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1. Technical aptitude.

In this section there were totally 50 technical questions, with 4 options for each question,
depending on different branches. Time duration was 45 min. Some of the questions I
remember are. …….
1. Which metal/alloy is used in railway tracks _____ ?
2. Hydraulic press works on the principle ______?
3. If e=0 body is said to be ______?
4. Which has max poisons ratio ______ ?
5. Coplanar, concurrent forces equilibrium eqn ______.?
6. For simply supported beam with load at midspan bending moment is given by eqn
7. In I.C Engine petrol efficiency is given by ________ Number?
8. Emissivity of white body at all temperature & pressure is______?
9. Rod is manufactured using ______ process?
10. In ball bearing which is harder ______ ?
11. Equilibrium eqn for non-coplanar, concurrent forces _______ ?
12. An ice cube is placed in a glass filled with water, when the ice cube melts the level of
water will be ______?
13. On burning chemical fuel which energy will release _______?
14. Which has +ve displacement ________?
15. Governor hunting is ______?

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