.)

“Very good class!” At the end of the

video what have you realized?”

“It is nice class that you were able to

realize the worth of education in one’s
life. Now, I am sure that you were all
able to learn what the author wants to
realize from the excerpt.”
Now, are you ready to fill your own
“Well of Knowledge”? “Yes, Ma’am!”

“Then, I congratulate all of you in

(The teacher will play the Graduation
March Song.)
I. Evaluative Learning
Class, this time, I want you to group yourselves again into four and then
discuss and share with your group mates who inspires you to pursue
studying? It could be family members, teachers, class mates, friends or
the like. Then as a group you will need to come up with your own
quotation based from your group ideas about education. Write your
quotation you made on the Manila paper provided for your group.
Include the most numbered of person influences your group mates to
pursue studying. You will only have five minutes to do the activity, once
the time is up, you have to post your work on the board and present it.
We will start with the last group up to the first group.

(Rubrics will be given before doing the activity.)

Organization of Ideas: 5 points
Word choice: 5 points
Following instructions: 5 points
Grammar: 5 points
Total 20 points

“Very good class, all of the groups were able to come up with your own quotation
about education.”

J. Additional Activity: for application and remediation

Show the similarities and differences of students’ attitude towards studies
and now through a Venn diagram on a one whole sheet of paper. You can make
interviews for supporting ideas.

Prepared by:

Princess Sarah A. David

Teacher 1 – Applicant
Correct Sequence of the “Pic-to-dialogue”

Rubrics on: My EDUCATION Hero

….. campaign ad.
Creativity: 10 points
Presentation: 10 points
Total 20 points

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