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Software Development Life Cycle Models

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and Methodologies

March 15, 2012 Mohamed Sami
            265 Votes
Mohamed Sami
Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a series of phases
that provide a common
Personal understanding
website – Software of the
Engineering software Practices
& Architecture 
building process. How the software will be realized and
developed from the business understanding and
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requirements elicitation phase to convert these business
ideas and requirements into functions and features until its
usage and operation to achieve the business needs. The
good software engineer should have enough knowledge on
how to choose the SDLC model based on the project
Mohamed Sami
context and the business requirements.
Therefore, it may be required to choose the right SDLC og/about-me/
model according to the speci c concerns and requirements
of the project to ensure its success. I wrote another article View Full Pro le →
on how to choose the right SDLC, you can follow this link
for more information. Moreover, to learn more about
Software Testing life cycles and SDLC phases you follow the
links highlighted here.

In this article, we will explore the di erent types of SDLC

models and the advantages and disadvantages of each one
and when to use them.

You can think of SDLC models as tools that you can use to
better deliver your software project. Therefore, knowing
and understanding each model and when to use it, the
advantages and disadvantages of each one are important
to know which one is suitable for the project context.


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TypesMohamed Sami
of Software developing life cycles (SDLC)
Top Posts &
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Waterfall Model Pages
V-Shaped Model
Evolutionary Prototyping Model
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Spiral Method (SDM) Development
Iterative and Incremental Method Life Cycle
Agile development Models and
Waterfall Model The Software
The Waterfall Model is a linear sequential ow. In which (SPI) - Reward or
progress is seen as owing steadily downwards (like a Risk
waterfall) through the phases of software implementation.
5 Steps to
This means that any phase in the development process
begins only if the previous phase is complete. The waterfall
approach does not de ne the process to go back to the
E ort Estimation
previous phase to handle changes in requirement. The
waterfall approach is the earliest approach and most Choosing the
widely known that was used for software development. right Software
development life
cycle model

Technique -
Make the
decision easier


Agile Analysis
The usage
Application security
Projects which not focus on changing the requirements, for Architecture Architecture
example, projects initiated from a request for proposals Decisions Blackbox
Testing Business Analyst
Mohamed Sami
(RFPs), the customer has a very clear documented Design Incremental Model

Personal website – Software Engineering & Architecture Practices Iterative and 

Advantages and Disadvantages

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Programming Rails
Advantages Disadvantages Requirements
Easy to explain to the users. Assumes that the Requirements Elicitation
Structures approach. requirements of a Requirements Engineering
Stages and activities are well system can be frozen. Ruby on Rails
de ned. Very di cult to go
Helps to plan and schedule back to any stage after SDLC SDLC Model

the project. it nished. Selection SDLC Phases

Veri cation at each stage A little exibility and Security Security

ensures early detection of adjusting scope is SDLC Security
errors/misunderstanding. di cult and expensive. Testing Security
Each phase has speci c Costly and required Testing Techniques
deliverables. more time, in addition Software Analysis
to the detailed plan. Software
Architecture Software

V-Shaped Model
t Software
It is an extension of the waterfall model, Instead of moving
down in a linear way, the process steps are bent upwards Developmen
after the implementation and coding phase, to form the t Life Cycle
typical V shape. The major di erence between the V-
shaped model and waterfall model is the early test
planning in the V-shaped model.

Software Process

Software Testing

g Software Life Cycle
Mohamed Sami Software Testing Life Cycle

Personal website – Software Engineering & Architecture Practices Spiral STLC Systems 
Development Life
Cycle System Software
Home Contact me About me  Need Help?
Development Testing
The Best SDLC model
The Right SDLC model
Waterfall Model White-
box testing WhiteBox


The usage

Software requirements clearly de ned and known

Software development technologies and tools are well- Categories
Select Category
Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Simple and easy to use Very in exible, like the
Each phase has speci c waterfall model.
deliverables. Adjusting scope is
Higher chance of success di cult and expensive.
over the waterfall model The software is
due to the development developed during the
of test plans early on implementation phase,
during the life cycle. so no early prototypes of
Works well for where the software are
requirements are easily produced.
understood. The model doesn’t
Veri cation and validation provide a clear path for
of the product in the early problems found during
stages of product testing phases.
development. Costly and required more
time, in addition to a
detailed plan

Prototyping Model

Description Sami

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It refers to the activity of creating prototypes of software

applications, for example, incomplete versions of the
Home It isContact
software program being developed. methat can
an activity About me  Need Help?
occur in software development and It used to visualize
some component of the software to limit the gap of
misunderstanding the customer requirements by the
development team. This also will reduce the iterations may
occur in the waterfall approach and hard to be
implemented due to the in exibility of the waterfall
approach. So, when the nal prototype is developed, the
requirement is considered to be frozen.

It has some types, such as:

Throwaway prototyping: Prototypes that are eventually

discarded rather than becoming a part of the nally
delivered software

Recent Posts

The 8 Software
Evolutionary prototyping: prototypes that evolve into the
nal system through an iterative incorporation of user
November 7,

Design 
Mohamed Sami Principles
Personal website – Software Engineering & Architecture Practices August 15, 2019 
How to protect
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rails Help?
from suspicious
and abuse
attacks? August
9, 2019

Business Model
Canvas July 13,

Types of
Changes July 12,

Incremental prototyping: The nal product is built as

separate prototypes. In the end, the separate prototypes
are merged in an overall design.

Extreme prototyping: used in web applications mainly.

Basically, it breaks down web development into three
phases, each one based on the preceding one. The rst
phase is a static prototype that consists mainly of HTML
pages. In the second phase, the screens are

programmed and fully functional using a simulated
services layer. In the third phase, the services are
The usage Sami
Personal website – Software Engineering & Architecture Practices 
This process can be used with any software developing
life cycle model. While this shall be chosen when you are
developing a system has Home Contact
user interactions. So,me
if the About me  Need Help?
system does not have user interactions, such as a
system does some calculations shall not have

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Reduced time and costs, but this Insu cient
can be a disadvantage if the analysis. User
developer loses time in confusion of
developing the prototypes. prototype and
Improved and increased user nished system.
involvement. Developer
of user objectives.
development time
of the prototype.
It is costly to
implement the

Spiral Model (SDM)


It is combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-

stages, in an e ort to combine advantages of top-down
and bottom-up concepts. This model of development
combines the features of the prototyping model and the
waterfall model. The spiral model is favored for large,
expensive, and complicated projects. This model uses

many of the same phases as the waterfall model, in
essentially the same order, separated by planning, risk
assessment, and the building of prototypes and
Mohamed Sami
Personal website – Software Engineering & Architecture Practices 

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The usage

It is used in the large applications and systems which built-

in small phases or segments.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Estimates (i.e. budget, schedule, etc.) High cost and
become more realistic as work time to reach
progressed because important the nal
issues are discovered earlier. product.
Early involvement of developers. Needs special
Manages risks and develops the skills to
system into phases. evaluate the
risks and
limiting re-

Iterative and Incremental Model 

Description Sami
Personal website – Software Engineering & Architecture Practices
It is developed to overcome the weaknesses of the

waterfall model. It starts with an initial planning and ends
with deployment with the cyclic Contact
interactions me
in between. About me  Need Help?
The basic idea behind this method is to develop a system
through repeated cycles (iterative) and in smaller portions
at a time (incremental), allowing software developers to
take advantage of what was learned during the
development of earlier parts or versions of the system. It
can consist of mini waterfalls or mini V-Shaped model

The usage

It is used in shrink-wrap application and large system which

built-in small phases or segments. Also, can be used in a
system has separated components, for example, ERP
system. Which we can start with the budget module as a
rst iteration and then we can start with the inventory
module and so forth.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Produces Requires heavy documentation.
Mohamed Sami
business value Follows a de ned set of
early in the website – Software
Personal processes.
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development De nes increments based on
lifecycle. function and feature
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Better use of dependencies.
scarce resources Requires more customer
through proper involvement than the linear
increment approaches.
de nition. Partitioning the functions and
Can features might be problematic.
accommodate Integration between the
some change iterations can be an issue if it is
requests between not considered during the
increments. development and project
More focused on planning.
customer value
than the linear
We can detect
project issues and
changes earlier.

Agile Model


It is based on iterative and incremental development,

where requirements and solutions evolve through
collaboration between cross-functional teams.

Scrum Agile Model

The usage Sami
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It can be used with any type of the project, but it needs

more engagement from the customer and to be
interactive. Also, we can useHome
it when theContact me
customer needs About
to me  Need Help?
have some functional requirement ready in less than three
weeks and the requirements are not clear enough. This will
enable more valuable and workable piece for software
early which also increase the customer satisfaction.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Decrease the time required to Scalability.
avail some system features. The ability and
Face to face communication and collaboration of
continuous inputs from the customer to
customer representative leaves express user
no space for guesswork. needs.
The end result is the high-quality Documentation is
software in the least possible done at later
time duration and satis ed stages.
customer. Reduce the
usability of
Needs special
skills for the team.

Here is a consolidated presentation to illustrate most of

the popular software development models.

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Cite this article as: Mohamed Sami, (March 15, 2012).

"Software Development Life Cycle Models and
Methodologies," in Mohamed Sami - Personal blog.
Retrieved November 13, 2019, from

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Mohamed Sami
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Choosing the right The best SDLC What do you need
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Software model to know about the
development life May 5, 2017 Software
cycle model In "Software Development
March 21, 2012 Engineering" phases
In "Requirements June 13, 2017
Engineering" In "Software


Article Name

Software Development Life Cycle Models and



Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a series

of phases that provide a common understanding
of the software building process.


Mohamed Sami

Publisher Name

Publisher Logo

 Requirements Engineering, Software Engineering 

Advantages and Disadvantages, Agile, Agile Development, Agile
Model, Application Development Process, Development Models,
Di erent Development Methodologies, Di erent SDLC Stages,
Extreme programming, Incremental Model, Iterative and
Incremental Development, Iterative Model, Process Models, Project
Life Cycle Models, Prototyping, Prototyping Model, Scrum, SDLC,
SDLC Model Selection, SDLC models, SDLC Phases, SDLC Process,

SDLC Process Steps, SDLC Stages, SDLC Steps, SDM, Security SDLC,
Software Deployment, Software Development, Software
Development Life, Software Development Life Cycle, Software
Development Methodologies, Software Development Phases,
Mohamed Sami
Software Development Process, Software Engineering, Software Life
Cycle, Software
websiteSpiral, System
– Software Software Development,
Engineering & Architecture Practices 
Systems Development Life Cycle, The Best SDLC model, The Right
SDLC model, V-Shaped, Waterfall Model
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335 thoughts on “Software Development Life

Cycle Models and Methodologies”

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Software Development Company says:

October 31, 2019 at 12:25 PM

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because here are some di erent tips of software
development in digital world.

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misha kapoor says:
October 11, 2019 at 9:05 AM

Thank you for providing such nice piece of article.

I’m glad to leave a comment. Expect more articles
in the future

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Mohamed Sami
Shah Maqsood Baberh says:
Personal 4, –2019
website at 8:37
Software PM
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The best and clear, thanks
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Mohamed Sami says:
October 4, 2019 at 9:39 PM

Thank you Shah

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sreenivasulu gajula says:
September 27, 2019 at 12:42 PM

what is the di erence between the paradigms and


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mirza umair says:

August 20, 2019 at 8:32 AM

i need a book where i can cover all the topics

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Mohamed Sami says:
August 20, 2019 at 8:45 AM

You can read this book, it is a great reference

for software engineering practices

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to the real projects?

horiya says:
July 28, 2019 at 3:33 PM

can you explain the di erence between models

and methodologies?

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Mohamed Sami says:
July 29, 2019 at 5:04 PM

Hi Horiya, methodology can be considered as
the approach to achieve speci c objectives or
goals, for example, the steps, tools,
techniques, process and life cycle itself.
Mohamed Sami
The model is a theoretical and simpli ed
Personal websiteof things, for
– Software example,
Engineering & car model, Practices
Architecture 
data model, application model. So, you can see
the development process overall as a model
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with di erent types. each one has a
methodology of speci c steps, practices, tools,
to achieve this model goal.

I hope this clari es a little bit the di erence.

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horiya says:
July 30, 2019 at 2:03 PM

Thank you for this clari cation.

So, you are saying that the overall
structure of the development process can
be taken as a model and each model of
SDLC has its own speci cations like steps
and techniques and these speci cations
are called methodologies? and I have
another question…
Are waterfall, agile, lean, and iterative
models, methodologies or are they both?

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Mohamed Sami says:
July 30, 2019 at 2:12 PM

Hi again, they are mixed because the

model has a common known steps
but the development methodology
can use waterfall as a model but the

Mohamed Sami
steps in use at the project context may
be di– Software
Personal website erent some how, not
Engineering exactly Practices
& Architecture 
typically a waterfall. Please contact me
by email if you need any further
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clari cation.

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Kelvin Ndisi says:
June 25, 2019 at 8:22 PM

whats the di erence between a methodology and

a model? Agile is a methodology or a model?

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Mohamed Sami says:
July 4, 2019 at 9:53 PM

Hi Kelvin, sorry for late reply. I’m busy these

days. Methodology can be considered as the
approach to achieve speci c objectives or
goals, for example, the steps, tools,
techniques, process and life cycle itself.

The model is a theoretical and simpli ed

abstraction of things, for example, car model,
data model, application model. So, you can see
the development process overall as a model
with di erent types. each one has a

methodology of speci c steps, practices, tools,
to achieve this model goal.

I hope this clari es a little bit the di erence.

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preeti agarwal says:

April 18, 2019 at 7:27 AM

It is a nice blog. Thanks to give such a valuable


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Mohamed Sami says:
April 19, 2019 at 12:42 AM

Thank you

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Scaled Agile Framework to the real projects |

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