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About Chakra

Perhaps you know what a chakra is or you may have read or heard about chakras. And you know that there is more to you that just the physical body.

You know that your body is an energetic system through which the universal life force flows. Your seven chakras are a part of this energetic system - they are a part of your energetic self. They connect you with
the larger part of yourself, the universe, and at the same time they hold the secrets to your unique self, your unique soul.

Maybe you are curious and you want to learn more about your chakras - these powerhouses of energy - spinning wheels of life.

r perhaps you want to learn more about your connection to the universe - to all that is around you and within you. And maybe you'd like to re-discover and re-connect with the unique soul residing within the
deepest parts of yourself.

No matter where you are at, exploring this website will help you to:

o discover your path of healing and spiritual growth

o learn more about who you are
o unleash the power to direct your own life
o find your own path
o awaken your intuition
o empower yourself in all aspects of life
o find your inner balance
o explore the seven energy centers and your energetic anatomy in depth
o learn powerful techniques to feel better emotionally, spiritually, and physically
o master principles of energy transformation and healing
o harness the power of your subtle body for self healing and transformation
o gain insight into advanced energy healing wisdom

So Lets Explore in depth

Root Chakra - Muladhara

The first of the seven energy centers, Muladhara is associated with the element of earth and grounding. Explore Muladhara and learn how to harness the power of this energy centre

Explore the first chakra in depth. Learn how to balance and harness the power of this energy center.

The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine.

It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth.

Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras - it is your survival center. Your fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra. This is your primal, animal nature.

The energy of Muladhara allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during trying times. It connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their triumphs.

Since base chakra carries our ancestral memories, basically everyone experiences challenges or blockages within muladhara.

War, famine, natural disasters, and any events that threaten our basic survival, are all recorded within energies of the first chakra.

These memories are imprinted in the subtle body and are passed down from generation to generation creating unconscious generational patterns.

It is our work to take responsibility for our own lives and bring to light that which is unconscious.

All of the seven chakras are important and interconnected with each other. Usually, balancing one chakra will create change in another chakra.

It is important though to balance the root chakra first, before we proceed to others, or we will lack the stability and rootedness necessary for true transformation and personal growth.

We cannot grow and change unless we feel safe and secure.

First Chakra at a glance:
Sanskrit name: Muladhara - root support
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Shape: Square
Petals of the lotus: Four
Seed sound: LANG
Vowel sound: O
Rights: To have
Endocrine gland: Adrenal cortex
Physical association:The skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, blood
Psychological function: Survival and self preservation
Identity: Physical identity
Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months
Challenge: Fear
Plane: Physical plane
Planets: Saturn, Earth
Deity: Brahma, Dakini, Ganesha
Mythological Animal White elephant with seven trunks
Sense organ: Nose
Predominant sense: Smell
Incense: Cedar
Herb: Sage
Sephira: Malkuth
Tarot suite: Pentacles

Root Chakra Affirmations

Affirmations are a great way to begin to heal negative programming that can be embeded in our subtle body.

o I feel deeply rooted

o I am connected to my body
o I feel safe and secure
o Just like a tree or a star, I have a right to be here
o I stand for my values, for truth, and for justice
o I have what I need
o I am grounded, stable, and standing on my own two feet
o I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation, and connection with nature
o I am open to possibilities
o I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform
o I trust in the goodness of life
o I make choice that are healthy and good for me
o I trust myself
o I love life

Root Chakra Color Meanings

What is the meaning of root chakra color on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels? Explore red
color in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.

The first of the seven energy centers, Muladhara is also the most dense of the seven chakras. The main color of this chakra is red which is also the most dense color of all chakra colors.

Red is the slowest of all the wavelengths within the visible spectrum, yet, it is the most stimulating color.

It pulls the retina forward so all of our energy and attention is focused outward.

That's why we use red color for the stop lights and stop signs. The root chakra color commands attention. It signals danger to us. We act immediately.

Red is the color of the life force. It is the color of blood and the first color we come into contact when we are born.

Red means energy and our connection with the Earth and carries the promise of survival.

Physical level
On a physical level red is associated with adrenal glands - the glands whose function is associated with the "fight or flight" response - the instinctual survival response. People who are drawn to red enjoy being
in their physical bodies and here on earth.

o ability to relax & be still

o good physical health
o healthy blood, tissues, organs
o healthy body weight
o vitality
o energy


o disconnected from the body

o obesity
o sluggishness
o inflammation
o cramps
o irritation
o eating disorders
o depression

Mental level
The energy of red is masculine, it is dynamic, outgoing, can be somewhat forceful and it is dominant. It commands attention. People who are drawn to red are ambitious, highly practical and oftentimes they
are drawn to politics.


o concentration
o persistence
o clear thinking
o ability to set goal
o ability to prioritize


o poor focus
o disorganized
o pessimism
o negative thinking about life
o narrow thinking

Emotional level
On an emotional level, root chakra color is the energy of anger. What do you do with anger? Do you blow up? Or do you repress it?

Do you become depressed? Depression is too much red energy (anger) turned inward. Learning to get in touch with your anger and transform it is an important work of red chakra.


o righteous anger
o passion
o love
o excitement
o determination


o anger and rage

o frustration
o resentment
o anxiety
o depression
Spiritual level

Red is a color of action. It moves us, awakens us, and guides us towards change. It is the color of passion and righteous anger. The color of revolution, movement, and progress.

Red is the color that helped women to form Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and other similar organizations. Red energy is courage, daring, but also energy of love. What do you feel when you see red roses?


o love
o passion
o commitment
o sense of trust in others and Universe
o courage
o strength
o daring


o stubbornness
o unwilling to expand a viewpoint
o not connected to one's core self, soul, or spirit

Red and your bank account

No discussion of red color (or root chakra color) would be complete without mentioning that red color is associated with prosperity, abundance, and financial health. Red is the primary color of manifestation
and prosperity.

Do you feel that you deserve a raise? Bring more red into your life. Start wearing red clothes or drink red color charged water. You can also use visualizations with red color to increase your prosperity.

What do you think about red?

Do you like to wear red? How does red make you feel? What does red mean to you? What does red remind you of ? Share your thoughts about root chakra colors.

Root Chakra Yoga Poses to Align and Balance

Learn how to become more grounded and rooted with yoga poses for the root chakra

The best root chakra yoga poses are those that encourage your connection with earth, those that keep you rooted and grounded.

Yoga is both a physical and spiritual practice. Always recognize that you are a spiritual being and the yoga poses are not only exercises for your body, but also for your mind, emotions, and your spirit.

Yoga allows us to get in touch with our subtle body. The more present we become in the moment, the more attuned we are to the subtle energies and our subtle body.

Before you begin to practice yoga, check with your doctor. Some poses can be challenging for the body and it is best to practice with a qualified yoga teacher. Yoga should never hurt.

Mountain Pose - Tadasana

Warrior Pose - Virabhadrasana 1

Corpse Pose - Savasana

More root chakra yoga poses
If you want to learn more yoga poses to balance the root chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend to attend our workshop “Chakra Balancing with Yog”
Top 10 Root Chakra Essential Oils
What are the most commonly used essential oils for balancing and healing the root chakra? And what
are their properties and how do they help balance and heal the first chakra?

Root chakra essential oils can be used for balancing and grounding.

Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is associated with survival issues, self preservation instinct, and the fight or flight response.

On the physical level, the root chakra is associated with adrenal glands, the skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, and the blood.

On the emotional level, root chakra imbalance may manifest as anger or rage, fearfulness, frustration, anxiety, and depression.

On the mental level, someone with a root chakra imbalance may experience black and white thinking, pessimism or negative thinking about life.

On the spiritual level, root chakra issues may show up as stubbornness and not willing to expand one's view point.

Essential oils embody the frequencies and healing properties of plants. Not only they deliver certain properties to the physical body, they also work on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

The following are the most commonly used root chakra essential oils:

Sandalwood is considered a sacred oil. Its properties are calming, sedative and antidepressant. Used during meditation it can help to awaken life force energy. Sandalwood is gentle on the nervous system, it
calms and harmonizes the emotional body and helps with grounding of excessive root chakra issues.

Myrrh is also considered a sacred oil. This is an uplifting oil that promotes spiritual awareness. This oil helps to build a bridge between the crown and the root chakras. It has a gentle, calming effect on the
nervous system, allowing for feelings of safety to arise.

Myrrh brings us closer to our true nature, our essence, grounding us in this truth, and allowing transcendence of the material aspect of the root chakra.

Frankincense, like Sandalwood and Myrrh is a sacred oil, or holly oil in Middle Eastern countries. This is one of my favorite oils. It has a lovely deep, warm, and sweet aroma.

Frankincense has antidepressant and sedative qualities. It is a soothing oil, calming, and like Myrrh, it helps to connect the crown and the root chakras.

Ylang Ylang
This oil helps to cool down excessive root chakra issues, such as agitation and fear. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, eases nervous tension, and is known to be a relaxing and sedative essential oil.

Vetiver bridges the gap between the root chakra and the crown chakra. It is a natural sedative, with grounding and calming properties. Vetiver is my favorite root chakra essential oil for calming down
overactive root chakra due to shock or trauma. It may also help promote restful sleep.

Cinnamon aids the functioning of the adrenal glands, is a tranquilizer and has antidepressant qualities.

Ginger is a circulatory stimulant and is useful when someone frequently experiences cold hands and feet. The fight or flight response constricts blood vessels and ginger can be helpful to move blood through
the body.

Cypress oil is known for its ability to harmonize the blood. This only moves blood and therefore helps to move the vital force, the vital energy, or Qi, through the body. Cypress is also used for strengthening of
the blood capilaries.
Carrot Seed
Carrot seed is one of the lesser known or lesser used root chakra essential oils. When used for root chakra balancing, this oil is used as a blood cleanser and a general tonic for the nervous system.

Cedar Atlas
Cedar Atlas, or Cedarwood, has a wonderful calming, woody aroma. It is used to calm anger and ease nervous tension This oil is also used during the practice of meditation and yoga.

Cedarwood helps with grounding while allowing communication with the higher realms.

Lavender as Root Chakra Essential Oil

The essential oil of Lavender is universal for all seven chakras. It works to calm strong emotions, release pent up energy, and allow for the life force to flow through the body.
Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana
Explore the second chakra in depth. Learn more about this seat of passion and re-connect with your
creative energies.

The Sacral Chakra is your passion and pleasure centre and it is located in the pelvic area. While the Root Chakra is satisfied with survival, the 2nd chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment.

The gift of this chakra is experiencing our lives through feelings and sensations.

The second chakra is the centre of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection.

The energy of this chakra allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness.

The main challenge for the second chakra is the conditioning of our society. We live in a society where feelings are not valued, where passion, and emotional reactions are being frowned upon. We are being
taught not to "loose control". And we get disconnected from our bodies, our feelings.

As if this was not enough, we also experience the wounds of our collective cultural struggles over many sexual issues of our society. On one hand sexuality is magnified and glorified, and on the other hand it is
rejected. This results in either blocked or excessive second chakra issues.

No wonder we have so many issues with our passion centre, the wellspring of feelings, enjoyment, and sensuality.

Do you love your body? Do you enjoy feeling your body? When was the last time you walked barefoot on the grass and felt the sensation of ground underneath your feet?

The sacral chakra is also your centre of creativity.

Passion is the fuel of creative energy. Everything you create, a poem, a drawing, or a website, originates from the energy of second chakra. It is also where your fertility originates. After all, conceiving a child is a
creative process.

A person with an open Svadhisthana Chakra is passionate, present in her body, sensual, creative, and connected to her feeling.

Sacral Chakra at a glance:

Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Shape: Circle with crescent
Petals of the lotus: Six
Seed sound: VANG
Vowel sound: Oo
Rights: To feel, to want
Endocrine gland: Ovaries, testicles
Physical association: Womb, genitals, kidney, bladder
Psychological function: Movement and connection
Identity: Emotional
Developmental stage: 6 months - 2 years
Challenge: Guilt
Plane: Astral plane
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Moon
Deity: Indra, Rakini, Vishnu
Mythological Animal:
Incense: Gardenia, damiana
Herb: Fennel, corriander
Sephira: Yesod
Tarot Suit: Cups

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

o I love and enjoy my body.
o I have healthy boundaries.
o I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.
o I am passionate.
o I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
o I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.
o I know how to take care of my needs.
o I value and respect my body.
o I am open to touch and closeness.
o I allow myself to experience pleasure.
o My sexuality is sacred.
o Emotions are the language of my soul.
o I take good care of my physical body.
o I am at peace.

Sacral Chakra Color Meanings

What is the meaning of the sacral chakra color on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels?
Explore this lively color in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.

Orange - the sacral chakra color is composed of red and yellow in equal parts and it is a color of vitality and strength.

It is at the lower end of the visible light spectrum and it is also a warm color. It reminds me of the heat of the sun.

Just as the sacral chakra is located in the pelvic area, orange is the area of our gut feelings and wisdom.

Buddhists call this "hara", the centre of being through which we connect with the deepest voice of the self, the deepest stillness and wisdom.

This is where we find bliss.

Orange energy is very sensual. Living a life guided by orange color transforms even the most mundane daily experiences into pleasurable experiences.

That is not to say that orange is purely hedonistic. Orange is also associated with the gentle and positive nurturing of ourselves which moves us on our path of growth and development.

Physical level

On a physical level orange relates to the colon, bladder, and gallbladder. It is part of the digestion and assimilation. Orange stands for creativity, growth, learning, pleasure, sense of vitality and aliveness.

Orange energy is very powerful physical and spiritual energy. It helps to convert prana (or chi) into energy that can be used by the body for vital organ function and reproduction.


o alive senses
o enjoyment of physical pleasures
o healthy appetite
o healthy sexuality
o vitality
o energy


o disorders of reproductive organs

o sexual dysfunction
o stiffness
o loss of appetite for food, sex
o low back pain
o knee and foot problems
o menstrual difficulties

Mental level
Orange energy is balance, strength, and sustenance. It is the building block of physical growth and development. Orange represents the developmental stage when we learn to walk and we explore our world.


o curiosity
o exploration
o independence
o healthy boundaries - I am separate from mother and father


o poor boundaries
o manipulation
o poor social skills
o rigidity

Emotional level
Orange is a color of shock. It can stimulate us, dazzle, or irritate. But, it must be noticed. On an emotional level, it is a color of great intensity and power.

It is also the color of fall and letting go. Sacral chakra color orange reminds us that a part of us must die in order to create space for something new.


o joy
o optimism
o vibrant
o enthusiasm
o tenderness
o nurturing
o ability to deal with emotional ups and downs of life


o obsessive
o flamboyant
o demanding of attention
o mood swings & excessively strong emotions
o emotional dependency
o obsessive attachment

Spiritual level
As I already mentioned under physical level, orange energy is very spiritual because it helps to convert subtle energy (prana or chi) into energy that can be used by the body. So, with orange, there is a very
close connection and synergy between physical and spiritual levels.


o persistence
o dedication
o wisdom
o imagination
o creativity
o sustenance


o fragmentation
o dissociation
o deadened senses
o not connected to one's core self, soul, or spirit

Orange and Tantra

No discussion of the sacral chakra color would be complete without talking about Tantra. I must mention that the chakra system originates in Tantric philosophy. Most westerners associate Tantra only with
sexual pleasure. However, the purpose of Tantra is the same as that of any other yoga path - to attain liberation from illusion by moving the energy up the spinal column.

And yes, in Tantric practices this movement of energy is achieved by using the force created by the arousal of sexual energy to awaken Goddess Kundalini and pushing her up the spine. And orange color aids in
moving this energy.
What do you think about orange?
What do you think about sacral chakra color orange? Do you like to wear orange? How does orange make you feel? What does orange mean to you? What does orange remind you of?

Sacral Chakra Yoga Poses to Align and Balance

The best sacral chakra yoga poses are those that work with movement in the hips and lower abdomen. Some poses are aimed at opening and some are aimed at moving energy through this area.

Your second chakra is associated with the element of water and therefore sacral chakra yoga poses are fluid like water. Water is the source of abundance, it holds creative energy and vitality.

The sacral chakra holds our most potent creative powers, our dreams and fantasies.

Before you begin to practice yoga, check with your doctor. Some poses can be challenging for the body and it is best to practice with a qualified yoga teacher. Yoga should never hurt.

Dancer's Pose - Natarajasana

Child's Pose - Balasana

Twisting Triangle - Trikonasana

If you want to learn more yoga poses to balance the sacral chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend to attend our workshop “Chakra Balancing with Yog”

Top 10 Sacral Chakra Essential Oils

What are the most commonly used essential oils for balancing and healing the sacral chakra? And what
are their properties and how do they help balance and heal the second chakra?

Sacral chakra essential oils can be used for balancing and geting in touch with your emotions.

Located at the pelvic area, the sacral chakra is associated with pleasure, creativity, sensuality, and emotions.

On the physical level, the sacral chakra is associated with reproductive organs, kidneys, and bladder.

On the emotional level, sacral chakra imbalance may manifest as rapid emotional changes, obsessive thinking, and emotional confusion.

On the mental level, someone with a sacral chakra imbalance may experience rigidity, creative blocks, and difficulty with relating to others.

On the spiritual level, sacral chakra issues may show up as fragmentation, dissociation, and deadened feelings.

Essential oils embody the frequencies and healing properties of plants. Not only they deliver certain properties to the physical body, they also work on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

The following are the most commonly used sacral chakra essential oils:

Sandalwood is considered a sacred oil and on a spiritual level, it helps to reunite the spirit with the senses. This soft, woody, and earthy oil is sensual, yet deeply tranquil.

Sandalwood is associated with the Empress, one of the Tarot symbols, which symbolizes the universal mother womb, where all gestation begins.

Ylang Ylang
This sweet and tropical oil is known for its aphrodisiac qualities. It stimulates sexual energy and enhances relationships.
It is both a stimulating and calming essential oil which reunites emotional aspects and sensual aspects of our being.

The oil also has a calming action on the heart, brings back feelings of self-love, confidence, and joy in simple pleasures.

Clary Sage
This warm, musky, and slightly spicy oil has been used during the Middle Ages for female complaints and kidney disorders.

Clary Sage is both strenghtening and relaxing. Known for its emotionally uplifting effect, this oil can bring on euphoria.

As the name implies, Clary Sage promotes clarity and is especially useful during times of emotional confusion.

Warm, with an exquisite floral scent and comforting sweetness, Jasmine has been known for its aphrodisiac qualities.

Jasmine harmonizes sensual and emotional aspects of our being. It helps to reawaken passion and restore capacity for creativity.

On the physical level, Jasmine has been used during labour, easing painful and prolonged deliveries.

The emotional effects of Jasmine are profound as it opens the deepest layers of the soul, allowing us to get in touch with our emotions.

Orange is frequently thought of as and oil of abundance. Allowing one to open the sensual part of the being and accept all the simple gifts of life. Orange oil symbolizes innocence and fertility.

Due to its liver stimulating properties, this uplifting oil has also the ability to free up stagnant life energy.

Orange oil can bring emotional ease, optimism, creativity, and adaptability.

This sweet, lively, and citrusy oil will enliven your senses and encourage the release of repressed emotions.

Bergamot is uplifting as well as gently relaxing. It helps to disperse stangant energy, releasing stress and tension.

This sweet, woody, floral oil is known for its aphrodisiac qualities as well as for promoting hormone secretion.

On an emotional level Rosewood relaxes the body, calms the mind and relieves stress, allowing one to be in touch with their emotions and senses.

Neroli, also called Orange Blossom, with its sweet, delicate, citrusy aroma, has powerful emotional effects.

It calms and relaxes the body and spirit. Its frequency vibrates at the second chakra and encourages sensuality, peace, courage, and joy.

A natural tranquilizer, Neroli is often used for anxiety and shock from trauma.

Black Pepper
Black Pepper is mostly know for its culinary purposes, but it has many uses in healing. The oil of black pepper increases cellular oxygenation, therefore leading to more energy and stamina.

Black Pepper has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of digestive ailments as well as nervous system disorders.

The oil of Black Pepper is spicy, peppery, and warm and combines very well with Fennel.

Like Black Pepper, Fennel is used in cooking. Fennel is added to many dishes to help the digestive process. Along with Black Pepper, Fennel is excellent for flatulence and sluggish digestion.

The oil of Fennel is stimulating and purifying. It stimulates digestion and affects the hormonal system. Used during menopause and perimenopause the ease the symptoms of hormonal transition.

Lavender as Sacral Chakra Essential Oil

The essential oil of Lavender is universal for all seven chakras. It works to calm strong emotions, release pent up energy, and allow for the life force to flow through the body.
As a sacral chakra essential oil, Lavender aids calmness and peace to arise during meditation or sleep, allowing one to connect with the Divine and with Spirit.
Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura
Explore the third chakra in depth and learn tools to balance and harmonize the centre of willpower.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality,
our identity, of our ego.

The third chakra is the center of willpower. While the Sacral chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment,
the third chakra is all about the perception of who you are.

The gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, being confident, responsible, and reliable.

The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth
in your personality.

The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to
meet challenges and mover forward in your life.

The main challenge for the third chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced manner.

What does that mean? It means consciously harnessing the energy of the solar plexus chakra. It
means being proactive rather then reactive or inactive.

Beings with excessive third chakra energy react to life circumstances, they have emotional
outbursts and are often stressed out.
Beings with blocked or deficient third chakra are passive and inactive - allowing life to pass by while they do nothing.

Strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. It reflects the ability to make conscious choices to choose and to act.

The message of the third chakra is: You have the power to choose.

You can choose to achieve your life purpose or you can live out your karma or past experiences.

What do you choose?

Do you choose love, light and healing?

Do you accept that you have the power to choose?

Do you feel a sense of freedom when you make a choice?

The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem.

Every time you judge or criticize yourself, you deplete this chakra and weaken your willpower.

Self love, self acceptance, and acknowledgement of your own worth are the building blocks of the third chakra.

A woman with an open and balanced Manipura Chakra values herself and her work, is confident in her ability to do something well, loves and accepts herself, is willing to express herself in a powerful way,
knows that she has the freedom to choose to be herself and direct her own life.
Solar Plexus Chakra at a glance:
Sanskrit name: Manipura (jeweled city)
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Shape: Triangle (downward-pointing)
Petals of the lotus: Ten
Seed sound: Ram
Vowel sound: Ah
Rights: To act
Endocrine gland: Adrenals, pancreas
Physical association: Digestive system, liver, gall bladder
Psychological function: Will
Identity: Ego identity
Developmental stage: 18 - 42 months
Challenge: Shame
Plane: Celestial plane
Planets: Sun and Mars
Deity: Rudra, Lakini
Mythological Animal: Ram
Incense: Saffron, musk, sandalwood
Herb: Cinnamon, ginger
Sephira: Hod, Netzach
Tarot Suit: Wands

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

o I love and accept myself.

o I stand up for myself.
o I am strong and courageous.
o I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect.
o I choose the best for myself.
o I express myself in a powerful way.
o I am proud of my achievements.
o I honor my self.
o I choose healthy relationships.
o I am authentic.
o I direct my own life.
o I appreciate my strengths.
o I feel my own power.
o I am free to choose in any situation.
o I seek opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
o I am at peace with myself.

Solar Plexus Chakra Color Meanings

What is the meaning of solar plexus chakra color on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels?
Explore this bright, lively color in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.

Yellow - the solar plexus chakra color is a primary color, composed from a single ray of light.

Yellow is the color of sunshine and it is the core of your being. It is at the solar plexus where the "I" shines from, where you feel the strength, will and personal power.

The energy of yellow is vibrant, optimistic, and full of energy. It is the color of youth, new beginnings, birth and re-birth.

At the same time, yellow is wise and knowledgeable.

Yellow connects you with knowledge and your intellect. People who are drawn to yellow are drawn to intellectual pursuits.

As you unfold the petals of solar plexus chakra, you find a fire that burns within you, that gives you power and energy to stand for yourself and to assert yourself. You find trust and inner worth. That is the
healing brilliance of yellow.
Physical level
On a physical level yellow relates to the solar plexus, stomach, digestive organs, middle back, pancreas, liver, and muscles.

People with strong yellow energy stand tall and radiate power. Those with weak yellow energy appear collapsed in the middle, they are slouching - their back or abdominal muscles are weak.


o healthy digestion
o strong core body
o healthy eating habits
o vibrant and energetic
o radiating health
o physical strength


o hypoglycemia, diabetes
o chronic fatigue
o hypertension
o digestive disorders
o disorders of liver, pancreas, and gall bladder
o fibromyalgia

Mental level
Yellow energy is will, autonomy, and self-definition. It is the building block of personal development and power. Yellow represents the developmental stage when we begin to learn to use language.


o mental courage
o intellect
o ability to assimilate knowledge
o pro-active
o reason
o responsible, reliable


o cynicism
o sarcasm
o confusion
o blaming of others
o competitive
o need to have the last word

Emotional level
Yellow is an expansive color. The gift of this solar plexus chakra color is that you radiate bright energy to others letting them know you are strong and confident at the core.

Playfulness, confidence and healthy self-esteem are hallmarks of solar plexus chakra color.

The challenge is when this energy is blocked or excessive and it manifests as contraction of this bright energy.


o healthy self-esteem
o warmth in personality
o confidence
o sense of humor, playfulness
o sense of personal power
o balanced emotionally
o healthy ego strength

o selfishness, self-centeredness
o shame
o domination, manipulation
o stubbornness
o low self-esteem
o temper tantrums

Spiritual level
The spiritual aspect of yellow energy is instinctual knowing and growing into spirit. The developmental task of the solar plexus chakra is autonomy and the development of the self. However, on the spiritual
level, we must always remember who we truly are and not to get lost in the "self" identification.


o deep self-knowledge
o deep personal power stemming from intrinsic value
o freedom of choice
o open to the greater life, the Spirit
o fearlessness
o sensing everything is a lesson for personal and spiritual growth


o stuck in ego
o unable to see/feel connection with the greater life
o fear of death
o feelings of worthlessness
o unable to accept spiritual lessons

Yellow and Self-Esteem

No discussion of the solar plexus chakra color would be complete without talking about self-esteem - your fundamental power.

So, what is self esteem?

Self esteem is how you feel about yourself. It is your thoughts and feelings about yourself. For example: I feel good about myself. I am kind and compassionate. I am competent. I like my body.

Healthy self esteem means that you have basic trust in yourself. That you have a sense of self that does not fall apart when you are faced with challenges or things do not go your way.

When you have a healthy self esteem, you know that it's ok to make mistakes. And that you can learn from mistakes.

The level of your self esteem determines how you behave in life - how you interact with others, spouse, children, friends, coworkers, authority figures, and strangers.

When you have high self esteem, you have a drive to express yourself and to communicate openly and honestly about your needs and desires.

You choose healthy relationships and you recognize the value of these relationships. You treat others with respect, non judgmental attitude, and fairness.

When I want to feel stronger and more self assured I sometimes consciously choose to wear the solar plexus chakra color yellow. I noticed that when I wear yellow, I have more energy, I express myself openly,
I stand taller and I am happier.

What do you think about yellow?

What do you think about solar plexus chakra color yellow? Do you like to wear yellow? How does yellow make you feel? What does yellow mean to you? What does yellow remind you of?

olar Plexus Chakra Yoga Poses to Align and

Balance Manipura
The best solar plexus chakra yoga poses are those that strengthen your core and help you to feel more powerful and confident.
Situated behind the navel, your third chakra is associated with the element of fire. It is the "fire in your belly", your personal power and your core self.

The solar plexus chakra is the key to a healthy self-esteem and personal empowerment. The 13th Century mystic and poet Rumi has said: "You cannot know fire from words alone. Enter the fire if you want to
know the truth."

And so, you must experience your solar plexus chakra and your personal power to feel empowered and confident in the world.

One way to do this is through yoga. I find that the most powerful solar plexus chakra yoga poses are the Warrior I and Warrior II poses.

Before you begin to practice yoga, check with your doctor. Some poses can be challenging for the body and it is best to practice with a qualified yoga teacher. Yoga should never hurt.

Warrior Pose - Virabhadrasana 1

Warrior Pose II - Virabhadrasana II

Bow Pose - Dhanurasana

If you want to learn more yoga poses to balance the solar plexus chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend to attend our workshop “Chakra Balancing with Yog”

Top 10 Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oils

What are the most commonly used essential oils for balancing and healing the solar plexus chakra? And
what are their properties and how do they help balance and heal the third chakra?

Solar Plexus chakra essential oils can be used for getting in touch with your emotions and for
balancing the third chakra.

Located between the navel and the solar plexus, the solar plexus chakra is associated with the will
and identity, the perception of who we are.

On the physical level, the solar plexus chakra is associated with the digestive system, liver,
pancreas, and gallbladder.

On the emotional level, solar plexus chakra imbalances may manifest as selfishness, stubbornness,
domination, and desire for power.

On the mental level, someone with a solar plexus chakra imbalance may display cynicism, sarcasm,

On the spiritual level, solar plexus chakra issues may show up as feelings of worthlessness, fear of
death, or being stuck in the ego/person/identity.

Essential oils embody the frequencies and healing properties of plants. These frequencies and
properties work on all levels of being.

Choosing essential oils is best done in consultation with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner.
Working with the seven chakras and their imbalances is complex as everything is interconnected.
The following are the most commonly used solar plexus chakra essential oils:

This sweet and citrusy oil encourages release of pent up feelings and helps to disperse stagnant life force energy. It may help to alleviate anxiety, stress, and tension.

Bergamot harmonizes stagnant liver energy by releasing feelings of anger, especially when the anger is turned inward and manifests as depression.

Bergamot is also known for its beneficial effects on the digestive system.

Fresh, light, floral and fruity, Grapefruit oil is commonly used for eating disorders, overeating, appetite suppression, and weight loss.

Grapefruit oils is also used for gallbladder issues, cellulite, lymphatic detoxification, and water retention.

Like other citrus oils, Grapefruit helps to move stagnant energy in the body. On an emotional level, Grapefruit helps aleviate moodiness, tension, irritability and stress.

Rosemary has been regarded as a sacred shrub by many ancient civilizations.

Rosemary oil is used for digestive issues, such as indigestion, bloating, stomach cramps as well as liver and gallbladder support.

This strong herbaceous oil is used when one is experiencing lack of will, lack of inner fire. The oil warms the soul and allows one to get in touch with an essential quality of inner strength.

Mandarin oil is beneficial for strengthening of the digestive system and liver.

With its sweet, citrusy aroma, the oil is gentle, relaxing, and promotes joyful feelings.

When there is an excessive buildup of stress, mandarin can help disperse stagnant energy within the liver and release tension and frustration.

A very gentle oil with sedative qualities, Mandarin has also been used for insomnia and irritability.

Earthy, sweet, with a slight woody aroma, Patchouli is another oil used for easing digestive issues.

The oil may be used when there is deficient energy in the spleen and pancreas areas.

On an emotional level, Patchouli is tranquilizing, calming, and relaxing. It harmonizes the emotional center with the mind center, stabilizing the mind when excessive worry is present.

Clary Sage
Herbaceous, spicy, and sharp, Clary Sage is useful in cases of weak digestion and intestinal cramps.

On the mental and emotional level, this oil helps with clear seeing of what is present in the moment, it brings about clarity into situations, and helps ease of anxiety and depression.

One of my favorite solar plexus chakra essential oils, Clary Sage inspires us to stay with the present and to seek the truth of who we are.

Another oil helpful for digestive troubles, such as indigestion, flatulence, nausea, and constipation.

The oil of Spikenard helps us to connect with Spirit, letting go of our strong ego identity, our need to control and overpower.

In ancient Egypt, Spikenard has been used to ease anxiety, promote restful sleep and as a holy oil during meditation.

Juniper is a purifying oil and increases circulation through the kidneys and liver. For centuries, Juniper has been used for detoxification of the body and for spiritual cleansing.

On an emotional level, Juniper helps to break up psychological stagnation and free up constricted energy.
Because of its aromatic qualities, Juniper positively affects the nervous system and emotional balance. The aroma of Juniper oil evokes feelings of peace and love.

In certain religious traditions, Juniper has been used for protection and to ward off evil spirits.

Lemon is a very uplifting oil with an invigorating, enhancing, and warming aroma. Lemon has a strong energetic influence on the Spleen and Pancreas.

Like other citrus oils, Lemon is useful for cleansing, lympatic clenasing, liver cleansing, and for cellulite.

On an emotional level, Lemon oil is beneficial for anxiety, stress relief, and promotion of a sense of well-being. It is a calming, lightening, and refreshing oil.

Roman Chamomile
This calming and relaxing oil helps to balance the emotional and nervous system.

Roman Chamomile helps the liver to release stagnant energy, purify the liver and to discharge toxins.

Sweet, gentle, fruity, with a fresh aroma, Roman Chamomile has been used for centuries to ease stomach discomforts and to calm children.

Lavender as Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oil

Lavender is considered one of the most universal oils. Its effects go where balancing is needed and is often used as a "rescue" remedy when high emotions are present.
Heart Chakra - Anahata
Explore the fourth chakra in depth. Discover the hidden forces within this gentle energy centre and learn
how to open to greater love in your life.
The heart chakra - the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located in the center of the chest at the heart level.

Anahata moves love through your life.

It is the center of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, altruism, generosity, kindness, and respect.

Anahata is an integrating and unifying chakra - bringing to wholeness - as such, it is your healing center. Indeed, most spiritual traditions recognize love as the ultimate healing force.

The energy of anahata allows us to recognize that we are part of something larger, that we are interconnected within an intricate web of relationships extending through life and the universe.

Anahata allows us to recognize and get in touch with the sacred and fundamental truth that runs through all of life and connects everything together.

The "way of the heart" or the "path of the heart" is living your life from this energy center of love.

It means living your life with loving kindness and compassion towards others. It means that your heart is open to others and you inspire kindness and compassion in others. You create safe and supportive

Others can feel your love and warmth. They feel loved and accepted unconditionally. People feel at peace around you, as there is no judgment coming from you.

When anahata is open and energy is flowing freely, you are not only loving to others, you are also loving to your self. You know when you need to say no and when you need care and self-nurturing.

All of the seven chakras are important and while I cannot say that the heart chakra is the most important, I do want to say that it is very important.

Most of the world's spiritual traditions recognize love as the unifying force, the energy that is the most fundamental part of the universe, and of ourselves.

To open to love is to reach to the deepest places and connect with our true essence, our spirit, and our soul.

Heart Chakra at a glance:

Sanskrit name: Anahata - unstruck
Element: Air
Color: Green
Shape: Crescent moon
Petals of the lotus: Twelve
Seed sound: Lam
Vowel sound: Ay
Rights: To love
Endocrine gland: Thymus
Physical association: Heart, lungs, circulatory system, arms, hands
Psychological function: Love
Identity: Social identity
Developmental stage: 3.5 to 7 years
Challenge: Grief
Plane: The plane of balance
Planets: Venus (lunar, feminine), Sun
Deity: Vishnu, Lakshmi, Krishna
Mythological Animal: Antelope, dove, birds
Sense organ: Skin
Predominant sense: Touch
Incense: Jasmin, lavender, rose
Herb: Yarrow, meadowsweet, oris root
Sephira: Tiphareth
Tarot suite: Swords

Heart Chakra Affirmations

o I am open to love.
o All love resides within my heart.
o I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
o I nurture my inner child. I am wanted and loved.
o I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude.
o I love the beauty of nature and the animal world. I forgive myself.
o I am open to love and kindness.
o I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to transform and open up to love.
o I am connected with other human beings.
o I feel a sense of unity with nature and animals.
o I accept things as they are.
o I am peaceful.

Heart Chakra Color Meanings

What is the meaning of heart chakra color on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels? Explore
green, the color of the heart chakra in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.
Green color is composed of yellow and blue in equal parts. Green is a color of love. It is at the very center of your being. The heart center.

Green is the energy of love and transformation. It allows you to transform your ego and the needs of your lower chakras and open up to love.

To become more loving and compassionate.

It is at the heart center where the energies of lower chakras (once the needs are fulfilled and satisfied) can be transformed and integrated into a more spiritual aspect of yourself.

This is where you reach beyond yourself and connect with something greater, wider, and deeper.

Green is the color of growth, life, and balance. Through balance you find this center from which you can love, form healthy and nourishing relationships, and give and receive love.

The energy of green is soothing and calming, like a blanket of soft grass underneath your feet. It is the color of nature, grass, and the trees.

As you unfold the petals of your heart chakra, you find the seat of compassion, not only for others, but for yourself as well. You begin to radiate love. You begin to sense the interconnectedness of all of life.

Physical level
On a physical level green relates to the heart, lungs, chest, shoulders, arms, breasts, thymus gland, and cardiac nerve plexus.

People with strong green energy stand tall and radiate openness. Those with weak green energy appear tight in the upper body, they are slouching - their shoulders are drawn forward, protecting the heart
center, and their head and neck are brought forward as well.


o strong heart
o healthy circulation
o healthy immune system
o strong in the upper body
o flexible upper back and neck
o high lung capacity


o heart problems (angina, heart disease, heart attack)

o pain in the upper body (back, neck, shoulders, arms)
o tight muscles in the upper body
o lung problems
o under active or overactive immune system

Mental level
Green energy is freedom and expansion. It is the building block of of self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Green color means growth, expanding, branching out. Creating connections with others and with
deeper parts of self.

Green represents the developmental stage when we begin to learn to form relationships with family and friends. This is where a lot of healing is needed. We become wounded in relationships and healing
occurs in relationships as well.

o sociable
o combines reason and emotions
o ability to see connections


o critical
o demanding
o perfectionist
o uses only reason and intellect

Emotional level
Green is an expansive color. The gift of this heart chakra color is that you radiate peace and love to let them know that they are accepted as they are.

The challenge is when this energy is blocked or excessive and it manifests as contraction of this calm loving energy.


o loving
o compassionate
o healthy boundaries
o self-loving
o empathetic
o balanced emotionally
o friendly
o healthy relationships


o critical, judgmental of self and others

o irritable
o lack of compassion
o jealous
o co dependent
o cold in relationships
o poor boundaries
o overly sacrificing
o narcissistic

Spiritual level
The spiritual aspect of green energy is instinctual knowing and growing into spirit. The developmental task of the heart chakra is forming relationships with family and friends. On the spiritual level, we must
always remember that we are entering the mystery and power of love.


o compassion
o unconditional love
o deep self-love
o feelings of being part of something larger
o peacefulness and serenity
o sensing everything is interconnected
o altruistic


o overwhelming grief
o unable to see/feel connection with the greater life
o stuck in the needs of lower chakras
o loneliness and isolation
Love and the energy of fear
"We teach what we want to learn, and I want to learn to experience inner peace", writes Jerald Jampolsky in his classic "Love is Letting go of Fear".

The essence of his book is based on the basic teachings of the "Course in Miracles". One of these teachings is that there are only two emotions: Love and Fear.

You can't feel Fear and Love at the same time. You either feel one or the other.

When you feel fear, you can't feel love. And when you feel love, you can't feel fear.

You can always choose love. You can always choose the energy of heart chakra color.

For me this is the most important thought to remember. That I have a choice. It's not that I don't get sad, fearful, or depressed. But, I catch myself and I consciously choose to change my feelings.

When I am experiencing fear, I focus on opening my heart and visualizing green energy coming to my heart centre. Once the energy begins to flow, the fear dissolves.

Do you believe you have a choice to change your feelings? let me know.

What do you think about green?

What do you think about heart chakra color green? Do you like to wear green? How does green make you feel? What does green mean to you? What does green remind you of?

Heart Chakra Yoga Poses to Align and Balance

Are there specific poses that can help us to deepen heart chakra opening? Learn three powerful heart
chakra balancing poses.
The best heart chakra yoga poses are those that open the chest area as well as poses that draw energy into the heart.

Situated behind the heart, Anahata, the 4th or your heart chakra is your point of balance. Balance between the body and mind, balance between Heaven and Earth.

The heart chakra sits right in between the three lower chakras and the three upper chakras.

And you know that your three lower chakras have everything to do with your physical body and sensations, while your upper chakras are more about intuition, interconnectedness, your mind, and the spirit.

It is at the heart chakra where the energies or lower and upper chakras must achieve balance. One of the ways to do this is with heart chakra yoga poses. The following poses open and balance the heart

Before you begin to practice yoga, check with your doctor. Some poses can be challenging for the body and it is best to practice with a qualified yoga teacher. Yoga should never hurt.

Camel Pose - Ushtrasana

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana
Forward Bend Pose - Uttanasana
If you want to learn more yoga poses for balancing the heart chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend to attend our workshop “Chakra Balancing with Yog”

Top 10 Heart Chakra Essential Oils

What are the most commonly used essential oils for balancing and healing the heart chakra? And what
are their properties and how do they help balance and heal the fourth chakra?
Heart chakra essential oils can be used for awakening love, compassion and kindness towards yourself and towards others.

Located in the middle of the chest, the heart chakra moves love through your life.
On the physical level, the heart chakra is associated with the cardiovascular system, the immune system, with lungs, and upper body muscular system.

On the emotional level, heart chakra imbalances may manifest as over sacrificing, selfishness, or lack of compassion.

On the mental level, someone with a heart chakra imbalance may display too much criticism towards self and others, judgments, and perfectionism.

On the spiritual level, heart chakra issues may show up as overwhelming grief, loneliness and isolation, and being stuck on ego levels of existence.

Essential oils embody the frequencies and healing properties of plants. These frequencies and properties work on all levels of being.

Choosing essential oils is best done in consultation with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. Working with the seven chakras and their imbalances is complex as everything is interconnected.

The following are the most commonly used heart chakra essential oils:

The spiritual influence of Rose has been known for thousands of years. Rose has the highest spiritual frequency of all essential oils. It opens the heart chakra, allowing one to feel unconditional love.

It is also one of the most expensive oils - in order to produce 1kg of pure essential rose oil, 4000 kg of rose petals are needed.

The oil has a beautiful floral scent and its influence is calming and elevating to the mind, creating a sense of well-being.

Rose awakens our capacity for self-love, self-compassion, self-nurturing when we are dealing with emotional wounds.

This sweet, citrusy, and floral essential oil is a natural tranquilizer and regulator of the nervous system.

Its vibrational frequency aids to open the heart chakra, harmonizing mind and emotions, while uplifting the spirit.

Neroli is comforting and encourages confidence, strength, courage, joy, and peace.

On the physical level, Neroli is said to regulate the rhythm of the heart.

Along with Rose and Neroli, Melissa is one of my favorite heart chakra essential oils.

Delicate and citrusy, Melissa has a high spiritual and emotional frequency.

Melissa harmonizes the mind and the soul, having a soothing influence on the heart. Throughout history, this oil has been used for nervous system disorders and ailments of the heart.

On the physical level, Melissa's effect on the lungs has benefited in cases of asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and chronic cough.

This green and spicy oil has been used during times of loss of a loved one. Marjoram helps us connect with self-nurturing and can help us through the grieving process to let go and accept our loss.

Marjoram essential oil has also been known for its benefits on the respiratory system, in particular in the cases of asthma and bronchitis.

The oil is warming, relaxing, and harmonizing. When one experiences loneliness, isolation, this oil may help restore warmth in the heart and the capacity for self-nurturing and self-compassion.

Also known as Helichrysum or Immortelle, Everlasting is highly regarded for its benefits on the circulatory system. It is an anticoagulant and is used for bleeding, blood clots, healing of bruises, and to stop nose

The properties of this sweet, rich, fruity oil are uplifting and can cut through the hardened shell around the heart, allowing one to reach forgiveness and healing.

By loosening deeply held pain deep within the psyche, Everlasting can restore compassion towards self and others.

Sweet, refreshing, and citrusy, Lemon is beneficial on the vascular system, balancing of blood pressure, soothing weak or broken capillaries, and lymphatic system detoxification.

The oil lightens confusion, brings clarity, and uplifts the spirit.
Lemon is particularly helpful in opening of the heart chakra to self-love and self-nurturing when one looses herself in a relationship.

Sharp, woody, with a slight floral undertone, Yarrow supports our intuitive energies and is known for its wound healing qualities.

On the emotional level, Yarrow releases deeply held anger due to wounding of the heart.

This oil also has beneficial properties for "mending" of the aura, the human energy field. It can help us balance the "above" and "below" allowing us to be connected to the spirit and grounded on earth.

Eucalyptus is an oil symbolizing openness and freedom. It is stimulating, decongestive, and soothing on the Lungs and the chest. It opens the chest area and allows flow of energy through the heart chakra.

Eucalyptus is often used in respiratory ailments, bronchitis and colds. On the psychological level, Eucalyptus is a central nervous system sedative, it calms and uplifts the spirit.

Warm, rich, floral, and sweet in its aroma, Jasmine has been a symbol of hope, happiness, and love in many spiritual traditions.

Also known as the Queen of the Night, Jasmine is an uplifting essential oil. It balances the emotional system, soothes anxiety, and helps with apathy and depression.

Jasmine works on the heart chakra especially when it comes to relationships and relational wounds. Its uplifting and joyous fragrance helps to open up the heart chakra to more love and compassion.

Chamomile is a soothing and calming essential oil. Its fresh, sweet, and fruity scent can calm crying babies and soothe the nervous system of an anxious person.

Because it is calmin and relaxing, Chamomile reduces emotional charge during periods of emotional upheaval and helps to reduce depression.

Lavender as Heart Chakra Essential Oil

The essential oil of Lavender is universal for all seven chakras. It works to calm strong emotions, release pent up energy, and allow for the life force to flow through the body.

As a heart chakra essential oil, Lavender helps us to relax, let go of the stress response, and release fear. In this relaxed state we can connect with the heart center and open up to more love.
Throat Chakra - Visuddha
Explore the fifth chakra in depth. Learn how to balance and awaken the first of the spiritual chakras and
find your truth.
The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and it is the first of the higher or spiritual chakras on the "chakra ladder". This chakra is located in the region of neck and shoulders and its color is blue.

The gift of this chakra is accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice and speaking your truth.

The energy of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitations of time and space, beyond cultural and family conditioning.

The main challenge for the fifth chakra is doubt and negative thinking. When you gain and verify your knowledge through meditation and direct experience, then doubt and negativity are removed.

The "way of the Throat Chakra" is the way of inspired creativity, seeking and sharing of the truth.

It is the way of standing up for what you believe, saying no when you need to, and being open and honest in what you say.

Do you dare to be creative?

Do you dare to open up to a life full of infinite possibilities?

The fifth chakra is linked directly to your personal integrity and a sense of honor.

As a communication center, it not only allows you to express who you are and what you stand for, but also allows you to listen deeply to another.

A person with an open Visuddha chakra is a good listener, she enables another person to have the experience of being heard - one of the most profound human needs.

Throat Chakra at a glance:

Sanskrit name: Visuddha
Element: Akasha
Color: Blue
Shape: Crescent
Petals of the lotus: Sixteen
Seed sound: Ham
Vowel sound: Eee
Rights: To speak
Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland
Physical association: Throat, ears, mouth, shoulders, and neck
Psychological function: Communication
Identity: Creative identity
Developmental stage: 7 -12 years
Challenge: Lies
Plane: Human plane, where the dark night of soul ends
Planets: Mercury
Deity: Sadasiva, Sakini
Mythological Animal: Elephant, bull, lion
Incense: Frankincense
Herb: Chamomile
Sephira: Geburah, Chesed

Throat Chakra Affirmations

o I am open, clear, and honest in my communication.
o I have a right to speak my truth.
o I communicate my feelings with ease.
o I express myself creatively through speech, writing, or art.
o I have a strong will that lets me resolve my challenges.
o I nourish my spirit through creativity.
o I live an authentic life. I have integrity.
o I love to share my experiences and wisdom. I know when it is time to listen.
o I express my gratitude towards life.
o I listen to my body and my feelings to know what my truth is.
o I take good care of my physical body.
o I am at peace.
Throat Chakra Color Meanings
What is the meaning of throat chakra color on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels? Explore
this Divine color in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.
Blue - is the first of the three primary colors and it is the color of the throat chakra.

Blue connects you with the Divine and it is the color that we associate with Heaven.

Blue energy is pure, soothing, calming, and healing.

Imagine yourself lying on the grass on a beautiful sunny day, looking at the blue sky. How do you feel?

Peaceful. Serene. Content. Tranquil.

That is the power of throat chakra color.

Blue is also at the cooler end of the spectrum, where things slow down, allowing you to take time to be still.

And to listen to your own voice. To listen to the stillness within and to express what needs to be expressed.

In Buddhist philosophy, blue is the color of pure mind - the mind that is uncluttered by thought. In stillness, you can find pure mind.

Blue energy is a guiding energy, enabling you to find a sense of faith and trust.

Red, orange, yellow, and green guide your attention towards movement, activity, relationships, and things that can be observed on a material plane.

Blue moves your attention to the subtle vibrations that move through all of life.

As you unfold the petals of your throat chakra, you find the seat of creativity. You communicate with ease and clarity. You begin to express your authentic self.

Physical Level
On a physical level blue relates to the throat, esophagus, thyroid gland, neck, cervical spine, mouth, teeth, and jaw.

People with strong blue energy stand tall and hold their upper body straight. Those with weak blue energy appear tight in the upper body, their head and neck are brought forward, they have a weak spine.


o resonant voice
o healthy thyroid gland
o excellent metabolism
o strong in the upper body
o flexible neck
o good oral health


o hypo or hyper thyroid

o stiff neck, jaw problems TMJ
o laryngitis
o strep infections
o tooth and gum problems
o hearing loss, tinnitus
o toxicity in the body

Mental Level
Blue is an energy of symbolic thinking. We use symbols to express something - an object, a concept, or a feeling. Symbols are the building blocks of communication and consciousness. Throat chakra color blue
connects the material and the symbolic.

o clear communication
o excellent listener
o symbolic thinking
o great rhythm (dancing, singing, or composing music)


o poor communication
o inability to think abstractly and to use symbolic thinking
o interrupting others
o poor rhythm
o tone deaf
o weak voice

Emotional Level
Blue is a color of peace and tranquility. The gift of this throat chakra color is that you are at peace with expressing yourself and also with listening to others. You realize that to listen to another being is a great
gift for both of you. Blue allows us to express our truth and the spirit within. It allows our uniqueness to come through.

The challenge is when this energy is blocked or excessive and it manifests as contraction of this calm creative energy.


o peaceful and calm

o able to listen to others
o thinks before speaks
o creativity flows with ease
o accesses the state of "flow"
o sensitive to others
o friendly and open


o introverted, shy
o poor listener
o anxious and nervous
o restless
o sending mixed messages
o lying
o yelling and verbally abusing
o dominating conversation
o gossiping

Spiritual Level
The spiritual aspect of throat chakra color is creativity and connection with the Divine. The developmental tasks of the throat chakra are: creative expression, communication skills, and symbolic (abstract)


o aware of subtle energies

o congruent
o connected to deeper parts of self
o truthful
o pure
o living in truth
o expressing the spirit within


o blocked connection with the inner spirit

o unable to sense subtle energies
o not living an authentic life
o blocked creativity
Throat Chakra Color Blue and Creativity
If you are like most people, you associate creativity with the second chakra color orange. And that is true to a certain degree.

The second chakra is a seat of creative energy where we create another human being.

But this process is not conscious. It is creativity coming from our body without our use of will or mind, emotion, or spark of genius. After all, we do not consciously create legs or arms of a tiny baby. It is an
unconscious process.

Blue energy on the other hand, is conscious creativity. It is creativity at a higher-mind level.

Truth ( Whether it is writing, dancing, singing or painting). you create from the throat chakra

It is when your personal insights merge with collective consciousness and you draw upon the wisdom of the Universe.

When your fifth chakra is open, you experience waves of creative energy, you receive flashes of creative insights and you are propelled to create.

This is a conscious creation and you utilize the energies of all your lower chakras. You access the Divine and the universal knowledge and you integrate it with your personal truth. When you express your
truth (whether it is writing, dancing, singing, or painting), you create from the throat chakra

What do you think about blue?

What do you think about throat chakra color blue? Do you like to wear blue? How does blue make you feel? What does blue mean to you? What does blue remind you of?

Throat Chakra Yoga Poses to Align and Balance

The best throat chakra yoga poses are those that open and strengthen the throat area.

Situated at the base of your throat, the Throat Chakra is associated with space, the ether, or the void. This is the place where nothing exists - only the pure sound of vibration.

According to traditional yogic wisdom, the Universe was created by the sound of "OM" and some chakra experts, like Anodea Judith, say that the throat chakra is simply associated with sound.

This elemental sound is the cellular wisdom coded into the strands of DNA and RNA locked in the cells of the body.

It is also the emptiness, the void in between the cells, between all the spaces, carrying the wisdom of the universe. It is the space where creation begins.

Naturally then, vocally toning your throat chakra is an incredibly powerful balancing tool. And physically opening the front and the back of the throat chakra is important as well.

The following poses help open and balance your throat chakra:

Before you begin to practice yoga, check with your doctor. Some poses can be challenging for the body and it is best to practice with a qualified yoga teacher. Yoga should never hurt.

Plow Pose - Halasana

Fish Pose - Matsyasana
Camel Pose - Ushtrasana
Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana
f you want to learn more yoga poses to balance the throat chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend to attend our workshop “Chakra Balancing with Yog”
Top 10 Throat Chakra Essential Oils
What are the most commonly used essential oils for balancing and healing the throat chakra? And what
are their properties and how do they help balance and heal the fifth chakra?
Throat chakra essential oils can be used to balance the fifth chakra and for expressing your unique voice and inspired creative sharing.

Located in the region of neck and shoulders, throat chakra allows you to speak your truth.

On the physical level, the throat chakra is associated with the thyroid gland, teeth and gums, the jaw, hearing, and nasal passages.

On the emotional level, throat chakra imbalances may manifest as excessive shyness, poor listening, gossiping, or dominating conversation.

On the mental level, someone with a throat chakra imbalance may be unable to think abstractly or in symbolic language, and may have difficulty expressing themselves and communicating their needs or

On the spiritual level, throat chakra issues may show up as blocked creativity, inability to sense subtle energies, and disconnection from the divine and inner spirit.

Essential oils embody the frequencies and healing properties of plants. These frequencies and properties work on all levels of being.

Choosing essential oils is best done in consultation with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner.

The following are the most commonly used throat chakra essential oils:

Frankincense is one of my favorite throat chakra essential oils. It has a high spiritual frequency and it is regarded as Holy oil.

For throat chakra healing, this oil is beneficial in cases of under active thyroid. I have read a number of reports when people have healed their thyroid disorder with the use of Frankincense essential oil.

Rich, deep, and sweet, Frankincense increases spiritual awareness and connection with the divine within.

Sweet and citrus-rosy, Geranium is used to calm down sore throats, clear oily skin, and move stagnant energy in the body.

Creating a feeling of safety and security, Geranium helps us to connect with our inner life and our emotional sensitivity. With this connection, we have more capacity for intimate communication and self-

Geranium essential oil helps to ease nervous tension and promotes a sense of well-being.

Known as an aphrodisiac, Jasmine is also known as one of the throat chakra essential oils for its effect on the voice. It is used in cases of hoarse voice.

Penetrating the deeper layers of our soul, Jasmine opens us up to repressed emotional pain, allowing energy flow through the throat chakra.

With its sweet, powerful, floral aroma, Jasmine allows for greater communication of our feelings, enhancing relationships and intimacy.

Sage has been known in ancient time as a sacred herb and a master healer. For throat chakra issues, this oil is particularly beneficial to heal gum disease.

On an emotional level, the essential oil of Sage helps to ease depression and mental fatigue, opening up channels in the upper body and chest area and allowing for energy to flow more freely.

Cypress is known for its decongesting and detoxifying properties. It is used to stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid, clearing build up toxins.

It is beneficial for bleeding gums, bronchitis, and respiratory congestion.

Fresh, herbaceous, slightly woody, Cypress helps us with transformation and inner renewal
Minty and sharp, peppermint has long been used to freshen breath, for respiratory infections, and to ease headaches due to congestion.

Peppermint invigorates and stimulates the mind and has a direct action on the intellect. It promotes creativity and self expression.

Fresh, medicinal, with a woody scent, Eucalyptus has been used to calm inflammation of the nasal passages, clear sore throat, and sinusitis.

The oil promotes well-being and opens inner space when we feel overwhelmed or constricted by our environment. It promotes the feeling of inner freedom and expansiveness.

Warm and very spicy, Clove is a very strong oil that has been traditionally used for mouth, tooth, and gum tissue healing.

Clove can also be used to assist in regulation of the thyroid gland, dissolving blood clots, and removing stagnation in the blood.

On an emotional level, the aroma of clove helps to create feelings of protection and safety and promote good sleep.

Tea Tree
Teal Tree oil has a fresh medicinal aroma and has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of fungal, bacterial and viral infections. The oil is a strong antiseptic and has immune building properties.

Tea Tree oil enhances, harmonizes, and can promote cleansing and purity.

Lavender as Throat Chakra Essential Oil

The essential oil of Lavender is beneficial for all seven chakras. For throat chakra healing, on a physical level, Lavender is useful to heal mouth abscess and oral thrush.

On an emotional level, Lavender promotes peace, love, and awareness. When we feel love in our hearts and peace, deeper layers of emotional pain can surface to our conscious awareness. This is necessary for
clearing of the repressed energy and allowing free flow through the throat chakra
Third Eye Chakra - Ajna
Explore the sixth chakra in depth. Learn tools to awaken and harness the power of your third eye and
cultivate a strong, independent mind.
The Third Eye Chakra transcends time. It is located in the brain, at the brow, above the base of the nose.

The gift of this chakra is seeing - both inner and outer worlds.

The energy of this chakra allows us to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self reflection.

Through the gift of seeing we can internalize the outer world and with symbolic language we can externalize the inner world.

The energy of Ajna allows us to access our inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. It allows us to cut through illusion and to access deeper truths - to see beyond the mind, beyond the words.

The "way of the third eye" is seeing everything as it is from a point of "witness" or "observer", or from simply being mindful - moment by moment.

It means examining self-limiting ideas and developing wisdom that comes from a perspective that transcends the duality of good or bad, black or white. It means seeing and helping others to see the deeper
meanings of the situations in their lives.

Sixth chakra is holistic in nature. When this chakra is fully activated, both hemispheres of the brain function in synchrony. The right hemisphere's creativity and synthetic thinking is integrated and balanced with
left hemisphere's logical and analytical thinking.

The Third Eye is not only the seat of wisdom, but also a seat of conscience. This is where you not only see what is going on, but you also know what it means. This is where your sense of justice and your ethics

When your third eye is open, you not only see but you also understand.

Third Eye Chakra at a glance:

Sanskrit name: Ajna - To perceive, to command
Element: All elements combined, light
Color: Indigo
Shape: Five pointed star
Petals of the lotus: Two
Seed sound: Aum (Om)
Vowel sound: Mmmm
Rights: To see
Endocrine gland: Pituitary gland
Physical association: Eyes, base of skull, brow
Psychological function: Intuition, imagination
Identity: Archetypal identity
Developmental stage: Adolescence
Challenge: Illusion
Plane: Plane of austerity, home of the blessed
Planets: Saturn, moon
Deity: Hakini Shakti, Shiva
Mythological Animal: Hawk
Sense organ: Mind
Predominant sense: Neutral
Incense: Mugwort
Herb: Almond blossom
Sephira: Binah, Chokmah

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

o I am in touch with my inner guidance.

o I listen to my deepest wisdom.
o I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences.
o I am wise, intuitive, and connected with my inner guide.
o I nurture my spirit.
o I listen to the wisdom of elders.
o I trust my intuition.
o I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn.
o I forgive myself.
o I love and accept myself.
o I know that all is well in my world.
o I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
o I am open to inspiration and bliss.
o My life moves effortlessly.
o I am at peace.
o I am the source of my truth and my love.

Third Eye Chakra Color Meanings

What is the meaning of third eye chakra color on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels?
Explore this deep blue color in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.
Indigo also called Royal Blue is the third eye chakra color. It is a color of wisdom and deep inner knowing.

Indigo opens the door to the Divine and it is the color that we associate with night.

It is at night, when our senses become finer and a different part of us awakens.

Indigo brings clarity to the sense organs - your seeing, hearing and feeling. Indigo It is also connected to your sixth sense - your third eye.

Indigo is a bridge between heaven and earth, between the left and right hemispheres and also between life and death.

Indigo helps to make a transition towards life or towards death.

Indigo color energy is an energy of deep change. It allows you to transform the energies of lower chakras into higher spiritual vibrations. You must be cautious though, because you can become ungrounded and
disconnected with the life on earth and with your family and friends.

As you unfold the petals of your third eye chakra, you begin to recognize patterns. You can see where you have been, where you are stuck, and where you are going.

You begin to experience those "Aha" moments. Moments of insight and clarity. You are recognizing your patterns and are able to relate everything to a larger picture and what it means.

Illusions are shattered and dreams are integrated. You begin to experience wholeness and sense of tranquility and inner knowing - wisdom.

You begin to see that you can consciously create your life. And that your vision for the future is a creative act of will.

Physical Level
On a physical level indigo relates to the brain, forehead, brow, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, eyes, nose, and the carotid nerve plexus.

People with strong indigo energy have a noticable spark in their eyes. Their eyes are bright and you sense deep wisdom when you look into their eyes. It is a calm, yet strong energy which shifts, changes, and


o excellent vision
o healthy thyroid gland
o excellent metabolism
o strong in the upper body
o flexible neck
o good oral health


o headaches
o vision problems
o sinus infections
o nasal congestion
o allergies
o night blindness
Mental Level
Like blue, indigo is an energy of symbolic thinking. At this level, the use of symbols is even stronger than at the throat chakra level. Third eye chakra color indigo connects the material and the symbolic - the
inner and the outer.

Indigo also represents the path of "effortless action". This means that when you are in action, you are not imposing your own ego or will on the situation. Action simply flows through you and you accomplish
everything effortlessly.


o good memory
o able to think symbolically
o remembers dreams
o able to visualize
o imaginative
o great mental strength and endurance


o poor memory
o inability to think abstractly and to use symbolic thinking
o lack of imagination
o stuck in one "truth" - there is only one and only true way
o insensitive
o sociopathic behavior
o poor decision making

Emotional Level
Blue is a color of peace and tranquility. And so is its darker partner - indigo. The gift of the third eye chakra color is that you are at peace with yourself and with the flow of your life. You realize that there is
nothing that needs to be changed in your life, all is well, all is a part of the Divine. Wisdom, depth, clear seeing and being at peace with oneself - the hallmarks of indigo color.

The challenge is when this energy is blocked or excessive and it manifests as deep sadness, depression, loneliness or delusions and hallucinations.


o intuitive
o perceptive
o sensitive
o able to connect images and feelings
o comfortable with psychic experiences
o emotionally balanced
o peaceful


o hallucinations
o delusions
o nightmares
o flashes of anxiety provoking visions
o denial
o obsessions
o arrogance, aloofness, and superiority

Spiritual Level
The spiritual aspect of third eye chakra color is rising above polarity and developing witness consciousness. At this level, you begin to perceive the workings of the Divine and you begin to become one with it.


o deep wisdom
o deep seeing
o mystical experiences
o inner vision - seeing truth - inner and outer
o clairvoyance
o spiritual will
o ability to transcend polarity
o unity state of consciousness


o unable to see deeper truth and connection

o unable to be in the witness point of view
o dualistic
o invalidates psychic experiences, mystical visions, or intuition
o being spaced out

Indigo Chakra Color and the Sixth Sense

Intuition, inner voice, gut feeling, or the sixth sense is available to us all the time. It is an unconscious process that cannot be forced, but it cannot be stopped either. It is always available to us.

The challenge is to learn to listen to our intuition.

Living our fast paced lives and being programmed by society to be rational and reasonable, we never learned to listen to voice within. But it is there. Available to access at any time.

Have you ever had a strong feeling that something was wrong, you dismissed it, because you could not rationalize it, only to regret it later?

That's intuition.

Third eye chakra color indigo helps you to connect with your intuition, it helps you to connect with the deeper parts of yourself, your gut feelings, your instinct, or the sixth sense.

What do you think about indigo?

What do you think about third eye chakra color indigo? Do you like to wear indigo? How does indigo make you feel? What does indigo mean to you? What does indigo remind you of?

Third Eye Chakra Yoga Poses to Align and

Balance Ajna
The best Third Eye Chakra yoga poses are those that help us connect with our inner self and those that prepare us for the head stand, a Crown Chakra yoga pose.

Situated above the base of the nose, slightly above the eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra is associated the element of light. We need light to see and our Third Eye is about seeing, about perception, and intuition.
It is the chakra of dreams, visions, inspiration, imagination, and our inner guide - our inner light.

When you sixth chakra is open and flowing, your ability to transcend duality is born. You see everything as interconnected as part of a whole. There is no good or bad, black or white, right or wrong. Everything
just "is". There is no judgment.

At this level you are able to perceive the Divine and to align yourself with it.

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

So, how do we get to this place? How do we balance or open our Third Eye Chakra?

Yoga is one answer. As with all the other chakras, there are many ways to open and balance chakras, but on this page I will show you couple poses that will help you open your third eye

Before you begin to practice yoga, check with your doctor. Some poses can be challenging for the body and it is best to practice with a qualified yoga teacher. Yoga should never hurt.

Thunderbolt Pose - Vajrasana

Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
If you want to learn more yoga poses to balance the third eye chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend to attend our workshop “Chakra Balancing with Yog”

Top 10 Third Eye Chakra Essential Oils

What are the most commonly used essential oils for balancing and healing the third eye chakra? And
what are their properties and how do they help balance and heal the sixth chakra?
Third eye chakra essential oils can balance and open the sixth chakra for clarity of thought, clear seeing, and spiritual insight.

Located above the bridge of the nose, at the brow level, deep within the brain, your third eye chakra allows you to see the inner and outer worlds.

On the physical level, the third eye chakra is associated with the pituitary and pineal glands, eyes, and the brain.

On the emotional level, third eye chakra imbalances may manifest as denial, delusions, nightmares, and fear.

On the mental level, someone with a third eye chakra imbalance may have poor memory, poor decision making, and inability to think abstractly and use symbolic language.

On the spiritual level, third eye chakra issues may show up as being spaced out, dualism, inability to see deeper truth and connections, distrusting one's intuition or inner voice.

Essential oils embody the frequencies and healing properties of plants. These frequencies and properties work on all levels of being.

The following are ten most commonly used third eye chakra essential oils:

Bay Laurel
With sweet and spicy aroma, Bay Laurel is one of the classic third eye chakra essential oils. It heightens awareness and opens the doors of perception.

Clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are heightened and amplified when one uses Bay Laurel.

In ancient Greece, Bay Laurel was also used to increase one's ability for divination and for prophecy.

The essential oil of Bay Laurel assists in stimulating hemispheric synchronization - connecting the rational mind (left brain) and the creative mind (right brain) - leading to a more holistic perception and
awakened awareness.

Jasmine is known in India as the "Queen of the night" and is associated with the Moon and the rituals of magic and healing.

The essential oil is very uplifting, allowing one to access the deepest layers of the soul and its repressed emotional pain.

Jasmine enhance intuitive powers and our connection to the Universe.

Jasmine has a sweet, floral aroma, yet it is very powerful in stimulating all of the senses.

Palo Santo
Also known as Holy Wood, Palo Santo is commonly used in purification ceremonies and the wood of Palo Santo is often burned as an incense and for aura cleansing.

The essential oil of Palo Santo is used during meditation, cleansing rituals, and prayer.

Palo Santo heightens one's spiritual awareness and connection to the divine. It enhances the ability to perceive subtle realms.

The rich, sweet aroma makes it an excellent choice for feeling grounded while connecting to higher realms.

Carrot Seed
One of the quintessential third eye chakra essential oils, Carrot Seed has long been known to aid healing of the eyesight.

On the spiritual level, Carrot Seed essential oil helps us to stay grounded while allowing for clear seeing of reality as it unfolds, as it is in the here and now.

Carrot Seed oil harmonizes the subtle body with the physical body, allowing us to stay present on the physical plane of existence while experiencing visions and spiritual insights.

The essential oil of Melissa not only assists in opening of the heart chakra, but also stimulates the pineal gland, allowing one to get in touch with non-ordinary realities and access higher realms and higher

The key to understanding Chamomile's effects on the third eye lies in understanding its influence on the nervous system. Chamomile is calming and soothing, allowing one to see the drives and impulses of the
Chamomile helps us to see that the various patterns of our ego, our drives and our projections, are not who we are. We begin to disidentify with the ego, seeing it from a witness perspective.

This disidentification is a major step towards opening of the third eye chakra.

Calming and relaxing, Rose essential oil has the highest vibration, frequency, of all essential oils.

The high vibration of this oil aids in aligning the subtle body and the physical body, creating balance and harmony.

The oil stimulates and elevates the mind, while creating a sense of well-being.

Clary Sage
Clary Sage has been known through history for its ability to clear eye problems.

This oil is also used for Autism, Epilepsy and seizures or seizure like activity in the brain. Also effective for headaches and migraines.

Neroli, also known as Orange Blossom, is known as a regulator of the nervous system. It is both a sedative and a tonic.

The scent of Neroli is floral, citrusy, sweet, and delicate. As a natural tranquilizer, Neroli has been used to treat anxiety, depression, and shock.

Neroli has a great harmonizing effect on the heart and the mind, bringing more equilibrium to both energy centeres.

One of the best circulatory oils, Geranium stimulates circulation in the brain and enhances blood flow to the pineal and pituitary glands.

Geranium helps to strenghten the vital energy in the body and has the ability to calm and relax nerves.

Geranium is helpful for those who rely too much on their rational mind, the left hemisphere of the brain. The oil of Geranium helps to bridge the right and left brain hemisheres to bring a more balanced
perspective and clear seeing.

Lavender as Third Eye Chakra Essential Oil

The essential oil of Lavender is universal for all seven chakras. It works to calm strong emotions, release pent up energy, and allow for the life force to flow through the body.

As a third eye chakra essential oil, Lavender aids calmness and peace to arise during meditation or sleep, allowing one to connect with the Divine and with Spirit.
Crown Chakra - Sahasrara
Explore the seventh chakra in depth. Learn tools to balance and awaken this powerful energy centre.
The crown chakra is the seventh chakra and it is at the top of the "chakra ladder" which starts from the root chakra that grounds us on the Earth and progresses upward to the Sahasrara which connects us with
the universe and the Divine source of creation.

Sahasrara is located at the crown of the head. The gift of this chakra is experiencing unity and the selfless realization that everything is connected at a fundamental level.

The energy of this chakra allows us to experience mystical oneness with everyone and everything in nature.

There is no intellectual knowing at the level of seventh chakra, but there is serenity, joy, and deep peace about life.

You have a sense of knowing that there is a deeper meaning of life and that there is an order that underlies all of existence.

The "way of the crown chakra" is the way of going beyond the limits of your own ego. It is the way of transcending the ego and knowing that all of creation is interconnected at a fundamental level.

A level that some call the "Akasha" or "Zero Point Field", or just "the Field". This is the fundamental level of connection.

According to Tantric philosophy, the seventh chakra is both a receiver and giver of energy and consciousness. It receives energy to sustain life and it gives back the personal energy to unite with the collective
pool of consciousness.

It is the meeting point between finite (the body and the ego) and infinite (the universe and soul).

It is the place where time and timelessness intersect and where death and eternal life meet.

The thousand petal chakra embraces an attitude of gratitude for one's life.

When we realize that everything is interconnected and that we are part of the larger scheme of life, we begin to live with gratitude, faith and trust, rather than filled with fear and anxiety.

We are guided by the higher power and we feel divinity from within and from without.

The challenge of this chakra is to liberate the spirit - open to the divine - and at the same time stay firmly rooted deep in the ground.

Crown Chakra at a glance:

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara - thousand petal
Element: No element, or thought
Color: Violet or white
Shape: Round scullcap
Petals of the lotus: One thousand
Seed sound: Ah
Vowel sound: Ngngng
Rights: To know and to learn
Endocrine gland: Pineal gland
Physical association: Central nervous system, cerebral cortex
Psychological function: Awareness, understanding
Identity: Universal identity
Developmental stage: Throughout life
Challenge: Attachment
Plane: Truth, reality
Planets: Uramis
Deity: The guru within
Mythological Animal: Eagle
Incense: Myrrh
Herb: Gotu Kola
Sephira: Kether

Crown Chakra Affirmations

o I am part of the Divine
o I honor the Divine within me
o I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences
o I cherish my spirit
o I seek experiences that nourish my spirit
o I listen to the wisdom of universe
o I trust my intuition
o I am open to letting go of my attachments
o I live in the present moment
o I am grateful for all the goodness in my life
o I love and accept myself
o I know that all is well in my world
o I am connected with the wisdom of the universe
o I am open to divine wisdom
o My life moves with grace
o I am at peace

Crown Chakra Color Meanings

What is the meaning of crown chakra color on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels? Explore
this cosmic color in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.
Violet is the crown chakra color - our connection with the energy of heaven. Violet is the color of spirituality. It has the shortest wavelength and the highest vibration of the colors of the visible spectrum of

Violet offers and inner sense of wholeness. With wholeness comes a sense of ending, completion of a process, and a promise of something new, illumination, rebirth.

Violet connects with sadness of letting go and also with joy of transformation. There is peace and tranquility in the newfound knowledge of profound change.

Violet color is cleansing and purifying. It is the color of magic, ritual, cleansing, purifying, connecting, mystery, and mysticism.

It is a color that allows us to glimpse other realities, beyond our physical and material reality of this earthly existence. It is pure cosmic energy.

Violet is a color of reconciliation. Of bringing together polarities - male and female, day and night, hot and cold, heaven and earth, right brain and left brain.

In this state of balance, you feel the connection with other beings, with heaven, with earth, with all of Universe. There is no separation, no duality.

As you unfold the petals of your crown chakra, you find the seat of your wisdom. You assimilate knowledge and integrate it. You know and you understand. You manifest divinity.

Physical Level
On a physical crown chakra color violet relates to the cerebral cortex, the skull, and the brain.

People with balanced violet energy have all their chakras spinning smoothing, energy in their body is flowing freely from bottom to the top. They radiate health, peace, and effortless energy.


o healthy nervous system

o sharp mind
o excellent cognitive skills
o excellent overall health
o healthy reflexes and responses to changes in environment (e.g. healthy stress response)
o connected to the body physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually


o brain tumor
o amnesia
o coma
o autism
o headaches at the crown of the head
o learning disabilities

Mental Level
Violet people are open minded, curious, and deep thinkers. They love learning, studying, and reading. They question what they learn, introspect and find connections and patterns within everything. No subject
is too dull or boring to learn.

The biggest challenge of violet on a mental level is when someone is too withdrawn and attached to the materialistic pursuits of this existence - overindulging in earthly pursuits and stuck in their way of
thinking. Unwilling to open up to other ideas, thoughts, or knowledge. Violet is the color of imagination, open mindedness, and insatiable curiosity.

o able to perceive, analyze and assimilate information

o intelligent
o curious, wants to learn
o open minded, likes to question
o imaginative
o introspective
o feels the unity of all things


o materialistic
o greedy
o dominates others
o stuck in one way of thinking
o invalidates beliefs of others
o cognitive delusions and impairment
o slow learner
o over intellectualizes

Emotional Level
Violet is an energy of completion - of an end of a cycle. It is a color of letting go, to give space for something new to be born.

On an emotional level, crown chakra color violet may contain deep grief and sadness, suffering within the joy of living, accepting the journey of life here on earth.

The challenge of violet energy is when it is blocked or excessive and it manifests as psychosis, dissociation from the body, being disconnected and ungrounded.


o intuitive and perceptive

o sensitive
o wisdom and mastery
o spiritually connected
o aware
o emotionally balanced
o peaceful, calm
o joyful
o connected with heaven and grounded here on earth


o psychosis
o feeling overwhelmed
o confusion, frustration
o dissociation
o apathy
o feelings of isolation
o depression
o lack of inspiration
o feeling ungrounded

Spiritual Level
On a spiritual level, violet may indicate a person who is able to give without the need for acknowledgement or recognition. Someone who is whole and gives from the place of her own inner completeness.

What is important to violet people is being of service, spirituality, and healing.


o deep wisdom
o expanded awareness
o oneness with the Divine
o transcendence of boundaries that keep us separate
o spiritual freedom
o wholeness
o unity state of consciousness
o seeing the big picture
o connected to spirit and soul


o unable to understand deeper truth and connection

o disconnected from the witness
o spiritual abuse, denial, or addiction
o "dark night of the soul"
o spiritual crisis
o fragmentation

Violet - Illumination and Enlightenment

Spiritual and mystical experiences of the crown chakra are temporary for most of us. Only a few rare individuals in the history have attained and sustained the level of consciousness from the perspective of
balanced crown chakra.

Among these individuals are Buddha, Jesus and Lao Tzu.

For most of us, experiences of crown chakra color violet are fleeting moments of transcendence. Glimpses of the highest level of reality.

But it is enough to sustain our trust and faith. It is enough for most of us to continue on this path of healing and transformation.

These moments come when they come and you can learn to increase the likelihood of having these experiences with meditation, prayer, chanting, and deep contemplation.

What do you think about Violet?

What do you think about crown chakra color violet? Do you like to wear violet? How does violet make you feel? What does violet mean to you? What does violet remind you of ?

Crown Chakra Yoga Poses to Align and Balance

Can I align and balance the crown chakra with yoga? What are the best poses?
Yoga is not only a good exercise for the physical body, it is also a way of working and getting in touch with the subtle body. When we practice yoga, we get in touch with finer and more subtle energies of our
body and we begin to align and balance our chakras.

My three favorite crown chakra yoga poses are the Corpse pose, Lotus or Half Lotus pose, and the Headstand.

The Corpse pose challenges you to be connected with the ground, to be still in the present moment. It is in the present moment where all healing occurrs.

When you are fully present in the moment, connected with the earth, the ground, the crown chakra will begin to align with all other seven chakras and energy can flow smoothly through your subtle body.

The Lotus or Half Lotus pose helps you to go inward and connect with your wisdom and inner knowing.

The Headstand is an advanced pose and it nourishes the crown chakra by drawing blood to the head which carries prana (energy) to the 7th spiritual centre.

The crown chakra represents pure cosmic energy. By practicing crown chakra yoga poses, we gradually awaken to this level of experience and will can experience periods of bliss, divine connection, unity,
peace, beauty, and much more.

Before you begin to practice yoga, check with your doctor. Some poses can be challenging for the body and it is best to practice with a qualified yoga teacher. Yoga should never hurt.
Corpse Pose, Savasana
Half Lotus, Ardha Padmasana
Headstand, Salamba Sirhasana
If you want to learn more yoga poses to balance the crown chakra or for an in-depth study of chakra yoga poses, I recommend to attend our workshop “Chakra Balancing with Yog”

Top 10 Crown Chakra Essential Oils

What are the most commonly used essential oils for balancing and healing the crown chakra? And what
are their properties and how do they help balance and heal the seventh chakra?
Crown chakra essential oils aid in balancing and opening the seventh chakra to liberate the spirit and establish a connection to the Divine.

Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra allows you to realize that everything is interconnected at a very fundamental level.

On the physical level, the crown chakra is associated with the cerebral cortex, the brain, and the skull.

On the emotional level, crown chakra imbalances may manifest as overwhelm, confusion, apathy, and isolation.

On the mental level, crown chakra imbalance may manifest as rigidity in perspective, over intellectualization, slow learning, and attachment to materialistic viewpoints.

On the spiritual level, crown chakra issues may show up as spiritual emergency, disconnection from witnessing, inability to understand deeper truth, spiritual bypass, and fragmentation.

Essential oils embody the frequencies and healing properties of plants. These frequencies and properties work on all levels of being.

The following are ten commonly used crown chakra essential oils:

Frankincense, considered a Holy oil, is used for meditative contemplation, for achieving tranquil states of mind, and for attaining spiritual liberation.

The spiritual and psychological benefits of Frankincense have long been recognized by many cultures and spiritual traditions.

On a physical level, the oil of Frankincense helps with nervous system conditions.

Because of the high levels of sesquiterpenes, a type of molecules that have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, Frankincense may help to oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands.

Like Frankincense, Sandalwood is an ideal aid to meditation, spiritual contemplation, and prayer.

One of my favorite crown chakra essential oils, Sandalwood aids in quieting the mental chatter of the mind, allowing the ego/identity/person to remain in the background and spaciousness arise in the

It is in this spaciousness where clarity, liberation of spirit and soul arise. Timelessness, boundlessness, and deep unshakeable peace are experienced.

A lesser known oil, Vetiver is an interesting crown chakra essential oil. It is a very grounding oil, calming and stabilizing, promoting relaxation and peacefulness.

At the same time, Vetiver can stir up the subconscious mind and promote vivid dream recall.

Dreams contain rich material that is hiding in the deep recesses of our minds and by by bringing out that which is unconscious, we become more free.

The oil of Vetiver has been used to bridge the gap between matter and Spirit, allowing one to open up to Spirit, while remaining grounded and fully supported here on earth.

Helichrysum, also known as Everlasting or Immortelle, has a very high spiritual frequency.
Because of its high frequency, the oil of Helichrysum is known to cut through deep psychological barriers and aid in accessing higher spiritual states and dimensions.

On a physical level, Helichrysum has been used to ease headaches and migraine pain.

The Lotus flowers are considered sacred in a number of ancient cultures and spiritual traditions.

In ancient Egypt, White Lotus was used in recipes for all spiritual and emotional ailments.

The crown chakra, Sahasrana in Sanskrit, literally means "thousand petal" and its symbol is a thousand petal Lotus flower.

Rose oil has the highest spiritual frequency of all essential oils. It enhances spiritual insight, transformation, bringing harmony to the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

The oil is gentle with a floral, rich and deep aroma. A gentle tonic for the spiritual heart, Rose enhances the frequencies of all cells and of the subtle body (the aura and the chakras).

Cedarwood oil is exceptionally high in Sesquiterpenes. Research has shown that Sesquiterpenes increase oxygenation around the pituitary and pineal glands.

Cedarwood has been used in some Native Amercian traditions for enhancing communication with spirits and for bringing in the energy from the Universe.

The oil's properties are strengthening and will help one to have more strenght and stamina on the spiritual path. On a physical level, Cedarwood essential oil is used as a general tonic for the body.

With its soft, woody and warm aroma, Cedarwood has calming properties and is used in yoga practice for centering and grounding.

Spikenard contains high levels of sesquiterpenes, molecules that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and because of this, the oil has been used throughout ages during meditation and to promote restful

With heavy and earthy aroma, Spikenard oil, has been used for emotional balance and to ease of the pain of migraines.

Like Frankincense and Myrrh, Spikenard carries mystical significance and has been cited in the Bible as an oil used to anoint Jesus.

Benzoin essential oil has a sweet, warm aroma with a scent of spice and vanilla. Benzoing is useful during meditation as it helps to steady the mind and improve concentration.

Benzoin is sometimes used as a sedative during times of emotional upheaval and healing crises. It is a calming, comforting and centering oil.

Palo Santo
The oil of Palo Santo, also known as "Holy Wood", has a very high spiritual frequency. The oil is used in rituals and shamanic ceremonies for healing, balancing, and opening to higher spiritual realms.

Palo Santo has also been used for centuries in rituals for purification, for protection, and for warding of evil spirits.

Lavender as Crown Chakra Essential Oil

The essential oil of Lavender is universal for all seven chakras. It works to calm strong emotions, release pent up energy, and allow for the life force to flow through the body.

As a crown chakra essential oil, Lavender aids calmness and peace to arise during meditation or sleep, allowing one to connect with the Divine and with Spirit.

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