Identity Portraits Lesson Plan - Jordan Meyer

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Identity Portraits Date October 4th, 2019

Subject/Grade Time
Grade 1 Social Studies 15 minutes
Level Duration


General Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how identity and self-
Learning esteem are enhanced by their sense of belonging in their world and how active
Outcomes: members in a community contribute to the well-being, growth and vitality of their
groups and communities
Learning 1.1.1 - value self and others as unique individuals in relation to their world:
 appreciate how belonging to groups and communities enriches an individual's
appreciate multiple points of view, languages, cultures and experiences within
their groups and communities
 demonstrate respect for their individual rights and the rights of others
 recognize and respect how the needs of others may be different from their own

1.1.2 - value the groups and communities to which they belong:

 demonstrate a willingness to share and cooperate with others

 appreciate how their actions might affect other people and how the actions of
others might affect them
 demonstrate a willingness to resolve issues and/or problems peacefully

 assume responsibility for their individual choices and actions


Students will:
1. Recognize that each individual has their own unique identity
2. Demonstrate different aspects of their identity
3. Explore the identity of others and how they relate to one another

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))

 Identity portraits demonstrate their understanding of what makes themselves unique and what comprises their identity
 Students will have multiple aspects of their identity illustrated in their Identity Portrait
 Guess Who portion allows students to examine other individual’s identities comparing the similarities and differences to
their own
 Cut out name slips  Tape
 Printout head templates  Markers
 Create example template  Name printouts
 Head templates
 Bags to put names in
 Whiteboard markers

Introduction Time
Create mind map of identity on the board
- Ask students to describe what is identity and what different aspects make up individual
identities (introducing ideas to aid them in their identity portraits) 3 minutes
- Place emphasis on how each individual has their own unique identity but can share similar
Body Time
Create individual Identity Portraits
- Show example Identity Portrait that was created before class
- Ask students to draw different aspects of their own identity within the head template that is
given to each student
- Tell students to spread out around the room and to write their names on the BACK of their
self-identity portraits
- Give students 5 minutes to draw their Identity Portraits and hand them in once they are
completed (making students hand in portraits as soon as they are finished aids in
diminishing set up time for guessing activity) 9 minutes
- After Portraits have been handed in, tape the portraits around the classroom in random
order with a bag underneath for the students guesses of who’s portrait is who
- Give the students the cut-out names of their classmates and tell them to walk around the
classroom and examine each Identity Portrait
- While they examine each portrait, students are to place the name of the student who they
think the Identity Portrait belongs to
- Once all the students have placed their votes, go around the room and discuss the votes
and see how many guessed correctly
Closure Time
Have students return to their chairs and ask closing questions
- What did you notice from looking at everyone’s Identity Portraits?
- Were there similarities? Differences?
 End by reiterating that everyone has a different identity, even if some aspects (community) are the 3 minutes

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 2

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 3

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