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Case - Reinventing Officer's Choice Whisky: Spoiled for Choice

Q1. Analyze the competitive environment at the time of the case and motivate the need for
rebranding exercise of Officers Choice Whisky, including a new Marketing Communication
Campaign (MARCOM). Include relevant aspects of the environment and do a 3C (company,
customer, competition) analysis.

Q2.Usng insights provided from the marketing research report provided, motivate the need for
brand reinvention

Q3. Define the brand objectives at the time of the case?

Q4. Frame a positioning statement for Officers Choice Whisky to guide the new MARCOM?

Case - The Coca-Cola Company's Case For Creative Transformation

Q1. How do the ads and artwork below reflect the new principles in the content 2020 chapters? How do
they significantly differ from the past Coca cola campaigns?

1. 007(
2. Love Balloons (

Q2. Why Change? Which aspects of creativity are not working anymore? Which are still

Q3. Why does creativity in advertising matter so much to Coca Cola?

Case: J.C. Penney's "Fair and Square" Strategy

Q1. Would you have fired Ron Johnson?

Q2.Was Johnson’s a strategy or an execution problem? Did he just need more time?

Case 5- Heineken N.V.: Global Branding and Advertising

Q1. What are Heineken’s strengths and weaknesses? Is Heineken a global brand?

Q2. Evaluate the research? What has been learned?

Q3. How can the Heineken brand be developed through marketing communication?

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