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Maddie Henderson


Couture Octopi

27 October 2019

Annotated Bibliography

Micheal Ramirez; “Breaking Bad.” political cartoon. National review. 29 August

2019; Web.

The image is a political cartoon called “Breaking Bad” by Micheal Ramirez, the cartoon was

made in August of 2019 which shows just how promante the drug problem is in American. The

main part of the image is a cartoon sketch of Walter White the main character of the TV show

Breaking Bad, he has a small text bubble that says, “It was all the pharmaceutical companies'

fault”. Next to him there is a big image of the shows logo, as well as a very dark and gloomy

background of a grey sky and a dessert with a dead plant. The main point of this cartoon is to

show how quickly drug use can escalate, how it can start with a prescription and quickly move to

much harder drugs like meth.

The cartoon is a very biased piece of information as most cartoons are, people often use to show

one side of things in a very extreme way and that is what this cartoon does. It is heavily bias in a

negative way towards prescription medications by having a character that cooks meth saying it

was the pharmaceutical companies fault. It is using a lot of single cause and effect saying that

pharmaceutical companies are the reason for the drug epidemic. This lacks a lot in logos as it

does not give very much information about drug use or how they relate. However it does use a

little bit of ethos by having a popular face as the front cover and the face of someone who would

know a lot about drugs. It also plays mostly on pathos trying to tap into the readers emotions to

show just how serious drugs can be and to scare them a little by comparing it to something so


I think the biggest way that I will be using the image in my essay is to show how a lot of the

public can see drugs. A lot of people assume that opioids will just automatically lead to addiction

but that is not always the case, they are prescribed to people for a reason and not as many people

get hooked on them as it seems. I will also be using it to show that it is a very good way to get

the word out about opioids as it is a very serious topic that not very many people treat as such

and to have something like that can almost use how scary it is to educate people about it can be a

good thing.

"Opioids and overdose epidemic." New York Times Upfront, 3 Apr. 2017, p. 20+. Gale OneFile:


This article focuses a lot of how the opioid crisis is affecting societies in America including

families and members of the community. It starts by talking about how the rate of opioid

overdose effects the lives of children and talks about how many of the children will find their

parents overdosed on opioids at a very young age. It then goes on to talk about the parks and

recreations experience with it and talks about how they were some of the first people to notice

that the opioid crisis was happening as so many people will go to parks to do these drugs. They

talk about how they have to prepare their staff to know how to handle any kind of reminisce of

these drugs and what to do if they find someone who has overdosed. They talk about how unsafe

it is for people to do this in parks as there are children and families that come to these parks and

it is not suited environment for them.

This article is a strong source as it has a lot of factual information. It has a very strong appeal for

logos, as most of what the article talks about is facts. However it also uses a lot of Anecdotal

Fallacy because of the amount of use of personal stories from the people that would work at the

park and would have to first hand deal with people abusing opioids in the parks. This article does

not have the strongest ethos other than the fact that they have first hand experience with it. The

parks don't exactly know a whole lot on drugs but they do understand what they do the the


I plan to use a few things from this article in my essay starting with all of the facts. I will be

using some of the facts about the overdose rates in America and the risk of opioid addiction in

America. I might also use a few of the stories that are told in this article for examples of different

ways that opioids can affect people. I also would like to talk more about how opioids affect

families and the community not just the individual.

“Senate passes Opioid Crisis Response Act”. AHA News, 18 September 2018 News

American Hospital Association, AHA News.

In the article “senate passews opioid crisisi response act” by the American hospital association in

September of 2018, it talks about a law that has been passed to help stop opioid addition. The

first part of the solution is to address the problem and give each state a safe space that people can

go to for help, as well as having more drug monitoring programs. The next step would be

legislation authorizing $24 million in the health department and human services to medical

schools and teaching hospitals to support medication assistant treatments. It then goes on to talk

about providing adults aged 21 to 64 access for opioid and cocaine use disorder into an

rehabilitation center. The article finishes by talking about approving supported bipartisan which

make sure that people that overdose prevention and patient safety visit with health insurance and


This article seems to be a reliable source as it is by the American Hospital Association and that is

what most of this law has to deal with. This source has a very strong appeal to logos and it’s all

about the facts of the law as well as just getting the point across. There is also a strong appeal to

ethos as it is posted by a hospital talking about how to help people with opioid addictions.

I plan to use the information found in this article in my essay use the information found in this

article in my essay by expanding on the fact that there is a law that has been passed to help those

with opioid addictions. I will use the information given about the law like how they plan to deal

with the cost and each step the government plans to take. Finally I am going to use the

information in this article to help build the ethos in my essay.

"The death curve; Opioids." The Economist, 23 Feb. 2019, p. 21(US). Gale OneFile:


This article written by Economist Intelligence Unit N.A. Incorporated talks about the way the

opioids affect the citizens of United States. The article talks about the effects and some of the

research on opioids for the last 40 years, primarily focusing on the last 10. It starts by giving us a

brief background on some ways that people have tried to handle opioid addiction, as well as

talking about the death toll it takes in America. If the moves on to talk about the brief history of

the opioid crisis and how each drug affects that. Before finally talks about some treatments and

things people can do to help with opioid addictions.

This article comes from a reliable source as it is a national program to get the highest quality

research, analysis and data to the people of the US. This essay focuses a lot on logos as it is a

very factual essay, however it does use a little bit of pathos and ethos in a way. It uses ethos in

different studies that it is quoting, and uses pathos by telling some stories along the way. The

essay also uses anecdotal fallacy in the beginning when they tell the story of the girl at the fire


One of the biggest ways this article will show in my essay is, through a lot of the facts that are

given and the statistics of opioid use in the United States. This essay was very factual and I plan

to use a lot of the facts to build the logos in my essay. I will also use this information to compare

the opioid usage in the United States to other countries as well. The information on the opioid

crisis will also show in my essay as it is a major part of why so many people are addicted to


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